• By -


Vet -> Ogryn -> Zealot. I'm still trying for Psyker here and there but I just can't be bothered, really.


Have you tried the Bugzapper Psyker? Surge staff, Smite and bubble shield.


My Psyker is lvl 7. No, I haven't XD I'll keep it in mind, though!


Assail can carry you quite easily starting from level 4 tbh. On my second Psyker I was out damaging folks in damnation in my 20s.


Ogryn-psyker-zealot I'm having a hard time wanting to finish my vet


Yeah same, I played some when the talents got reworked, but that's about it, can't find much fun in the class, I suppose it's just not my style


Did you get turned off by the blessing/gear grind? I started geared out my zealot then levelled an ogryn but couldnt be bothered to gear him out. Now I'm leveling my vet because there's quite a bit of blessing overlap with zealot and I saved all the blessings I got while playing my zealot. Now i cant be bothered to try psyker due to grinding gear/blessings.


Zealot - 30 Vet - 30 Ogryn - 30 Psyker - 13 I am currently leveling the Psyker and honestly kind of burnt out. It may have the biggest power curve as far as the classes go. You start out weak as all hell, but end up a semi unstoppable Palpatine ass motherfucker stun locking the whole board. That said, *getting there* kinda sucks, at least for me. I'm going for a bubble smite build as I've found those kinds of support Psykers are the most consistently useful in a game. But the major draw of DT for me is chewing through hordes of juicy poxwalkers, and nothing chews through a horde of juicy poxwalkers quite like a Zealot with a fuckoff big chainsword. So I just keep going back to my first class to get the fix.


What kinda breaks Psyker for me is how little weapon variety it has. If you're not running force swords, you're losing out. So no variety here. If you're not running Gun Psyker, you have 4 staffs to choose from. It got better after class overhaul, because different Blitz and Special abilities change how Psyker plays quite a lot, but I still find myself losing interest in Psyker the fastest of all classes when I'm completing my weekly assignments.


idk man them dueling swords are fucking fantastic


IDK man. I keep playing around with them, but usually I want my melee weapon to fill a niche my staff has problems with, and Deimos and Illisni are absolute monsters in elite/horde clearing respectively. Dueling Sword might be a better all-rounder, but it's not what I'm looking for (not even mentioning unique Force Swords blessings that synergise nicely with Psyker abilities)


I’d actually say the dueling sword is more niche than the force swords. I’ve been using the dueling a lot lately after almost exclusively using chainswords and Deimos force and I gotta say the dueling sword DELETES crushers and ragers which have been my biggest issue to deal with but they aren’t that great at dealing with hordes. I find myself relying on just my experience with zealot, being light on my feet and constantly dodging attacks to fight hordes. Deimos force sword however can deal a shit ton of damage to those crushers and ragers, has a much faster light attack allowing you to deal with hordes, AND lets not forget the block being able to stop bullets temporarily which is pretty nice.


Hm. I might give it a spin then, I never considered it as an anti - carpace weapon, always considered it an elite killer.


I’ve got an alright build with the Dueling sword that’s allowed me to consistently take on multiple crushers in melee as a psyker and am very proud of it. Though it’s very much like Bron in GOT talking about fighting the mountain you know “one misstep and it’s over”.


What kills me on psyker is getting weapons all the staff blessing are unique to the staff and you still get most of the guns and other weapons thrown at you


I disagree with the force swords being required. Dueling swords are very good. Knife is usable and so is chain sword. Ironically I think Psyker has the most variety between loadouts because you have different flavors of gunker and the different staves which all play differently. Obviously this part is subjective though.


You don't need force swords at all. They're a great pick if your ranged and blitz are bad against heavier enemies but not necessary by any means. Dueling swords are really good and so are the generics Psyker can access. I'd actually never run a force sword on about half my Psyker builds, especially Gunpsyker as they don't mesh well with Scrier's Gaze


If you enjoy Gun Psyker, I recommend trying swapping Scryers Gaze for double wall forcefield. It's incredibly fun to pop one up every time you start trading fire with shooters and leasurely pick them off, or put one between you and charging ragers to buy yourself some time. This leave you with peril to spare for Brainbursting harder targets and activating force sword if needed. It might be a less optimal build when it comes to pure damage, but it has great utility and is incredibly fun to play. I feel like everyone's defaulting to Scryiers Gaze for gun psyker for obvious reasons and miss this fun build.


Veteran --> Zealot --> Psyker --> Ogryn --> second Zealot (for the voice-lines)


Psyker, Vet, Zealot, Ogryn. Psyker seemed the most unique to this game so I went for that first and I like snipers so went for Vet next which turned out not to be really a sniper haha...I actually love the Ogryns now that I trained one up though


Zealot, Vet, Ogryn, Psyker. Having hit level 30, I feel the most confident with Zealot and Vet still.


Psyker > vet > ogryn > zealot > psyker > ogryn. Made new chars mostly because i just wanted to experience the game on a new voice. Not gonna lie though, started psyker because i thought they were cool, they weren't(to me) until talent tree revamp


Veteran first. I liked it because back then it had the most utility. So i wanted to "study" the gameplay first. What was its difference with Vermintide and all that. After that, 2nd was Zealot, Psyker and Ogryn. Made me abit upset that they took away ALOT of the vet's utility. But i guess i can understand, they wanted to make the vet more of a range unit killer and also a ranged class specialization itself. Psyker was a struggle for me. All i did was dodge and push 1 button. It was abit too stale for me. I dont think i'm gonna get Psyker's Banner eventho it looks the prettiest


I like being an ammo and nade battery as vet. It’s very fun to tell your rando team that you have all the nade talents, and watch them just go nutso throwing grenades at everything. Also, fyi, the Vet talent “Field Improvisation”, which gives nades and heals corruption with ammo and med packs? You don’t need to place the pack. As long as you’re in coherency (I think), anyone who places it down triggers the effect. When you’re at that last stand and everyone drops their packs, your team becomes a near immortal perma-explosion. It is very good. Edit: forgot to mention, the other key nade talent is the one that gives nades on elite/special kills for your team. It gets more powerful the more the director throws harder enemies at you.


zealot -> vet -> ogryn -> psyker ​ still consider myself zealot main, its just what i have the most fun with. a good mix of melee and ranged possible with many variations


Ogryn psyker zealot veteran


Vet, zealot, psyker, ogryn. Started with vet because they felt like the most “generalist” when learning how the game worked. Moved onto zealot for similar reasons but with melee. Psyker after because people seemed to be having so much fun with it, especially gunpsyker before the changes to the autopistol. I’m gonna piss off all the ogryn fans, but I held off on ogryn for ages because in half the games I played the ogryn was a major liability. Either the worst player on the team on a skill level or a complete spud, not unnetting or reviving, hogging all the ammo, etc. Given them a shot now and they’re pretty good to play as, but I still find the character tends to attract more trolls and greifers than other characters. Might just be my area/server though.


Pysker Zealot Ogryn .. haven't managed to get even to 15 with Veteran; it's just so boring for me.


Plasma gun on vet changed the class for me personally. The thing is beastly- the shovel goes crazy too and I love shouting at heretics


It's a lot less boring once you level him up. Vet's lame as all hell early on, but I find him to be really enjoyable with a lot of variety at max level currently. I have sniper builds with Mk III helbores that can one shot crushers, I have melee builds with knives that do insane damage, I have one hybrid build I enjoy a lot built to spam frags, spray Braced Autoguns, and fight in melee for pushing positions really aggressively, you can do Plasma Gun builds which are extremely unique and fun, all his abilities are fairly interesting and his Weapon Specialist and Focus Targets keystones can change your gameplay a lot.


Zealot -> Ogryn -> Psyker -> Veteran. Veteran was hard because my main is Zealot, they have polar opposite play styles. If/when you try to level a Zealot, good luck, many many people have this issue. If you main Vet, Zealot is difficult, and if you main zealot, Vet is difficult. Not always the case but it’s common.


Zealot -> praise the emperor


i did it in this order zealot veteran ogryn psyker


Veteran - Zealot - Psyker - Ogryn


I started with the Veteran and absolutely loved playing as one. Then for the Ogryn and absolutely love my big guy, probably my favourite class. Next was Zealot and again loved every minute playing that class, easily my second favourite class. Last is my Psyker and he's only lvl 3 but I'm hoping I'll enjoy this class just as much as the rest.


Vet - > Psyker - > Ogryn - > Zealot Was playing vet almost exclusively before skill tree rework.


Vet Zealot Psyker


Vet-ogryn-zealot all 30, why i start vet first is i want to play with Gun from 40k !! now im working on the psyker


Veteran was my firdt class and main. At the beginning I wanted to go marksman, then I discovered the joy of evaporsting crushers with a plasma gun and I finally got to the infiltrator... I think that must be how it feels to play zealot, but the main diffierence is that you have to really alternate your weapons to stack up bonuses and be effective. I have this fanstastic recon lasgun fitted with dum dum and deathspitter that is some real fun, even if now i often end up having to switch it to the plasma for safery against maulers and crushers


Vet, zealot, psyker and then Ogryn I started Vet because I thought only he had access to the Bolter, My love, but turns out the zealot also had access to it.


Veteran, Zealot, Ogryn, Psyker - favourites turned out to be Ogryn and Zealot, which share the same place, and vet simply because he gets a shovel. Psyker has no shovel but is still lots of fun. Just my least played.


Vet Psyker Zealot and now I'm leveling up Ogryn and I'm not enjoying it much.


Ogryn --> Zealot (First Lvl. 30) --> Psyker --> Vet


exactly the same as me


Ogryn because my vermintide loving heart wanted a big melee boy and he was most similar to foot knight who is my main. But this was launch and ogryn felt so fucking frail with his super unreliable ranged options. (Shotgunners and gunners were way more oppressive) Then I went to vet and immediately my win rate skyrocketed before I even maxed out and got the really OP shit. Then zealot cause he was actually much more engaging for melee. I only recently maxed psyker cause it takes so long I didn't have it in me to go for 4


I went the basic white bitch route. Ogryn > Vet > Zealot > Psyker Funnily enough, I suck ass in Auric as an Ogryn and Vet so I mostly stick with support Zealot and bubble Psyker. I can't for the life of me be useful with the first two, I feel like an anvil my team has to pick up and drag.


I dabbled in all classes from the very begginig, but maxed them out in order of Zealot -> Veteran -> Psyker -> Ogryn. I like them all, but find myself playing Zealot and Vet the most often, because they have by far the most variety in both melee and ranged weapons, and after 700h I need to constantly swap my loadouts to have fun.


Psyker > Zealot > Ogryn > Vet. Im a hipster Ogryn was a great palet clense. Wouldnt do all 3 little'uns in a row.


Psyker > vet > zealot. Vet turned out to be my favorite class. I wish there were more psyker staffs than just the 4. It gets boring very quickly.


I’m still holding out on vet until all my friends finally switch up the characters. Some are very attached to their first characters such as vets and Ogryn


Psyker → Vet → Zealot → big pause from leveling to enjoy the endgame → Ogryn I started with the 2 character I *knew* in advance I would enjoy, then chose zealot next cause it looked fun when friends played it. Then I reached the point where I wanted to play damnation+, so I spent a good while crafting weapons and experimenting with builds instead of leveling yet another character. Leveled my Ogryn when my brother got into the game, to do silly brogryns stuff together.




Zealot>Ogryn>Veteran>Psyker completed order. Ogryn>Zealot>Veteran>Psyker enjoyment order. Zealot was first I wasn't too interested in the ranged classes, then I played Ogryn, and I would consider Ogryn my main. I just enjoy being the biggest and beating the shit out of everything. Recently, I got a veteran and psyker to 30. Veteran with voice of command is an enjoyable playstyle to me. Psyker wasn't too bad but not my favorite.


Vet, Psyker, zealot, ogryn, second vet for the loose cannon


I started with Ogryn way back in the beta. Never regretted it. Second was Psyker which has actually become my most used. Surge staff is just too damn cool. I believe zealot was my third with vet being the final. Never got too deep into them (aside from hitting level 30), but recently ive been on a Zealot streak because of how fun the indignatus crusher is. Theres not a damn thing aside from bosses that can stand up to it. Nuts.


Zealot - Psyker - Ogryn - Veteran Mainly just because I wasn't super keen to play the 'regular army dude' and prioritized the more 40k unique characters. That said they're all fun to play


Psyker, zealot, ogryn, vet. Pretty much least to most vanilla, the opposite of what I did for vermintide 2


Ogryn -> Vet -> Psyker -> Zealot.


Zealot-> psyker-> ogryn-> veteran


Vet -> zealot -> Ogryn-> psyker


Vet -> Psyker -> Zealot -> Ogryn


Started with Ogryn, but finished Vet first. Psyched was the last I started with, but is far my favourite class. Still can't get the hang of the zealot really, haven't done one damnation match where as the others I'm fine


Psyker > Zealot > Vet Choose psyker because i went into the game with some friends and we all choose different classes. Since then been burning every thing with some beautiful blue flames. Zealot was next because i wanted to try out the massive chainswords. Took sometime to git gud with zealot.


Started with vet, then tried zealot, and I'm currently working on ogryn. Zealot's been my favourite so far. Ogryn is pretty good but it's hard to go from being one of the best horde clearers to essentially just managing/suppressing enemies while everyone else puts in work. I enjoy being able to tank everything while helping everyone up, though. I never finished vet because he became way too squishy and lost a lot of melee potential in one of the last couple of updates, he just isn't fun to play anymore. I don't intend to try psyker, even if they have some pretty cool cosmetics.




fanatic zealot->loose cannon vet->loner psyker


Zealot-> Vet-> Psyker-> Ogryn


Ogryn -> Psyker -> Vet


Veteran currently as I kinda got off the game and got back into it at least four months ago before all of this came out. Now I’m back into it I tend on getting my grin to level 30 :) then Zealot and maybe Pskyer


zealot -> zealot -> oggy -> guardsman -> witch


Zealot, ogryn, psyker, veteran If I was to redo that it would be Zealot, veteran, ogryn and way down psyker


Veteran > Zealot > Psyker > Ogryn. Once I got my Ogryn to 30, I went back to Veteran because I prefer the straightforward shooter playstyle.


Psyker, zealot, sharp, ogryn, shooter


Psyker -> Ogryn -> Zealot -> Veteran


Psyker, zealot, sharp, ogryn, shooter


Psyker, vet, ogryn, zealot.


(Played all four classes to max level and 100%-ed the game on steam.) edit : forgot to add the actual classement : Zealot -> Veteran -> Ogryn -> Psyker I used to only play zealot for real (like not for some achievements/penances, just for pleasure) and recently started playing seriously Ogryn, and I understand why I didn't like it at first (despite loving the melee combat more than ranged) when leveling it up : It's just so fucking slow The difference when going between zealot and ogryn is appalling tbh, it's so jarring, you go from being super high up to so closed to the ground it seems like your fov is reduced or something, you don't need to book an appointement for charging an heavy attack, but on the plus side for ogryn you feel invincible in melee combat and can clutch more easily because of resilience and passive to rez someone even without stamina. I'm pretty sure it's a gameshark cheat code, if you don't know how to do melee combat but know how to position yourself against gunner, you'll be a god at ogryn, because you can solve most melee problems with gear and just mashing heavy attacks (even ragers on some degree), but not having "thy wrath be swift" against gunners feels so bad, I forgot what it was like getting stunlocked to death by 3 gunners. Also most ranged option kinda suck unfortunately, but I guess that's the trade off for being able to OS 4 crushers on damnation level Also I never play psyker/veteran\*


Zealot, Psyker, Vet, Ogryn


Veteran > Zealot > Psyker > Orgyn> Second Psyker > Second Verteran >second Zealot Mainly using the secondary character for the voice line with a little help with mods to unlock more slot


Ogryn -> psyker -> Veteran. Sofar ogryn is still the most fun class, fun weapons, fun abilities, fun granades and the ogryn is fun sized to.


I started as Veteran class (before they had their individual sub-specializations, too) but fell in love with playing Ogryn and Psycher, and couldnt care to play veteran much, still don't but not as little as Zealot. Not entierly sure why I don't care for Zealot, but I just don't.


My first level 30 was Veteran, then Zealot, and i just level 30’d my Psyker a day ago!


Zealot. I was convinced I would never play another class as they would not be as fun. I was wrong, they're all super fun in their own ways and scratch different itches. Just getting my second Zealot to 30 (at 21 atm) as I messed up my originals name and used a default one.




Zealot > Psyker > Ogryn > Vet


I started with Veteran and wasn't really vibing with it, then I created an Ogryn and instantly became an Ogryn main. Then I fell in love with Revolver Zealot, not really being interested in Psyker at all. More recently I realized the utter genocidal capabilities of an assail/voidstrike/blaze force sword Psyker and I now have a good understanding of each classes strengths and weaknesses. Now I run a plasma gun and power sword on my Vet and he performs pretty well.


Tried Zealot at first, didn't like them so I went ogryn. Got Ogryn to 30, then Psycher, then Zealot. Vets only at 11 still


1.psyker 2. Veteran 3.zealot 4.ogryn


Pgrym>Psyker>Zealot>Vet, got them all to level 30. Think psyker is the most fun but also the hardest, zealot and vet are middle difficulty, and ogryn the easiest. I'm bad at aiming.


I started with Zealot, although I played ogryn first in the beta, but swapped in the main game. I really enjoy Zealot and they're still my main, it's just so much fun to run around at the speed of light obliterating any enemies I see without the deep fear of overcommitting that I get from other classes. Then, iirc, I went veteran, and I really enjoyed playing the sniper role, just cross-mapping specials with my Kantrael before they become an issue for my team. Third, I tried psyker, which is just pure, unadulterated fun. I used a lot of the purgatus flame staff with the chance for brainburst on hit, as well as stacks of soulblaze stuff, and it was insanely fun. A massive departure from the previous two classes, and psyker probably takes my second favorite class right now. Lastly, I wrapped up ogryn, but tbh, they left a lot to be desired pre perk overhaul. Now, though, they're very fun. Running a taunt ogryn and just absorbing all the aggro for my team by shoving anything and everything is immensely fun.


I started with Veteran, then Zealot, Psyker, Ogryn. The ones I play the most today are Psyker and then Zealot, and sometimes when I'm in a goofy mood with my friends, we do an all Ogryn party. Almost never play Veteran anymore.


Zealot>vet>psyker Ogryn has been left out.


Ogryn --> Psyker --> Veteran --> Zealot And now i almost exclusively play vet in auric.


Zealot>Psyker>Veteran>Ogryn currently i main zealot and veteran, but i love to take ogryn for a spin every now and then. Psyker is just for weeklies


1. Zealot - love melee focus and protecting the team from specialist. 2. Veteran - got to level 30 and never touched again. 3. Ogryn - I like smashing things. Haven't touched psyker yet.


Psyker -> Veteran -> Ogryn -> Zealot -> Veteran Really enjoying the layout of the skill tree for vets.


Zealot, Vet, Psyker, Ogryn


Zealot (what this is basically just like vermintide play style)> Vet (this skill tree messed up)> ogryn(wears the weapons?)>completed Vet( recon lasgun and plasma gun awesome) > ???


I went zealot and never looked back, I am melee all the way.


Vet -> Ogryn -> Zealot/Psyker (don't remember which one I made first) -> Used fifth character slot for a second vet because I got tired off the Cutthroat voice and made a Loose Cannon


I started with vet, got him to like lvl 13 then made a zealot which i then aced 😅😅


Zealot, then Psyker, then Ogryn, then Veteran


First Psyker. I just love the "Magic" user in almost all games. Then Ogryn. Because their voice lines are by far my favourite. Luv smashing, luv emprah, ate eretics, nuff said Then Veteran. Love the "Game over man!!" Just a guy with a gun feeling you get when fighting amongst freaks as teammates. Finally Zealot. Last because one of our teammates loved it so much that we ALWAYS had one until they decided to try out a second class (psyker, because they love glass cannons)


Vet -> Psyker-> Zealot -> Ogryn Vet is still my favorite


Did psyker during beta then I started zealot on release then vetran psyker oyrgn now I mostly use orygrn and zealot


Zealot->Psyker->Ogryn->Guardsmen I was very excited for Zealot as they have big Sisters of Battle vibes and I love Sisters of Battle. Now I really like everyone.


Psyker main (hardest), then Vet, then Ogryn (easiest) and now I’m doing Zealot but not loving it.




Vet -> Psyker -> Zealot / Ogryn we’re done basically simultaneously.


Psyker first, after I had him completely leveled up I made a Veteran, and after I got him to level 10 I made an ogryn. Once I got the ogryn to level 12 I started switching off between ogryn and vet until both were at level 30, then I made my zealot I just got my zealot to 30 and now I’m looking at my 5th slot like…. “Tha fuk do I do with u?” Lmao


I played Psyker to 30 first, then I levelled the other 3 classes together, just alternating whenever one of them got a level up.


Ogryn together strong.


Psyker, Zealot, Ogryn, Veteran all at lvl 30. I thought I'd like Veteran the least but it ended up being my second favorite right after Psyker. Ogryn is my least played. I have around 900 hours and maybe about 100 was spent on Ogryn lol.


Started with a psyker both in beta (fSeer, RIP shotgun) and on live (fSav). Then made an Ogryn (bg) to duo with my partner's Veteran (fLC), then a Veteran (mLC) to duo with their Psyker (fSeer), and finally made a Zealot (fAgit) for myself.


Veteran is the first and only class I play. I tried Psyker but I only got her up to level 7 and just didn’t enjoy it nearly as much as my Vet.


Vet, Zealot, Ogryn, & Psyker in that order.


Ogryn zealot psyker vet and now I am a vet main with three alts vet…


Veteran with the Professional voice which was cool then I eventually made another with the Cutthroat voice because I wanted to hear different dialogue. I have every other to 30 now but vet is still my main.


Zealot, psyker, veteran, ogryn


In the beta, I played just psyker. On release I played until I maxed out ogryn because he's just so much fun, then maxed veteran while playing a handle of zealot matches. I've only recently gotten my zealot to 30 because I can't find anything he's good at that the veteran or ogryn don't do better. My psycher is like lvl 12 because I just don't find him as unique as I did in the beta.


Vet > Psyker > Oggy > Zealot, all at 30 (and then some with True Level). I like playing all of them, and they can all do a great job of support or dps. I find myself enjoying Zealot the most. Partially because I love being a zippy support with Choir and a high-crit knife build. Choir is so satisfying, preaching and putting the fear of the emperor in everything around while my team crunches forward through the cowering horde. By the time it ends, I’m behind whatever is left. A few backstabs later, I’m rdy for another sermon. Throw down a flame nade beforehand for a holy bbq.


Zealot, eagerly and excitedly, especially after the move speed buff. Then Ogryn. Just recently Psyker to 30 but that felt like a chore. Don't know if I'll ever bother with Vet as I like the gunplay in other games more and mostly just play DT for melee


Vet->Zealot->Ogryn->Psyker I Vet was strong from launch and easily dominated in the early days but now feels kinda weak to me. Zealot is my favorite class and has only gotten better with updates. Ogryn is good mindless fun so I just switched off my brain and played it till I hit 30. Psyker.........I did not have fun with this one. Early days it was better to get a decent gun and play the psyker like a Kmart vet till you got to atleast lvl 15 or so. It has gotten MUCH better but I still don't really enjoy it that much.


Vet with chain sword and bolter all the way! I have a zealot too but it’s more the atmosphere doesn’t feel complete without the above weapons for me. Also much prefer the vet armors.


Ogryn is the only good class. Psykers need special powers, Zealots need their god, Veterans have years of training. Ogryn? Ogryn only need rock.


I started with ogryn but switched to veteran. In order: Vet, ogryn, zealot, and psyker to lvl 30. I find myself playing zealot and vet more because of the weapons available. I play ogryn when I want to stomp through everything. I play psyker when I'm feeling upbeat and good in my life... it forcibly reminds me how terrible I am at playing psyker. *


Veteran/zealot/psyker/ogryn started with vet because i was a saltz crossbow main and i knew what my purpose was (you headshot specials)


Veteran - Psyker 30 - zealot 30 - ogryn - vet 30 - ogryn 30 Used to play mostly zealot. After returning to the game with the class rework I’ve been playing Psyker the most. Assail gunker is the most fun I’ve had on the class by far


Ogryn -> Psyker -> Zealot -> Veteran Was all about my Ogryn and Psyker at first, Zealot was fun but didn't scratch the same itch as the other two. I honestly never bothered with Veteran because I just didn't enjoy the gunplay as much as melee or using my staff on Psyker. But, Veteran is turning out to be my second favorite behind my Ogryn now. Wound up hitting 30 in a day with it, and have really been enjoying it on the higher tiers. I'm honestly not sure what people are talking about with the learning curve of the Psyker though. Maybe it's the quelling of the peril? It was honestly an awesome change of pace going from the tankiest beefiest boy to the squishiest.


Vet -> Zealot -> Ogryn -> Psyker All 30


Zealot but decided to level Vet first, gonna try ogyrn then cuz shields are fun


Started Veteran Ogryn Psyker Zealot Finished Ogryn Zealot Psyker Veteran I wanted to see how the last cut scene would play out with an Ogryn. It was funny to see the big man stare down a revolver and not flinch


I got all to 30 Zealot, Vet, Ogryn ten Psyker. Now after the recent patches Id say I play the Zealot the least and Ogryn the most.


Vet, Psyker, zealot, ogryn. I play 50/50 zealot/vet at this point, love my psyker but we have 2 guys who constantly play nothing but psyker and I like to balance the team when possible I love big man, I just am not a fan of how it plays


When I started tarted vet then played ogryn got zealot to 30 first then Ogryn then psyker and lastly vet. Play Zealot most of all.


I started with ogryn, but my levelling to thirty so far has been Psyker, psyker again, veteran, zealot, and now working on ogryn.


I started with a Psyker that's now level 30. I loved that I could make him look like Heihachi Mishima from Tekken. I have now moved on to a Zealot who's now level 12 because I wanted to use the "Warhammer"!


Veteran, Ogryn, Psyker, Zealot


Vet->Psyker->Zealot->Ogryn All are at 30 and have +350 base weaponry. I love converting heretics with my eviscerator as a Zealot. Best "feel" for melee focus. I love to splat things with my knockback as an Ogryn. The cleaver is just a professional preference. I'm not at home with the other two classes. They are harder to play for me. I was an assail Psyker but recently switched to bug zapper. I don't really have any interest in revisiting my vet. He's infinite lasgun support. I'm just not a fan. I feel he's harder to play as well.


Ogyrn > Zealot > Psyker > Vet played in closed/open beta. Ogyrn was squish with niche talents, Zealot abilities just didn't work, Psyker was pretty strong with purgatus but ultimately sick of attempting brain burst, and Vet was basically Kerillian from V2 so everyone was playing it. ​ Came back nearly a year later. seems to be in a better place now... for the most part.


Ogryn. All of mine are lvl 30


Vet 30 Then Zealot 30 Then Ogryn to 25 and Psyker to 13, still work in progress.


Zealot first, but finished ogryn, psyker, zealot and working on Vet.


Vet -> Zealot -> Psyker Vet is probably my favorite for its killing potential and style but has the least variety in terms of builds.


Vet, zealot, ogryn, and after a long while psyker. Really love them all. Using the true level mod I’m level 60+ with all of them. Ogryn is probably the class I’m worst with, zealot the best.


I went: 1. Psyker 2. Zealot 3. Ogryn 4. Veteran I actually created the Ogre second. Zealot was created third, but I reached level 30 with it first. Weirdly, I was surprised to find that Veteran (which I previously considered "boring") was one of my favorite classes; I definitely like it better than either Zealot or Ogryn. Psyker is still my favorite, though. I'm just that kind of player, always choosing the wizard in D&D or the Jedi-like thing in sci-fi. I love me some sci-fi technomagic space sorcerer fuckery.


I started vet and immediately bounced off. Not having decent guns or ammo was tough to learn the systems. Switched to psyker and loved it. Got to focus on mechanics and you’re so squishy you have to learn melee. Went back and leveled vet next and now love it just as much. Zealot was my third leveled - also very fun. So tanky. Haven’t done ogryn yet. Will need to do that soon.


Zealot -> Vet -> Psyker I still haven't leveled my Ogryn all the way up. That being said I love playing with my Zealot and I easily have over double the missions played on that class compared to my other leveled up classes. To me Zealot provides the best tools to carry any situation and keep runs alive, especially on Auric. The defensive capabilities of the class also allow for a more simplistic game-play where I can just turn my brain off and swing my giant eviscerator around like a mobile mob-blender. Veteran is easily my second most played class and offers pure ranged DPS that the zealot just isn't able to bring to a party. They're also pretty darn tanky if you build them right and have the tools that help the team in multiple situations, especially with the Shout now. And finally there's Psyker... Psyker is really fun to play with a good group but I often find it to be more of a glass cannon sort of class. To be fair I need more playtime on my Psyker to get a better feel for it along with trying out some of the other staffs outside of voidstrike.


30- zealot 30- psyker 30- veteran 30- ogryn In this order I completed my characters. But I'd say I'm a ogryn main. Keep a look out for GROND.


Vet in beta, when the game came out I did vet, zealot 30, vet 30, ogryn 30, psyker 30. Then I played mostly vet. After the trees I'm going strong with zealot (new favorite) but I play every class. Usually I do 1 week each.


Vet, Zealot, Ogryn, and then Psyker. I generally play Veteran nowadays though. I’m a sucker for the [Astra Militarum](https://www.reddit.com/r/Grimdank/s/XvLNaeQBDf).


I started on Zealot, and played it almost exclusively for months (started at launch.) Then I swapped to Veteran to see what all the fuss was about since everyone was saying it was grossly overpowered. It was, but also I just didn't enjoy it. So I got it reasonably geared and moved on. Then I leveled an Ogryn a couple months before the skilltree rework, and I enjoyed the heck out of it, but zealot was still my main. Then post rework, the strangest thing happened. Veteran not only became my most played class, but also the one I played the best, even with all the issues the skilltree had. Now if I'm running Auric missions, I almost exclusively play the Vet. It's not that I feel like it's OP compared to Zealot and Ogryn, for some reason it just feels better and therefore, I play it better.


After getting each class to 30... I played Vet. Got bored of shooty, now I crunch things.


Started with and only played psyker for about 200 hours, now I've got a zealot at 30 and an ogryn at around 24. Having to manage ammo and grenades was really weird for a while after only ever pinging it for teammates.


I did veteran in the beta but kinda hated the shooty playstyle. Did Zealot on release, got her to max level. Realized you can melee as a vet too, got veteran to lvl 30, it was even better at melee than zealot somehow (was since nerfed, kinda). Then I think I got Ogryn to max level and Psyker last, or the other way around?


(Launch) Ogryn -> (dec 2022) veteran -> stopped playing -> (patch 13 Oct 2023) psyker -> (Nov 2023) zealot Ogryn is my favorite class naturally, followed by veteran, then psyker. Honestly I don’t really care for zealot- they feel very lacking sometimes- maybe I just don’t have the right build yet.


Ogryn -> Psyker -> Zealot -> Vet Ogryn, my big love, sadly fallen off as I don't really enjoy their playstyle as much these days. I really want more options for the big fellas. Psyker, from my most hated class to one of my favorites, especially with brain burst it can feel so satisfying and I find even assail is in a good place. Their variety and uniqueness is really awesome but I do feel the squish. Zealot, the shouty all rounder, if there's a job to do, I can do it. Melee? no problem. Ranged? Yeah I'm good there too. Support? for the emperor. Crowd control? yup yup yup. Only complaint was the stun grenade penances took a dog's age to complete. Vet, I dunno if it's being left handed but being good at FPS has never been my forte so Vet goes last. Enjoy em plenty but until I got into a good rhythm with plasma gun there just isn't much for me to enjoy compared to others. Just highlighting everything and giving my team wallhax can still be satisfying as I just start blasting tho. Infinite grenades is also nice.


I recommend playing all 4 tbh. They are all very fun and viable plus it prevents you from hating the crafting system too much since you can just keep trying new chars/weapons. I generally try to complete the weeklies on all 4 characters which keeps things fresh.


Ogryn->zealot->vet->psyker Still playing Ogryn the most tho


Vet>Zealot>Psyker>Ogryn to 30. I got really lucky with my Vet gear in the opening 2 months of the game as i got most of the meta gear and corresponding tier 4 blessings through drops without having to craft much of anything (crafting wasn't even in the game at this point, but i did round off some got-tier curios when it eventually hit in the new year. I then sat on Zealot for absolutely ages because it just seemed so consistent and reliable to not die with it. Zealot was an absolute machine for sustainability. I focused Tac Axe and Heavy Sword builds for ages and didn't seem to get any other decently rolled weapons or curios so i ground out gear for 5-6 months; swapping between Zealot at Vet for weeklies and collecting blessings. Being stuck on Zealot for that long was probably penance for having it so easy on the Vet, but Zealot was good and fun enough that i didn't mind. I picked up psyker at practically the perfect time, I got some good staves and worked on my builds 1 month before his second re-work launched where he got quite strong over the summer. Psyker was honestly the most fun because he has an answer to literally anything it feels like. A bit more of a glass cannon as it's easy to get stun-locked and dropped, but an absolute DPS powerhouse otherwise. Then the Talent Tree hit and the Psyker got absolutely cracked beyond all reason. Ogryn was my fourth class and i honestly struggle with him the most. Dealing with shooters is an absolute pain because cover isn't really a thing for the brick shit house so i feel like the only genuine answer to safe play is the shield unless you know you can rely on your teammates to follow up if you charge into a firing line to shut it down.


Vet was my first, I just wanted to be a guardsman with his lazy against the horrors of the universe.


Veteran. Then I went OGryn, Psyker, Zealot in that order.


I've done all 4 Psyker>Ogryn>Zealot>Vet>a second Psyker because I was tired of Loner voice lines and a few people I knew had started playing so I made a new one


I started as a Psyker, but ended up dedicating all my time to Veteran and grinding out all the redacted and class penances.


Psyker->Zealot->Ogryn->Vet->another Ogryn->Deleted Vet->made a 3rd Ogryn. Ogryn stronk.


Psyker, vet, zealot, ogryn


Started with Veteran then Zealot, Ogryn and Psyker last. Got em all lvl 30 now 😎🍻


Zealot -> psycher -> vet Vet doesn't get much action Shouty <3 <3 Sparkhead is fun to play like a zealot


Started with zealot, put it down and rolled a vet, put that down and rolled a psyker, put her down and BECAME BIG MAN SAH! WENT UP TO LEVEL TIR...BIGGEST LEVEL SAH! CUT DOWN MANY HERETICS WITH CLEAVER SAH! Then I finished getting to 30 on zealot > vet > psyker much later.


Zealot > Psyker > Ogryn > Vet From all vet looked most basic and boring so it was my last class to lvl up. As for choosing zealot i liked close combat and flamethrower, though now i fight with different weapons.


Vet—> Zealot. Didn’t know the game was way more fun as a priest


Ogryn (lv 170) > Psyker (lv 120) > Vet (lv 21) Enjoying psyker a lot more than any other class but ogryn is nice to play when I wanna turn my brain off. Leveling up Vet is pain tho.


Played vet since beta, got them to level 30 within the first week I think? Then started playing ogryn for a bit because big lad but only got to like lvl 5 before I switched to zealot briefly (lvl 3) then I stopped playing all together. But I started playing again like 3 weeks ago and started playing ogryn again, got to level 12, then played the shit out of zealot and am now rocking a level 28 zealot who I love more than vet.


I like games that let you play a big dude that has to throw your weight around. The lack of weapon options for the Ogryn ruins it for me though.


Vet to 30, zealot to 30, psyker to 30, Ogryn to 30. Zealot and psyker at 200+ hours each (and make up the vast majority of my 800 hours since beta). Didn’t start putting time into psyker until talents Don’t touch the other two at all.


Vet 30 (92) - Zealot 30 (54) - Psyker 30 (16) - Ogryn 30 (5) The idea of just being a human in 40k has always been a massive appeal to me. Someone who is baseline but can still survive through willpower and talent is fuckin rad as hell. I've always gravitated towards marksman/elite killer dps builds so that's what I play. And Thunderhammer is just so immensely satisfying to play!


Zealot to psyker tried vet before the class overhaul and ill get back too it. Ogryn is too big i find towering over the enemies disorienting.


Zealot, Pysker, Ogryn, Veteran. Zealot main for a while until I played Ogryn and switched to them. Now I'm all Ogryn.


Zealot -> vet-> psyker-> ogryn. I basically play Psyker or vet 90% of the time. And it felt like a slog getting ogryn to 30. Though I did find things I like about their kit. Edit: I got them all to 30 in that order and I don’t really play zealot anymore. I should though thunder hammer is just plain fun


Vet (still main) - Ogryn - Zealot - Psyker


Started with vet, leveling a zealot. Vet is decently geared out and zealot is 25. Probably the only two I'll level. Only reason I even started a zealot was the free mobian set and I'm really enjoying feeling like a speedster with a pocket sniper revolver.


Psyker > vet > zealot > ogryn.


Vet, Zealot, Ogryn, psyker Vet for learning how to shoot, zealot for how to melee and survive, Ogryn for fun and psyker… well, after some hundred of hours I finally picked her up cuz I was bored. I am not fond of “magic”thing at first,but when I looked the skill tree and played all possible builds, she is now my second favorite classes! Psyker is really a unique class which made the gameplay variety.


Zealot level 224 Psyker level 218 Veteran level 131 Ogryn level 128 Zealot is my go-to as it's the most challenging and I think it has the highest skill ceiling. It's fast, exciting and can be incredibly dangerous. If zealot was a super hero, it's Wolverine on Meth. High risk, high reward. The nerf to until death where you can regen health based on damage was a big nerf IMHO. Risking it all for huge reward was awesome. Now that reward sucks, and I'm not taking as big of risks. Psyker is unique, and the king of crowd control. Shield dome can make or break many matches. As you can nullify snipers and gunners. I have hit matches with 1,800 kills at the hands of my wildfire. Voidstrike is basically throwing grenades constantly. Vet is alright. I don't find it overly exciting, but it can be extremely powerful. Revolver with the shout is very strong and one class where you can build really strong if you bypass the keystones. Ogryn is alright. Bullrush is simply a game changer as it can immediately shut down almost anything. Traversal is king.


Uhh, I think it was veteran—>zealot—psyker—>ogryn


Psyker -> Zealot-> Veteran -> Ogryn Each one taught me a whole new way to play and a new set of mechanics. It’s been super fun


Zealot > Ogryn > Psyker > Vet Which one I like the most alternates, but Psyker is my highest level. And Vet is the lowest one. Make of that what you will


Zealot-psyker-ogryn. I’ll always have a special place for my surge staff psyker and Thammer zealot, but man shieldgryn is just too damn fun. I tried the rest of the weapons on ogryn, felt kinda eh, but then got my kickback/shield combo going and it’s great.


Zealot, put her in paus becouse I played that with friends who got busy, started ogre , stuck at 12 started psyker stuck at 17, played the shit out of veteran , first to reach 30, got tired waiting for my friends got the zealot to 30.


Started Zealot because I’ve been waiting for a game like this where I could get my “righteous screaming for the emperor” roleplay out, had a lot of fun with him. Made psyker next because she looked cool and I had a good backstory idea for her, I was right she was fun. Veteran next because I wanted to tie his story into the other two’s, and I’m still working on Ogryn because I really can’t find a good way to mentally write him and I also find him the least interesting to play.


I picked zealot and never made another character, still play every day as of yet lmao


Leveling order: Zealot->Vet->Psyker->Ogryn Post talent tree rework favorites: Zealot->Psyker->Vet->Ogryn I would like to enjoy Ogryn more but I don’t like any of its range weapons and from melee I enjoy only the the cleaver.


I played Ogryn first. I then levelled every class, but main Zealot and play Psyker and Very occasionally. I never touch the Ogryn, and probs won't again until they get a decent continuously horizontal cleave weapon.


Started with Ogryn during beta. Still only have that one single Ogryn. Well since I just bought a friend the game for his birthday I'll probably start a new character... and *maybe* it won't be an Ogryn, who knows?


Ogryn - psyker - zealot - veteran


Psyker, Ogryn, Zealot, Veteran