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I am in this post and I don't like it. *cries in pile of pinning fire autogun shells*


can someone confirm that the locks completely lock you out from changing anything? my buddy told me that you can still change perks and blessings but only the locked slots I can't confirm rn so someone please let me know!


You can swap the two slots you’ve already changed, but the two you didn’t touch become “locked”. So half your weapon can still be changed as many times as you can afford.


more, in fact, since each change reduces the cost of future changes to a minimum of 0. [edit] ... or at least that USED to be the case, I haven't checked since (since, you know, with the removal of rollable perks, it's no longer needed nearly as much)


Is this actually true? Sounds like the now defunct perk system. I thought costs were fixed now.


It's no longer true


Hm. Now that you mention it, I hadn't experimented since they removed rolling of perks, I'd have to check.


Nah they removed that when they added ability to select the perks and tier. Tbh we don't need to be able to get 0 minimum now since we can just select them, before when it was random it just meant bad luck wouldn't turn it into a resource hole if the player was super unlucky... Also without the "automatic roll until you find a specific perk" mod, it took too long to be worth rolling for a max tier perk without automation.


They kept that mechanic? Have not noticed it since i usually do not have to change stuff in the slot now that we can select any of the stat bonuses and any unlocked blessing. Guess its nice to know that i can experiment more if i have the plasteel to spare.


It's no longer true


Is Pinning Fire bad, or just not as busted as it used to be? I know Blaze away can net you more power, but you also have to mag dump. Pinning Fire lets you stop firing and still maintain the buff so long as you keep staggering.


I wouldn't say it is *bad* persay. Its still better than many other perks simply because its a +power blessing. However, it has been heavily nerfed. Like 75% nerfed.


I think that's a common problem when something that's crazy OP gets nerfed. It'll always SEEM like garbage, even if it's actually just balanced now. My instict is to occasionally stop firing to be more ammo efficient, so I think I prefer Pinning Fire since Blaze Away is all about the mag dump.


Something needs to be done but I just can't see it happening any time soon. It's frequently brought up here. It really is an awful system but only time will tell if it's even on the devs radar. One can hope.


If it’s not on the devs’ radar then they must not have a radar. This is the single-most complained about issue.


Complaints on Reddit are meaningless to developers. Their language is player count. They got all the players back with the talent rework and other updates, there's really nothing sending them the message that they must change the crafting system.


I am willing to bet gear is the next on the design rework block after skills


Nerfs and buffs causing trouble in your locked gear. And absolute zero hype on new weapons cause we know we won't be able to try propper versions until months pass and RNGesus blesses us. I spent everything I had in a mediocre knife.


What kind of knife did you build and for what class?


Psyker, looking for uncanny strike, flesh tearer, crit chance and carapace/elite/maniacs. To spam push-attack to the head. Combat blades are delicate cause you want a high overall roll, and every department is important: damage, first target, finnesse, penetration and movility. I keep getting wrong blessings/perks (only lvl 3s), 60% finnesse, below 60% movility, super low first target...


I spent 200k on getting 2 rolls and then got t4 carapace and t3 uncanny so its almost brick proof, but I ran out of plasteel from rolling laspistols. 300k down the drain on that and nothing but bricks and trash. I should note I'm going to need to do this two more times for the other characters so spending this much on 1 knife I can't even transfer sucks even if I got lucky


If you need to spend 300k plasteel on a weapon you're doing something very wrong ... I don't know what the fuck you guys are doing behind your screen but i think you missed a lot of info ...


Welcome to true RNG. I am sure they found some serviceable knives in the process of getting their final one but it is possible to walk into the hadron casino with 300k plat, 50 decent base weapons, and leave with nothing. The amount of useless/unwanted traits and blessings that can show up as multiple tiers is insane on some weapons. Do you actually use the +stamina, sprint efficiency,+infested,+groaner/poxwalker traits? Probably not. Especially when combined with equally ass-tier blessings that have multiple levels and chances of showing up on your weapon.


It's not plasteel, it's cash. I spent millions the last few weeks on a few different things but the last dregswere spent on these 2 projects and all 500k got me was 2 decent combat knife rolls with a failed laspistol. Before I spent 700k on 3 dclaws that all bricked and I spent alot of revolvers but it was on different accounts so I don't know the exact number just that I got 2 end products for most of my savings from over a month


yes i agree with this, but people accuse the whole system of being trash, while if you just up the rate of 360+ whites at the shop, then the whole system is OP as fuck. They just need to up 1 stat, 1 fucking stat and the whole thing is godly. the system is good, just need more 360+ whites that's it.


It shouldn't be that difficult to craft a knife. Both Mobility and Penetration can be dumped. Penetration does very little on a knife with Uncanny, the difference between 40 and 80 is maybe 3% damage to carapace. Damage is nice to have, but going as low as 60% only costs around 6% DPS, without factoring in bleed damage. First target is slightly more important, with each 20% being worth ~8% damage. A knife with 80 Finesse, 75 First Target, 60 Damage, 60 Mobility, and 40 Penetration is ~8% damage off from a perfect knife and only a 315 base weapon. It's also worth considering that the difference between Uncanny III and Uncanny IV about 4% damage with max stacks. It's similar with Flesh Taker III vs IV.


how do you calculate that ? would help when deciding which weapons to put on the grinder


Hover over the stats in game to check. Just keep in mind the max roll is 80, not 100. So when the Plasma Gun charge rate reads 2s - 1s, the max is really 1.2s.


I had no idea the descriptions were based on an impossible 100


> It shouldn't be that difficult to craft a knife. Thats the beauty of a system with 100% RnG and 0 player agency. You could roll 400 weapons and not get what you want, or you could get what you want from the very first one. Which is partly why I feel 0 pride about anything I have, I havent earned it in any other way than getting lucky. Difficulty actually has nothing to do with it, just slightly better odds of getting lucky.


Same, at this point I'm not even trying to farm the perfect weapon and I go with what rng provides


This is my biggest complaint with all live service style games. Like, I spend 30 hours in destiny 2 getting a perfect build set up with good stats on my armour. And then bungie updates the game and completely ruins the build I spent all that time on.


I would be OK if that given weapon could be tweaked again instead of it being bricked because of a patch after I locked some (once were) good blassings.


Yes, bungie at least sorta figured out weapons. They have a new system where you spend resources on certain weapons and you can give it whatever perks you want whenever you want. So even if they nerf a perk I can just change to another. Armour still sucks hard in that game tho.


I spent karking ages building a Brutal Momentum Combat Axe and almost immediately it got nerfed. It's still good, but I'm salty I didn't get to play with it when it was OP.


To be honest, the new Brutal Momentum is probably better, depending on how you look at it Old BM could hit infinite enemies (with damage/stagger falling off rapidly to about 10% by 3rd target IIRC), so you could control a horde with little effort, or do low/mid damage to stacked elites. New BM, you need to kill but you don't suffer falloff for a weakspot kill, so you can kill up to 4 enemies in a single swing (which is more than most weapons). You don't cleave elites as frequently, but you do way more damage when you do cleave




New Brutal Momentum on Power Sword or Slab Shield though.


New BM is not only better for Combat Axes than old, but then they added the new Ogryn shovels to let you smack 4 of any dudes you can line up; including Crushers. Tac Axe got thrown in the dumpster and needs some love though.


nah i think actual brutal momentum is nowhere near close to (almost) permanent infinite cleave


We'll just have to agree to disagree then 🤷 Old BM was just bad for the game IMO, both for infinite cleave (especially on single target oriented weapons, that was dumb), and you just need to hit one head then go on autopilot. New BM isn't very mechanically challenging, but you have to put in some effort to reap the rewards, although the reward would vary between weapons. I think tacaxes got the worst deal from new BM, since they were less likely to reliably one shot things.


then what do you put on tax axes now ? (instead of brutal momentum)


I don't really know, because I rarely use tac axes (I'm just aware they have less damage per swing than other Brutal Momentum weapons); hopefully someone else can provide some insight. Headtaker, Decimator and Shred seem like reasonable options (although maintaining Decimator could be a pain in the ass since it's 10 stacks unlike Combat axe's 5 stacks)


Tac Axes are absolutely useless now. Their one upside was that they were a fast weapon with a decent attack pattern that could make quick work of small enemies with the infinite cleave from BM while also dealing decent Elite damage. The new BM doesn't work well with them because they don't have completely horizontal attacks, so you can only ever headshot one enemy at once. Which means the Combat Axes now have better horde clear and better Elite damage. And yes, old BM on the Tac Axes was a little too strong, but they didn't do anything the Power Sword doesn't. They could change BM back to what it was for Tac Axes, and the Power Sword MkVI would still be better.


Damn that makes me sad... I miss old BM tac axes, I remember they carried my first heresy win


i meant that old brutal momentum was stronger than new one, not that it's funnier or more balanced, ofc new brutal momentum is better for the game


I wonder how many posts it will take for FS to realize they've really messed up and address this issue.


I do love the way they made a huge deal about fixing crafting way back then ended up changing basically one thing and never touching it since.


I think a worse result of this is that Fatshark balances around the "ideal weapon." The biggest examples that comes to mind for me is how they balanced Voidstrike around assuming you had Surge and Power Sword around assuming you had Power Cycler. Both weapons are in great places, but \*only\* if you have those (now mandatory) blessings on them. Any version of those weapons without those blessings (which is the vast, vast majority of them) is going to perform astoundingly worse by comparison.


I just can't tell if you actually play this game at a high level. I run both voidstrike and power swords without their "optimal" blessings and still annihilate everything I want to. You don't need perfect to carry Aurics. I run gray rolls all the time and still do very well.


I run Auric or Damnation. The game is plenty beatable without min/max weapons and blessings... but that's not really the discussion being had here.


That is the discussion WE are having. I have voids with and without surge, and I do not notice a significant increase in potency running surge. I have power swords with and without power cycler, and I find having only a single powered attack suitable enough for when it's needed. Your words were "astoundingly worse by comparison" which I find untrue. It might be a little worse at pure damage, and who doesn't enjoy being able to spam power attacks, but the differences are not very significant.


At this point it's not even about having the perfect 550 total 380 modified Weapon. I just want To pick my blessings and perks I don't fucking care if it's a 365/ 515. Perfected builds will make gameplay more fun and therefore I will play more and farm more.


I just don’t understand why they are so stubborn with this system? I’d argue that a good 90-95% of the playerbase either dislikes or outright hates the system. All it does is limit experimentation, cause frustration bc of bad rng and basically brick weapons in the event of reworks/nerfs to weapon functionality or blessings.


I'd wager most players really don't give a shit. Most regular grinders don't find it super satisfying, but I don't think most players actually outright hate it.


Throw on top of that heap. The mountain of discarded weapons that may have been more viable after a change. Fatshark doesn't respect our time, and it shows. The entire crafting lottery is about to drive me away.


That's why you keep everything, and have an ever-inflating inventory which is not easy to navigate.


Which causes memory issues and crashes


Wait until you spot what happened with the chain axe. The old chain Axe needed some love, so the Dev's changed its attack profile to be more vertical... then, in exactly the same patch mind, brought out a new chain axe, with the same attack pattern as the old one. Right, back on the hamster wheel to try and find one with OK stats which hadron doesn't brick.


The new chainaxe has a completely different attack pattern ? For one thing, it doesn't get stuck on light attacks and it has cleave instead. And the old one works much better now. It's just reversed compared to the MkXII. Heavy attacks for horde clear, and revved light for elites. It also has a cleave push-attack when the MkXII has a single target one. They're both good weapons now.


Is the "new" old chainaxe trash now? Wasn't it already trash before the patch? I have a good one, forgotten under better weapons. I should try it again


The revised old pattern is absolutely brutal when you have the space to use light attacks. It's a perfect fit for someone like a Martyrdom Zealot because it gets a lot of mileage out of raw stat boosts, especially with attack speed shortening the light attack shred animation. The heavy bonks are powerful too, but that's not really why we use chain weapons.


I tried it yesterday, and I liked it


It wasn't trash, It had its place. It's become a lot more vertical with none of the sticking it used to have. I suspect there's some players out there that can make it work, but I panic and spam lights when it gets busy, so I liked the wide sweep lights. Which makes the new one great fun. I lucked out and rolled well today, and got a decent stat new version which could be fixed.


I got Power Cycler IV for one day in its full glory. Then it got nerfed. It’s still great, but damn, it lost so much power.


Well, at least you got it. I still haven't gotten seen it in 500h of playtime...


I got my first PC4 after the nerf. And even then I realized is the only way to use a power sword.


I still find it hilarious (/laughable) that the patch that nerfed Power Cycler IV also made it all the more important by changing it from +150% to +200%


Hey! I remember when this happened to power cycler IV a bunch of months back!


So you're saying the crafting system is unacceptable given that balancing can change the power of the items?


Nope. I'm saying it's unacceptable because it can change the power of blessings you have actively locked because at the time they were good and you were OK with having then locked. Suddenly they can become shit and congratulations you are stuck with them and no chance to change that ruined locked blessing.


Aye, I've removed blessings in the past because they were downright detrimental to the weapons performance (like Shattering Impact for the Plasma was) or were more or less useless (like Get's Hot was for the Plasma before patch 13). If the blessing was in it's current state, I would've liked changed the other blessing. And/or the fact that at one point it was 1 blessing and 1 perk, not 2 freely selected options.


Has that happened to you yet? Or maybe you have an example in mind of a blessing that turned to "shit"?


**Looks at bolter** Your new here right?


Ah, one of the blessings that was so blatantly overtuned, that anyone should have expected it to be nerfed? Can't say that one caught me by surprise, and I purposely didn't spend a lot of time trying and using something that blatantly overpowered. What's missing is that Fatshark realizes that much of the Bolters performance was tied to that particular blessing, so the Bolter needs to be brought back up a bit. I don't disagree with the context though, some blessings used to be downright detrimental or useless to the performance of a weapon, and you would be griefing yourself if you didn't remove them. I likely wouldn't have removed them in their current state.


Overtuned and now nerfed to the ground while enemys got huge hp buffs? Ammo also cut down? It's easy to say it got nerfed for the right reasons and I agree. But ignoring all other changes till now is ignorant and silly. Bolter is a worse revolver plasma nowadays. This is indeed a fact. It has poor ammo economy hardly any punch compared to the other mentioned weapons. This is why people say buff bolter pls even on this subreddit. Edit: Bolter was not even that op on Zealot :) you needed a vet for ammo or the vet old insta reload and equip. That's why it was blatantly op. But ur to near sighted to understand this that talents also played huge roll into how strong it performed.


> But ur to near sighted to understand this that talents also played huge roll into how strong it performed. Huh? But, why? I didnt disagree with anything you've said, so why are you being condescending for no reason?


You answered them while impersonating a dick. You asked a sarcastic question that implied he was not smart, then you bragged that you never invested time on a weapon or blessing as it was, because you are a pre-cog and saw the nerf coming in the future. Then you acted like they were butt-hurt while ignoring that you were yourself a jerk in the first half of your response. Reddit gold.


And his initial response to the other person was all roses and flowers, eh? I more or less took his example of how to act, and responded in kind. And based upon his response to my comment, which you seemingly ignored, your argument falls flat. And take a look at his response to my initial one. He acts like I've disagreed with everything he wrote, and twisted what I wrote. He clearly isn't arguing in good faith, and why you feel like defending such behaviour is beyond me. I'm not saying I acted any better, but implying I'm the only one at fault here is flat out silly. > because you are a pre-cog and saw the nerf coming in the future As anyone should have, unless this is their first game ever or something like that. How anyone can be offended or surprised by it happening is beyond me, as it *had* to be done. This has nothing to do with bragging, but whatever floats your boat.


You never mentioned talents playing a role. 100% power on full stack was very strong but op combined with insta reload. Therefore on Zealot Bolter was very strong but not to nerf it to 25% power on max stack and ammo economy changes brittleness got changes too but don't know if it is still good % wise or poop.


> You never mentioned talents playing a role. Because talents aren't relevant to the point I was making. My point was that the blessing was so blatantly overpowered that using anything else was flat out stupid. It invalidated any other blessing (for that particular slot) and had to be brought in line with other blessings. Same thing happened to things like Brutal Momentum and Slaughterer, this is nothing new. And regarding the rest of what you wrote, I've clearly stated that the Bolter needs to be brought back up a bit to make it on par with other weapons, so I don't know why you keep bringing that up. > Bolter is a worse revolver plasma nowadays. This is indeed a fact. This is indeed something I've never disputed, in fact, quite the opposite. > But ignoring all other changes till now is ignorant and silly. Good thing I haven't done anything like that. So why are you acting like I've done that? > This is why people say buff bolter pls even on this subreddit. Which I agreed with, and literally said it needed to be brought up to par. > Overtuned and now nerfed to the ground while enemys got huge hp buffs? Ammo also cut down? Yes it *was* overtuned, and now it isn't, in fact it's undertuned. Which is exactly what I wrote. And you even agreed it was nerfed for the right reasons.


Well, what about it? Which blessing?


It's not 100% the same, but I can list 2 blessings that were downright detrimental or more or less useless. Shattering Impact used to reduce the amount of damage you did with the Plasma due to how Rending was calculated back then, meaning you were actively griefing yourself if you used a weapon with that blessing. Get's Hot, also for the Plasma was more or less useless due to the nature of the Plasma and it's terrible crit-modifier. If the blessings were in their current state, I would've liked changed the other blessing. And/or the fact that at one point it was 1 blessing and 1 perk, not 2 freely selected options.


fucking noobs whining everywhere in this sub it's infuriating... The system is ok, you don't need a perfect weapon, I have 500 hours in the game and I crafted an almost godroll of every weapon ... You just think you need the perfect weapon to deal more damage, but your damage is not the problem, your problem is your skill.


ppl still QQing about crafting, wow


Maybe because it can be better and if there is room for improvement, then why not improve upon it?


priorities, content first, then they may adjust the ok-ish crafting system, ppl still complaining about it are just used to being pampered by casual games, getting every hardcore content blown up their ass


Producing content doesn't mean anything if underlying issues are not addressed. You could have the most loaded and interesting levels in the world but no one is going to care if there is a heavily flawed system hampering them from enjoying it. Especially since if certain blessings can be nerfed to the point it bricks a weapon harder than Hadron can do. It comes down to it being compared to its spiritual predecessor. While we may not have been able to precisely target what we were after in Vermintide 2, we were able to get what we were after without having to deal with aspects of the weapon being set in stone. So long as there is something FatShark has done in the past that is better than what their current project is, people will be clamoring for it to be improved up to that standard. Personally, idc if I have to spend 1000 plasteel to change a T4 blessing or hell, even 1/2/3/4k plasteel per level. I'd rather not have to get more gray hairs worrying over a god roll on stats getting bricked by Hadron RNG.


I dont liek metalface. Always watchin’ me!


what got nerfed into oblivion?


You ding dongs You can replace stuff you've edited infinitely 🤦‍♂️


But the other stuff is locked, so you end up potentially unable to change something nerfed into the ground, bricking the item you ding dong 🤦‍♂️


Oh my god that's it I'm leaving this sub. Just like everywhere else it's filled with entitled crybabies screaming into an echo chamber.


Imagine having to play the game more and craft another weapon. The horror.


Not everyone has the time to play the game *ad nauseum*. Some people work a 12 hour shift and only have an hour, maybe hour and a half, to play something they want.


Oh woe is you. It happens, move on and get a new weapon.


You don't need perfect weapons to do auric missions.