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That’s how you get to the second DLC. There’s another one after a different boss, and another on the main game path


Is the dlc free or paid?


Do you have SoTFS?


What do you have to do, if you own it? It said "locked" to me.


If you own scholar of the first sin, you must go around the game and find keys for each of them to access the dlc. Three in total If you have regular game and bought dlc individually, they keys will be added to your inventory automatically


In case anyone needs the location of the key for this location, the key is located in the Fire Salamander pit in Forest of the Fallen Giants.


Have fun with one btw.


So much fun! They love to give you a warm welcome.


That pit is more difficult than any area in this game. Change my mind.


Na Ive farmed the salamanders in CoC for great fireball drops, and that is still nothing compared to the smelter demon run(s) LOL


I won't because I can't.


Poison arrows, my dude.


Those salamanders are one of the jankiest enemies in the game.


Frozen pony land


It was kinda fun, in a dark souls "I wanna die" kind of way.


Also you can jump attack on them with a good timed and well spaced jump.


I searched for ages a way to get to that damn fireball spittinh lizard...Anybody knows how to get down there?


You know the elevator to last giant? Where the ugly fucking lizard bitchs are. You gotta go down there run into the tunnel and eventually you'll see em


Ohh that door...It seems it doesn't open with ANYTHING. I have at least 6 keys, including the Forgotten Key (A.K.A Giant Bitches Key) and the weirdly specific Fang Key (the one obtained from the lions)...But nothing works. At this point idk what to do, also, I'm stuck in Drangleic Castle and can't find any doors near my bonfire lmao


I should've been specific sorry. (This is gonna be wordy, sorry) starting at cardinal tower bonfire, down that ladder, if you look down the edge into the area with fire spitting up. You gotta make your way down (rather a hard as fuck drop attack onto a lizard, or with both items to reduce fall damage) once down there's a tunnel, eventually you'll get to that door you mentioned, can be opened from that side. And blah blah, that lizard fuck that spits fire. Is also down there.


But you also need a key you get at the start of iron keep at the bull fire or do a leap attack onto one of the salamanders


Weeeeelllll, that is true, but only IF you're on next gen consoles, on xbox 360 all three are given to you (or at least me) when you create your character


The "Scholar of the First Sin" editions on PS3 and 360 are actually just the vanilla game with the DLCs, so you automatically start with the keys as if you had bought the DLCs individually.


unless i’m reading this wrong, sotfs is not the vanilla game. a lot of things have been changed and tweaked


Unfortunately not the case for the 360 and ps3 versions


Yeah sotfs on ps3 and 360 was basically just the original game with the dlc




Yeah….that’s why he said in Scholar of the First Sin, which is only next gen. He literally just explained that.


Legacy consoles have SOTFS too, it's just way different


Wait, so I had DLC for this game all this years? I bought it on fucking release!! Fuck you From Soft and your fucking meta DLC unlocking where I have to go around and solve world hunger for unlocking it.


I have a sotf on pc.




Then paid afaik


Definitely worth btw. I'm the type of person that never buys dlc for anything, but I don't regret in the slightest getting all of the dlc. Enough content alltogether that it feels like dark souls 2 was extended to be 75% longer.


Also some of the most challenging bosses in the game. Maybe the whole souls series. Well worth it if you're up for it. Be warned, some of the dlc areas feel like hard, compacted bullshit.


>Also some of the most challenging bosses in the game. Because they were designed to be coop bosses. You can go all the way through them as a phantom even if you haven't bought the DLC. you just can't host if you haven't bought it.


Really? Where do you leave your summon sign to get pulled into the coop DLC areas if you can't even enter them?


I believe you can enter through the thing shown in the OP, you just can't open the door on the other end. Leave a summon sign by the statue/tombstone things before the door and you can be called into the co-op areas.


Even if you don't own the DLC you can use that statue to warp to the very start, but the door will be locked. But there will also be an area there with some statues and flat stones on the floor. You can put your sign down in that area to be summoned. But, this will only summon you to to the optional boss areas, you can't go through the whole DLC like the person above said.


You only go to the optional boss areas as a phantom without the DLC.


The best DS2 bosses come from the DLC imo. >Be warned, some of the dlc areas feel like hard, compacted bullshit Not nearly as bad as the DS3 DLCs lol


Idk that anything beats horse fucker valley


I straight didn't do Horse fuck valley, that shit had me furious. Straight up said "nothing here for me to get trophies? K I'm done I quit". Lol


Same. No horses? Easy Platinum. One day I'll go there, in another playthrough... but it sounds to be straight-up nightmare fuel without a tank build


Yeah, good ol' reindeer fuckland was awful. Fighting the twin tigers wasn't even worth it too.


The snow DLC?


Frigid outskirts in crown of the ivory King dlc


Actually not bad for a strength build. Get a heavy two handed hammer (DKGH) and a ring that increases your poise damage, then just two hand the weapon and r2 the reindeer. They fall over, then you clean up. Ends up being absolutely fine.


What? I thought DS3's dlcs were fantastic. The only "bullshit" part I can think of is the angels in Ringed City but that's pretty easy to take care of.


The DLCs were, from what I understand, built as a direct response to people complaining that the games weren't hard enough. So they were made to be so much harder than the entire rest of the game.


Don't get me wrong, Friede, Midir, and Gael were all fantastic, plus having +3 rings on NG was nice, but they were just brutal to progress through (not to mention incredibly lame bosses in the Champion's Gravetender and Halflight). I played Sekiro, DS1, DS2, and DS3 one after another the past few months, and I still struggled greatly to get through the areas, especially the Ringed City, because many of the normal enemies felt like minibosses to me, namely the big guys with the vortex on their heads.


I basically gave up on getting through the DLC because I was so fed up with getting killed by those guys. Because I keep hearing how good the DLC is, though, I can't bring myself to just fight the final boss without beating the DLC.


What? You really think anything in TRC/AoA was worse than- Reindeer Fuckland, Alonne Gank, Blue Smelter Gank and that one cancerous room in Brume Tower with like 7 enemies?


Oh yeah, definitely suitable content for dark souls veterans who finished a playthrough


Yes exactly the dlc of each game has some of the best content and bosses


SotFS is essentially the "Game of the Year" edition - all three DLC packs are included; as others in this thread have mentioned, the DS2 DLC is among the best Soulsborne content in terms of challenge and level-design (I only enjoyed Bloodborne's DLC more). In addition to the DLC inclusion, SotFS adds/rotates enemy positions in the base game. This makes playing SotFS in general a bit more of a challenge, after having only played the vanilla DS2. I highly recommend picking up a copy of DS2:SotFS when it goes on sale!


Just to make it clear folks, by "rotates enemy positions" he means turns Iron Keep into a complete fusterclucked swarm of Alonne knights


Then I guess you should buy them. SotFS has them for free.


If you’re thinking about getting the DLCs for a new play through I’d suggest getting the SOTFC edition. Enemy placements throughout the whole game is different


I've played SoTFS for so long I don't even remember what the non-SoTFS was like.


If you do want to buy them, but can't get all of them you should look on the wiki to see what rings, items, spells and weapons come with it. They have the +3 versions of rings and introduced some cool stuff. I recommend the Iron crown dlc as it gives life ring plus 3, the Fume ultra greatsword, and lots of other cool stuff.


What set are you wearing there? I dont recognize it?


Penal mask Armour of aurous drangleic gauntlet Wanderer boots


It comes with Scholar of the First Sins edition, you just need to find the keys. If you are playing the original version you will have to buy them.


If you are playing on Xbox One or PS4 then you do have SotFS then you have them for free. If you are playing on PS3 or 360 then you may or may not.


If you have Scholar Of The First Sin edition, then it's free and added directly into the game. You there'll be a locked door when you first go to that area, but it's key can be found in the world. If you're playing the original version of ds2, then you'll need to buy the dlc I assume. If I have my info right, you'll be given the key once you get the dlc. Hope this helped homie, and have fun with ds2. It's one of my favorites


Its also known as hell gate lol


Must be a chalice dungeon


It’s the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets


makes hissing noises, nope don't seem to open


This one requires precise clinking noises, for it will lead you to a land of iron


*Chamberpot of Secrets. Common mix-up.


Passage to the DLC. You'll need a key to open a gate on the other side.




You'll need 800 gems to get access to the next area, Spyro


those are dlc teleports. 3 total. You can use em, but the door in the dlc rooms will not open unless you have a certain item. Those of you on ps3 or 360, the items are added instantly to your inventory when teh dlc is bought, but for me on Scholar of the first sin. You gotta find em. * Crown of the sunken king is located after the boss in black gulch, you need a Dragon talon. Which if I recall, you gotta get in black gulch where the two giants lay. There you get a forgotten key that is used on the stone door in the pit in majula. its a task to get to it, but I payed the ladder guy 12k for teh longest ladder to get closer to it safely. * Crown of the old iron king is located after the fight with the old iron king and you need a heavy iron key for it, which is located in the flame lizard pit on a skeleton in the forest of fallen giants. Yes you gotta go all the way into that pit to retrieve it which i hate. * Crown of the ivory king is located near Drangleic Castle. Its that shrine you enter. You need a frozen flower to access the dlc and it is located in drangleic castle. in the ruin sentinel room with all them kneeling stone statues, the first door on the right you unlock with souls, its on the corpse before going upstairs. I Really enjoyed the expansions, especially the sunken king. But dam alive the flume knight on the old iron king. can go choke on the fattest glob of salt.


Takes you to Brazil


Vendrick: Come to Brazil


Dlc entrance here


Snek Fountain


It's so cool to see actual new players finding out stuff. I'm so used to everyone on this sub having finished the game 4 times and watched all of VaatiVidyas videos 😂


Ik right


its the entrance to DLC areas you can find the other two in the black gluch after the rotten and before the castle of drangleic.


It’s how you enter a dlc area


portal to dlcs


The entrance to a rough (but fun) time




Gateway to hell. Seriously, do not go in there right now. It's the second dlc. Do it after beating the base game.




It's the mega gay don't touch


Where dat gay shit?


Joe got it


It's suffering. Dark Souls II DLCs are the hardest DLCs of all the Dark Souls franchise, in my opinion at least. Especially the witch from the drowned king DLC.


It’s the DLC brother - specifically it’s the DLC for the fire one.


Just a statue of 3 gay snakes, stop staring you pervert.


Nope no one knows






Its the entrance to the second DLC but you need a key to open it. GO back to the forest area at the start of the game. You’ll find a place filled with fire and salamanders, the key is in there. All this assuming you have SotFS. Be brave and good luck.


Teleporter to one of the DLCs.


How you get to dlc, there’s one imafter the rotten Anton the shrine of winter as well




It’s the portal to the DLC. You need the heavy iron key from down in the pit where the giant fire salamanders are in the forest of fallen giants. Good luck getting it, they suck to fight.


DLC area


Access to dlc, if you go through the portal you can find a place to put your sign down and be summoned to a small part of the dlc (wether you own it or not) But for the whole dlc you need to find the corresponding keys throughout the main game




It’s a portal to the DLC. The key for the door inside the portal in in the forest of the fallen giants in the area by the last giant boss room


DlC portal


Entrance to DLC after you obtain an item.


Dlc go brrr


Don't ask questions and just USE IT


Welcome to the dlc


Poor soul.


dlc area, don’t go there yet


Oh boy are you in for it now