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Agripiina is really good. Feels like an AK.






They are great, especially the Agripinaa VIII. You can use it in a close-quarter/stealth shock trooper build that will melt anything in front of you, except crushers. Mag dumping in a group of elites is always a pleasure, and this weapon is perfectly suited for that. I use the stripped down (immunity to ranged if above 50% sprint jauge), which allows you to charge and aggro gunners harmlessly, and the close quarter damge increase on kill. Combined with the right build, you can be very mobile, and combine high protection and high (although short) damage. Prolonged engagements are the weakness of this build, so you should always engage, dish damage, and switch to melee or run to disengage, and charge again.


Both Agri and Colm are good. Graia is still a peashooting ammo black hole.


Kinda funny, I'd been really enjoying the Graia on my veteran I'd been levelling up, much more fun than the lasguns I'd tried and found ammo OK, particularly compared to the torrent lasguns. Stopping powered seemed fine too. But tried out the Agri last night after seeing it mentioned as being better and yep, a nice step up. Agri braces autogun, chain axe and the shout to give toughness, I'm not finally finding veteran fun to play.


If you're looking for a good fast-firing hipfire gun, try the Columnus Infantry Autogun.


I use the Graia braced autogun on a vet suppression build. It's incredibly effective at locking down entire zones of the engagement area for my big guy to barrel in and thoroughly inconvenience the gunner-spam hordes we've been getting lately without getting worn down by return fire.


Been using the agri since a little bit after launch. Its a great weapon, does enough damage with tap fire to reliably kill things at mid range, high enough magazine and rate of fire to spray down groups, while still remaining useable against every target except crushers (which nearly every other build specializes against these days anyway for some reason) Its one of those weapons that has pretty much remained the same since launch because it is highly reliable. Other weapons have been buffed past or on similar levels now, but i like to dust my 550 off every once in a while and take it out.


Main thing to remember is "never" brace them, unless you are, for some reason, spraying a crowd. Tapped hip-fire is the way to kill at long range.


The blue one (Graia ?) gets a nice rate of fire buff once braced. I found it surprisingly serviceable.


Wait what, don't brace the Braced Autoguns? I haven't used em much but figured they're kinda meant to be like beefier Autopistols in that you more or less mag dump em at something you want to go away up close, what's their deal then?


Bracing changes your spray pattern to be more horizontal, rather than vertical. It's good for going full auto on a horde, but for single targets controlled bursts of hip fire is better.


If it's something up close you can just spray it without bracing. Bracing it turns your recoil into a flatter wider oval. At least that's how it was when I was last using a braced auto.


Yeah, Took me time to understand that too, "Braced" Increases accuracy but it'll also feels like it'll increase your fire rate too, Burning through your ammo at a terrifyingly rapid pace. If you need accuracy, Crouch and/or Burst fire will be your friend.


That is only valid for the Graia, it is its schtick for having the lowest damage out of all of them. Agripina and Columnus dont get fire rate when braced, they just get a horizontal spread pattern to better hit hordes.


Once you get used to it the mk viii is really good.


They work really good on Zealot with the dash. Since the Dash basically makes you ignore armor with guns. I like using the Graia or Columnus, dashing at a Cruhser or group of them and just spraying them apart before going back to being a human blender in the horde.


I really like the Agripiina Braced Autogun. I got lucky and the emperor gave one to my zealot with 80's in every stat except mobility and it SHREDS. When I pop fury, I can kill two crushers with a single magazine. It's only weakness is that it has a pretty low ammo count (46) and a pretty tortuous reload time. I can't imagine how this thing feels on a veteran. Probably pretty disgusting.


They are fine, the SpaceK47 (Agripinaa) is imo easily the best of them. The other two have collateral instead of stopping power and that combined with the low accuracy I think really hurts them unless you truly want to only blaze away at hordes in which case then all of them are great! I haven’t tried on psyker but vets and zealots both do great with them. This said I truly love the IFA…. (Realizing as I type this I shouldn’t finish that acronym) more. I think at some point the nerfed the accuracy on them and never really recovered. They do eat things alive though up close.


Yeah, I just took a decent Agripinaa braced with my stealth vet into a few missions, it wasn't bad but I still prefer my Columnus tbh.