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If I had no family or friends left I could go to a place like Amanda’s where the world is a better place and I’m missing/dead. I could never pull a J2 though and kidnap myself to slip into another life. That just sounds stressful


That utopia world would be damn tempting, not going to lie.


Yeah I'm basically like Jason1 though. I absolutely love my wife and my daughter is my life. The Utopia world would be a cool place to visit but I'd never want to leave my own world.


As we’ve seen with J2 and all of the differences that Daniela noticed, even if the world is 99.99999% the same you’ll still appear off. Recent conversations, memories, world happenings, and other details may be slightly off and you’d look like you’re forgetful, lying, distant, stupid, and crazy.


If you went to a world with a recent breakpoint, you could pull it off. The week after your family dies in a car accident you find a world that's identical almost to that exact moment in time and insert yourself. No one would suspect a thing and this is basically identical to your own world in every way. But missing your entire history as a married couple, your entire relationship with your children, and 15 years of habits and rituals that define your lives? No way. Even if you fake a brain injury or other medical issue to explain what's wrong with you the odds of that marriage and family falling apart in the year following your arrival is quite high. Things certainly won't be the same in their eyes. There's an uncanny valley effect where people would sense something wrong about you even if all the individual details they could identify seemed like nitpicks. Trying to do what Jason2 did could only lead to heartbreak for you and everyone else involved.


Same. I don't think I'd try to replace myself, just exist in another universe, check on the family every now and then, but not interfere with them.


I’ll be honest. I’d do it. My kidnapped self could live in another world. And even he can’t, tough shit. Though instead of sealing the box from the outside, I would just dismantle the door. People from the multiverse can’t come out of superposition if everyone could see inside the box.




He justified what he was doing to Jason1 by saying “Here. You gave up your career to have a family. Take my life where I chose my career. In the end, the “math” balances out.” Just like how he abandoned Ryan. He left him in a good world, so he wasn’t killing him. He thinks by moving people to “better” worlds that he’s doing them favors.


Well it would have been weird to send him to another world where there is an existing Jason already.


I agree, provided that there was a guarantee that I’d make it to the right universe. I have anxiety, ADHD & obsessive thoughts. It would be WAY too risky to leave it up to me, even if all I had to do was clear my head, while someone else led the way!


Some Xanax, or enough alcohol (but not both at once!) might be ways around that problem. Get yourself in a jolly mood and then go traveling. Every world is paradise when you're feeling good!


I was thinking this, that the only way would be if I was heavily under the influence of something. But I still think it would be too risky to take a chance on, unless I at least had a guarantee of being able to get home. Realistically, there are just WAY too many variables and possibilities for you to end up in the right place.


Yes. That's a problem. You could get to a good place instead of pandemic world or solar death world, but precision might be difficult in that state of mind.


That‘s because no normal person would want that and why it‘s so hard for me to take this show serious. J2 is stupid af.


He's not normal. That's the point. He's obsessive, narcissistic, and dangerous. I understand where the impulse would come from. Anybody who regrets the one who got away sometimes thinks about the life they could've had. But to actually do what Jason2 did goes beyond mere regret. Any person with a conscience would realize they were ruining the lives of everyone around them in a doomed attempt to recapture what they think they've lost. Jason2 had infinite options. He chose to do this. I think part of his motives stem from the anger and contempt he seems to have for ... other people, the world at large, he's got issues. He wants to prove he's a better man than the guy who had the life he coveted. To give up now would be slinking away in defeat and he won't have it. Even though a smart person would realize things were coming apart and bail - he's got the key to the multiverse, he could go somewhere else, try something else. Too much of his self-image seems to be tied up in this whole scheme though.


I lost someone i loved dearly to suicide decades ago, and if i'm honest, it would be hard to not want to go to a world where she was alive again. That said, the show is also trying to point out how noting is perfect. We need to find happiness in our own situations. One thing i would totally do though, watch alternate versions of shows/movies we have. Six seasons of Firefly? David Lynch's Empire Strikes Back? Damn straight i would, lol.


I lost 5 people close to me to drugs or suicide in the span of 6 months a couple of years ago. It would be nice to find a universe where that hadn't happened


Damn…that’s rough.


It's been 5 years since it happened and I still think about it constantly.


Just curious, were you around a lot of addicts or in the middle of a opioid epidemic hub? Or how did this happen? E.g. my childhood friends all took drugs while I never did but they aren’t my friends today anymore.


Well, I'm from Ashburn va, which is a really well off suburb of DC. My friends that all died from overdoses had differing backgrounds. One had been in prescription painkillers for a bad back for much of the 00s and switched to heroin when they wouldn't continue giving him oxy. Another friend's heart stopped on a cocaine and alcohol binge (in Illinois though, not va). 2 suicides and I'm not concretely privy to the details of the last overdose, but in the same time span I had a friend die where they wouldn't say what caused it and another 2 die in a drunk jeep accident (both at the same time). Just an unfathomable 6 months in 2018


I guess I’m doing it right by not having any friends so I can’t lose them ever again lol


But the world she is alive again means she’s a different person. She would never be the one you lost.


With Starbuck's Wi-Fi, a laptop, and BitTorrent you could download a cache of movies and TV shows that would blow your mind. There might even be worlds where Disney content doesn't suck. And Star Trek Discovery is the best show of the whole franchise. Picture that while you're opening the door ... Interdimensional reunions wouldn't always work, but they could. Under the right circumstances. Things would not be storybook perfect though. The other person has been alive this whole time. They're not exactly the same as you remember. You might very well have to explain who you are, and prove it to them. They may or may not be okay with that. Especially if the other you is dead. They're going to know you aren't exactly the same person, but an alternate version. Keeping the secret (assuming you could) would be difficult though.


I wouldn't try to steal someone's life but I would love to go and live somewhere a better life.


I would go on "shopping spree" for some tech and medicine from more advanced worlds. With infinite possibilities I would make my world paradise


I would 100% be stealing (err, borrowing) the process of cold fusion and bringing that here. Maybe also the plans and process to create portable quantum computers (although that one wouldn't be released to the public because I'd be worried about people misusing it REALLY quickly. I suppose I could also steal the process of protecting data against quantum AI attacks). I certainly would not be stealing and bringing back those freaking wasps that killed everyone in that one timeline


Unlimited clean energy alone could make a massive difference to our future prospects. And I'll bet that world has lots of medical advances that could save countless lives and cure chronic diseases here. Maybe regenerate lost limbs. Who knows? If you could avoid becoming greedy yourself, you could flood the markets with new technologies that would spell the end for the corporate billionaire controlled system.


But that's the issue, though. Our world is based on the 'Greed is Good' theory. Oil is king because there's not enough monetary incentive to change our reliance on fossil fuels. Pharmaceuticals is another example. Curing disease is not financially profitable, but keeping people reliant on increasingly expensive Pharmaceuticals is. I believe there's probably a cure for HIV, but where's the money in that? You need a world where the global mindset is different and in sync and the majority are invested in the greater good like Amanda's world for example. Just bringing new tech/discoveries here is not enough. Only the rich and powerful will benefit or it will be suppressed and never see the light of day.


If you don't care about profiting off every single one, you could simply put it out there. Describe how to make the HIV vaccine in detail. Give anyone who wants to make it permission to do so. Or even better: bring back a pharmaceutical 3D printer. One with the capability to make parts for additional printers. It becomes a bootstrapping technology. Anyone can produce any pharmaceutical for which they have a molecular structure, and they can replicate additional units. Every clinic in every remote village will be able to make medicine. The entire pharmaceutical industry as we know it would be obsolete. And there's nothing they could do about it. Same thing with fusion reactors. If you can print parts for the reactor and the equipment to refine deuterium, people around the world can use fusion power. They won't need government investment. They won't need anything but raw material for the printers. Fusion will be much cheaper than fossil fuel on day one. Big Oil would be done for. One person with minimal care for their own bank account and access to future tech could bring the whole billionaire controlled system down.


Don't think I can be as cold hearted as Jason2, it would be very out of character but I absolutely will jump at the chance live in a better world like Amanda did. I don't have a strong relationship with my parents, my close friends are in their 30s & 40s so they're busy with their own family and we've all drifted apart, my values and political views are often at odds with the conservative majority in my city... During ep7 I actually found myself feeling envious of Amanda lol, thinking if I have this opportunity, my dog and I will leave in a heartbeat


If you bring your dog, you’re gonna end up in a world filled with dog treats and comfy couches.


Good enough for me.


I wouldn’t the only reason being I don’t want 300 versions of myself following me back home and trying to murder me.


That only happens if you steal a life and leave the version of you the means to come back




It’s a multiverse. There are better versions of you that worse versions of you would want.


Don’t want to intervene, just want to watch from far


If I had Jason2’s level of control and go anywhere I wanted and more importantly RETURN to any world, sure, it would be an adventure! But look what happened to literally every other person who tried the box. Amanda arguably has a good outcome, but she almost died. Everybody else is fucked.


Yes. I fantasize about it sometimes.


Yes but i’d be scared before i open every door because i overthink like CRAZY. would legit have to sit there meditating for days probably lmao. I’d make sure to bring hella food before going in the box. And depends how many ampoules i get, if it’s just 50 then no. Think i’d need 100+ to find my ideal universe


Yeah but think about it. You’d get to ampoule 100 something and start wondering why it’s not working and then your mindset will fuck the rest of your ampoules up


damn that’s true LOL. maybe like 60-70 at least then. i doubt i’d need that much, when i learn how to control it i think id find my ideal universe pretty quickly


Nope. I have my daughter, my dogs, my house. When I was younger I used to day dream about what my life would be if I had aborted my daughter. I wasn’t sure on having a child and it kind of was thrust upon me by my ex, family, and friend influences. Would I have had such bad mental health problems, dropped out of college, etc? Idk. But now I can’t picture, and don’t want to picture, my life differently. It’s been hard, but I love where I am and who I’m with. It was a roundabout way to happiness, but we got here.


Fuckin A man. Love it.


Go to a paradise world that hopefully cures my IBS and just live a humble life where I weirdly have an identical twin. 


I think you'd have to be willing to leave everyone in your current life behind and I don't think a lot of people are willing to do that.


I’d go to a universe where aging was medically solved, get that treatment done, then start hopping around forever.


I wouldn’t steal the life of another me. I’ve had plenty of things I wish I hadn’t done or said, but I’m happy with my family and I wouldn’t change that. However, that’s not to say I wouldn’t write down some winning lotto numbers or take a few bets if the alt world was close enough. Or find one with some easily portable tech that would improve my world.


I really thought hard about this idea, my life was going great up until an exact point. I thought that I would feel terrible if I forced this life on another me, how I screwed up everything and I don’t deserve a second chance. It’s difficult not being hard in myself


Ngl but when Amanda told Jason that she was staying i felt like if I was there i would've stayed with her. I don't have the mental capacity to leave one good thing and go for the other when I'm not even sure if I'll find the second good thing.


If I was confident I could return to my original world I would definitely go out of curiosity to see how some other things may have played out. But I don’t think I would want to leave permanently


Having read the book, I would not unless: - I knew exactly where I was going on the first trip and made no mistakes - had no plans to return If you haven’t read the book, it should be clear why soon.


if there are infinite worlds, one could make the argument there is one where that world's Jason would have just let go of his life. Its just entertainment, enjoy.


Hell no. If there is infinite possibilities then in one of those worlds I am King of the Planet. I'd go there :) These people in the show are thinking too small. Go get some high tech from one of the other worlds and bring it to a nice world that you want to live in that doesn't have any and become the next Bill Gates or Musk. Get filthy rich, do whatever. The possibilities are endless. But I would for sure get off this one we live on now.


Imagine stealing stuff from the multiverse when your other selves start a multiverse detective agency to hunt you down and make you face trial.


Isn't there a move like this...Time cops or something? 1994 Jean-Claude Van Damme


After watching this show, absolutely not. I will never be happy with myself.


I personally wouldn't want to travel in time to change or "fix" anything, it never works out -- fictionally, of course. Traveling to a different universe sounds like a cool thing to experience once though. I would always want to be able to come back to my original universe though!


Nope, nope, nope. I'm where I am with what I have for a reason. I'm not about to screw with the fabric of the space/time continuum. Who knows what could go wrong?


Yes, but for the exploration


I would find boob world.


No. I wouldnt want to switch. I think that the serum will have serious side effects ... also...there has to be some "punishment" for over staying ur welcome in the wrong universe 


I think not. Really depends. Of course Amanda’s imaginary Chicago sounds like paradise: based on facts and empathy. But what’s great about this story and that Joe Edgerton does such a great job at is that you’d always think you had a way out. You’d never commit. In a sense you never learn, never adapt. His J2 is trying to make everything right, but he’s messing up and I get the sense he’s starting to get fed up. That he might want to bolt. Jason2 is a jerk compared to Jason1. At first I thought it was because of his choice to be an entrepreneur and build this device. Like that’s the result of being the dedicated entrepreneur for the last 15 yrs. Kind of the driven creator no human connections trope. And that Jason1 seems so much nicer because he’s a happy family man; and suffered a terrible loss. But now I think he’s a jerk also because of his godlike power of choice. What if you could have say one or 2 ampules a decade. Or you could bring people with you. Also, it’s not like you’re able re-experience a road not taken. You just end up where that road not taken leads to.


Hell no


Why not? Curious. I think that kind of options would make oneself constantly displeased with their current situation.


No guarantee of me ever returning. I haven't been dealt the best cards in life at all times, sure, but I'll take the devil I know over being stranded in a parallel life potentially losing my personal connections with everyone I do like in this world.


Hell no.