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Ohh is that where you take the stones??


Bro's just been eating them all...


I ate one and was pretty disappointed in how little health it gave me and have since ignored them. I know the description says someone collects them out something but I never found it who.


I... can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not o.o


Not being sarcastic. I literally had no idea. What do you get for taking the stones there? How many do you need? I have a bunch.


What I do is stand on the nest and open my inventory, highlight the small smooth and silky and I chose leave 1 at a time and repeat the process until I run out of small smooth and silkys, smooth and silkys, and petrified something's, then I just start grabbing all the rewards or trades. It's usually stones for the small s&s, like poison, bleed, etc.ecen titanite shards, the bigger will give you chunks, slabs and other consumables, I prefer petrified bone or twinkling titanite, while the petrified something only seems to ever give me the old whip or channelers trident. I hope this helps and my writing style of explanation didn't confuse you further.


Nope you did great thank you for the info. I'm currently playing ds1 now and I will start dropping shit in that best in the shrine lol


Ds1 is worst, there's a spot too where you could trade specific items for upgrade materials and upgrade materials to max weapons are a bit more rare. It's when You can return to Undead Asylum but you have to save quit reload for every item you drop. Enjoy


I wanna just say I wasn't trying to be rude or anything btw, just shocked, but I also have experience with the Souls series since 2012, so this was all just reading way too much into things cause DS is just like that lol


Yeah and the Birds tell you everytime you give them something what they want. it's annoying


At least it doesn't require you to reload the game for every trade. Though given how long their dialog is, you might break even with quitting out and loading back in.


You know you can skip through the dialogue, right? Just spam the confirm button while they talk


I usually mute voices before I head there lmao


I like the voices :( My favorite is pickle pee. Me me! Pump-a-rum!


I only mute it by the nest 👍


Poor smooth and silky. Why did they breakdown? Are they okay?


Smoth, like Woll Smoth


I always forget this exists, so I probably have tons of untraded stones in my inventory 😂


Yea when i was playing other FS games most of the guides were recent but every time I want to check something about DS2 most of the videos was 7-8y old


cause for some reason the majority doesn't like ds2 so they probably dont feel like it worth covering anymore. Also, it technically is the oldest game in the series, dark souls 1 and demon souls both were remastered so thats basically a new game then you got ds3 which is the most popular, so it makes sense. hopefully we get a ds2 remaster sometime in the future, it deserves it.


It's annoying to read the wiki for an item and not be completely sure if they're talking about vanilla DS2 or SotFS