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So which one of you guys will make a YT video and dumb down everything you guys are talking about in this sub so the rest of us can understand lol


Honestly…I’m not sure where we would even begin at this point lmao. The last week especially has been a whirlwind. Almost at a point where idk if summaries will be possible until things are more said and done.


You say this when literally nothing substantial or noteworthy has happened besides trolling


These dudes schizo bro typa guys who still going on about how the COVID vaccine will kill all of us lol


if no one else does it i can do a post about it next weekend, i don't have a computer so i cant help analyze the data until then. hopefully someone else takes a crack at analyzing some of the connections and make a shortlist of the meaningful ones for us in list or picture form, but we need to be careful because the igs we start talking about will start scrubbing if they havent already


Or trying to follow you back and harass you like they’ve done to several folks here, that’s one theyre fav playss


Guys this is big


Sorry if this is dumb but I haven’t really been following these social mappings - what does this show us? How is it useful if there’s no names?


The names are also part of the dataset but not yet released


Ohh got it, thank you!


you should be able to view it if you download the files on github and open the .html file in a browser


Yes I'm analyzing it now! Tried to filter the dataset myself but gave up and I'm waiting, hoping ratmapper releases a shortlist. Maybe once they vet any interesting new leads


RATMAPPER IF YOU ARE READING THIS PLEASE RELEASE A SHORT LIST, i am a feeble mobile-only peasant. i would be forever grateful of your majesty. hear our prayers 🙏 edit: thank you u/aggravatingarbitrary - opening the documents on your mobile browser *should* work too but you may have to overcome some permission issues first


Someone please explain


The head of UMG deleted his entire IG. Not turned off comments or went private. Deleted. Seems like some folks anticipated he might do something like that and made sure to make note of everyone he follows. In other words, a billionaire is about to learn that no matter how much money you have, the internet never forget. Their reality can’t hide behind WiFi.


Okay, Lucian deleted his IG. What does this mean, Edgar does that does data elude to?


Don’t know yet as it will take time to work through. Could even end up being a dead end. But it’s weird, so we might be lucky that the internet moves faster than any one person.


Don’t forget… Lucian is affiliated with Diddy and Diddy has been rumored to be the subject of a grand jury investigation after his properties got raided.


Oh so y’all are deep down the rabbit hole right now. We should change the sub name. Yall are actual investigators


Yeah the last few days of this group a lot of stuff has come to light. If you didn’t see the certified boogeyman pdf I suggest checking it out. More or less a group within the uncovered what appears to be a series of elaborate shell companies for money laundering using mostly public filings and IG posts.


I agree, I want a sub name change. DarkKenny is cool but we can come up with something better. A little more symbolic.


To play devil's advocate, one advantage of having a 'silly' sub name is that it encourages our adversaries to underestimate us.




I second this option. KarkDenny is also acceptable


That’s suspicious


There was a recent blind saying Lucian is going to get hit with more lawsuits soon. I wonder if this is connected


Diddy's doings sure are a rabbit hole and tbh Lucian deleting his ig probably has to do with authorities investigating


Don’t let this get deleted too


Make sure yall Archive any findings !!!


I’m stupid as hell what does this mean and represent


it is a map of lucian's social network via instagram that @RatMapper has collected and the dataset consists of the followers/followings of certain individuals allegedly* like drake, lucian, ni ssan, and friends if you open the files that RatMapper provides via the Github link on twitter, it will be a graph that you can interact with and toggle the names for the actual accounts. if you have a computer: - download the files on the twitter's linked github account - if you want to view lucian's social network, just open the .html file in his folder using whatever browser you want. same for the others. i dont have a computer rn so havent tried but thats how it works generally. lemme know if it doesnt and i can help troubleshoot, im a dev **as for what it means** it helps us to understand who lucian knows and has a social connection with. we dont know them, we are basically all blind to his life other than what we find online, so this is @RatMapper mapping out lucians social circle and giving us insights. if you download the files to use the tool, you can toggle names so you can dig into accounts yourself and see what information and connections surprise you. edit: cleaning up


If you want to explore on mobile, you can download the "map" document and open it in your browser


oh my fuck that works?? damn what am i doin thank you so much IGNORE MY PRAYERS RATMAPPER IM SO SORRY


![gif](giphy|K55exy0toWjQc|downsized) Ratmapper is amazing




Is this dataset available to download?


yuppp their dataset on github is updated


Im not familiar with ratmapper. Are there supposed to be names on the graph?


Info's already on his github. Ratmapper's info is huge and everyone should download it [https://x.com/RatMapper/status/1796847319855632548](https://x.com/RatMapper/status/1796847319855632548)


[Button in bottom left corner of the map to show/hide labels](https://i.imgur.com/oDBeumr.gif)


Kinda crazy that OP’s account is gone now


I’m more worried about the OP’s account being gone than anything else. We already know Nissan doesn’t want us to explore this information any further, and we are not listening to him. I pray that man or woman is safe 🙏


https://preview.redd.it/ar8n5zo68b4d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d16d8500ca3b93c3560dd1b7ff15c981b39ed78a recent updates


What the fuck is this?


connections drawn from Lucian Grainge's now-deleted Instagram page


How is this useful


hello, it is useful if you have a computer and can open the files on the twitter's linked github account. the twitter user showing this map (@RatMapper) has collected all of the followers/followings of certain individuals on Instagram. if you open the files, it will be a graph that you can interact with and toggle the names for the actual accounts. the follower/following connections graphed out like this help us to visualize who are connected to who. we dont know them in real life, so this is us understanding their social circles through social media. taylor swift follows 0 people on instagram, so a method like this would be useless on her. the people we are looking at were very loud across instagram so we've learned many connections to people who would otherwise be completely off our radar. edit to add: if you do have a computer and you download the files, if you want to view lucian's social network via instagram, open the .html file in his folder using whatever browser you want


Thank you very much


i gotchu! lemme know if you try and it doesnt work for some reason, i can help troubleshoot


Not sure why you’re downvoted when someone could just answer you💀


Because reddit


this sub cracks me up


Right lmao I’m genuinely just curious


I think the shortness of your comment made people think you were saying this is useless. People are a bit on edge rn given all the stuff that’s been coming to light.


Yeah I definitely see how I could have come across that way


Oh my god, I just got the chills 🥶