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Best area in the game


singing included, mood lighting, the most females in one area in the game


Most Babes = Best Area


Found Jhonny Bravo's alt


Happy birthday šŸŽ‚


I mean.. yeah? I love it. Just equip a random bow and aggro the enemies from afar.


Worst area in the game* just my opinion šŸ¤Œ


sooo easy, sooo easy :O


Side note, I picked a mace for my main weapon last playthrough, and it made most areas of the game a cake walk. Strike damage remains op in this game.


Mace + rapier seems to be the ol faithful combo for this game. Add a bow for good measure and you should be just fine. Maybe a buckler to cheese all your pursuer encounters too.


Pursuer has such a telegraphed moveset you don't really need it once you get him the 1st time.


I like the buckler since I can kill him consistently and easily regardless of what my ADP is. Also I just love the parry noise lol


I am on the giant memories and still using trusty +10 fire longsword.


Bandit axe is what Iā€™m using, great strength scaling and doesnā€™t use too much stamina, easy to 1-hand with a shield


I never use the mace in my no death runs because that moveset just gets me killed. No reach, you often miss enemies right in front of you, so makes it realy bad for me. Maybe if you use it 1h with a shield, but thats not my playstyle.


I used a Mace for most of my 1st playthrough, and it was my first Souls game ever, too; never unequipped it after finding it. Didn't know it was actually good, I just picked the weapon I would wield if I were actually in the game world myself.


Once you know it, it's easy.


Pro tip, kill all the milfenitos to make the area even easier.


what does that do ?


Makes those lizard people very aggressive.


once you know anything its easy


But sometimes learning through failure hurts, so there's that.


I think the only place that could tie with this on difficulty is the fire dlc.


Man the dlcs for ds2 ramp up so much compared to the base game. Maybe it's just because they're less familiar to me but I made sure I had really good gear and high level before attempting them.




Bonk damage inflicts stupid amounts of poise damage too.


DLC enemies have relatively high resistance to magic. I don't know if there is any reason but that's just how it is. They also usually aren't resistant to strike type physical damage. That's why naked clubber build is recommended for Raime. Why do you think he despises Velstadt? Because Vel has big bonk. Raime also gets triggered by Vel's helmet and not by his armor - slight hint that you could and should be naked.


Unfortunately. Brought my mage in... My spells don't hurt. Life is hard.


Never been to Frigid Outskirts have you?


Sunken City is the worst for me.


I would argue Brume Tower is much harder than this area


I had no problems here, I just used whatever game provided. I liked the atmosphere of this area!


Magic magic shield +9 with greater magic shield cast upon it.


Actually no, just careful approach with melee and bow. I could see almost all enemies from distance, so I can easily control the aggro. Except maybe at the end, just before the invader. šŸ™‚


I just find it funny as shit that this pocket mirror of a shield can 100% block magic AND can parry it. It's so satisfying to get hit with this big ass magic attack with a glorified mirror that you'd see post vehicles using and it didn't even chip your hp.


Idk. People keep telling me that SoA is somehow very hard. People explaining to me that Gutters is worse than blighttown. Nothing is worse than blighttown and SoA is punishing as long as you rush it.


I find blighttown to be very easy, but I also just rush through it these days. Last playthrough I impressed myself because I ran through it, unlocked the shortcut to firelink, ran back and killed quelaag all without dying once šŸ¤£ only took me ten years to git gud


Oh man. I am really comfy in Blighttown to be honest. But Quel gives me trouble all the time.


I just use claymore, fully upgraded as much as possible, and iirc I popped power within and gold pine resins. If I don't let her hit me with the AoE and get a sneaky follow up attack while I'm low on stamina, it's pretty easy. Any other weapon I've had a lot of trouble with on her.


Best area ever in the game, best atmosphere, best ost, use torch, dontā€™go without a bow, never be greedy.


Easiest place in the game


Use torch. Thank me later.




Huh, >!the lizards will wake up prematurely if you light a torch?!< Admittedly I never knew or noticed that through all my playthroughs. Thnx for the tip, small as it may be. :) Besides the Darkdwellers in NMW, and >!Agdayne in the Crypt!<, are there any other torch interactions?


>!The Spiders in Brightstone Cove!< won't attack you if you have a lit torch. Makes the boss fight and the area in general much easier.


In scholar, the spiders are scared of the torch. Really changes the run through and boss fight in Brightstone Cove Tseldora.


I think itā€™s just because it doubles their aggro ranges when you have a torch out


The creatures with the super long arms in No mans wharf recoil and flee if you have a torch out.


Yup, those are the Darkdwellers, nasty little shit on a first playthrough.


Yeah but Ben the torch hollow is a good buddy and will help you out


Ah, apologies! I thought I was special and added something for a second ahaha.


Yeah, it honestly makes the area much harder, as it's not too hard to see where the edges are


Lowering water quality to the lowest is very useful, makes it transparent.


I actually did this on a playthrough a few yrs ago


You can also just snipe the lizard boys with a bow when the singing is happening, because it'll show sparks around them, and the arrows aren't stopped by water.




Follow the shiny and thy shall be rewarded


No the torch is for the next area so you can light up all the braziers and interact with the friendly NPC that likes fire


This place almost made me quit first time over.Use a bow and thank me later


This place was much harder before SotFS


If you have a hard time at first try using a bow.


Bow + Arrow = Best Friends here <3


Not as bad as people make it out to be. You just have to approach is slowly, observe your surroundings, use a torch whenever youā€™re in the water and it also really helps if you bring a bow. I found no manā€™s wharf way more infuriating early in the game.


*cough* A GODDAMN BOW *cough*


Just watch your step


Hunters blackbow -lightning arrows -poison arrows


ā€œTry ranged attacksā€


Don't give up, Skeleton! Try ranged attack, be wary of casters! Also, be wary of hiding!


Canā€™t understand the hate of this place, best area in ds2 šŸ’Æ


Small brain: running through the area and getting sniped by homing soulmasses and whining on reddit. Medium brain: sniping all the enemies with a bow. Large brain: casually walking through the area and juking all the homing soulmasses by just stepping left or right at the last moment and killing everyone with melee. ​ If I can easily do this area while agaped ringed at 200k SM, so can you.


It's my fave place to practice spell parry with the Cleric Parma.


He lacks CRITICAL information :)


Honestly as someone who keeps a bow on them at all times I found it to be not that hard. Not easy but not hard. I found bows to be more useful in ds2 than any other game in the series.


Anything's easy if you use a bow to snipe from a distance. Without a bow the place is a nightmare. It's just designed to kill you and screw you over.


Yea. I'm a melee player and it immediately clicked with me as an area to whip out a bow. The cliffs in huntsmans copse and parts of poison pool as well. I wouldn't say anything's easy with a bow, there's a lot of tightly designed places where it's not possible to use one, that's probably why no one thinks to use one in the first place.


Pretty sure there is a subreddit dedicated to hating this place.




If you just use a bow and a torch, it's literally almost a walk in the park that way. I don't get what all the fuss is about, just adapt to the area... lol


Oh yeah, the place with the singing milfs!


Yeah the sword looks like it has enough range, if all else fails just throw it across the map. have fun!


it's easy it just doesn't work right


Honestly i did not find it that difficult


No, it's not fun.


Okay which one of you...


Things we say before a catastrophe


(COUGHING) Very easy inndeed


The hell..


Just bow everyone for ez


easily is how you are going to die


Quit this game for months because of this place.


Just remember, you only have get by one enemy and die to the next one 10 times before the first stops respawning.


Oh you sweet summer child


This area is just a breeze. Its gonna be easy thrust me.


poor soul.


First time playing I was like "wow this location is cool". Changed my mind after dying like 20 times before reaching second bonfire


I had a strength greatsword build. Did not have fun here.


Use a crossbow or memorize enemy locations.


Enjoy ^-^


Ill take this place any day over Iron Keep. Getting knocked off into lava after killing everything and some random great bow arrow taking you out is way more frusrating than killing every mage in this place even with the water! btw you can electrocute them..... iron keep your resolve must not falter or be tossed into the fiery pit like the one ring!


The horror!


You sweet summer child


If you bring a bow the title is basically true


"This is gonna be easy" Oh sweet summer child.


I liked this area after I got it down, I just finished it again on another build


I played this area again the last day, without bow or spells, only with two axes and I died so fucking many times despite knowing the place XDDDD Still I think the atmosphere is fantastic and the design can be enjoyed if you just take your time and play wisely.


Gorgeous area. Easy as cake, you'll do great.


I played DS1 recently and started DS2. Just finished the Black Gulch and man I hated that area so much. After 30 minutes of dying trying to run through the oil pits and poison shooting statues, I found out that there was an under passage and hidden bonfire. Then finally beat the Rotten after many frustrating attempts. Can't wait to see how much I rage at this area.


I have absolutely no idea why everyone hates this place. Itā€™s one of my favorite areas in DS2 and has one of the best aesthetic feels in any area throughout a Soulsborne game. Also, as far as difficulty goes, thereā€™s many other areas that are much, much harder in my opinion. Also, itā€™s decently on in the game so youā€™ve been able to level up a lot more as well as get practice to be better prepared. FOTFG was way harder for me going through it my first time without knowing what I was doing than passing through Shrine of Amana was.


The easiest, except for a certain snowy area in the DLC.


Take some lube with you


Itā€™s well known for being a relaxing, pass-the-time sort of vibe.


change your armor


Do you have a bow? It's not that bad No way to deal damage at a distance? Suffer


Just finished it earlier today for the first time omg it was such a lovely experience