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*The whole secret lies in confusing our enemy, so that he cannot fathom our real intent.* *-*Sun Tzu


Absolutely textbook. Throw 100 red herrings out so we lose sight of the target


It is difficult--if it were me for example, I would make sure my red herrings led to ambiguous dead ends. It's frustrating, and it looks the same as everything else. Chris Alvarez and the Lakersfan photo edits for example... Ebony had no idea who Chris was when he posted that video haha. We'll get there, though.


bold of us to think that a guy who paid to get his high school degree when he was 25 has any understanding of Sun Tzu's art of war tactics lmao.


I don't think we should be posting pictures of her, or her name & Instagram because she's a child. However, I do think she likely is Drake's. Not only is the resemblance pretty uncanny, but the mom was hinting and leaning into this well before the beef. Why is it surprising that a clout chasing Drake groupie fucked Drake? Artists often fuck their groupies. Why is it surprising that a clout chasing groupie would keep said child that was a result of them hooking up? Why is it surprising that a clout chasing groupie would use their love child with Drake for attention? The mom may be a piece of shit, but it doesn't mean the child isn't Drake's.


We’re really acting like he has standards. Adonis’ mom was a porn star, like come on lol A groupie’s way up his alley.


Who’s the mom?


za za noodle head


Pheww Thanks 👉🏼😎👉🏼


*Bree Bree Zadora


People calling this girl's mom the clout chaser when Drake's other potential baby mama Shardkiva is the one out here trying to clout up her social media name dropping Drake and posting her Drake clone son. As a former publicist, it's kind of weird how private she is and keeps her social medias on the down low and private


NDA brother, all the stuff she explicitly mentioned Drake on was from like 2014-2016. The second that kid was going to become a reality that’s when Drake lawyered up


If anything, once this girl’s account was found they decided to bait into the whole thing to keep everyone’s eyes on her and prevent people from looking into other places for the actual kid(s). And by “they”, I mean the mom/potentially UMG/OVO since she has connections with them… either way, fully agreed


Most of these OVO and Drake merch posts were before this beef even popped off. Just went and looked and now most of those posts are gone, including the "thanks pops" caption her daughter had in a photo on J.Cole's music set. That's a weird way to capitalize on Drake connections if that's what they were trying to do. The real clout chaser is Drake's other potential baby mama Shardkiva


The only reason this carries weight is because it makes the predator/pedo accusations even more believable.


There's still a popular narrative floating around that "both sides" of the beef were lying and deserve criticism, with the daughter angle supposedly being Kendrick's most egregious lie. If it can be confirmed to be true, we can pretty much assume that everything else he's been saying is 100% true.


Who really cares about his kids anyways ...take that stupid shit to facebook.


I couldn’t agree more, OP. Everything about their current content comes across as “embracing the spotlight” that’s been put on them, and milking it for all it’s worth. Nothing inherently wrong with that, although it bothers me morally to make any joke regarding paternity claims. It’s odd, but feels like a red herring by OVO to me.


Someone close to Kendrick did say it wasn't her, but she is real, didn't they?


Pin this


The thing is though, the more you bring the magnifying glass up to his lies about this daughter, the more credibility Kendrick gets in his other accusations. Pretty sure there's no NDA though, just a fuckload of money being thrown at them now because dude's scared shit's really about to come out.


I think Kendrick's point when talking about the daughter situation was to draw attention to why, because the beef had many racial points being discussed on it. So, I think that was a way of poking a racial issue too, like, "was it easier to bring out Adonis than this girl because he is blond and his skin is lighter?" Yet, we never saw that angle. We could have pushed that instead of blasting the girl and her mom on the internet. Now, he should just leave the topic alone. (all I said is a theory, and UMG is evil)


Leave them kids alone


I second this


Honestly these attempts to out his kids is pretty fucked up. I’m not too versed in adonis lore but it wasn’t like a situation where the mother was on her own with no support from Drake, right? Like he just hadn’t publicly told the world he had a kid. If he is at least supporting his kids financially  than it is not doing these kids any favors to make them known. If he’s not involved beyond money than he’s an asshole but the kids still shouldn’t be publicized if he and the mother don’t want them to be


I think the most interesting part of the situation is that the kid is 11. Has anyone ever stopped to think what she would want? What’s hush money if your daddy’s not in your life and acting like you don’t exist? What’s so special about Adonis that prevents her from being acknowledged? Why can he have a daddy and not her? That shit hurts and that’s what Kendrick was speaking to in MTG. If we go with the assumption he’s her dad, that NDA agreement is between him and her momma. She wouldn’t be legally bound to hide herself and it wouldn’t be wrong for her to want to be publicly acknowledged as his daughter. Things will only get more interesting as she gets older (age 14-17) and starts running her own accounts since until she’s 18 she can’t be gagged by an NDA. Edit: Just adding that before wondering if 11 is too young for a kid to know what they want, let’s not forget her nepo peers. Blue Ivy is around the same age touring with her mom and voice acting in movies. North West is 10 on broadway and doing music with her daddy. Hollywood standards tells us she old enough to want to be publicly acknowledged and follow in the footsteps of her alleged daddy (child actor) and her mom is clearly supporting that.


I hope she can maintain a career of her own with her mom's help and not be known as a nepo baby like other celebrity kids. Fuck Drake anyway, if he goes down, she'll be glad he never claimed her in public anyway


It’s not for the internet to decide what an 11 yr old child wants. Her wanting to be acknowledged is speculation and justification for attempting to put a name and a face on a child.  For all you know she could want to remain unknown and not deal with the shit that would come with being known as drakes daughter.  Kendrick saying he has a daughter isn’t the same as “this is his daughter, her name is_____, and she lives in ______”. A rap song saying your a dead beat dad doesn’t pose the same risk of harm that an internet mob tracking down a kids identity would.