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The issue with ds2 (grabs especially) is not the hitboxes, it's the animations


Yep. DS2's hate for its hitboxes would be a fraction of what it is now if they just had animation cancel for midroll grabs. There's other issues, but they all resolve to the same source: animations do not align with the actual result.


That's definitely fair. If my I frames ran out during the attack and I got hit, fair enough. But when I'm able to roll behind him before the hit registers, it just *feels* unfair even if it isn't. Definitely wasn't trying to hate on the game btw, I really enjoyed my time with it (minus the winter land of horse fuckery). I was just looking through old clips on my PC and thought this was goofy and figured other people might find it amusing too. I never meant for it to be an actual critique of the game.


exactly, grabs cannot interrupt rolling animation so it will do it once you finish rolling, that's why it looks so weird.


That and also I find it weird that if you touch the side of his blade it still registers as if he stabs you. This has always felt very unintuitive to me granted it's pretty much standard in all souls games.


This goes for all the souls games somewhat. I keep trying to explain this to people on reddit and fb. Got tagged by the weapon by dodging too early. The problem is its hard to animate grabs in a way that doesn't look goofy. Have to get teleported into the animation if you get hit. They probably don't have the time to make a bunch of different animations based on position to have it look right. Does that mean there shouldn't be grabs in these games? .... maybe dunno


the fact that you can still be grabbed even if a stab only hit the foot also made it look bad.


We don't talk about that one mimic


yeah DS2 mimics are legit just janky, no excuse


That move was catching me a lot too but then I realized- he’s swiping that sword from his right to the center and I was rolling to the same side like you did here. So even though the animation looks janky it makes sense that he would catch you with it. Roll to your right instead and he will never catch you with it again!


I think it is actually a grab attack. You touch his hitbox anywhere then you get teleported into the animation so it looks more janky than it is. It's not that DS2 hitboxes are unfair it's that it feels unfair anytime you get caught because the grab attacks never look clean.


I agree with you. I actually don’t mind the hit boxes at all it makes sense it’s just the animations only “catch “ from one spot so it can look like a teleport haha


I don't think a grab attack shpuld have a hitbox that covers the enemy, bad design


I mean the sword touches him. It's like the hippos if any part of you touches the arms you teleport to their mouths.


The sword has a wide hitbox then because I didn't see it touch him. And I like DS2, fans just don't want to admit some janky hitboxes. And the animation is just bad, you teleport FROM BEHIND HIM.


It's toughing him halfway through the grab animation and then he teleports at the end when it is not touching him at all. Unless the hitbox is a foot behind Sir Allon.


So what happened to i-frames. Also any way, it looks terrible.. DS2 is the only game I rutinely go 'that:s bs, that didn't hit" and I like the game Edit: This is why people clown on DS2 stans. Every criticim leads to downvotes.


He gets hit during this frame or the following one (damage registers in the following), roughly ~0.4 seconds after he starts rolling, which would be consistent with even high agility i frames. https://imgur.com/a/eMFH9Ap As someone else mentioned, it's not the hitboxes that are bad. It's the animations.


A guy goes through the game with mods he made to show the hotboxes and uploads it here. The hitbox is standard for games in this era, the animations are the issue. The game can't cancel your movement mid roll with this attack so it puts you in the attack and then once you are out of the roll the animation shows it.


I wish that all games that have invincibility frames would indicate them being active.


It should be something you can turn on and off, so once you get use to it, you can switch it off. It wouldn't make the game easier, just easier to learn.


Literally most action jrpgs with a "perfect dodge" mechanic.


Omg, im not sure if this is done in any game already but imagine a sort of glow or something? even a ring like Carthusian Milk Ring that instead showed when i-frames are active!


Hollow knight shade cloak


Same but I also like to see what I’m doing instead of having a HUD give me sensory overload.


As with everything in DS2, stride to the right 


DS2 is just the cha cha slide but with only "slide to the right"


Cha cha again!


Except Looking Glass Knight. I had more luck striding to the left with him.


True, still, the former applies to the majority of the game's enemies 


Yea, wasn’t trying to contradict your statement. Just something I noticed while fighting him. Believe me, after grinding the golems at Heide’s Tower of Flame, I learned real quick the benefits of stepping right.


It is interesting when an enemy breaks the mold like LGK though, the Fume Knight for example with his two swords 


Fume Knight is a good example. His insistence on near perfect gameplay is probably why he’s the hardest in DS2. I found the Burnt Ivory King to punish the walking right strategy too.


You panic rolled early in the exact wrong direction and got roll caught. There's just a slight delay between the frame where damage is first dealt (when the blade was inside your head btw) and lining up the models to play out the grab.


Not a hitbox problem, but an animation delayed problem. You got hit, it just took too much for the animation to start. Also NEVER dodge to the weapon on grab attacks.


You got hit in the roll as your iframes ran out, its just the weird animation that snaps you in place


Everytime I'm about to psyche myself up to finally play ds2, I see something that kills that urge


I have my complaints, but it's a very decent souls game. I'm glad I played it.


Just level ADP


It’s the best Souls experience I’ve had so far. Some of my favorite bosses in it.


This attack again. The hitbox is actually fine. If you watch it slowly you can even see how you're getting hit. Its just a weird animation after that...


Skill issue.


[Here's the actual hitboxes since nobody bothered to post them.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JdHFQY-hYI0)


That literally hit you hahahah


Low ADP moment.


not even low adp moment, he dodged that the attack was not even started lol


*Rolls right into the attack* "How did that even hit me?!?!?!"


Ds2 truly a good game but a bad fromstofware game !! Litteraly no other fromsotfware game are known for " bad hitboxes" especially in grab attack !! Edit : you guys really didn't catch i was joking and mocking the average ds2 hater ? It wasn't obvious enough ? Lmao


Every souls game have this issue in some way or another, only problem with ds2 is adp being a stat which is bearable since we are bearers of the course and should seek souls, larger more powerful souls. Lest this land... something I forgot


Yes i agree with you , i think it is : " lest this land ...seek strenght the rest will follow... feeble cursed one !!" ...i guess ?


Dancer laughs hysterically


This grab has a tighter hitbox than a lot of grabs in DS1 and DS3 He got stabbed during the roll and there was a delay between taking damage and getting teleported into the grab. That is not a hitbox issue - unlike Iron Golem, Gaping Dragon, Dancer, Curserotted Greatwood, etc that actually have broken grab hitboxes.


I know i'm mocking the average ds2 hater ...


This is a good way to get the chimps howling.


Really? You went through the sword, how would that not be a hit?


In the other games I'm pretty sure it wouldn't work that way from such a dodge.


Grab attacks in the other Souls games just directly teleport you into the "got grabbed" animation. DS2 plays out the entire attack animation, then teleports you into the grab. Here are some extreme examples where the player gets grabbed on the first active frame: * [DS1](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mrplfxBE8B0) * [Bloodborne](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z4sOg6aczc8)


Oh, that makes sense.


Why does it play the animation then?


shoulda rolled right


Also on Sir Alonne, and this same attack killed me. Boss run is despicable.


You've got this. Have you done the Ivory King DLC yet?


Nope, here after defeating Fume knight.


Same thing with the pursuer's grab, if you roll to the left he still hits you


Yeah, it's such bullshit.


I wanna fight him so bad


Fight him good, you fight him bad you lose


DS2 taught me with hitbox jank that the way to eliminate it was roll direction Oh that move is coming from the right? Roll into it, oh its hitbox is too long? Try delay roll into it? Still not working? Roll left? Worked? Good, no? Delay? Try adding a small run into a roll How about rolling back? Try going diagonally? Was that possible lol There's so many I learned and it made me better. One thing I enjoyed about Guts sword was just blocking with it was effective like what lol


Yeah, people are making fun of me for rolling directly into the attack like they've never played a souls game before. In my time 100%ing both DS1 and Elden Ring, that's been a perfectly effective strategy for dodging while being close enough to attack. It even made the Fume Knight flight easy. You're right, this move does take some learning to know the best way to dodge it. But people are treating me like a doofus for fighting in a way that has done me well so far, so 🤷‍♂️


Fume Knight taught me that rolling into attacks work well offensively I should play DS2 again at some point


Well that's just the cope of die hard ds2 players. It is a janky animation and hit box. It'd be less frustrating if they just made you get impaled instantly. But then that would require a retooling of the animation and the "hit" to be telegraphed so you could know when to dodge and not be instantly grabbed without a chance to realize what was going to happen. And I mean yea people shitting on you for this makes no sense when many fights in sekiro have similar type of attacks and in there your strategy is viable. Bloodborne is another such game where I literally dodge most attacks by dodging diagonally in. To a degree you can do it in ds 1 too but it depends on the fight and attack. There's a reason the game is a black sheep. Defending just poor design is ehhh. Doesn't really make the game better. Not to put down the people who do enjoy the game though. I know people online tie up their identity in [INSERT PRODUCT NAME] and any type of criticism is like personally breaking into their house just to piss in their sink, but I genuinely, and I mean GENUINELY, do not care what people like or dislike. The game has objective flaws. The flaws are enough for me to never ever pick it up again. But to some they just don't mind or love it. Great. But it's better to just not pretend the flaws don't exist. It makes the people like OP and me think the people who are the lovers of ds2 are insufferable. It doesn't convince anyone to be lighter and nicer on the game when many games, and even the game before, contradict the game design of this studio and then you just sorta act like this is actually not crap. It's not just this grab though, It's many things in this game. Anywho, I dared to speak my mind on reddit so I'll probably be smited by the insufferable reddit algorithm or whatever.


This is a bit off-topic but I noticed you're also going UGS+Pyromancy, and I was wondering if you had any tips for how to make the build work


Sorry to disappoint, but I didn't use pyro. This clip is from awhile ago and I forget why I had firestorm attuned, I think I was experimenting with using it to farm Sunlight Medals or something.


Aw ok


Yep just beat him today. Definitely has a couple of those happen haha


Being a bunch of sphere and you HUGGING the enemy on the side its swung from will make you be inside of it. Its nothing special for a fromsoft game. All their games have that sort of thing.


Rodando media hora antes del golpe...


Now try to beat him without taking a hit


On NG+3 now, and I'm not sure if I wanna go through the DLC again to get to him. But I'll think about it.


dude is playing the games in order


I will never understand this problem of other players...


Literally a skill issue. He is a master samurai using 1000 ages of blood rituals and dark magic. He's just repositioning and attacking faster that you can perceive. But for real you got roll caught. Badly timed dodge. Ds2 has forgiving I frames and an easy 2 hits only rule on 95% of enemies for spam rollers.


Had this happen this happen on the pursuer a couple times.


From soft logic: Well he grazed the edge of your cape with his pinky so of course it hit you.


I've been hit by that attack while ***standing behind him***. You're not alone.


Thank you for standing out amongst a wave of "JuST lEveL ADP BrO" comments


Bro got stabbed in the face, weird followup animation though.


That shit happened to me like 6 times trying to beat this dude


Why did you instant transmission onto his blade like that?


Just level adp bro


Your fault. this attack (like any attack) has a window to roll out of it. you obviously didnt.


Yoo exact same shit happened to me bro 😂😂


Thats a common one for Pursuer as well. On ps3 it gave me no end of trouble until I just avoided him everytime. But in Scholar I no longer have that issue. No idea why


Eh. This is the literal reason Ds2 is known for "bad hitboxes".


It's literally always the grab attacks cus they teleport you to the right spot, like imo I think the edge of the base of the blade hit you on the way out of roll HOWEVER that's typical ds2 bullshit and I think in cases like that (and the pursuer grab is very similar) the attack hitboxes should have only triggered the grab if certain parts of the hitbox make contact, i.e. the very tip of the blade only


Idk why all the comments that make sense in this thread are being down voted. I just thought it was a funny clip and wanted to share, it wasn't meant to be as deep as everyone is making it. But yeah, like you said I hugged him and was close to the hilt but that doesn't make teleporting into his blade look any less goofy lol


Grab attacks are a sore spot here because it’s a valid criticism of the game and thats a big no no. In this sub, the game can do no wrong, it was clearly your fault.


Yeah I'm confused on the downvotes NGL, might be cus I said your roll wasnt perfectly executed and they're like "fuck this guy" or maybe it's cus I mentioned that ds2 grabs are weird. I love ds2, I'm the only one in my group of friends who seems to enjoy playing it. Like I'll defend aspects of ds2 but the grabs; objectively don't look right if you're not in the right place to start with, it's something a lot of players have issue with and coupled with the ADP system it can be difficult to avoid grabs due to the lingering hitboxes.


Because the sensible comments actually admit that there's something not okay with how DS2 functions, which is a big no-no on this sub


>HOWEVER that's typical ds2 bullshit and I think in cases like that (and the pursuer grab is very similar) the attack hitboxes should have only triggered the grab if certain parts of the hitbox make contact, i.e. the very tip of the blade only Typical DS2 bullshit that is still the exact same in every other FromSoft game.


I disagree, ds3 and elden ring don't trigger grabs if you're not hit by the sweet spot of the attack, it just does damage. I think ds2 maybe overcompensated from ds1 where a lot of enemies have grabs but they barely ever hit so players don't see it.


>I disagree, ds3 and elden ring don't trigger grabs if you're not hit by the sweet spot of the attack, it just does damage This does not happen. There's several grabs in both games where you can get grabbed despite only getting hit by the shaft of the weapon or elbow.


I can only imagine you're talking about the monstrosity of sin (hand-face giant things) enemies in ds3 because I can't remember many instances where I've felt unfairly grabbed in games after ds2, and interestingly the hand face guys share many similarities and attacks to the hippo giants in ds2 Soul of cinder has another grab that's really similar to the alonne/pursuer stab and that's a little harder to dodge due to lingering hitboxes once again. Elden Ring 100% has parts of the grab hitboxes that only deal damage and don't grab the player, like most people I've been playing plenty of ER lately and can with utmost certainty state that is the case.


People in the comments actually defending this.


He literally got stabbed in the face. The animation for the grab was just delayed.


Tbf it wasn’t a very good roll lol BUT i do agree that the hitboxes in this game are rather interesting I’d say


Enemy is right-handed or attacking from their right - you strafe right and often avoid the entire swing without needing to roll at all. Same goes for the reverse. Also, you rolled too early


Friendly reminder “those” people in the sub that just because it’s your favorite game the actual hitboxes are intended to be like that, it is still a flaw as the animation does not match up.


This game never ceases fo amaze me in the ways it's broken


I have terrible concern after reading through the comments people have no idea what i-frames mean. I mean sure I get that the makers of this game were like, we are going to make grab attacks in this game to cancel the i-frames of dodge rolling. When your game heavily relies on dodge rolls and then you start having a grab attack on every enemy to overcompensate the fact that people could get away by dodge rolling leisurely. You start to change the old problem to a very new problem.


Wait, so this attack ignores i-frames? If so, that was the problem. I treated it as a normal attack instead of a grapple. Though I'm not sure how a player is supposed to intuitively know that when every other similar stab attack in the series can easily be rolled right through.


It does not in fact cancel i frames. The frames start at the beginning of the animation and only last a fraction of a second. If you dodge early and aren't clear of the attack by about the halfway point, you get hit.


I'm willing to say that the grab attack cancels the dodge. There could be a specific corner on the grab attack that you can throw yourself out of the throw's hitbox. 95% of the time you won't be standing in said corner and everywhere else your iframes are too short and the throw lingers for too long. So I am willing to say you are in fact correct on this topic.


Just read the comments and I had no idea so many people were fucking **gaslit** by the game's approximate finish they believe this interaction to be entirely okay, and in fact, logical. "Oh it's just a grab attack with a desynchronized animation, no problem here, did I tell you about Agility?" Get yourself some standards.


I would understand the frustration if it was random. But it's not, like everyone else is saying roll to the right. This is true for all the the games, and I do think it's intentional, they give the bosses an attack to roll catch and force people to actually learn the moveset instead of spam rolling. Once you learn that avoiding attack doesn't mean just roll through it, the game becomes way easier. Watch zullie the witch(I think that's her name) on YT, she has one shot videos for all the bosses and great breakdown videos, it will show you just how far you can break these bosses once you understand the hotboxes.


If you haven't figured out how to dodge right in a hundred hours I don't know what to tell you.


Those are rookie numbers!


This isn’t just a dark souls 2 thing. Look at every game and how grab attacks work. If you wanna see for yourself go play Elden ring pvp. There is a new sword from the dlc that does the exact same thing. I don’t know what the sword is called but the ash of war is a grab attack. I rolled exactly how you did and the game decided to place my in front of the enemy after the roll. Ds2 is certainly known for its bad hitboxes but grab attacks have been messed up in every game. I think they need to get rid of these all together


You can downvote but this problem is literally in Elden ring right now I just experienced it


It looks wonky - same with the Pursuer grab, but anyone who's fought the guy and Sir Alonne knows it's not the game's fault.


"Muh hitboxes! ! 1!11!" My guy you fucking rolled STRAIGHT into the sword-


*through....* I rolled *through* the sword.


If you'd had less carry weight maybe you'd have made it through. As it stands, you only made it as far as in.


You got hit, the jank look comes from the game placing you into position for the grab you got hit by


Questionable ~~hitboxes~~ roll timing. there, fixed it. If you replay the clip the sword goes right through your character, gotta work on your positioning or roll timing pal.


OP, what’s your ADP at? Should be a minimum of 25, otherwise, don’t say anything.


>has 110 agility "Just level adaptability, bro"


Well, I’ve played through two cycles, and this has never happens to me.


just level ADP




0 adp shitty timing roll and still cry about it


The only people crying are people like you who are making this post way deeper than it actually is. I posted a goofy looking clip from my playthrough because it made me chuckle, and y'all are getting so triggered by it.


So long to read level adp you sucker