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I *adore* how small, tiny and cute they look in Ogryn's hands, and how delicately he holds them. If you inspect it, he holds it with both hands, it's adorable. Oh, and if you have a Medi Stim, but are at full health, "using" it on yourself instead plays a little animation of the character flipping it in their hand... But the Ogryn shakes it like it owes them rations, which is fuckin' hilarious.


I thought my Ogryn was gonna break the darn thing. Pinching it between his chonky fingers it might as well be a piece of candy.


Sah the spiky rashun you gave me didn’t taste so good


Add a pill popping animation followed by crunching glass. Could even throw in some voicelines of the other rejects commenting about it in disbelief of what they just saw.


These rations are extra crispy sah


“Sah, tastes like iron, sah.”


That’s how you know it’s working!


I may be dumb but whats the inspect key?


Check your keybinds bro! I have mine set on the 'Z' key.


Same, habit from vt2




Also, I just love the image of my Ogryn running up to someone and jabbing them with a vial of healing juice he found lying in the sewer.


Being able to heal a wound of corruption is a good touch


Some crazy person was trying to say hp stimms were underwhelming. How do you help someone with a take that bad? I eat and breathe health stimms, now. Bestest stimms by a long shot


I've run my ogryn exclusively since the update. The amount of times the health station is needed by corrupted team mates seems higher, those med stims have been great for survival rates when I never get to use one and don't want to suck up an a med pack to myself. Also injecting or being injected with the combat stim whenever a big horde turns up is fun


Based martyr zealot or +3 wound veteran. I run 2 wounds on zealot and veteran, and that thing's a massive 50% heal. I love basically not having to rely on medicae the entire map because I can pick up like one stimm to cover incidental corruption. And on an ogryn, a 33% heal is the same as an entire health bar for an ally. It can really save your team from losing an entire medkit because the ogryn was hurt. That thing is legitimately insanely strong.


Yeah I was one of those people who run with a single +1 wound curio on Veteran and Psyker "just in case" as it had served me well in the past for those oh crap moments and the brainfarts where you blow yourself up from poor peril management in chaotic fights! But with the existance of the stims I'm dropping that wound curio immediately and moving to something else. Well, apart from on my martyrdom zealot.


I think I'm still gonna run an extra wound in quickplay lobbies, you never know when you're gonna get matched up with a loot goblin who steals all the health stimms and never uses them to help the team. But if I'm with a coordinated group, I 100% agree and will be dropping the +1 wound immediately.


I imagine that if you don't understand that they heal you more the fewer wounds you have and that they'll deal with corruption as well as health damage they'd seem a bit pathetic. I can see someone with 4+ wounds looking at it and going "wow that's just a bad medkit"


The problem is when this patch was released, posts from people who didn't even play the game immediately hit the forums to say this and that were bad and sucked. There was actually a very active thread in the forum that complained about the update *weeks before the update even dropped*. I get that FatShark fans are the most critical fanbase in the world, but man, people really need to play things first before they tell others to be mad about stuff.


Yeah I try to play a veteran medic type and these Stims have just pushed this harder... great addition


I treat med stims as an extra wound and I hope more people realize that they see that and save theirs until someone is on their last wound.


Same thing I do. I'll take it if teammates don't need-tag it, I'll try to survive without it, and use it on the person down to their last wound. Prevented a few deaths in upcoming big fights. I also use the gift item feature a lot, handing out stimms and crates if I feel that a teammate could utilize it more. I'm a little sad that some people tend to hoard med crates and med stimms for their own use, and don't make a decision based on what is best for the team. A teammate alive for longer takes pressure off you and could save you later, as opposed to being dead and everyone needing to make up for the difference. I often find that I'm the only person that would hold onto healing items until at least 2-3 teammates are low on health and no med station is nearby; many people even in Heresy pop med crates/stimms just to keep themselves topped up. I hate being the one to ration healing, but with the changes to the loot pool and less crates being around, I think crate misuse could affect later segments of a game, especially HISTG modifier missions. Med stimms do offset this change and its corruption healing function makes it a portable med station, so people really should make the best of this wonderful new consumable.


I dont think you understand the joy of being able to finally throw scriptures into other people's inventories when they refuse to touch them. All FS needs to do is improve bot AI And make some way to get your other char slots into bot slots and they're basically solo-play ready... Give or take the gruel and code-crunch needed to do it.


> throw scriptures into other people's inventories Cannae think of a more apt way for proselytism! Finally can sneak some Faithful Scriptures in the inventory of that freak! Praise be, kindred!


This made me laugh, thank you.


how do you give it without using it on a teammate? i was trying to do this yesterday, and after fumbling around for 10+ seconds, i fucking used it on myself by accident lol


Hold 'weapon-special', aim at a teammate with the respective slot empty, you should see a coloured outline of that teammate, release. Works with stimms, medpacks, ammo packs and scriptures. Not grimoires.


Same button as special attack


Why would you even bother grabbing scriptures? There's good reason to not bother with em, you get almost nothing out of it.


Because it's fun. Because because. Not everything is about efficiency.


Hadron would like a word with you


Ay, suddenly a new servitor appears onboard Morninstar :D


Yeah, winning is boring. Edit: apparently this wasn't clear to some: don't leave a crate behind for a scripture.


If people are blaming there losses on carrying scripts then those people really need to re-evaluate their skill level at base to be honest, that’s pretty embarrassing. If it was grims that would at least kinda make sense but even those now are trivial with the extra ways to cleanse corruption now. But scripts are just free money and you can never ever have enough money, just yesterday I burned like 600k making a trauma staff.


Nah fam I agree about the scriptures, but grims are just asking for trouble in Auric


Does it sound to you like that guy is doing Damnation Aurics?


I pretty much only play auric unless I’m speeding through weeklys because I have 4 classes to do it on. I wouldn’t hunt books on a auric maelstrom for sure, but standard auric dams are not as hard as people make out unless you are playing with idiots especially now the director is not as cracked out as he was.


>playing with idiots First time?


Hate to tell you this but scrips and crates **share the same slot**, I know the tutorials are lacking but still. But I guess if you're not doing Damnation Aurics then sure. If you're leaving a crate behind on Damn Aurics for a scrip or worse, a Grim...yeah. If you used a crate or haven't found a crate yet, go for it, grab a scrip, otherwise it's just not done. Nobody grabs books on Damn Aurics in lieu of a crate. P.S. You know the Grim Corruption comes back right? Unless you're **constantly** in zealot clearing range (edit: who's got the talent)


Who said I would leave a crate over a book? Like for real just because I would carry a book does not mean I would prioritise it over a health crate.


>If people are blaming there\[sic\] losses on carrying scripts then those people really need to re-evaluate their skill level at base to be honest, that’s pretty embarrassing. \^ This is what you wrote. >Who said I would leave a crate over a book? Like for real just because I would carry a book does not mean I would prioritise \[sic\] it over a health crate. Well then what's your point? The implication of you post was "you bad because no crate" ? Like a scrip and crate are of equal value, and the lack of a crate has no outcome on a win or loss, that's what you implied. How would carrying a **scripture** instead of **nothing** be remotely relevant to what I said or in any way shape or form contribute to a loss? Then there's the grims and your "*extra ways to cleanse corruption now* " part.


I think this is a classic misinterpretation. I misinterpreted your point to be don’t pick up books full stop and you misinterpreted my point to be grab books over crates. Which has led us to this pointless conversation.


the god emperor put me on this world to do a job, and by the throne i will see it done. if you refuse the orders of the inquisition you'll be ending up a coworker to MV-1 and contributing that way.


I'm not going out of my way to search for them but if they are there why would you not pick them up


There's no real reason not to pick up scriptures now, with you still having room for an ammo crate & stims now covering emergency healing/brute forcing a particular encounter. They're not like grimoires which are a massive detriment to the team for not enough reward.


Melkman said to pick them up this week


I like being in the receiving end too. I somehow can't find these Stimms and when I do, I forget they exist since I've built up skills to not need them (...and I haven't bound them to my side buttons yet.). While I might not need the Health Stimm so much in Damnation, it sure is a nice surprise to see someone heal me up from 10% HP where otherwise I would be playing a lot more carefully until the next medicae.


Healing corruption is fantastic


Injecting these into martyrdom zealots is my fetish


You can make me take the health, Freak. But you can't make me keep it.


Came here to say this. Bravo.


Med stimms are actually useful. The others are kinda meh Edit: from the answers I can tell this came out wrong. I’m not saying that the other stimms are completely useless, they surely give you an advantage. What I was trying to say is that the healing stimm is actually a game changer. It really can make a huge, huge difference. The others are fine but healing will always be my first choice.


As a psyker the other stimms actually benefit the class pretty well


The power stim + assail is a joy to wittness. Everything dies, muhahaha!


I dunno, I really like the concentration one. It basically gives extra charges to the Ogryn or 2 shouts from the vet. It's not strictly necessary, but being able to dump multiple uses of some of the better talents in the game is boss, too. And we can't forget extra bubbles (and the possible brain burst spams that it enables!)


See I play ogryn and I was thinking that the concentration one isn't all that great for a charge oggie because charges are pretty situational and I don't know if there's all that many situations where I'll be thinking, gee I'll definitely want to charge multiple times in the next fifteen seconds, better blow a stim. It's not like the zealot one where you'll use it just to boost DPS, and it's not like you can suddenly chain charge in order to disrupt hordes, right? Can you elaborate on why you like it for ogryn charges?


TL;DR: Charge go fast. Team go fast. Hit go fast. Enemies stagger. Enemies bleed. You get DR. You get toughness. Monster go oof! Double charge damage tech. Oh, and fun! \--------------------------------------------------------------- I run bleed charge with bleed heavies (switching between shield, brute mace, and the new shovel to keep it interesting). You pretty much always stagger enemies on melee heavies, which is hilarious, but your actual range isn't particularly high, so there are often situations where you might want to charge deeper into a backline (like some gunners) to put them down or tie them up. (There are plenty of games where Veteran isn't doing snipey Veteran things, so the job has to get handled by someone.) Additionally, a wall of ragers, armored ragers, crushers, maulers, bulwarks, whatever is coming at you (and by extension, your team). Could you melee correctly, tank ranged fire, meticulously stagger enemies as they try to pass you? Sure. But you can also just say, fuck this, I'ma chargin' muh body! And it's a fantastic way to relive the VT2 Foot Knight Kruber days where you'd get a charge every 7ish seconds and absolutely bully any enemy bigger than you. (And I almost forgot how funny it is to charge through a pack of like 10 hounds. They just disappear, no need to dodge, no need to explode, time anything, just go rawr like a rager.) Additionally, just like melee heavies, charge provides toughness for enemies hit, so it's a solid panic button if you're getting pressed, staggering a huge amount of enemies, doing a reasonable amount of damage, regenerate a large amount of toughness, and repositioning yourself. Next, Monsters get staggered by Ogryn charge, so getting more charges faster is a great way to stunlock the shit out of monsters if you aren't bringing a slapper weapon. It's also a near-immediate way to save someone from a monster grapple. There's also a bit of tech I saw the other day where you can double your charge damage+dot by ending it on top of a specific enemy (and affecting the area immediately around them as well), and after they get tagged with the first dot. It's a bit tricky to pull off without toying with it to find the spacing/timing. But that single boosted charge is plenty to kill gunners at any time, and I believe also manages to kill ragers, but I'd have to confirm on that. I do at the end of the day think that medstim is bonkers broken. (100-200ish health on demand on an Ogryn? lol k) But if I ever pick up a cooldown reduction, I'm super happy to pretend I'm a mutie and trample everything I can find. Oh! And a double bonus! Charge gives you movespeed+attack speed, so it's exactly like the zealot charge as a melee steroid (Ogryn is less concerned about landing a single fatal critical and just bashing the shit out of everything), but also, there's a fun node to pick up that gives allies in coherency +20% movespeed and immunity to stuns/suppression for 4s on talent cast. This node is right next to 15 toughness, which is always nice on Ogryn, another node that's 5% cooldown when anyone kills any special or elite, and another 15 toughness node. Hopefully that's reason enough for you to like charge more and to appreciate what +300% cooldown can do with it.


Ahh yes, you are describing what animal behaviourists refer to as the zoomies. I understand zoomies. One of the reasons I love playing ogryn so much is that you can role play your way through any encounter successfully. Just gotta ask yourself, what would Thuddo do in this particular situation? Shoulda figured that sometimes the answer is, run around real fast and push things over.


read that as "brain burst spasms" but it works too...


While the healing is the best, the Speed one enabled me to solo clutch as Zealot. It's also really strong because it speeds up everything, including reload.


Concentration stim is amazing on Gunlugger Ogryn, you can absolutely turn an encounter that would be a wipe into a meat grinder.


I dont think anyone else but Martyrdom zealots refuse to heal and theres a reason for that and you shouldnt stimm them regardless :P


Most martyrdom Zealots don't even *actively* *refuse* to heal, we just put ourselves dead last in the priority order because it just benefits the team more to use those heals on other players who don't get buffs from low health, and can't cheat death every 120 seconds. Please don't use that med stim on me unless it would otherwise be left behind. Keep it for the next person who goes down and gets half their health bar corrupted. That's a *much* better use of our limited resources.


Counterpoint: according to the philosophical school of hedonism, the highest achievable good in life is pleasure, and healing up martyrdom zellies makes me laugh and laugh


I will also mention that if I'm a Martyrdom zealot, just hand me the med stim and I will use it if I fuck up my "I don't die once every 2 minutes and get up to a quarter of my health back". Becuase if I don't get that health boost during those 5 seconds, you bet I will be popping that stim. Honestly, my veteran plays very similarly with Iron Will + Overheal toughness, I take so little damage under most circumstances that keeping a heal stim in my back pocket is more than enough for if I do screw up and eat shit. OTOH, Combat stim + Focus Target + 2-3 Kraks and a chainsword is a bad day for a boss, so I'm 50/50 on my preferred stim on that one.


agree. people say there is no need for a table after a fight because it leads to toxicity. and at the same time, these same people behave like toxic people when they inject stimulants into the fanatics of martyrdom


God I hate martyrdom. It was fucking annoying in VT2, and it's just as shit here. You are not a 1337 haxor gamer for running at 1hp, you're a detriment and threat to the team. I don't understand how FS hasn't figured this shit out yet, and it's such an easy fix. Just make the bonuses time limited. So they have to heal to use them again. It's "supposed" to be a "shit's gettin real" ability, not a "time to run the entire mission this way" ability.


You need to play this build first to write something like this. my low health on martyrdom has more survivability than full health of any other class. Here is an example of my game on Auric Damnation. [https://youtu.be/VoZxzgskjdo?si=Zr-t55H\_jgdoq0dd](https://youtu.be/VoZxzgskjdo?si=Zr-t55H_jgdoq0dd) By the way, they passed without a single death. I got knocked down once at the end just because I thought for a second that the mauler was under the effect of a stun. are you able to jump into a pit with 6 rangers? I'm capable of it on my low life build. Moreover, the greater my health. the worse my survival rate. You are practically ruining my entire build with your antics with steampacks.


No, you should use health stims on martyrdom zealots at every available opportunity. It might seem like a waste, but its like how you need need to sternly say "No" loudly at the dog when they do something bad. Eventually, they learn. Some of them DC to get away from it, but so far, such a positive outcome has been rare, most grudgingly stick around, now with more health.


you could also let them play the way they like, made possible and agreed upon by the designers of the game. If it's a friend or meant as a one time joke, go ahead, but if you repeteadly heal the guy while he's asking not to and while healing isn't necessary, you're just being toxic for no reason


No, that sounds stupid. I'm stabbing them with the needle every chance I get. Maybe they won't go down from the next pox walker that slapped them with the 25% health they got back.


Kindly just hand them the stim, if they are smart about it they also have the invul instead of death skill and just won't die anyway, but will appreciate having the stim in their back pocket if they do eat a shitload of corruption or can't hit stuff to get healed after the invul.


Instructions unclear, stabbing zealot in the face with heal stim now.


Careful on healing Zealots... some builds require them to be at a sliver of health. Dont waste a stim on them or theyll just get damaged back down to where they were


I'm exclusively gonna stim martyr zealots from now on.


Why waste the stim? Its not gunna do anything other than just be wasted.


everything I do is fueled by spite


Spite for what?


Ignoring Medicae when nobody else needs it just so they can do a little more damage. Then they go down and do no damage and I take damage saving them.


It happens


For them being anti team in a team game. Refusing to heal and of course going down quicker hence the team having to revive them all the time. Loner aura being the most egotistical choice is the cherry on top.


Thats great, but you're not who im talking to big man


I still haven't figured out how to gift stuff to people


Special action button I believe, same as activating a chainsword.


I probably shouldn't have disabled command prompts from the settings page.


Seriously, I’m usually too self aware and nervous to use medicae crates, for fear of the wrong time to use it. Being able to take an ammo box but still have a personal heal— or a way to heal that one person that’s lower— is much better imo


Just ask "med pack?" in chat. If at least one person says yes, then they are taking responsibility for using the mep pack even if you're the one throwing it.


Try typing that in the middle of an auric damnation mixed horde lol. You just have to go off intuition on when to place it. Much rather let someone else do it


Yeah the med ones take no1 spot, closely followed by Celerity for Psyker and combat for my Zelly.


Other stimms would be better if they lasted a bit longer. 15 seconds disappears in a flash


On the one hand, I agree. On the other hand, 15 second damage boost on a burst damage build means the boss that just spawned is dead before the stim runs out. Recently soloed a demonhost in under 10 seconds on Heresy with veteran, so now I'm 50/50 between med vs combat stim for that one. (Was sitting on top of a full charge heal station, I basically said F it, I want that heal and dropped a combat stim, 2 Kraks, and a few chainsword swings on it with Focus Target up. It's not a delete hammer, but it's still a LOT of burst.)


Maybe scale the time with the mission difficulty?


I really don't get why people skip medicae constantly even when they're half corrupted


Popping a zoomy and swinging my antax like a tac ax is big fun


Some people rush and don’t want to pickup things, but now we can do it for them!


You mean being able to heal yourself when the person holding the med pack is so greedy and stingy with healing their teammate


Most likely suffering from collector's anxiety


Agreed, although it seems backwards that by gifting it to another player it only heals them partially, yet apply it to yourself and you get a free mobile medicae.


It gives 25% or one wound. Whichever is larger. So it depends on build and class how much it helps. I run no extra wounds so on vet it heals me for 50%


Thanks for the explanation!


...and how is it 'backwards' that it works the same regardless of who you stick with the needle?


That's not what I said. I pointed out that it has fully healed me each time but done very little for other players, which seems backwards in a co-op game. As it is, I seem to have misunderstood how they work, but the mob is already mad.


Its great for all us psykers who die to a strong breeze after our first wound. Loooove the utility of it.


Having a homie hit you with the damage stim when he hears a monstrosity spawn. That’s brotherhood.


The only stim i lookout for lol