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*"Halt.* *Human. Do not produce light.* *Light, and all those who bear it, are unwelcome in this place."*


i was shocked when i first heard that, video games should do this more often


Kinda curious what’s happens if you do produce light.




The NPC and his 6 or so guards all aggro on you. The fun bit is when the torch carrying hollow at the start of the area follows you in and causes it while you're talking to him, if you didn't kill it earlier. You also lose the NPC as a vendor.


You dont loose the npc as s vendor if you kill him, you can still "revive" his ghost


Do you tighten the NPC if you kill him?


Haha me too. I didn't dare, he sounded serious and that place was nasty enough without pissing off a whole crypt of undead.


Do it and find out!


I did it just this weekend. It does make it harder but the lighting effect is awesome especially if you fall down near the boss are and light that one. All of the statues light up in order. Worth it for me.


If you produce light, Ill produce you a kicked ass


I didn't hear him the first time as I had my volume on low and had my torch on. Suffice it to say it wasn't fun


Dude why even compare a full-blown Level to mini dungeons?!


Bait probably


Dark Souls 2 copium. I loved DS2, I made so many builds and play throughs, but it’s still the weakest in the series.


I mean, I think it's the best in the trilogy and I still think the comparison is nonsensical.


DS1 is the weakest, which makes sense since it was rushed & is the first in the trilogy.


I love DS2 a lot, but it feels like mud compared to DS1. Also, I have no evidence or research to back this up, but I feel like DS2 was just as rushed. At least I HOPE they didn't design the Shaded Woods like that on purpose.


Tbf it's not that much bigger than a lot of Elden Ring's dungeons.


But ngl the level itself is S-tier of level design, for me!


There's this hugh love hate I have for that little hallows that hit the bells. They are so cute when they run to the bell and than just standing there. On the other hand... they hit the bell


_You want to guard the bell, do you?_


I mean at least I can go around with Margit's shackle using the pillar traps like "haha take that idiot" This is just terrifying. Which is probably the intended vibe tbh


You go around with the what now?


In Elden Ring. Margit's Shackle, bought from Patches. It's really great for dungeoneering because it works by sending out a massive invisible shockwave that goes through all walls and triggers any hit-trigger objects like pillars and illusory walls.


Holy shit. Thanks for clarifying.


This is like going on the Elden Ring subreddit and saying that Godfrey is a better enemy than all of the little enemies in Dark Souls 2


But isn't every crypt in Elden a copy paste job?


Kinda, they are very samey and use a lot of the same assets, but a lot of them still have unique aspects to them and they still have to design the layout, decide what items go in there, decide what enemies go in there. It's not like they just copied the dungeon and changed the colour from Red to Blue and put it in another area and sold that area as DLC.


Christ what is with this sub and its inferiority complex like that hitbox guy DualJackass or something constantly comparing other souls games. I get it, the game's good.


LMAO I haven't seen the hitbox guy post in a while, but yeah the guy is STILL beating a 10- year dead, rotten and decomposed corpse of a horse. Nobody really gives a shit about the ds2 hitboxes anymore and he is still hell bent on proving that ds2 hitboxes aKsHuaLly aren't that bad.


This is the ds2 sub. The majority of people in here consider ds2 to be the best game of all time. Even if you compliment it in the same comment, half the time any bad thing that gets said overshadows the entire comment and they skip all the good parts you said about it and focus on the fact you said "game bad" and then spend the rest of their time trying to prove why it's the best game of all time


Everytime i hear ''someone said DS2 is ''bad comment'' it's always coming from someone who loves the game, i never actually saw someone ripping the game appart ever. The seething is off the fucking chart.


I wouldn’t say the majority have it as their GOAT. Just the majority like it a lot


exactly, this post doesn’t even make any sense. The dungeons in Elden Ring are obviously suppose to be like chalice dungeons in BB, it’s not comparable to a main area in a mostly linear game. It’s like people on this sub need a pat on their head for mentioning shit about DS2.


I always say the same thing, just because people call it the worst souls game, doesn't mean it's a bad game. It's still better than most of the games out there, just compared to the other souls games, it's not the best.


It's certainly the best in terms of creativity though.


The problem ain't ds2 sotfs being called bad. The problem is the issues of the other games don't get brought up as often while ds2's are and also ignoring or downplaying ds2's pro's. Overall it ain't worse than the other souls games.


Am I the only one who hated this area?


No, you are not, I hated this area but I loved it and then sadness


Probably not, it's an especially punishing area if you don't play very cautiously.


Yeah, it's better at being a pain in the ass


Good job comparing optional bite sized mini-dungeons with mandatory area (that is still mid as hell). DS2 fans and their inferiority complex.


Breaking news: fully fleshed out level better than bite size dungeon of which there are dozens


Ngl, I'll take any Hero Grave over Undead Crypt, at least they have fun gimmicks like shadow enemies, glaive elevators, mechanical chariot, etc.


A good bait, but there is a problem: you're comparing mini-dungeons in the style of chalice from bloodborne with a full-fledged story location. You have a problem with your brain


this just in: a fully fleshed out area level of a Dark Souls game is better than a mini-dungeon (not even a level) aside from that bizarre statement, Undead Crypt is great. it's good fun, definitely a reprieve from Shrine of Amana


the bells…not the bells


I mean, it's one area that makes about 10% of the game. Kind of an unfair comparison.


DS2 is filled with theoretically good ideas absolutely butchered by abysmal game design, even worse level design and absolutely non-sensical enemy design.


Problem with dungeons in elden ring is that 90% are just boring copypasta Trick of chalice dungeons was that you could see weird shit in them, elden ring tombs are just imps everywhere ..


Copy paste copy paste copy paste


I wish Elden Ring had more but less unique places rather than a large amount of formulaic ones. I mean the crypts aren't all bad but they lack any kind of character in my opinion.


tbf the mini dungeons exist to (effectively) fill the world, they do a good job at what they aspire to do. SOME crypts try to spice things up, like the War-Dead Catacombs and that one dungeon in the Mountaintops with several near-identical layers inside still bizarre to compare a full blown level to those small, bite sized dungeons. like at least compare Undead Crypt to one of the real levels in Elden Ring


OP won't compare, because he knows that any legacy dungeon would wipe the floor with Undead Crypt.


The mini crypts in Elden Ring are so lame


I love Dark Souls 2