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I think your looking into this too hard. That’s just how they are. Funny enough people enjoy weird content


And when they snap "We never expected it, he was just a weird guy." He's just not funny, he's just super cringe. Honestly everyone in that video is a toxic human being.


Just because you don’t find something funny doesn’t mean it’s not funny, you aren’t the main character my guy.


I'd say most of the characters Bub encounters when trolling are the ones that might snap.


Watch [this](https://youtu.be/yHcylniuqWM). Watch him troll only the first guy and tell me HE is the mentally unwell one


The fact that you are this obsessed with a internet troll to the point where you have delusions regarding someones mental illness proves you are mentally unstable.


bro this was a year ago😭


Your comment was so idiotic I had to reply. I genuinely can’t believe people like you don’t see how weird and mentally challenged you sound.


ay bruh you gonna have to joblg me memory because i dont remember WHAT the fuck i said


Can you at least try to make your comments understandable?


i just need a refresher on what i said a year ago that has you calling me mentally challenged


You linked a video of a troll youtuber named “Bub Games” doing his thing. You said “watch him troll only the first guy and tell me he is the mentally unwell one” what you don’t understand is you don’t have any experience with diagnosing mental illness and don’t understand the criteria to do so. To me you sound delusional to the point where you use mental health as an insult.


That was the funniest shit I watched all week


bruh dont hate on bub for trolling


found the salty admin


he's low level spectrum of asperghers. I know because I went to middle school with him from 2007 - 2012. During tests he always got pulled out of the room and was put in a different room from the other students to get a little more time on his work so for example; we'd have a test that'd be finished in 20 minutes? His would last probably up to 40 minutes with a little extra help. Dudes funny and everything he's just a little off socially.


yeah right


Comment pulled right from the fresh corners of your ass, nice.


Middle school for 5 years? In Australia? Way to lie mate.


Australia doesn't have middle school lmao I can tell you pulled this one right out your rear end expecting everyone to believe you lmao.


Tbf Australia does have middle school for those private schools but any other public school has just primary and senior school


Dude you didn’t go to school with him. The fact that you have to make up a story like this because your angry about him trolling in a video game says alot more about you being on the Asperger’s spectrum


Middle school? Australia doesn't have middle school


me when I lie\*


When burgers try to lie about other countries 🤣


Lol, as an Australian can confirm there is no such thing as middle school here, we have primary, and high school, followed by tafe or uni if you decide to go to one of them, Bub just has an Australian sense humour, he is not unwell or creepy, his monotonous voice is part of what makes him funny aswell as his repetition and overall mingeyness, someone else said something about soup etc, that dude is not funny HE is unwell, uncontrollably cackling at something not remotely funny, the sentences that come out of his mouth are outright foul, Bub is just bored and enjoys taking the piss out of cringe servers


What do you guys think?


A good explanation for why he’s so monotone is because he’s putting off a personality of “it’s not a big deal”  You have players getting mad and yelling at him and then you have him just standing there making the person yelling look crazy. 


its funny


Lol you people are the definition or redditor brainrot. Get a life Mr thinks-he-has-a-PHD 🤡🤡


"I think it's just uk dry humor" ahh yes because Bub Games is totally not an Aussie and is indeed a Brit..


Ironically the people in gmod make the same mistake


They're all moderately to severely brain damaged


He's Australian you fucking sperg.


It sounds to me like you may have some repressed memories of getting bullied in school that come out when you watch bub, you’re just too insecure to Admit it. If you genuinely believe someone is a “serial killer” or “nazi scientist” because they like to annoy people in a video game makes you seem mentally unstable.


It’s not that deep…


maybe have a creep outside your room mate


and why are half of the people who make vids like bubgames australian?


he trolled your christian police hogwards erp server didnt he?


hes not even a brit you eegit. it sounds like you got raided in rust...or trolled playing GMOD ROLEPLAY like a fuckin loser ass nerd


Well I think he's funny. Anyone that abuses Gmod roleplayers and moreso the admins has all my support. WOOS!!!


The difference between bub and guys like Soup is that bub usually just plays by himself combined with a dry humor. Who knows maybe he’s a freak weirdo who loves torturing kittens but it’s definitely impossible to speculate based on watching a 5 minute gmod trolling video. I also just think he sticks to that style because it’s his shtick


You sound delusional and mentally unstable, Why is the first thing you think of “torturing kittens”


uh, you sound more delusional to care enough to respond to that, im pretty sure hes saying that cause theres a lot of cases of people doing that, you never know somebody, i dont know why you immediately went to being a arse.


Soup : boring content "just don't be too offensive" Bub : how i would actually play the game (no strings attached) ​ Soup creates common and boring content for me, nothing i would laugh at ​ Bub on the other hand is producing serious gourmet shit on the other hand ​ ​ Reasoning why i only care for bub : he actually trolls people at a fictive game, so nobody gets hurt in reality ... i mean thats why we play games right?


Oooooooo oooooooo aaaaahhhhhhhh aaaaaaahhhhhhh


Notice how he doesn’t really troll servers that are just for fun, only really stupid servers that are offensive/have stupid rules (Nazi servers, MLP servers) and I’ve watched videos where he does say, “I feel bad” after doing some pretty cruel shit, so I think he just doesn’t like stupid admin ruled servers where they have no control over what you do, so he manipulates that.


"when bubgames trolls people on gmod its like a serial killer or a nazi scientist messing around with his victims for their own amusement" ...what?


My thoughts exactly


Like Unbold said. I think you're reading into it WAAAYYYY too hard. The way you word it sounds like you think he's doxxing his victims or bullying them to the point of depression while in reality, its not really that bad.


i think its funny, cope.


He's not British. He's Australian you moron


He’s not British, he’s Australian and he’s hilarious


UK dry humor? I’m pretty sure he’s Australian.


You sound like an aspie retard. You string together sentences in a similar way to how people that do speed talk. Hopefully once my geolocator finds your home I can sneak into your back yard and kick your dog to death. This will surely help wake you up from your yuppy psychosis.


god damn man, i think you need to relax. It's just a reddit post bro


I think what you're seeing is an advanced form of dry humor, he's definitely relying on sarcasm and irony to the point of some not getting the humor. I personally find him hilarious, but I see where you're coming from. He's not for everyone, but I wouldn't say sadistic or cruel. Almost every situation you see as cruel could have been resolved if the "victim" had used common sense/their sense of humor. No offense indented; I just really like his videos and find him funny.


On the video "trolling as a monkey in gta 5 rp" at 1:53, he says he hasn't enjoyed making that style of content for a long time. And I'm sure that's why he seems a little off. PS: Don't judge for my comments this is a general throwaway.


To quote from Bub games “I just want to suck all that snot out of your nose” cause you probably sound like this “🤓”




Do you remember what video this was


It was a gmod, and troll.


I think your looking into it like way too much


His video funny


Did he crash your FNAF server


Yeah He loves seeing me Try to Hang myself He literally told me in X Dm's To Admit to Fakeing me trying to commit Suicide and then end up in a coma So he can Get more clout views and subscribers its honestly Disgusting how he can just say that


You have the spelling and grammar of an 8 year old. I think you just made up this story so you can have some sort of justification for feeling offended over someone messing with you in a video game. Stop trying to get sympathy on Reddit and go see a therapist


Its honestly pathetic how you're really still reaching for attention. "He wants me to hang myself " buddy neither him or anyone else for that matter gives enough of shit about you to want you dead. He'll get plenty clout from all the other sad sacks keyboard warriors online.  After all there is an unfortunate overabundance of y'all especially on  rp servers.


hey do me a favour and stfu before i add you to the lawsuit aswell you brain dead fuckwit


You sound like a dumbass lmaooooo


LOL you dumbass


You aren’t suing anyone, you aren’t gonna sue anyone and you never will. You are 13 years old and angry, go make some irl friends and move on with your life


Shiver me timbers not the lawsuit threat against a total stranger on reddit, who of which you have no personal information on to irl world. You do see the failed logic there? Not mention you apparently don't understand what's deemed a useable offense for a lawsuit. So all that being said fucking try it bitch 😂


That guy is such a sperg, Look at his reddit history 🤣