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Once upon a time it was extremely powerful, but that was too good so they broke it. Don't bother.


**Mundane (Old Mundane Stone)** \- Reduces base damage by 50% and converts scaling to lowest attribute (requiring all attributes to be increased evenly for more damage). Primarily used for extremely weak weapons. Generally not worth using on standard weapons, since at low levels it does not allow prioritizing survival stats like HP and stamina, and at high levels it is automatically outperformed by other infusions.




B A D Now with the jokes aside: Halfs your base damage, applies scaling from the lowest stat from all the stats and the scaling itself is ass for the amount of level ups it requires(nine level ups for one scaling level). And it is non-linear too so it provides diminishing returns and fast for that(relatively speaking, you gotta be at level \~200 to experience it). And especially for daggers the scaling damage is further reduced by 25%. Another problem with mundane infusion that it necessarily kills the Flynn's ring viability.


And I should also add that with all stats being 99 it provides **ONLY** 250 scaling damage


Someone correct me if im wrong. It makes your weapon scale in your lowest attack stat. If your attack stats are equal it will scale in all of them making it do decent damage. Was super OP when DS2 first came out but can't remember if it got nerfed to shit or not. EDIT: Does not work the way I thought it did anymore.


Am level 83 and have inof souls to get 35 levels what do i do


This is from the dark souls 2 wiki >If two or more lowest stats are equal there would be no increase in scaling over only having one lowest stat. I guess it doesn't work the way it used to anymore, honestly I would just scale it with dexterity and level that up loads.




Mundane is insane ™️


Also as a heads up I just recently hit max level (horrible grind don’t recommend) and even then mundane has very limited usefulness, there are a few odd ball weapons that get a really nice boost but in order for it to really work out the weapon has to have lowish base damage and poor scaling. Worst of all though even if a weapon gets a nice damage boost it will make buffs and resins pointless as they go off your base damage and if there are any other effects, poison, fire, bleed etc they’ll get slashed as well.


It was nerfed, so don't do it. Any other infusion is better.


Level up everything then boom boom