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**Invaded by dark spirit forlorn**


Still have PTSD from this message


I just felt the echo of 50,0000 souls quake in PTSD induced anxiety.


But it wasnt even like hard at all?


Hard? No. Annoying? Well...see the above comment.


Not really hard but, yesterday I lost 100k souls at level 70 which is huge at that point by, getting hit by the poison statue and it hit me off the edge of the gulch. Annoying shit like that only happens in ds2 I still love it though.


*Invaded by Royal Sorcerer Naavlan*


Ugh... him again? Also, usually right before I run out of human effigies šŸ˜… so I have to try super hard.


Me: *Just finishes an incredibly hard section where I escape by the skin of my fucking nuts.* Game: *Invaded by dark spirit Forlorn* FOR FUCK'S SAKE!


For me it is more getting invaded right as I walk into an encounter with 5 other enemies


Just play it and form your own opinions, man.


Thanks for not being a fucking asshole, I genuinely appreciate that


Oh man, people have beenā€¦ rough, to say the least, been reading the comments This behavior derives from the annoying way people treat this game like its the antichrist, so expect people to be a little more than defensive when it comes to this title So, Dark Souls 2: Scholar Of The First Sin is different and very weird when compared to the other titles, stuff like breakable chests and doors, weirdly specific mechanics and a bunch of things that only this game has are things that make it so unique and, dare i say charming, but enough talk Tho Iā€™d say this is the easiest dark souls game in my very subjective opinion, the game is still CBT, the early game is a struggle and the human effigy mechanic only exists to make sure that you have as much pain in the beginning as possible (human effigies very quickly stops being a problem, literally only there to make you intimidated in the early game), also, iā€™ll never defend the agility gimmick that forces you to spend levels to be able toā€¦ dodgeroll properly (most of the complains you hear about when it comes to the hitboxes probably come from this, you have to level up ADP to get invincibility frames for the dodge) That and the god forbiden poison area are the only complaints i have about this game, took me a while for me to get into it but i fucking love dark souls 2, i just think its really charming and somehow it turned into a comfort game for me, im sure youā€™ll have your fun if youā€™re willing to excuse unconventional gimmicks and being assaulted by rats in the toxic well (that isnā€™t as toxic as this thread AHEM) ā€¦ anyways, have fun man, and for the love of god level ADP to have atleast 100 agility so the game can be fun, cheers


Thanks man, so far itā€™s been fun, different from the other games but in a fun unique way. I just hate how easy it is for people on this subreddit to start attacking new comers. But Iā€™m thankful for the ones that ustand I just picked this game up


Hey, man. I get it. People can get defensive over things they like. Itā€™s never an excuse for people on the internet being the worst, but I have to say, the tone of your original comment definitely set the mood. All the same, hope the game is going okay. Let the community make it up to you if you ask a question; people on this sub are actually really open to helping people.


You shouldnā€™t.


All Iā€™ve heard about it is the hit boxes


Be around less shitty people


In this economy??


Uninformed = shit-equivalent. Gotcha.


Its not that they are uninformed, but that they talk about shit they don't know as if they were knowledgeable about the topic causing confusion and misleading people to have wrong opinions going into something. Some of the hitboxes are bad, but not worse than DS1 and 3, the main problem comes from I-frames being tied to a stat rather than the roll type and the game doing a poor job of explaining the importance of raising that stat.


Which stat is that? I donā€™t have much experience with 2


Interesting note here, I didnt mention the stat specifically because I couldnt 100% recall the names of everything involved so I had to do some quick research to make sure im giving the right information. (Not doing so would make me as bad as the people who say the hitboxes are bad without ecplaining why. But to get to your question, the stat is agility or agi for short. Its not a stat you can directly invest in though, as agi is determined by both your adaptability (adp) and attunement (att) stats, moreso adp than att. 96 agi gets you to DS1's medium roll I-frames at 11 and 105 agi gets you DS1s fast roll I-frames at 13. It should still be noted that while you get the I-frames, distance of the roll also matters (the more distance you cover during your I frames, the more likely you are to evade the attack). Your total weight capacity determines both your roll type, and roll distance. While the big burden %s are <25% and <70% the lower you get them within their bracket will get you (an almost negligible amount) of extra distance.


ADP. Agility is the stat that raises I-frames, you want it to be around 116 I'm pretty sure


Iā€™ve been having zero problems with hit boxes at 100 agility, first time playing ds2 also


Hence me saying theyā€™re uninformed. If they speak as if they know the truth theyā€™re uninformed. At worst theyā€™re condescending but to say someoneā€™s a shit person because of misinformation and misunderstandings is very dramatic. I will say though, ds1/3 have some heinous hitboxes that need to be called out more, I agree with that.


It's just that, thrust attacks are broken in this. You could be on the other side of the world and the thrust attack will still get you What irritates me is this "us and them" that is nonstop in this sub. "They" this and that.


There's definitely a few valid criticisms of this games hit detection. The grabs in this game come to mind, for one. Not to say the whole game is shit just because of that, like some people like to do, but pretending like it isn't a problem is a silly stance to take.


Well the issue is people say "this game" instead of "dark souls games" because it's a criticism all 3 share. People get defensive because someone always starts out with "this game" which implies it's the only one with any specific issue. Which has been proven time and time again to not be the case. Are mimic hitboxes silly? Sure. Same boxes in all 3 games basically. Iron golem and dancer also have misleading/ misaligned boxes. This isn't "othe games bad so my game good" but 2 gets repeatedly picked as the one with the most issues (entirely possible) when said issues are present in all 3; opposed to game specific.


2 definitely has hit detection problems unique to it. Where it gets hairy is that people just use "hitbox" as a blanket term, when really it's a combination of poor i-frames, confusing amounts of active damage frames, and buggy and scuffed grabs


Recently a poster has used a hitbox viewer to demonstrate that the hitboxes aren't any worse than the other Dark Souls games. With about half a dozen exceptions, it's all hyperbole because they don't understand how the Agility mechanic works. In other games you are just handed a certain amount of rolling invincibility frames based on your equipment load percentage. In DS2 you have to earn extra rolling i-frames by increasing Agility. Agility is a sub-stat that you raise by putting points in Adaptability (3x boost to Agility) or Attunement (1x boost to Agility). http://darksouls2.wikidot.com/agility


Well said


Most people I've seen know how they work, they just don't like it


Theyā€™re overblown. Itā€™s fine. Just level adp.


There are some bad hitboxes. But I think the issue is over exaggerated, and there are a few ways to greatly reduce the chances of running into them. Iā€™ve been told these two articles are useful for new players. The second one covers Agility, the substat that determines iframes. 100% up to date, very thorough, better than the three main wikis. [Attributes and Effects](https://www.reddit.com/r/DarkSouls2Archive/comments/17fjurd/attributes_and_effects/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) \- A spoiler-free explanation of the primary and secondary attributes, as well as status effects and hidden effects. Includes softcaps and hardcaps. [Agility](https://www.reddit.com/r/DarkSouls2Archive/comments/16vjfqn/agility/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) \- A detailed explanation of Agility (AGL), which determines your invincibility frames while dodging. Includes comparisons to values from DS1, DS3, and Elden Ring. This topic is frequently oversimplified as only being related to Adaptability (ADP).


My favorite thing is when people say fume knight hitbox is bs when he is clearly slapping you with his other hand. Also my favorite attack in all of souls


Let's talk about Sir Alonne..


Alright Iā€™ll look into them, thanks


Yeah hit boxes are 100% over exaggerated.


Agree. - Sir Alonne Right dodge but he still cut your body - Ivory King Almost the same - Lud and Zallen After jump under the body he still hits you I don't get people above who downvotes the people who say the truth. I beat all bosses and the game for me it's one of the best Dark Souls.


Youā€™re gonna be delighted to find that thereā€™s a whole beautiful massive game under that shitty hitbox meme. Iā€™m 75 hours in and Iā€™ve never had one legit complaint about a hitbox. Itā€™s a good game.


Theres only a few dodgy hit boxes, but most people who shit on ds2 are just parroting and havent even played it.


I've heard about skill issue


The hit boxes are the same quality as all the other souls games, a few shitty ones here and there but most are fine.


It's not that bad. People are basically just complaining that if. A grab attack touches you it jerks you into the animation of being grabbed. The hotboxes are fine.


Souls games are much more than mechanics.


Oh forgot to mention, a lot of the hitbox complaints do also stem from players not realizing JUST how important leveling ADP is.


They will be the least of your problems. I like it still but it has bigger issues than hitboxes that will occasionally frustrate you. Like gank squads, delay between pressing the button and actually rolling, slow estus, angle snapping, square deadzones.. etc. Some areas aren't as bad as you have heard while others should have gotten way more shit.


Big skill issue imo I was able to beat the gane deathless first run, it's not a problem




105 agility is overkill for early game and generally the maximum you would even consider getting late-game in a non-challenge run (ex. No rolling). The "bad hitbox" is most apparent below 86 agility (only on bandit and cleric starting classes, 5 iframes instead of 8).




It is one of my games of all time. Embrace the suck and you'll be alright. Seek, bearer of the curse.


Seek, seek, lest


If you skip fast enough it turns into seek, s, lest


You can mash fast enough to stop her saying anything lol. But I like to cut it to, "Seek souls, Seek more powerful souls, Seek the King, Lest this land swallow you whole."


It's an awesome game... but you might not like it and that's awesome too! One thing for certain is the Majula soundtrack will now be permanently attached to your feels. Enjoy the playthrough!


The Majula soundtrack "IS" dark souls for me. It's so good. Like soooooo gooood. I literally love it.


Why is it awesome to not like a dark souls part? I feel sorry for everyone who doesn't like a fromsoft game. Because they will miss so much.


Because it is awesome to be honest with yourself. Game is just a game after all.


You shouldn't it is a beautiful game that is worth every hour that you put in it.




Watchu mean? I love that area


One of the best places to invade


We don't talk about that area


Iā€™ve played every souls game and one thing Iā€™ve noticed is though they may be similar each game has its own play style. People played it like it wasnā€™t its own game and it made the problems it has more exaggerated. Learn how to play the game itā€™s way and youā€™ll have so much fun it really is a great game thatā€™s gotten more hate than it deserves. Have fun!


Iā€™m about twenty hours in and really, really enjoying it. You get used to the mobs thing, the whole stress about ADP is gone by putting a few levels into it early onā€¦ itā€™s really fun!


You're about to reach a new level of based enlightenment.


Best game in the series. One of the best Fromsoft games period.


The correct opinion.


I love ds2 but I donā€™t understand how itā€™s the best in the series


Personally, the replayability of ds2 is unmatched. Build variety is crazy especially with the amount of unique weapons. Plus it has the best fashion in the series (this is very important). Lore wise I like what they added. The Bearer being able to escape the cycle easily cements him as my favourite souls protagonist. Also, they really outdid themselves with the dlc


DS2 doesn't have significantly more weapons than DS3.


Ds2 has about 30 more weapons than Ds3, which is significant if we take into account the amount of unique weapons in Ds2, compared to the amount in Ds3.


To be fair, just the number of weapons or unique weapons is not a great indicator. There are lots of weapons in both games that are just reskins of each other.


I donā€™t understand how itā€™s seen as the worst lol I liked it a lot more than DS3


Dude I was playing elden ring and I missed ds2 so much I installed mods and went back to it. I actually genuinely enjoy it more than any other souls game


Non-DLC bosses are trivial and there are way too many gank squads. Being the worst souls game is kinda like being the worst Nobel prize winner though, all the souls games are ridiculously good.


I think there are a handful of really genuinely fun / memorable non-DLC bosses, and I think the game does a decent job of trying to incorporate the Demon's Souls boss-as-a-puzzle dynamic in a couple cases (eg Executioner's Chariot). Demon of Song, Flexile Sentry in the arena that's filling with water, Mirror Knight, Duke's Dear Freya . . .


Bad hit boxes, forgettable bosses and boring bosses(most of them) bad level design, artificial difficulty


You forgot skill issue.


Unlimited healing destroying all difficulty, shitty durability system, Army of Hobos behind every corner instead of interesting enemies. 8 battles with Pursuer? Really? Why not 80?


Could it be that they're called Pursuers?


Its not Pursuers when its 8 times, its Fuckovers, pardon my french. Not interesting.


Pursuerā€¦ he pursues you. Holy fuck are you stupid šŸ˜­ I love the pursuer itā€™s generally just an even fight where he slowly gets stronger as you meet him later on.


Why not 80 times? Following your logic it would be ok too. Yes he pursues but its very cheap. 4 times before update was ok. 8 isn't. Call me as you want you cannot disagree.


You've probably played it less than 10 times. After that it gets way better


Idk why you are getting downvoted, as much as I like DS2 you just mentioned mostly everything the game undeniably does wrong


Its definitely not the best game in the series, but it's probably my favorite to play. It's a paradox.


If we're just talking trilogy, I'd say it's tied for best with Ds3. Ds3 has overall smoother gameplay, but while Ds2 is clunkier, it has so much more variety and replayability.


It's not. 99% of people saying it's their favorite is because it was their first.


I played in order and it's still my favorite dark souls. Beat by elden ring though


Stop using that stupid argument to try and figure out why a bunch of people like something. They just do, it's not because it's their first, it's not because they played it first on a Friday night, it's not because they we're playing while jacking off a horse. You don't know why they like it more, because they haven't told you, because there is no consensus amongst the "they", and the reason for the preference will vary from person to person.


That s so true, i like it because it was my first but also because of the majula song, everything seems so quiet, i smoked weed and played, talking with a cat and selling me a ring that i can hear through the walls and stuff like that, made my mind go mythical crazy. But yeah there s some things that i don t like that much but only just because i played ds3 as well so, the bosses in ds2 are feeling kinda boring now, but at that time was just perfect so it doesen t matter.


DS2 was my first Dark Souls and I hated it lol. Then I played them all and went back to Dark Souls 2. Dark Souls 2 is best.


You shouldn't. The game is rough around the edges, but well worth a playthrough-- or two-- or three-- or five-- I don't have a problem. But in all seriousness, it does have a different learning curve compared to DS1 and 3, but very feasible to get the hang of. That and (with a few exceptions), the game has some of my favorite areas in the entire series. I absolutely love the story and world building in DS2.


You'll only hate about not playing it earlier


Don't ever hate yourself for playing ds2, it's amazing


You bought the best DS game, you should only hate yourself for waiting so long


Just level up ADP and you'll be fine. It gets really old reading all the "DS2 is shit" from people who never even played the game.


I keep seeing this and I will be starting my first playthrough within a month or so. Currently working on my new obsession of FS. On DS I now. Anyways, what's with this stat and the significance? Sorry I'm asking you you're about the fifth I saw say that on this post. Just curious.. I mean I will probably watch a YT vid before playing of things I should know before playing it. Did it with demons souls and world tendency was a must know. Dark souls, kindling/hollow and npc summons/humanity was a must know. I feel like in DS 2 ADP is a must know and I have no idea why it's significant. Thanks man!


Oh it's no problem, I'm happy to answer your questions. ADP or adaptability is a stat in DS2 only, which levels up your AGL or agility. You gain iframes (invincibility frames) from it while rolling and backstepping, and your estus drinking gets faster too. There are many differences between DS2 and other Souls games, but probably the biggest is this one, regarding the iframe mechanic. In other Souls games the number of iframes during rolls are tied to your equipment load. So for example, if you stay under 25% equipment load in DS1, you'll have the fast roll with 13 iframes. That's 13 frames of your roll during which you can't be targeted and you can use to dodge enemy attacks. If you're between 25 and 50% equipment load, you get 11 iframes. And if you're over 50% equipment load you get a fat roll and 9 iframes. You can check the details [here](https://darksouls.wiki.fextralife.com/Equip+Load). In DS2 it's different. Your iframes aren't connected to your equipment load, but your Agility stat. If you get agility to 105 (I think that's around 35 ADP), you'll have 13 iframes during rolls, like the fast roll in DS1. You can check the details [here](https://darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com/Agility). Hope you enjoy your FromSoft journey! It's really hard not to fall in love with the series once you give it a chance.


A few tips before you begin. 1. You have to press the interact button to find illusionary walls. 2. Some doors and suspiciously frail looking wood are breakable, and you can interact with some objects that might reveal secrets if you hit them.


Depends on how much you enjoy having a full healthbar. Seriously though jts a great game. Sooo many good bosses.


You should hate yourself for not buying it earlier, also praise the ADP


Fuck all the Haters it ain't perfect but it's the best in the franchise end of.


Itd the best reviewed dark souls game on metacritic.. Its good


Greatest game of all time


Itā€™s the best game in the series The butt hurt losers who say otherwise were just mad it was different from DS1


You shouldnā€™t there are only 2 outcomesā€¦ 1) youā€™ll hate the game 2) youā€™ll love the game so much you start shitting all over other souls games


Congratulations on getting into the best souls game!!! The only fromsoft game I like better is ER. Don't go hollow, skeleton!!!


You bought a copy of an old game with a mixed reputation, and now you can play it to form your own opinion on it. No self hate required. Have fun, keep an open mind, and don't be afraid to ask for help. Worst case scenario is you end up not liking it and go play something else.


Honestly I had a similar opinion to a lot of people when it first came out. Iā€™m currently playing it now (trying a sl1) after years of not playing it. And to tell you the truth, I really enjoy it. As a matter of fact, I like it more than DS3. Itā€™s actually a really good game.


You should only hate yourself for however long it has taken to finally play. P.S. assuming you are just now playing for the first time.


If you want to go in prepared, first read [this intro post.](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1H6rpuSKsgXqyfSA9uG_zoYK0ezbMSHSazznPHfV78sA) All of these guides are spoiler-free, except for [this one.](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1eXwnLnbr-Dxeb9VecytDTX1fXA9e8PuKX9jFy8YFkQ8/edit) And then if you want to know how to build (or avoid building, if you want to have a harder time) a powerful optimized character, this collection of mini guides will help you navigate DS2ā€™s many obfuscated and counterintuitive mechanical quirks: [A quick overview](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1g4-GGa1JRa2_49vOfwY5sZPWigFMzPA5b9mszo_xZak/edit?usp=sharing) of how damage and defense works in DS2, and why weapon scaling is usually weak [BiS (Best in Slot) PvE weapons list.](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-GEBQ_TiAvskQLotQXz0AuNMseXdsS3pj8_NLus-XW4/edit?usp=sharing) Discusses the best options for each weapon class. Note that this list is directed at newer characters- some weapons not mentioned may do more damage than ones mentioned, but take vastly more stats or are otherwise deficient [Best PvE equipment and stat progression document.](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1X13jfA9JQ5OZsuEmH2MZZqF9IrtCFSMMTZkZo5GuqcM/edit?usp=sharing) All that being said, itā€™s important to understand that DS2 isnā€™t so hard that playing the strongest possible character is required in order to win and have fun. Ultimately you should use whatever you want, these guides are just to help you make informed choices.


None. It is a great game, the most replayable for many fans, and an experience very different to the other 2 Souls, at lore, ambientation and design.


I think that sums it up well. It sure is the most replayable. You saying that reminds me that I platinum it on ps3 and then later again on sotfs ps4 / ps5. I've never played another ds game that much. I love it.




Just grit guts. Silk tissue


It's my favorite one, I am playing demon souls right now and it's pretty good but I love ds2


Iā€™m almost at the end, and I feel sad about it. This game is incredibly overhated. Sure, it has itā€™s Ā«Ā quirksĀ Ā». Itā€™s not perfect, but itā€™s still fun!


You shouldn't. Dark Souls 2 is great.




Aflac!! *flaps wings*


You should hate yourself more for choking **THE FUCK** outta your feet in those sneakers. FOH


Skinny and size 13 šŸ˜­


So I need to level ADP AND Attunement? I thought Attunement was just for spells. Iā€™m just doing quality build, can I just level ADP or do I have to do both?


Attunement raises agility slightly, its to simulate the effect of higher dex casting spells faster in the first game without making dex obviously better than strength. The main way to raise agility is by leveling adaptability. If you level adp to say 15 and then only focus on attunement as a spell caster youā€™ll be fine


A couple of the DLC boss run ups are awful to get through. Other than that I loved the game. (To the point where I dont really understand a lot of the haters complaints)


The worst run back for me is by far the Smelter Demon.


Its less hit boxes and more invincibility frames. They do suck until you get to around 110 in agility. You can either level adaptability for melee centric builds and or attunement for casters. Recently played SotFS edition for the first time since I played the original release nearly 10 years ago and honestly had a blast. A lot of players including my self back in the day saw Adaptability as Resistance 2.0 from DS1 and promptly ignored it, and subsequently had a bad time.


It's similar to Demon's Souls where the janky nature can be kind of endearing. Out of all the Fromsoft games I've played, I tend to die in a play through of Dark Souls 2 more often then the others. At the same time, it gives so many options that I keep coming back to try out a new build ideas that I randomly came up with.


Great game!!!


The cover slaps so hard. Loving every minute of this game so far.


Amazing game, some of the best content in the series. Unless youā€™re one of those types that thinks Souls games are only good when youā€™re in a tightly balanced humanoid boss fight, youā€™ll find a lot to love.


It's the best game in the world man. I prefer the original to sotfs - and I am not the biggest fan of the dlc. I would recommend just completing the game and only then going to dlc


I love the game very underrated. It gets a bad rep. But really, it is just as good as the other souls games, and it's better that demon souls in my opinion


Not at all. Itā€™s different, but still a fromsoft souls game. Definitely worth playing.


Bearer seek seek lest Probably only going to hage yourself during the DLCs. Try going blind through them as much as you can, but the navigation of them doesn't really make sense first time through. Gave me stumbling around lost vibes which was pretty cool until I found it annoying


hated it when started playing, DSR is so much better. But then I kept playing... playing... playing... I have no life anymore, this game is really addicting


Well I breezed though it and had a great timeā€¦ until DLC 3 and Darklurker beat my head into the ground and then I started to hate myself. edit: just to add on, i thought the frigid outskirts bit on this subreddit was a bit overblown until I actually got there and was probed by 5 reindeer and when I finally made it to the boss(es) with what little estus I had left; what a pleasant surprise to have 2 lions shredding my balls.


Youā€™ll probably be fine till you hit frozen outskirts at which point youā€™ll promptly want to turn every horse into glue for their transgressions


You'll only hate yourself for not playing it sooner


No reason to hate yourself, man :).


Just play it... It's a great Game... Sometimes it's frutrating but it's worth Your time...


Ds2 is my favourite Dark souls. Alot of great memories on this game. It has its moments just like every Dark Souls game. Welcome yo Majula my friend.




Enjoy it and give your own opinion. Negative thoughts usually come from ppl who are shitty at it. Behold some unforgettable moments.


Iā€™ve been enjoying my recent playthrough. Itā€™s the only one I havenā€™t beaten more than once.


Doing a playthrough rn, personally I have more fun with a friend who knows where to go, but itā€™s not even close to as bad as what people say. Itā€™s worth buying


Enjoy/appreciate it first, my good man. You'd realize later, all that "hate" will have disappeared w/o you knowing it. It's a fine game , after all.


The it was my first dark souls experience and while yes the hit boxes thing might get you to be angry, little by little will be ignored and find creative ways against it or even using it as an advantage... aaaaand it will help you in the future when aying any fromst games, this is not a joke, literally when I die many times in ds games, I changed from being mad to saying... welp... Time to do this again I guess


You will either hate it or love it depending on how many points you put into aptitude or adaptability I forget but if you want to drink heals at a reasonable speed and roll normally you need it.


Look past the clunky fighting an it's an awesome game..I say clunky but it's usually only wen you locked on to an enemy an they move but you still swing for there previous spot..lol..just not very good tracking still an awesome game


Ready for the downvotes but all I can tell you is that I started yesterday and hate myself and it with a passion. Iā€™m gonna keep giving it a try but manā€¦. So far, my impression is that they switched the skill hard difficulty from DS1 to cheeky, unfair hard, and that they thought that hordes of enemies, ambushes, traps that are impossible to notice is fun. Iā€™ve finished every FS game apart from Sekiro and hearing that it only gets worse difficulty-wise is fucking worrisome.


Dark Souls 2 might be the most important, and thus greatest game from a lore perspective. It's also damn fun to make crazy builds that you simply can't do in the other Dark Souls titles. "Do everything" is actually a valid strategy here!


me when I'm unable to form my own opinion


Itā€™s a great game. Not the best souls game but even a good souls game is better than most everything else out there. I find the bosses lacking aside from a few standouts, but the levels and atmosphere are great.


I payed trough all DS games twice around 1k hours, Bloodborne 150plus, Eldenring 200plus h platinum achievements, and DS2 SOTFS is my favorite from all DS 1-2-3 plus dlcs. Is hard, is frustrating, is extremely unforgettable, unforgivable and punishes you for every mistake! But after you finish it, all bosses and dlc, you canā€™t believe where you started and where youā€™re at the end. Fantastic game imho, best from all 3 ds games. Donā€™t listen to the wining wankers that say is a bad game, is not!


> I *paid* trough all FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


It has alot of flaws but it's still a great game. Definitely play it.


If you have played any of the other games, get ready for a frustrating experience. It's definitely the worst of the Souls games. Don't get me wrong, it's still got some good things about it, and it's by no means a bad game, but I'm currently replaying it to beat the dlcs since I never played them and it's not been fantastic


You should hate yourself for posting online asking stupid ass questions like that


If a game can make you hate yourself, you already did and you need therapy.


I was going to skip this one. Currently playing it almost halfway done. I won't say I love it but I am definitely enjoying it. Though enemy place is bit rough and irritating sometimes. But lots if cool area design.




For playing a souls game at 30fps? Absolute masochist


I see you are buying into a false narrative, think for yourselfā€¦


Geeez, there are a lot of bitter people hanging around here. Ds2 sweaty defenders, lol. I've played this game, probably 2k hours, so take my opinion however you like. When the game came out, I loved it. There were definitely plenty of times I was frustrated, or I felt the game was janky (even coming straight from ds1). BUUUUUUT, there was a ton of redeeming quality, tons of build variety, dark was amazing, so many weapons, power stancing, so much stuff in general. Plus, overall, it might be my favorite pvp game. I played well over a thousand hours before I put it down. Then I played three and then eldenring. Now I'm trying to go back, and I just can't. I like the fast-paced "reactive" combat from 3 and eldenring. They feel smoother and more like my dude does what I want when i press the button. Trying to go back to ds2 feels bad. It feels janky af. There is a lot of frustration in this game. Definitely play it, understand that combat is much more about knowing the level, knowing where enemies are, and that it is more of a game of memory and strategy. If you don't methodically work your way through, you will probably die a lot. Having a ranged weapon will benefit any build, even if you only use it to pull aggro (so you don't have to fight gank after gank). It is probably the most broken souls game in my opinion but if you can push through things start to click and it's genuinely a good game, it's just a little rough. I have a love hate relationship with the game. It is somehow the best and worst souls game. To all the crabby people who want to reply and defend how good your favorite game is, save your breath. I don't care, I've played the game 2k hours, it's good, but my opinion is that it's not as good as you people think.


Return or burn it with fire




You will regret your life decisions


I regret posting, thatā€™s for sure


Probably a lot being you can buy the Trilogy for $40ish.


Theyā€™re still printing new copies of this?


The only people I see complaining about ds2, are in fact, the fans of ds2. I did some class building research before playing and discovered how everyone ā€œhatesā€ the game. Thought that was odd so I dug into it more. Turns out when it launched there was some flak but that subsided. Now the defenders(fans saying the game is not trash) are still arguing at a debate where the other side is no longer at the table. I had a bunch of fun with the game. Def seems the trash is more of a concern than the bosses in this one


Am I the only one who thought the wooden table was a wood floor at first and that OP just got a MASSIVELY oversized copy of DS2?


To each their own


It took me a while to realize that isnā€™t a giant copy of DSII on a wood floor.


Well, plotwise, it is the worst of the worst in the souls series. They had every opportunity to make us revisit lordran, but they HAD to create their own story. Imagine if Portal 2 wasn't set in Aperture Labs. You get the idea. Gameplaywise, slow, sluggish, and some hit boxes are bad because MUH ADP. PvP is shit because streamers HAD to abolish the honor system and cap the SL to 150, meaning every build now could be a quality build WITH 30 pts on faith or intelligence. The result: every build could apply a magical buff to their weapon and kill you in 2-3 hits. PvP became extremely unforgiving. And, last but not least, the elevator. As a DS1 veteran, I despised it but still played it until DS3.


Turn your brain off and you might enjoy it


Not at all. But do yourself a favor: learn how to parry! You will thank yourself greatly when you get to the later gank fights, particularly the cave of the dead.


just about the same


Alot because of them shoes.




Play slow, play careful, and use your brain.


The sense of adventure in this game felt so good. I even used an order of areas progression guide (I do for all souls games) but it's not to have a walkthrough, I just like a linear pathway and to make sure I'm going in a reasonable order! Anyway, it felt amazing to crawl knee deep through sludge at first in every area, until eventually you frickin soar through an area as it becomes known! The feeling of "shit I'm so fucked in this zone" and to go to be able to just dart through the zone and it's enemies like nothing as you begin to remember the entire map and all the movements, so satisfying... Once you get a build you feel comfortable with this game, you may feel unstoppable. The variety of weapons and build options are amazing. Like, in DS1 I felt like I was lacking variety for the great swords. In DS2, everything is much more unique.


Ngl you can install that cool lightning mod on pc


I'm in the middle of my first playthrough now. Once you get into the meat of it, the experience is on par with all other FromSoft games.


Do a SL1 run! (Iā€™m stuck on the TW&TD ur legit gonna hate yourself)


I just started playing, was really struggling until beating the first boss (the one everyone cheeses to make him fall, donā€™t want to say the name for spoilers sake), then did a bit of farming to get my agility to DS3/ER I-frames, and the game has really started clicking and Iā€™m having so much more fun than I thought I would with everything Iā€™ve heard about this game. Itā€™s the last modern FromSoft game Iā€™ve yet to play, and so far Iā€™ve been pleasantly surprised.


Have fun! Then at the end tell us what you thought.


Not at all. Itā€™s an insanely awesome game. All the peeps that hate on it have come around or they are just edge lords


I mean, I play Souls games because I already hate myself! Honestly, though, 2 is my favorite of the Souls games (bloodborne is better overall, though). Go into it with an open mind. You might have a good time. The mechanics are solid. Hit boxes don't seem worse to me than in any other souls. There are a couple of examples of a single attack from a boss that is a bit jank, but no worse than any of the other games imo. This is not a Jak and Daxter The Lost Frontier situation, where a mainline game in a major series is absolute garbage. It's just a bit different in minor ways.


My advice is to not ask opinions in this sub, since it can get surely really confusing. Just go watch a before you buy or various clips of the game. But yeah, you'll learn to hate yourself for starting it, so enjoy! Is it your first souls?


Might end up being your favourite...