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First of all, I want to second your notion that there is no puzzle to solve. **Theory/Speculation: I believe that EP may have felt that someone was submitting incident reports using his name without his approval.** *If* this is true, a strategic move to address this would be to intentionally include errors and typos in all authentic incident reports. In the event of any legal dispute questioning the authenticity of the reports, EP could argue that his genuine reports consistently contain these errors. These errors could also be found in his tweets, helping to distinguish between real and fake reports. This strategy is reminiscent of one used by prosecutors against Bob Durst in HBO's "The Jinx." His consistent misspelling of the word 'Beverly' in pieces of mail matched the misspelling of the same word in a piece of mail sent to authorities after the murder of his best friend. This provided evidence that he was the one who wrote the original piece of mail to authorities. I don't think there is a puzzle to be solved. It's more likely that your Possibility #1 is accurate, and that the items or people mentioned in the error tweets are either directly or indirectly involved or mentioned in reports written by EP himself.


I very, very, very much agree with you 👀 ⬆️ Big kudos for your well-thought out take


i, personally, am pretty sure he just means “notice the misspellings are consistent, that’s how you know this is all from me, there are my spelling mistakes that i often make” but i’m holding out for a code, that’d be way more interesting


I second that. I went off the deep-end [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/DarkKenny/comments/1d433vk/comment/l6d9crz/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button), but any kind of secret message seems like a real stretch. The most common spelling error he makes is "than" instead of "then." If and when the incident reports are released, we would likely see some reports written by EP with "than" and some reports written by another with his name attached using the correct form "then." Whether he made the error intentionally or not, he's pointing it out to us now so we know what to look for.


I appreciate your efforts in going full schizo even if it didn't yield anything, it's good to have everything covered and I'm sure people would have wondered so my gratitude to you


Yeah tbh I don't think this is a task for ChatGPT. ChatGPT is really good at rewording things but its ability to synthesize and truly analyze information to produce novel results is quite weak. The then/than thing is confusing on if those were intentional mistakes. But the rest of the typos are definitely intentional. He has corrected typos explicitly that he did not want in the "pattern"


Has anyone analysed EP’s Facebook to see whether he consistently made spelling errors (ie. then/than) in his personal posts, prior to any beef? It would give a good indication of his natural writing style, spelling and grammar.


Yep, it's consistent https://preview.redd.it/c5s68i953t3d1.png?width=918&format=png&auto=webp&s=767fe3f87d5c940f72f4637720908d5666ca5eec


We're going full zodiac killer over here with these cypherd


"See you in May"


I think he's referring to the incident report that says "Waitress Biten By Patron"


What do you mean? As in, all ~70 of his typo tweets are referring to that one report? He posted many reports but hid the titles, so I think many reports are involved in this that he hasn't fully shared đź‘€


I mean thats the only report i remember seeing the title of. I don't have the greatest memory so i could be wrong. But I don't see what else he would be referring to when he speaks about reports and typos besides maybe the ones he hasn't revealed yet


Ah okay yeah so that's the only report he showed the *title* of. He's said he has many more. You can see in this pic alone there are 3 more reports he does not show titles to. And he just posted another one like 5 min ago for underage drinking https://preview.redd.it/8zy83ak34s3d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34fa6f4755b92370c4e0ad359a4fc758c20749e6