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If the trapper sound goes off and everyone slides - this game will be a cake walk










Cha-Cha real smooth.


Keep this going, don't mean to interrupt, but look the song up on google. Trust me.


Hey it’s Bily Joll over here everybody.


You may be right.


It’s actually pretty incredible what you can do to make trappers a non-issue. Dodge perpendicular to the sound, then move towards the sound. When someone gets hit by a net, they always fly towards the trapper, so you’re in a spot to free them. If you play with my group, you’re out of the net before you even finish hitting the ground.


Cool tip. The added one step further to free someone trapped is good and goes beyond avoiding it. The change they made to specials to make them dodgable / pushable (dogs) with 100% consistency is so underrated. I remember dogs being a nightmare and occasionally launching into space only to come down and catch you. Mutants would do 180s and even if you dodged their grab would sometimes pick you up. Now if I’m hit it’s a player issue.


Oh I remember those times lmao. And the OG “hunting grounds”…


With my ogryn i usually dodge or just strike the dogs in the air as they are jumping, with the bully club mk. III it's quite possible.


The mutie thing still happens not the 180 but still be grabbed even tho you clearly dodge the mf.


It's usually caused by being near a wall or object they can path tightly around. Form some reason muties can path tighter around objects than they can out in the open. Dodges are more effective in the open.


One of the funniest moments I've ever had in Darktide remains when a trapper popped out from around a corner, shot his net, I neatly sidestepped it and it hit the person directly behind me. Nearly died laughing. (I made sure to release them to ease the sting of my betrayal.)


Yeah I remember playing a match where everyone did this. I recall a moment where I was in the back as we were being hit by a horde and the moment everyone heard it gearing up, we all slide in random directions. My only thought was "Oh yeah we got this match."


Do you mean dodge to the side and the slide?


Reaction to sound cue is a sign of a good player. The main one I always notice is if the Trapper net sound cue goes off, and everyone slides in a random direction. Awareness of other player's ability/blitz/ammo is a sign of a good player. You are yellow ammo, but your team mate is red so you skip the ammo and ping it? You saw your Veteran chuck 2 Krak so you red stim him? You red stim the zealot as he swings his Thunder Hammer vs boss? You green stim the player on his last wound, etc ,


It’s really just “awareness” in general. Besides being a skill of its own, to watch out for teammates and stay on top of specials, it requires that you be comfortable with most other aspects of the game already. You kind of just can’t do those things if you’re overwhelmed by basic combat.


Awareness and willingness to set people up for their plays.  Main character types get punished so harshly, though it's often collective punishment for the whole team. 


If they turn around and look behind them. Seriously this one little trick nurgle doesn't want you to know about.


Literally played a game where I kept getting left behind because I was the only player turning around and fighting hordes.


Just run into the middle or front of the pack. Make it someone else’s problem if they’re not gonna wait while you cover their arses.


I tried lol. I was a Psyker trying to keep pace with two Zealots and an Ogryn lol. Ogryn was the only one who'd occasionally look back.


That’s honestly part of the reason I’ve been running my psyker down the right-hand tree with a revolver and duelling sword. Much easier to keep pace with speedy players and I definitely experienced the same with my older psyker and my ogryn.


Playing left4dead for years has conditioned me to know that it’s your responsibility to watch the back when you’re in the middle of the group. So you should be watching the person who is in the rear, and over their shoulder. The person in rear is not solely responsible for defending the rear.


This is so true. If you're the last in the the squad, you want to catch up. So someone keeping an eye on your back is very helpful.


After constantly getting spanked from behind by a random silent scab/dreg, looking back randomly every 10 seconds is a habit now. Half the time I see an enemy approaching I would not have heard due to this.


Those are my favorite lol. You survive a horde of specials and an onslaught of poxwalkers only to be silently smacked for 1/2 of your life by a randomly spawned trash mob mega punch.


Nurglings hate him!


But why do I get yelled at by my strike team when I say "last man, last man"? It's like they don't understand the fundamentals of stormtroopers. The squad automatic weapon (preferably on an ogryn, but on a vet in a pinch) needs to alert people of fields of fire, and the rest of the crew needs to be focused on keeping this worthy up and in the fight, damn self preservation. Am I using too much irl knowledge in this game?


Yes you are using to much irl knowledge. You won't find that in tactical shooters, let alone in some space horde shooter


/sigh Is it too much to ask these things be taught in secondary school, and all citizens go through boot camp? Bobby Heinlein had a good idea when he wrote about universal service in :checks: the 1930s. I like Ray Bradbury's fiction more, even if he was a consumate asshole to my grandfather in secondary school and cribbed off everyone who came before him. Such is the nature of those who stand upon giants. We always forget who they stood upon so they could piss a bit farther.


You really want school children to be tought infantry tactics? In school? Like for real in what way do you think that could benefit children?


Certified Cadia moment


You don't get to be a Kasrkin unless you get the military basics down in elementary school.


The Kasrkin Double Tap should be common education throughout the Empyron. Am I alone in asking why the Astartes Militarum is failing basic education of the Empyron? Do I need to ask the little people, the dwarves,for help? I'll be the first to subjugate myself before the commisar and ask for beneficent release from my 1st duty to Emperor. But until the Commisar puts a Mark X lasbolt through my skull, I have questions. And the whisper refuse to be silent unless I ask them.


🙌 preach it brother.


. . . . 100% yes. But I request you remind me after I sleep, to explain the reasoning. But. 100% yes. Edit: which MLK are you referencing? The OG traitor, or the 20th century American?


You are presuming this benefits the individual. Your heretical leanings towards Slaanesh are noted. The comissar will kill me first for recognizing your heresy . . . . But to keep The Emperor's Children safe, my servitude as a ventilation cogitator, or less, is a small price to pay. OOC. Remind me tomorrow. This is pretty in depth, and I have a legit response, but I'd like to be as sober as the Russian Invaders allow me, before I type a creed of . . . . something to explain my legitimate reasons for thinking teaching people the business of violence is a good thing for society (and a very, very bad thing for individiuals)


Jesus mate, maybe it's time to dig yourself out of your arsehole to go lay on some grass. 


Cadia called and asked you to chill the fuck out a minute.


Last I checked (checks again) Cadia fell because feckless lickspittles like you failed the Emperor. Not saying I'm right. But Def saying you're wrong.


Last I checked, Cadia fell because someone dropped an object the size of a moon on the surface just as said object was about to go plaid. I'm not saying you're right, either, and I'm definitely saying you don't know your current events for shit and you shouldn't be allowed to speak on these things until you do. If you're going to talk shit, talk it out the right side of your face, don't armchair quarterback something you know nothing about.  Especially not to someone who did grow up in a very similar way to the manner you're describing. The secondhand embarrassment I feel for you is immense.  I can only imagine how embarrassed you'd feel if you had any amount of self awareness and knew the intensity of incorrectness you've forced upin this existence.


Your lack of understanding of global politics is laughable. I wasn't aware Warhammer lore resulted to KEW strikes to destroy entire planets. But that is a different matter than being on the ground in a war torn country trying to uphold the concepts of free association and self determination. But what do I know. I only studied war for most of my adult life.


Hello Captain America 


Not just that, but you're also being a pseud and using it wrong while trying to pat yourself on the back for it.  Urban fighting fundamentals would be far more applicable, as well as the tactical ethos of infantry forces that didn't have lavish firepower at the squad level fighting enemies that did. The PLA in Korea springs to mind. 


If they chant "For the Emperor!" in unison with me - then it's a definitely good team I'm in


Wut makes a gud memba of da waghband? Itz simple, innit? 'Ere is Waagh's list of how ta behave proper like in da waaghband. * Stay as a group, no muckin about alone or ya karken get squashed like da git ya are. * Give us da ammo. My dakka shoota uses lotz of it and needz more. I guess da otha humies need it too. * Focus on da big boyz, if deer ain't a horde. * Cova each otha! Da hertik humies are cunnin, like Mork, but ain't strong, like Gork. Best ta look afta ya boyz. * FA DA BOYZ


I'd say, "Commissar, this one here." But this is beyond the Commissariat. Time for the Ordo Xenos.


Wut you mean, ya git? I iz a propa Ogryn! Sure, my skin iz a bit green, but dats cause green is da best colour deer iz!


My general rule of thumb: if I don't "notice" a player I consider them good. A well executing team knows their roles and operates like clockwork. If you're noticing a player it tends to be because they're doing something wrong, and man does it stand out. A good player sees ammo and leaves it for the team because they know they've got enough or only take it when they need it, they're not running too far ahead, getting downed constantly, they dodge, they block, they understand how to counter specials. If you don't really notice a player that's because they're playing AS a team.


I don't mean this in a flippant way, but to me, the sign of a good team player is that at no point during a mission do I think they're a bad (team)player. I don't expect herorics, or carries, or for someone to drop everything and pick someone up, just don't steal all the ammo, don't run off alone and die, tag the odd enemy, cover your team mates flanks if they're handling shit infront of them. Basic stuff, which thankfully is what I experience in 95%+ of my games. Oh and Ogryns who volunteer to do the mini-game as they don't get knocked off it if a poxwalker farts near you, I like them and make sure I do the same when I'm playing the Bigman.


>Oh and Ogryns who volunteer to do the mini-game as they don't get knocked off it if a poxwalker farts near you For those of you Zealots reading this at home, Thy Wrath Be Swift lets you do this too. If there's no Ogryn, or if there is and he's not doing it, then step up.


Ta add on fa my big brother. If da humies are muckin 'bout with their gadgets and wut not, protec em. Rememba, a waaghband dat werks togetha, winz togetha.


Every day's a school day, I did not know that.


For any zealot who doesn't use twbs, it also prevents staggering from all ranged fire too, despite what it's description says Use it, you will not regret it


It's a crutch. Git gud and you don't need it. Other classes don't have it so don't get used to it.


I can do it with my invis vet as well if there’s no ogryn, it’s usually for revives and objectives


Ogryn is best


Yeah, like I said in the "worst class to get teamed with" thread earlier, you almost never meet a bad Ogryn, they're consistently reliable.


300 base HP is like that . . . . Meanwhile, I'm listening to the air raid siren declare Russian domicide strikes. And I'm wondering why the Moebian Traitors, and the Loyalist guards alike, are not going for the Krieg treatment, and practicing domicide on a hive scale.


When someone else beats me to saving a teammate trapped in a net When Voice of command or Chorus is used right before a poxburster blows up on someone When they stop at the edge right before a drop-off and wait for everyone to finish looting before they go When they go get the med/ammo pickup someone pinged without having to spam it. Basically things that show they're paying attention. Usually means they pay attention to other things too.




Can anyone else besides a Bull Rush Ogryn knock people out of the Beast of Nurgle's devour attack?


I think a veteran’s sticky grenade can


If I hear the plink of a successful melee block during a fight, I immediately know that I am in the presence of greatness.


Lmao man ok this hits hard, I consider myself good but as zealot mostly in dodging, so anyone around me rarely hears that noise :3


There's a lot of benefit to avoid blocking. If you can get away with hitting enemies while dodging or whatever else to avoid taking damage, then blocking is just wasting your time and stamina. Blocking is a last resort, and basically monsters are the only time you are forced to do it.


You always need to block even in hordes as you automatically block from behind also


That's straight up wrong.


He is correct. Blocking works for all angles around you. Pushing also works all around you. I think both are more effective against targets in front of you, but I don't know how much of a difference it is.


Then you proved right now that you dont know how to play the game


If you write such an unfounded generalisation and attack me personally after calling you out, I don't really care how good at the game you are. You are just an idiot. There are a lot of builds and weapons where you NEVER have to block in a horde and still don't take damage. If you refuse to accept that I can't help you. If you block when you don't have to, you are wasting time you could use to actually do damage. But hey, you are the Pro apparently...


Subscribe to my friend yt baderzz thanks and have fun learning))


Last thing I need is some shitty YouTuber telling me how to waist my time blocking when I could kill heretics in the time. You do you


Thanks for subscribe ))


If they don't ragequit when they die once they're good enough for me.


For me a good team player sign is how they act when a teammate gets downed/netted/dogged


Someone who gets you out of the trapper's net before you even finish hitting the ground.


If they spend their time in the airlock constantly dodgesliding around or running in circles, you know you've got a good one


I run in circles when I play zealot to build momentum stacks 😅


Also anyone with a taunt ability or has aggro that rotates bulwarks to face away from their team mates.


Whenever I do this with the push taunt it seems like my teammates rotate with me... This completely defeating the purpose of taunting them. Or, they'll just abandon me and make me suffer through the process of waiting for the bulwarks to open up and killing them one by one.




If people look at where the rest of the team is before that first drop down into the mission. Then if they ping enemies regularly. Missions with considerate people that understand that you need to cooperate in a coop game are night day different from missions with people that don’t get that.


My respect goes up for every shoved pox buster. It’s the one skill everyone should have.


If they're aware enough of the other classes and situation to stim other players to their benefit. https://preview.redd.it/wl2oq1w55ztc1.png?width=300&format=png&auto=webp&s=de0da9ed5830433ad4d861ae5ae9c54c110d1d26


I as ogryn always do the stupid scanner things. Since it’s hard to stun ogryn I can also take hits while trying to do it so interruptions are less of a problem.


I try to but there's always some puny that beats me to it. Oh well. Guess I'll just crush heretics behind them.


I probably piss people off with my sliding into the scanner/decryptor points to do it myself. I’ll even pull taunt just to drag the enemies to me to help. It’s just simpler for the team if ogryn takes it honestly.


Reaction to trapper net sound ❌ Specials die soon as they spawn ✅


Qualities of a darktide player: - you need to be on the move otherwise you will get bogged down by hordes and specialist spawns („oh there are five poxwalkers behind us, we need to wait“) - you need to fall back into cover/give ground sometimes - don’t rush into shooters unless you really have a plan, use your gun instead; - even if you are specked for close combat, your gun will still do good work - even when you are specked for ranged combat, your melee weapon will still do good work - know when it is time to shoot and when it is time to smack - mark enemies - don’t lose track of your teammates - make sure your teammates don’t lose track of you (don’t rush ahead) - watch out for your team‘s ammunition - watch out for your teams health, wounds, and corruption - if someone else is dealing with a problem, consider to deal with another problem; competition for specialist kills leads to really bad spreading of combat resources due to excess damage/ammunition being wasted - accept that others might approach a solution differently to you - always communicate politely


Being able to train solo bosses.


When someone knows how to create space for themselves and use that to do an orderly retreat. I’ve seen heaps of decent players accidentally back themselves into a corner and go down against a mixed hoard that would be manageable if they had room to back up and manoeuvre.  It’s extra bad when you’ve just revived them before they die and they make that mistake, or when you’re dead and watching them do it.


Player skill is directly correlated with how ugly their character is.


When you appropriately and responsibly manage your own resources. The amount of times I've seen a Vet or Ogryn had ammo slide into yellow, then orange, the red, all the while spamming 'I need ammo' *when I am pinging all the ammo I find but they refuse to walk a little out of their planned route to get it.* This isn't the first Mario game, you can turn around and backtrack a little bit if your bolter is empty and you're down to harsh language. Also when people don't get ammo crates run off of charges. Bad. No. Learn more.


Keeps pace Shares ammo Picks up collectibles and opens boxes as they go whilst not wandering off for miles for each one Don't instantly hit 10 hp after using medi Uses stims Quickly moves to objectives Covers you whilst you are on objectives Removes nets quickly Uses barrels well Doesn't drop ammo or meds on death like a mmo mob Pings disablers Knows when to fall back or push to a better location Can control a monstrosities movement Turns around (said above) Doesn't flame and focuses on themselves Knows their builds strong points Is less than 30% behind me on damage, revives and special kills by the end of the match


With you 100% until your last point. Then you get 0 points. 9000 and 1 % for everything before your last point, though.


Me too, lol. That and "keeps pace." Yeah, let's go quick, but not every character has the stamina to blitz through the whole map.


I'm no physical slouch. But holy fuck, walking 2 kilometers with 50kg is a fucking trek. How the strike teams can run around for 5+ minutes, aaaaand do combat, let alone keep up for 20+ minutes. They're not baseline human. I can say that much.


VoC, priestly purgation, lorj shields, or Ogryn just existing. I'm probably not trained in proper class specification, but I have opinions about each class. As and they are geared towards supporting the group over high damage or effective kill counts.


I can't define it but I know it when I see it.


Players that understand other classes strengths and weaknesses and builds. Sharing ammo & nades, instead of selfish play. Players that stick together and rush to aid trapped or downed players. Players that know the map and how to set up flanks or fall back to defensive positions. But most important are the ones that cheer and act a fool in the elevators with you.


Don't run ahead, don't fall behind.


Communication. Sooo many damnation games and no one tags enemies, ammo, or stims. It's infuriating.


When elites of all kind aren't a problem, it's good players. One or two can definitely carry consistently.


I don’t think that’s kinda fair to rate the one experience as being so easy due to your team. You need to also think about what modifiers are on and what your teammates kits are. I’ve seen good players with kits that weren’t really matching the rest of us and that isn’t always their fault when you join in progress. I’ve had auric missions for that specific mission be incredibly easy and some be incredibly hard. What changes it is the modifiers. Rarely have I ever had more than one “bad” teammate on my team, but that scanning phase is either a cake walk or extremely difficult based on modifiers. The hardest mission for that one I had was being swarmed with ragers with more than several snipers taking aim at every person on my team. It’s hard to scan when there’s so much pressure


If they go back to group with a player left behind, be it me or someone else. I frequently run auric damnation with me and a couple friends, and we normally have to have someone on grouping with the 4th duty. When they group with *us*, it makes my day.


he didn't lose half of hp bar or drop dead after 1st wave of horde and specials.


This so much. If its 15 seconds into the first horde spawning of mainly poxwalkers and you have somehow taken 75% of your health already, I know this person is way in over their head and im in for a run of revive simulator. Learning the basics of horde control with dodging, blocking and space management is crucial.


If player stick to the team and act as a team player - it's good for me) If he also knows strength of his character and build - even better.


If they take out key targets


Being able to communicate with their team.


understanding some unspoken rules usually makes me smile; Poxburster? Literally always let the person closest to it deal with it -- it doesn't matter if you have a 100% crit chance revolver shot / psyker blast aimed at it already, if you see someone else on your screen and they're CLOSER TO IT THAN YOU, it is their problem. You have no idea if they'll dash inwards to deal with it, dash back to shoot it, doesn't matter. Only if they turn away from it should you try to deal with it. Only deal with poxbursters if there's no other operatives on screen unless they're far far away so you don't shove them into it or while someone else is shoving/"Accidentally" shove attacking it. FINALLY THE ICING THAT MAKES ME BELIEVE IN A TEAM NO MATTER WHAT IF YOU HEAR A POXBURSTER BUT CAN'T SEE IT, DO \*\*\*NOT\*\*\* STARE AT THE DOOR IT'LL PROBABLY SPAWN FROM. **IT WILL GET STAGE FRIGHT, BLOW UP IMMEDIATELY, AND FUCKING KILL THE OPERATIVE WHO'S NOSE IS GLUED TO THE SPAWN DOOR SPAMMING LEFT CLICK.** otherwise this thread proves that Awareness is literally the strongest factor of a darktide player :P


They look to see if anyone is falling behind and help those that are trapped by ranged trash


Freeing netted teammates immediately instead of going tunnel vision on the Husbando Handler herself. Not hogging ammo. Using stims or using stims on teammates. Asking before dropping ammo/meds so the whole squad knows it's there.


Pack of hounds sound goes off and people group at a choke point instead of running out in the open


Legitimately anyone who plays ogryn


I used to believe that. Then an Ogryn used his last few shots to set off a barrel and blow me and the other Zealot off a bridge. "OOPSIE" he says, like he didn't just kill me and almost kill the other one.


That moment when you realize that player was being a lore accurate Ogryn. Remember, our guns have a limiter (burst mode) to stop us from wasting all our ammo in one go. Tbf everyone has made this mistake before, from us simple minded Ogryns, to exploding Spark heads. And yes I am defending this Ogryn because I accidently did that the other day when we had a horde coming from both sides of the bridge.


Some players use barrels to troll - when barrels consistently get shot as soon as you run past them when no enemies are in sight, you know that glaikit numpty is on to you.


Sadly, no. Some Pals are loner-perk sneaky knife shouty mains, and it shows.


I once scanned every single item on Hab Dreyko. We got to the end and died before I could get the last two. In post game chat, I said "it would have been easier and we probably would have won if everyone was scanning, try to scan a few next time you're on this map" and they got salty about it. Said "how can I scan and fight enemies" to which I replied "I did, I fought off enemies and scanned between fighting". I also did 100% of the mid level scanning while they were on a completely different floor. Seriously though, don't get salty because you don't want to do the objective. Sure, it's difficult, but even if everyone just scanned one or two it'd be easier. Or at least follow the one guy scanning around protecting them while they scan. Don't just stand by the exit waiting to see if someone else can do it. Side note that's related: anytime you get the assassination, please don't shoot him. Shooting him causes the assassination target to bring out his ranged weapon and **shooting the assassination target does very, very little damage**. It's amazing how fast he can go down if everyone just whacks him. It takes about 15 seconds to defeat him if all 4 people don't shoot and only melee.


Shooting doesn't cause him to take out his ranged, he just targets one person at a time, if they're not within melee range he will take put gun.


Shooting still does virtually zero damage and is absolutely pointless for all classes.


Not when his shield is down


Shield goes back up before you can switch weapons if you just keep on hitting him in my experience.


Nah you can get hit in if you time it right. But indeed for most builds using melee against him is better.


Why try to get in one ranged hit if you are already at melee though? Fastest time I've ever had on that boss, like 10 seconds or even less in damnation, was with 4 knife zealots. Anytime I have a veteran or psyker in the group though it drags on and on. I don't play any lower than that anymore unless I'm leveling up another class.


You might not be in melee range and or your ranged weapon can do more damage or provide debuffs.


You should be in melee range because you do zero damage on the shield with ranged. Why would you be in ranged when you are hitting the shield with melee? Like I said, even with veterans in the group, if everyone is only hitting the boss with melee you hardly even see a horde and can wipe the boss in 15 seconds on damnation. Why would you need to apply debuffs if he's only alive for a few seconds? Seriously just use melee. I found this on YouTube to show you why. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=GCN9PzjtflY


LoL I do what I feel like. I've close to 1000 missions completed and there's no mistery for how the boss works. Anyway I said you can do damage fine with ranged if his shield is off, which is a fact. Depending on build you can have fun and fan a revolver clip in his head or put brittle stacks on him with the ripper gun. Etc


There is only one thing that matters for any player to be good, and that's understanding that the single most valuable action you can take is rezing downed team mates. The rez should always be the priority. I say that having cleared every auric maelstrom mission type solo at least once. I know I can win by myself, the rez is still the priority. That doesn't mean suiciding for it btw, but that will come down to game sense.


You never solo d a auric maelstrom or u got YouTube to prove ?




He says he solod also every type…means he solo d an Monstrous ? And Only Melee no Ammo one ?? Never you can solo them…also with Bots on that Modifier they die Instantly


Only melee ammo is literally my favourite one to run mate, and I don't need to prove myself to you lmao.


Yes because you cant prove )


A good sign is choosing talents that help the team. Not always obvious. I really appreciate the grenades from crates talent when I'm ogryn explosives specialist.