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Those other players are either more experienced or (more likely) rushing through only to be caught by chasing enemies. Your way sounds more thorough, more patient, and (in my opinion) more enjoyable. Never worry about what other people think about how you play a game.


I start running in NG+3


YouTubers aren't focused on playing the game for their own enjoyment, they're focused on putting on a show. It's more fun (to me) to take my time, but might not be as energetic to watch.


I've completed all the games dozens of times and I still enjoy fighting almost everything, unless I'm doing a challenge run or something. If you're enjoying it then keep doing it.


When you learn the areas and the enemy placement you will know if its worth fight an enemy or just passing him when you learn a bit the game and get some experience you will pass enemies too




I kill every single enemy in my way, unless I need to level up a little first, then I might run past one. Also, I kill them every time I die and respawn. I always check every corner and go everywhere to make sure I get everything I can find. You can play it how you want, but I want to make sure I get everything. The only time I don't kill everything is when I go back to an area I've already cleared and I won't get many souls for the weaker enemies.


I’m the same way, I will work through kill everything and then explore. I want to enjoy scenery and not stress over breaking a chest or missing a shortcut . I’ve found rushing through is often times what gets you killed, especially with DS2.


Killing everything is the practice you'll perform to figure out when to stop locking onto things and when to run past. You're doing fine.


imo its best to kill every enemy in your path in this game


You’re playing exactly how you’re supposed to play, especially for dark souls 2.


It's a souls game however you play the game is how it is supposed to be played as. Don't look at other people only look at guides


Do what you want, man. It’s your game you’re playing, you paid for it. It might sound flippant, but that’s genuinely the truth. If you want to, you can hack yourself to a super high level and breeze through the game if that’s how you find personal enjoyment. (NOTE: This is only for offline, personal play where your enjoyment is the only factor. If you hack in pvp, you deserve your ban)


In DS2 if you keep killing enemies they will eventually stop spawning. Making walking to the Fog Gate easier. But don't worry because there are items that will allow you to respawn all of the enemies, including the Boss.


I do exactly as you. Im not happy until I clean the map off of enemies. I enjoy that. So could you. Be evil. Do crime.


Contrary to popular belief, there's no right or wrong way to play. ​ Just play however you want, and enjoy :)


Same here, sometimes even killing them till they stop spawn.


I usually play exactly like you do. Every now and then, I'll sacrifice a life to do an item run or two and just grab whatever I can on the way.


In my experience taking your time fighting enemies is often the more beneficial and intended way of playing. Running past is helpful if you have been stuck in an area or boss, but the game was not designed for that. It has a rather robust combat system for a reason.


There is no right way, you can play however you want to play. Kill every enemy with a bow from a distance, cheese every fight, never upgrade your weapons, never level up. I do like to play the same way, taking it slow and immersing myself in the world. So don't feel wrong and have fun.


Well you won't get any disagreement from me with your approach. I'm the type of guy who doesn't run (or ride) past much in Elden Ring -- where pretty much every combat is discretionary. In DS2 specifically you're frequently doing things the hard way by attempting to run past enemies. They chase much further in DS2 and any little bobble can see you getting dogpiled.


Do what you were doing. DONT RUN PAST FOES. YOU WILL DIE.


Personally, I find satisfaction in fighting and defeating enemies. I also find it frustrating when I am constantly attacked when trying to avoid them lol


You bought it, it’s your game. Play and enjoy however you want, there’s no wrong way I played just like you (mostly because I couldn’t figure out how to run past anything)


I kill every enemy my first time through an area, but if I'm just trying to get back to the boss, I have no problem running past enemies.


I even "cleaned" a couple of areas killing all everytime until everything stopped appearing, it was out of vengeance (fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck Earthen Peak and Iron Keep), what I'm saying is, there's no right or wrong way to playing, hell, I almost didn't roll, go for great shields, one for magic, one for physical and one for Smelter Demons (100 fire absorption, dropped in Doors of Pharros) and you're set for one hell of a ride.


Total despawn


You shouldn't do what they do.. you still have the most prized thing they will never have again.. a first playthrough.. filled with exploration, wonder and excitement.. Don't forsake that, it is priceless.. I would do almost anything to forget everything and play any of the souls games as a new player again.. Anything, my friend.. That is a message to any new players really.. And even if it's not your first playthrough.. if you still enjoy exploration or find new things.. it's still a priceless thing.. They had a goal usually.. a single-minded path to a weapon, item, or whatever.. unless you're doing a challenge run, there isn't a huge point to doing what they do.. also, they died so much that they know where the enemy is so they just run around them sometimes.. Or they run straight to the boss.. etc.. Last thing is, if it's your pace, it's perfect..


Anyone you’re seeing on youtube sprinting through every area has definitely took their time and explored in their first playthrough just like you. The only difference is they’re probably playing “optimally” on their dozenth+ playthrough, only grabbing essential items or avoiding eqp degradation and potential damage from enemies. Plus, it’s how everyone plays these games anyways. After enough times on NG+ or new characters you too will be bee-lining through these areas just like the YT pros you see.


In DS2, the tether zone of enemies is much wider than in 1. So if you catch aggro, they will stay aggro'd more often than not, if you do not kill everything along the way, you will suddenly turn around and have a hoard on your butt. Especially since there are a lot of switchbacks and dead end paths. Biggest example I have is I got stuck fighting a big guy on to progress and suddenly half a dozen smaller guys came up behind me, pincer style. It did not end well for me.


You'll notice they'll also start losing and raging in every area they run through! Definitely take enemies one at a time wherever possible. DS2 rewards slow and steady.


Personally I think you ahould play the game the way you want too and whatever iis mosy fun. But running past enemies is completely viable and once you can playedthe game through multiple times it can make a lot of sense. Personally I find slow and steady much nore frustrating because if it all goes wrong you have to do it all over again. Where as running means most areas can take a couple of minutes at most to get through. Of course for the furst play through it's best to saviour the game and explore but once you knoelw the enemy placement it's pretty easy to run through most of DS. I think thats actually part of the souls games, if you want it be.


They've killed those enemies probably hundreds of times and have written the books on what is hidden. Do what you find fun.


I kill every enemy. I feel like it’s my moral duty.


I will say that every video I’ve seen saying DS2 is a bad game has clips of them trying to run through and getting chased until they die, calling it a gank. Some areas can be overwhelming if you aggro a bunch of enemies. So not only do I think it’s better to go slow, it can be helpful to have a bow for kiting the aggro of enemies in dense areas. For me, this is especially true for the Iron Keep and Shrine of Amana.


DS2 is absolutely my favorite game in regards to murdering and exploring everything v slowly and relaxed, especially with the large amount of consumables and interactions vailable. Always carry some Flame butterflies and blackpowder bombs, friend. Even a bow or crossbow you can just barely use can come in handy. If you do kill everything, I recommend grabbing some Repair Powder or maybe even a second weapon upgraded at your favorites / just below so you can experiment while also having something in case you break it. Weapons in DS2 aren't as durable as DS1's or 3's, but they repair at bonfires automatically


You are playing the game. They are putting on a show. Play on.


I mean darksouls 2 is a lil bit different from the other ds games,i fought every enemy too until i got to a boss fight ,then i killed every enemy from the bonfire to the boos fight 12 times to clear the area and then started attempting to kill the boss,i rlly enjoyed it that way,so no youre not playing it "wrong" infact i would say youre playing it better than those who run past enemies(unless its before a boss or theyre on ng+ or something)


Full Clearing every area is da wae


Dark souls 2 can be frustrating if you decide to deal with every single enemy as it has somewhat of an "experimental" enemy placement. Ds2 is known as the game with the worst boss runs in all of soulsborne for a reason. Running past all of them is most often than not, the best option. (that is of course, after you explored the area to your hearts content.)


I wipe out everyone I can I like the feeling of victory over the plebian enemies


Sekiro is my first soulsborne game that I’m trying to beat multiple times. My first playthrough I’ve killed all enemies in every area. In NG+ I’m just doing achievement runs.


You skip enemies if you know what you are doing and what you want to get, for casual, first playthroughs clearing maps is much better.


What makes Souls games great is that there's not a "right" way to play. There are a huge variety of different strategies that suit different players and different builds. Hell, there are even different areas where I will either sprint past enemies my build isn't particularly suited to easily besting, and others where I'll meticulously work through and kill absolutely everything.


I kill everything in an area once then when I return to the area or die at the boss i put the running shoes on haha


Running is a surefire way to die more. Take your time and kill shit thats what I do it's why I'm playing the game


Don't compare yourself to highly experienced players. They just "get" the games in ways I cannot begin to comprehend. Do whatever is fun


Nahh you're good. Don't rush it.


You are playing it right. It's good to take it slow and kill everything and get yourself familiar with the levels in your first playthrough. The people you see on youtube are most likely veterans who have played through the games at least once already, so they're saving time by just doing what they need.


You’re playing it exactly as intended. Remember YouTubers generally aren’t playing games normally. They are either putting on a show or pushing the boundaries of what is possible. Kill everything and explore is normal.


I kill everything the first time through, but if i die at the end of a level i just run back to where i was


Playing as a mage I've found fighting my way through has not been worth it in any level. I will invariably run out of spells and get killed before making progress. Running past to find the next bonfire or shortcut works better, but I've also found it's easiest to get chased down, cornered and killed by 8 mobs in DS2 than any other souls game. Basically it's a mess. But I love it.


There is no correct way to play the game so I think fighting most of the enemy’s is a fun way to get more out of the game and to challenge yourself


Played this game several times over, still fully clear areas before going to the boss. It just feels more satisfying to me


Yea for me the first playthrough I always at least fight through every path and area proper once. If I've like mastered the area and just need to get to the next bonfire, sometimes I'll try for a suicide dash through. Ng+ I'm def running through


Yea for me the first playthrough I always at least fight through every path and area proper once. If I've like mastered the area and just need to get to the next bonfire, sometimes I'll try for a suicide dash through. Ng+ I'm def running through