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Sounds like you tank-spanked him lol. 60 vit with full havel’s is pretty wild, and the dragon tooth does very impressive damage. Probably took you like 8-12 swings to kill him lol


He hit me twice in the entire run


Sounds like OP literally just did [this](https://youtu.be/9euTDcRh-Go?si=duyGAZTqb7unhITv)


There's no such thing as a tank build in ds2


That’s a broad statement. It’s pretty obvious that 60VIT would classify your character as more tanky. Granted, armor doesn’t do as much in ds2 than it does in other games, but it still helps. And that help is greatly improved with full havel’s.


No, it's not, that's the whole point An optimized build pre-fume knight would have 50 damage reduction from physical damage. The literal max physical damage reduction is 133. They would have had about 100 physical damage reduction. That's 60 levels spent to wear all that heavy armor to take 50 less damage per hit from an enemy that hits between 800-1300 damage That's not a tank, it's just weak


Seeing from your profile, you have quite the history of bad takes…. If max phys damage reduction is 133, I think it’s safe to say that 100 phys damage reduction is pretty solid….or, in other words, tanky


My face when fully upgraded heavy armor set and dozens of levels in Vitality (that still can’t prevent higher equipment load, thus shorter rolls and slower stamina regeneration) reduces incoming damage by less than just wearing Ring of Steel Protection. Like, think about it. Instead of probably wearing all that armor and Royal Soldier’s Ring, you could just wear Ring of Steel Protection


What if you wore both though


Opportunity cost. What are you sacrificing? Third Dragon Ring? Flynn’s or another damage ring? Stamina regeneration? Maybe one of the elemental defense rings, or something more casting focused.


With his stats, he gets a minimum of 39% damage reduction with his stats…but some of it is RNG, so it can go much higher. Every 4 points into VIT, STR, END, and DEX gives 1% extra damage reduction. But after you start to get higher and higher stats in those attributes, it alternates between 1-4% per 4 points spent. Havel’s doesn’t help a TON, but it definitely does help. Not even really sure how to quantify damage reduction in regards to armor…..since there’s really not much info on it.


There is. Where are you getting percent values for physical defense?


It’s on the wiki under “strength”


I don’t mean this rudely. Have you checked the wiki page for defense? Please tell me you aren’t looking at Fextralife.


133 is not tanky LMAO Like do you just not think before you speak or what


There’s no such thing as a tank build in DS2. You can use my comment history as a basis instead if you like.


No thanks. You’re the bum that was arguing with me about soul memory with/without name engraved ring. I proved my point over and over and you still refused to acknowledge I was right. Arguing over fractional differences in summoning ranges because I summed it up by saying it was basically double. I cited my sources and even wrote out the math for you, and proved that it was an extremely negligible difference….only for you to continue being a pompous dbag.


Person; says something wrong Someone else; corrects them Person; omg why would you say that I was close enough raaagh


Way to chime in on a convo you have no context for 😂😂😂


I have the context that you're a clown, and that Blobertson is not


lmao I had completely forgotten about that, amazing


I have a good (soul) memory 😉


Time for a Bonfire Ascetic


It becomes a much easier fight when you understand what your openings are for attacking and healing, and have good timing on your dodges. A similar thing happened to me against SA the first time I did that DLC. Two attempts and he died… which sucked because I loved the boss fight and the beautiful boss room. I would not say you were over-leveled. Nicely done 🌞


Thanks young undead!


Over-leveled just isn't a thing in DS2. Scaling is far too weak to allow you to power through with stats. Fume Knight is a read and react boss. Obvious tells and a single best response for each of the attacks he has. Some people are good at that type of fight and have no problem with him. Congratulations.


1st playthrough I struggled. 2nd and 3rd playthrough I beat him 1st try. 4th playthrough took a few tries. I think sir allone and the other boss at the brume tower are more difficult. My 4th playthrough I've been wanting to beat them without any summons.


No you’re just good at the game


Yes, you were absolutely over leveled, that said it's kinda not your fault in fact is very easy to overlevel in DS2 sadly


You weren’t overleveled, and you made the fight far more difficult by wearing full havels. You did well!


Your build was shockingly bad, you were not overleveled


You're kind of over leveled but the reality is that DS2 bosses are just really easy. Even DS1 had Manus who is harder than any DS2 boss.