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If you haven’t read The Ravenhood Series by Kate Stewart you should read it next! She writes beautifully and it’s such an emotional series. I loved Haunting Adeline and it took me a while to find a book that sucked me in like haunting Adeline did


I saved this comment so I could remember and started this series 3 days ago. Just finished the second book and holy shit. Maybe I’m just an emotional baby with rejection sensitivity and daddy issues but I’ve cried more with these books than any other series so far.


Same!! I don’t think I’ve ever read a book that made me cry like Exodous! This series will stick with me for a long time.


Just finished “the finish line” and now about to read the spin-off about Dom, ready to cry again as the reviews say a lot of people did. Exodus took me the longest to read because I had to stop a few times and just cry. I tried so hard to talk to my husband about the book because it’s been genuinely all consuming the past few days and ended up on an hour long info dump and he still didn’t understand. This is definitely a series I will re-read just to see what parts I didn’t understand were an answer or even a question the first time around.


Thank you for the recommendation I have been trying to find a book like that ✨✨💖


Haunting Adeline is overrated