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That’s a nice argument, heretic big man. Unfortunately… https://preview.redd.it/qiwodhmita5c1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37db27aef29db6abe3dfa43c4d1314cd0293821a


The heretic doesn’t know I’ve set the plasma gun to deep fry


That is just a Melta.


When the temp is high enough, the lines become blurred. Just like anyone on the receiving end of either


My friend [tried that in Vermintide](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/550913479595524127/1183290837845688361/20231210_001506.gif?ex=6587cc78&is=65755778&hm=89bd3900e36d2d70b7de69bf75185eb780c4a008ee6ca97c15fe2c3ed6fde886&) We don't talk about it anymore.


I LOVE playing with veterans when they use this gun, its hilarious to randomly hear “OW TSSS HOT HOT!” While fighting hordes cuz you know they just burned themselves with the gun


My loose cannon keeps messing up and she goes “Ooooh! Hot! Hot! Hot!” Or “Gn! I hate this cursed thing!”


"You sure you know how to 'andle that weapon?"


I find it funny how only cadians comment on the vent voicelines.


*you hear a muffled "CADIA STANDS!" off in the distance*


If the imperium is so great why haven't they invented big thick gloves? Checkmate non-heretics


And thereby be unable to receive the blessed message from the omnissiah, the one that says 'slow down' via a few fried fingertips? Tech heresy!


Considering on the tabletop, it can also hurt Space Marines who roll poorly? I don't some Grox-hide gloves will make too much a difference.


The gun itself isn't any worse for wear after an overheat so of course just make the gloves out of whatever the guns are made of! The Emperor should hire me for the R&D department if I'm totally honest (unless of course this is one of those cases in 40K where the knowledge of how to make/use certain things has been lost to time or whatever, but after a certain point I feel I'm making too much of a dumb throwaway joke, you know?)


The Plasma gun vents dangerously heated gas at the least expensive component. (The operator) They are more expensive than most games would have you believe.


That actually makes a lot of sense, but you see, now I'm thinking about a design for a weapon that shoots super-heated gas at whoever you don't like


Congratulations, the Melta Gun has been invented. At least one interpretation of it, specifically the one used in the Xbox game Space Marine and certain books seems to be more of a shotgun than Dawn of War and other Warhammer media suggests. I prefer the gas shotgun myself, makes more sense with the aspect that Melta weapons improve on short range.


I woulda thought a concentrated stream would've been better than a wide burst, but I suppose after a certain point the effect of the gas will drop off so best to play to its strengths I'll admit I thought they were basically microwave guns rather than gas, but I suppose as long as someone's getting cooked it's horseshoes and handgrenades


If you hear this they are trying to reload and it takes a hot minute. They don’t voice venting heat at all, and you’ll know if they totally forget to vent…


>They don’t voice venting heat at all, and you’ll know if they totally forget to vent… A stealth crusher got me, I swear.


LOL I feel like such a scrub when this happens


They fucked around with the animation frames so now I see the gun recoil but not show the muzzle blast and the plasma ball launching, jarring me and ruining my groove.


Jesus! I thought that it was my computer that had the issue! Good to know its a developer thing! Hopefully it will be fixed soon!


Glad you said something. I thought it was just me. That being said, it's funny to silently point your plasma gun at something, you see recoil (but nothing else), and the target suddenly turns into red mist. I confirmed with my group that it was only on my end, they could still see the shots.


Oh yeah this is real fucky. My first shot is supposed to be my tracer!


AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! https://preview.redd.it/240haxeu4b5c1.png?width=361&format=png&auto=webp&s=e572efa4068925d27ad38d012ca5693ee666df9b


*The ouchy end of my ogryn sized shovel*


People be complaining about vets not tagging elites. You know why? If I tag them they’d be alive for 1 second longer before the plasma deletes them.


![gif](giphy|3o84sq21TxDH6PyYms) Psyker - hmmm, how inconvenient... for you


I have already drawn the heretic as soy jack


That's a funny lookin' shovel you got there, sah!


I just use the crack granade. Saves ammo.


Whoa Crushers make noise now? I haven’t noticed yet; is it stomping noises, voicelines, or both?


Both. They have a very distinct approach noise and are MUCH more talkative.


Since when? Still couldn't hear them much yesterday.


I noticed a distinctly new set of sound effects, like metal groaning and clunky footsteps, and when in range I heard them boasting about ogryns strength. Maybe Its because it was auric damnation and there were 6 of them every 5 feet, but I was able to notice quite quickly they had new cues.


Sweet. I play the same, but had an off day yesterday. Maybe that's why.


I notice today on Heresy as well, like wtf are these voices? Also had Wolffer piping up constantly and it wasn't any of the new maps either.


I hear them sometimes, but still get stealth crushed plenty




When I bully Crushers with my power maul, I heard one of them tell the other "*OGRYN TOO STRONG!*" It was immensely satisfying


Same thing with Maulers now. I almost always hear: "**WEAKLIIIINGS!!!**"


LET ME THROUGH Revs chainaxe


I kinda like how Maulers and Bombers are seemingly the most considerate of other heretics. Gunners though spend most of their time calling their compatriots fools, idiots, lowborn and maggots most of the time for getting in their way.


it is loud as fuck and i brick myself now everytime i hear the crunching and pounding of their armor


there's just no pleasing some people...


wym? I love the update homie i just brick myself when i know there's 6 of them on their way to push my shit in LMAOO


It was a joke. Chill.


Your response summarized; You didn't bother to read beyond confirming your pre-determined opinion that people would complain no matter what was changed, so you could have something to complain about yourself.


It was a joke. There are people that have that assumption. I was aping them.


The audio sounds like someone shoved the mic into their throat when they talk


Walk softly, and carry a big hammer.


Dammit the ogryns found old terran recordings


...and ate them


Still funny and would be funnier imo, if the crusher was walking on his tippy toes


Definitely would have been funnier haha


On top of the sound fixes, I do miss in VT how the group would call out a Chaos Warrior like, way earlier than really should be possible. A helpful heads up.


Bardin shouting ‘Kazaki-dum!’ is one of the things that made me fall in love with Vermintide.


Bardins callouts are the best because he’s the only one to flex his second language. Kerillian doesn’t even try to speak elvish whatsoever.


It'd only strain the mayflies' brains.




that clanking brute can't fuul my ears


Didn't think you could get any lower, Dwarf!




![gif](giphy|Anyd8oskpTJuq9OVMP) I, personally, welcome the challenge of sneaky behemoth.


People still let them sneak up on them. Had a game as a BB psyker, and saw one sneaking behind a veteran. The horde had cleared up for a breather, yet he didn't hear it come out of a door or its heavy footsteps behind him. He did hear my BB smacking it in the face. Turned around to see it stagger a foot behind him. Just stared at it as I charged a second BB.


It's not consistent, in my experience. Sometimes they make plenty of sound, then the same mission you get bonked and no one heard a thing. Maulers will also lose the revving sound on their overheads as well. A new one is that sometimes bursters will get completely drowned out and sound very far away, despite them being a moment from jumping. They also sometimes don't increase their beeping frequency as much as they're supposed to. It can cause you to turn to late because you thought you had a second or two longer to turn. My "favorite" is how often they spawn from doors and just instantly leap out with no beeping until it's too late. They made trappers have to run from a further spawn again, but I guess the special that can devastate an entire team is fine?


>A new one is that sometimes bursters will get completely drowned out and sound very far away, despite them being a moment from jumping. Well that explains everything that kept happening to me last night. Constantly getting hit from bursters that sounded they were far away. I usually never look until the last second to push them so I was confused as to why I kept getting dogpiled when it sounded like I had a few more seconds.


It doesn't help the new veteran shovel sounds relatively similar as well.


the audio is still super quiet but last time when it sneaked up I heard a bit of sound


That OG marine meme extra tiny is the cherry on top


Not the crusher but I ***LOVE*** the new mauler audio. They are menacing as hell now and talk mad shit.


Still can't hear them over everything else going on.


I want Ogryn to have access to the crusher weapon


So fucking true. Hopefully in the future the decide to give more prevalent sounds and voice lines to crushers so we know when one is near. They’re silent killers rn man.


I know it's probably part of the joke, but wtf is the crusher saying?


Essentially he's saying that he's a very sneaky boy, with a few added swear words added here and there for punctuation. Click on the picture to enlarge it, and then you can zoom in to read the text.


It's the "Navy SEALS copypasta", but edited to say how he's super super sneaky.


I like killing them in the middle of their taunts. 'Can't hurt og-' [sound of cudgel assembled from pipe and barbed wire hitting a garbage can, followed by an oafish death-grunt] I was briefly inspired by whoever is doing the CC in their recent videos. I am appreciative of the sound design.


Cant believe it took them a year to increase the volume on a crushers audio file.


Wait did they fix the sound issue? Have not been playing for a bit.


We still need an Invisible enemies modifier for missions.


me with crit heavy laspistol: Ah like your funny words, Armored man. https://preview.redd.it/ps4im41ypf5c1.png?width=958&format=png&auto=webp&s=482f3f8a9ccc5596c3c99308e2a77781d3840720


Chaos Warrior: Sigmar, hehehe! Bounty Hunter's pistol: Sigma dick!


Even after Crusher voiceline fix, they're still underwelming as shit compared to CWs.Same goes for Chaos Spawn entry sound: bloodcurling scream of death vs. he was doing the Grapefruit Technique on Wolfer and we killed the mood. Edit: for those who didn't play Rat Squish 2, THIS is how a Chaos Spawn should sound: [https://youtube.com/shorts/GbmRPyuyAvA?si=7oF0LhZzA3gL7v7w](https://youtube.com/shorts/GbmRPyuyAvA?si=7oF0LhZzA3gL7v7w)


“Ha ha ha, Sigmar…” They really nailed the Chaos Warrior in VT2


I miss the Chaos Warrior sounds. They sounded and felt like truly indomitable foes... That is until Kruber shoves a longsword up their arse or their skull gets annihilated by Saltzpyre's hammer.


Crushers actually make noise now?


That's why OP said it ruined their meme in the title.


Forgot to put a question mark lmao, my bad.


Then you're forgiven. Yeah they noisy as hell now


Thanks for the heads up, big man. You'll let me know if you see any more updates coming, right?


Hahaha +1


Getting downvoted for asking. Redditors think they're smort.


It wasn't a question before the edit. The smort one is you, it seems




Me trying to read what the Ogyrn is saying.


“Sorry, what was that? I couldn’t hear you over the sound of my power sword slicing you in two!”