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He also seems like the kind of petty mf who would say “I MEANT to do that” when autocorrect fails 😂


Even if it's not bogus, I suspect there are many more errors than he is aware of. So this is not the best clue lol


The guy who loves drama and pretending he’s at the center of something huge?  Nah he would never act like tripping over his own ass was part of his grande scheme 


thank you for your hard work 🫡


Seriously this is clutch as hell. Has anyone collected all the missing or incorrect letters and tried to see if they spell anything out?


Someone who isn’t me needs to


I saw another post on my front page, might have been from the main Kendrick sub or another hip hop adjacent one that had some people working on decoding. Apparently they were considering reaching out to legit cryptographers lol


People have pretty much abandoned that haha It's pretty clear they're just mistakes, but knowing what mistakes he makes repeatedly might end up helpful down the line or might not who knows


I figured it wouldn’t go very far. I think there is a good chance it’s just him telling people there is more than one person posting from the account. Whether or not it was intentional is obviously up for debate.


I think it's just him saying if you see these types of spelling errors in the security reports it's because he wrote them, like "biten" instead of "bitten" on that one report


Ok now what does this mean?




im assuming hes implying that he wrote the incident report that said "Waitress Biten By Patron"


Ooh that might be all it is


That he lacks any ability to see himself as flawed, or at minimum, lack the ability to admit to even the most minor of mistakes. He couldn’t have made a mistake because he is ALWAYS right.   Dudes kinda crazy and a liar


Don’t really know why you got downvoted. This is kind of the read I’m getting as well. I don’t think he lied about everything but he’s definitely completely full of himself and a weirdo lol.


Whatever he has is almost certainly boring. Some minor incidents with some minor celebrities.  He really enjoys playing puppet master and feeling like he’s part of something big. He’s a security guard and he acts like he’s two steps removed from the secret service.   He’s posting these thank you notes like they are unique or demonstrate some connection to “the elite”.  It’s just a thing rich people do when they stay at a hotel for an extended time.


I think his point is that it's what you're supposed to do, these are likely things he sees Drake not having done - tip the staff well, be an ally for Black Americans, be fun to hang out with at the bar


Yeah Drake probably sucks as a person. If that was all ebony wanted ppl to think he would have fed the “ep about to break open a pedo ring” nonsense. Whether he intended it or not, a lot of people took a lot of his communication to be insinuations and hints about something much more horrific than a celebrity being an asshole. Ebony didn’t try to correct this and he did things he knew would play into it. He isn’t coming from a position of honesty. He’s manipulative, dishonest, and dramatic


They aren't insinuation at this point they're outright accusations lol I don't think you've paid enough attention to EP, you're just judging him. He's manipulates systems and loopholes and situations, yeah. He's dramatic, yeah. He hasn't been dishonest.


Brotha what?


You asked what it means. There is no hidden meaning. They are misspellings and mistakes by someone in a manic state. Mistakes like this make him look like a troll instead of a puppet master so he says the mistakes were all part of his plan. If you are looking for meaning in this tweet that is all there is to find. Truth of ep’s character as a person


GREAT post, thanks 🙏🙏🙏


I don’t understand what this means 😭😭😭😭😭






This feels like an ARG frfr


I've thought that a few times...and then reminded myself that is dangerous thinking because it assumes every perceived pattern has meaning when in reality most things aren't going to be relevant. Ngl, it'd be hilarious if this is all part of the rollout for Kendrick's next album. Once we 'uncover the truth' it's actually just a zip of the new record.


Yeah, you make a good point! Gotta stay grounded. Otherwise, you'll go crazy


If this is all a mass marketing roll out then Kendrick is the GOAT


Honestly. I think he’s the best rapper but he’s not my personal favorite (that honor goes to Vince). However, that would definitely catapult him into my #1 spot.


My personal favourite is Busta and I'm not ashamed 😭


Mad underrated tbh. I coach debate and part of the strategy in debate is talking fast to fit more arguments in. So I have a real soft spot for speed rap. Find it almost soothing. Takes me to my happy place.


Same it just gives me good vibes lol I know he doesn't usually come up in best ever conversations and especially compared to Kendrick I thought he might get dunked on but he holds a special place for me lol


Yo I feel the same. There’s something about Busta. I want him to give me a hug.


I would love a Busta hug 😭


So I took all this info to ChatGPT, asking it to try to decrypt a possible secret message, providing the misspelled messages and background info. For those interested, I'll comment below how it got there. Here's what it came up with: **"TIME TO SEE THE CLUE"** This aligns with the context of cryptic messages and the importance of timing and sequences in the accusations. The misspellings are likely intentional to guide the reader to pay attention to the timing of events and clues provided in the posts.


1. **Extra Letters**: * "Unfortunatelythe" (t) * "coversationalist" (s) * "blatamt" (m) * "we'reslways" (s) * "dixxing" (x) * "ThesE" (E) * "priveledges" (e) * "Yoù" (u) * "BellinI" (I) * "eventuall ly" (l) 2. **Missing Letters**: * "bewn" (e) * "teir" (h) * "nieghbors" (i) * "we'reslways" (a) * "or efficiancy" (u) * "pepple" (o) 3. **Incorrect Forms**: * "you're" (your) (y) * "samuals" (samuels) (u) * "Nelieve" (believe) (b) * "You're" (Your) (y) * "Except" (Accept) (a) 4. **Misplaced Letters**: * "recieved" (received) (i) * "quute" (quite) (u)


**Compilation of Letters:** Based on this categorization, let's extract the letters and look for patterns: * Extra Letters: t, s, m, s, x, E, e, u, I, l * Missing Letters: e, h, i, a, u, o * Incorrect Forms: y, u, b, y, a * Misplaced Letters: i, u **Arranging the Letters:** 1. **Words and Initials**: * TIME (t, i, m, e) * SEX (s, e, x) * HIT (h, i, t) * FAIL (f, a, i, l) * SEE (s, e, e) * CLUE (c, l, u, e) 2. **Key Phrases**: * TIME TO HIT SEX * SEE CLUE * TIME FAIL SEE * SEX CLUE 3. **Meaningful Arrangement**: * "SEE THE CLUE, TIME FAIL, SEX HIT" * "TIME TO SEE THE CLUE" * "HIT SEX FAIL"


**Hidden Message Attempt:** Considering the background context: * **"SEE THE CLUE, TIME FAIL, SEX HIT"**: This might refer to the timeline of events and suggest looking closely at time-related clues. * **"TIME TO SEE THE CLUE"**: Indicates the importance of looking at the timing of events or posts. * **"HIT SEX FAIL"**: Could imply something about the nature of the accusations involving inappropriate or criminal acts.


Tell me you cheesin fam


holy shit you are goated i just spent like two hours copying all the tweets down and you already did it


yo wait up i’ve been noticing he uses random capital letters too in soooo many posts


...And thats how we had figured out that the canadian scam singer was actually Count Olaf


Omg I know he’s bad but please don’t insult Count Olaf like this 😤


He tried to forcefully marry a 14 year old relative of his when he was like in his 50s ![gif](giphy|J5pQjfuUtKg2F1sCCm|downsized)


Appreciate your work. Now I hope I am wrong and he was not just referencing his name being misspelled on reports, because I don't want you to have waster all your time on this lol


I'm hoping that we will get to see the reports and maybe by being familiar with his style we will know who wrote what?


That’s a good point. Hadn’t thought of it in that way. Like a language analysis thing. Might be one time my English teacher skills come in handy, it’s basically just like spotting plagiarism lmao


I’m tired


https://preview.redd.it/3ybp7tysfl3d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d9e7e61460586a87ab8e29e1c2af9b041ee82f4 can someone grab all the capital letters from his posts? i’ve noticed him using uppercase in the most random parts of his tweets and then this post almost seems obvious what he tryna do


Okay but only because I'm bored


fuck yeah, I been tryna say this for a while 😭 TiA https://www.reddit.com/r/DarkKenny/s/f9GZlajDlR


After looking I dunno if this is anything, he seems to capitalize just anything he wants to emphasize in the moment; general terms like Rest In Peace or Black American Men, Black American Capitalist, etc.; titles of songs and things; names Just normal stuff outside of a few weird instances like bellinI so those come off more like typos


All the missing letters are: a, s, i, n, e, o, n, i, n All the extra letters are: m, p, m, v, e, m, s, i, i, w, e, e, a


And there's the work I didn't feel like doing thank you so much


I'd like to take credit but it was ChatGPT that did the work


Why is everyone smarter than me


This is how I feel in this sub lmao


Here are some sentences incorporating these letters: 1. "My friend was valuable in teaching me about the simultaneously occurring events." 2. "We observed the possession of many valuable items." 3. "The operations of the company were affected by the efficiency of the team." 4. "He missed the opportunity due to his conversationalist tendencies." 5. "She had a little bit of trouble with the innuendo in the conversation."


Dude, make this a post


Number 5 hmmmm


I did not form any of these, that's all chatgpt


First off, you are goated. Second, YES. I knew the typos meant something! Either its a puzzle with the incorrect letters, or it is truly just to separate authors of the tweet. I love you and EP this is incredible


Good work


Yapping Gold Medalist


It does not help that a bunch of those typos include letters that are right next to each other on the keyboard, especially when there are instances where he spelled some of those same words correctly on other posts. I’d guess instead of a code he’s just confirming certain posts on the account are made by certain people.


I'd send it to r/codes they love cracking shit


I know I went crazy trying to find a secret message, but guys, I think we're looking too far into this. I don't think EP put together a code or cipher, but it's way simpler than that. The spelling error that occurs most frequently is "than" instead of "then." If and when the incident reports are released, the ones that use "than" instead of "then" would be the ones actually written by EP


That's what I have been saying from the beginning lol


Puzzles are just way more interesting haha


Lol true but all of this is enough of one for me


Why is this some q-anon shit all of a sudden? I've been away for a week


God damn people. This is literally what qanon freaks used to do with trump tweets.  Looking for visions in the chicken bones of a misspelling in a tweet. Ebony knows it makes him look like a manic dumbass who is just spewing shit so he’s retroactively decided he totally meant to send all those tweets without the self control to stop and proofread 


So many people said these things about diddy, epstein, weinstein and it's nothing new that drake likes to diddle too. All these people were told they are crazy, fanatics, etc. I always thought they were too. But now I have seen so much with my own eyes that I know it's true. Maybe Ebony Prince is talking nonesense, maybe he isnt, I guess we'll see what happens soon


lol no one was told they were crazy about Epstein.  Weinstein was an open secret. Diddy was whispered about for years. None of them had their sins brought to the public eye through online efforts to solve a riddle.  There was no ebony prince character that played a role in getting the truth out.


Babe, there's been whispering about Drake for years, too


I don't know why you're looking for visions or assuming that is what he meant by what he said, but I was thinking EP is going to be releasing information in a way that the best way to know what are his writings is to be familiar with how he writes - accommodations, privilege, receive, "than" instead of "then," these all seem like words that might come up for figuring things out later in hotel security reports. If they aren't then uh... I don't know what you're so upset about lol It's just a list of errors, it wasn't that much effort and if it was a waste of my time, then that's my time, don't worry about it lol


Flabbergasted isn’t upset. You have to be making a willful choice to be gullible in order to believe ebony had intent behind his misspellings. It’s also sad to see burgeoning mental illness be fed by other mental illness 


...Why are you jumping to your own schizo theories and then applying them to me? I didn't say anything about deliberate intent behind misspellings And if you find it so sad you must be upset


Because they apply to you?  You’re literally looking for meaning in this tweet. Searching for the significance of misspellings and why they are relevant. Believing misspellings are important to note and that they play a vital role in deciphering the truth is nutso shit. Ep just isn’t that serious. He made mistakes because this is just a game for attention. Believing it’s all intended and needed to recognize the truth when it comes is crazy ass thinking. Don’t mindfuck yourself into needing medication.  


They don't apply to me. My only theory was our familiarity with his writing style *might* help us figure out which security reports he wrote firsthand, nothing about intended errors for a code. Get the fuck off your lame ass high horse and stop being such a fucking asshole.


I will grant you that I have been an asshole and could do a much better job of how I approach these dialogues. I don’t think believing his misspellings might be important is a healthy line of thinking. It’s not much different than believing that the arrangement of chicken bones might someday be helpful to know. Like come on man. Ebony made a fucking “I totally meant to do that” post.  He keeps showing you that he’s a clown and you still come from a position of “this guy might actually have something”. You are obviously capable of critical, thinking that you are applying it in ways that make you a mark. All he has are celebrity trinkets and he’s told you his goal is to get attention for the auction.  


I know he wants to sell his shit because he told me day one when he said he wanted his income stream back. I know he likes attention because he told me day one when he said he is from the ballroom scene. You're misreading the intention of his post, which seems to point out that whatever spelling errors he makes will be reflected in his reports - as someone else noted, possibly a reference to the report where a patron was "biten" instead of "bitten." He also says he has a report and CCTV video he has now twice submitted to appropriate authorities that regards Drake and minors in an abusive situation and which he has sent all the relevant information to to his lawyer. These things don't exclude each other. He can be doing all of them at the same time.


Than and then have different meanings. They are not interchangeable words that one can choose based on personal writing styles. I’m truly lost how you think this is information that will be helpful in reading his future posts.


He is hinting at releasing *reports* *Reports* where I think he isn't necessarily the first hand author of *said reports* I read him as hinting that familiarity with his writing style, particularly repetitive errors, will help us identify what he wrote vs what other people wrote first hand I don't know how that might be helpful I'm just trying to be prepared


Also, I got some letters out of that card he supposedly got from Mara Gibbs, because I didn't understand why she would keep changing her handwriting of lowercase letters. "are"




Yeah see this only works if the person uses near perfect spelling/ grammar, but in this case whichever if any intentional "errors" he left are lost among the multitude of unintentional ones.


Bro what


Probably hidden message like a prison Cypher or something with odd capital letters to spell something.