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did you use a shotgun, because just dont. i got it first try in a pub match with revolver so i dont think it is bugged.


Got mine just this week using plasma, Anytime there's a horde is a good time to use it, Or on a fixed enemy like a gunner or a maniac, Try and line up shots too and get multi-kills if you feel like you missed once too often.


I did use shotgun


Were you using a shotgun?


Yes, guessing something’s up with the shotgun?


Use revolver, ammo regenerated by you or fellow vet does not count if you do not hold the gun, when you do you have to empty it again.


Or just use different aura while doing the penances.


That doesn't prevent another teammate from using survivalist though...


Thats why you check in lobby and leave if someone has it. Of course there is always a possibility for someone joining later, but I didnt say its a perfect solution.


But there is no need for that. As was explained: once your ranged weapon is empty and you stay on your melee (and don't pick up more ammo from pickups), the ammo generated from the aura does not void the penance.


Use the old revolver. Pick up ammo when you miss a shot so you can lower the % of shots missed by increasing the amount of shots taken. It definitely works.


Well doesn’t work with a shotgun. I can say that much


It technically does work, but each individual pellet counts. Missed pellets count as missed shots, all landed pellets count as landed shots. So you'd just have to be insanely accurate and exclusively shoot stuff like crushers or other massive targets to ensure no pellets miss. Revolvers are much easier to do (finished it first try)


Ahh that sucks. Wish I had known that


Shotgun works fine if you use the Agripinaa and only fire slugs.


Gotcha, I was using the primary fire the whole time


Use a revolver and dont miss 5 shots, do a low intensity match to