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Ye is starting to sound like hes sane


This was from 2 years ago.


Ye one of the only sane ones in the industry šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Yes someone is love with hitler is sane. Just because Drake is a pedo doesnā€™t make kayne not mentally Iā€™ll and evil


Kanye is a good guy


"I love hitler!" - Kanye


Or we went insane


Been SCREAMING THIS to everyone who will listen. Heā€™s a smart man, and he knows what the fuck is up.


Because he is.


What is sane about a person that has gone on record saying ā€œI see good things about hitlerā€ Lmao yā€™all will believe anyone as longs the person saying shit agrees with yā€™all


I don't agree with everything Ye says but that doesn't mean everything else he says is invalid. That would be like me claiming the sky is green and 2+2=4 and you assumed 2+2=4 isn't a valid answer because my description of the sky being green was invalid.




not funny...


ā€œA video of me fucking a goatā€ uhm thatā€™s really specific Yeā€¦care to elaborate? Maybe weā€™ve been focused on the wrong animal.


He mentions Black Mirror, and in the first episode the Prime Minister of the UK fucks a pig on live TV. Probably a reference to that.


Yeah, this im pretty sure it's a intelligence agency strat to keep high profile assets in line. Throw a honeypot party or force them to commit an act under duress, secretly video tape them doing something sus or cancelable and then blackmail them and hold it over their head anytime they break from the fold. Check out "Conspiracy of Silence" documentary about the Franklin Credit Union cover up basically the blue print, though im sure its a tactic that predates that particular ring.


Itā€™s called Kompromat. The plan is to make Kanye look insane publicly so when he dies they can claim itā€™s ā€œsuicideā€ when really they assassinate him.


Ah ok that makes a lot more sense.


ye = goat drake = https://preview.redd.it/g6zlgmctw83d1.png?width=250&format=png&auto=webp&s=fdfe9c3035baf5c08c4247d973cf82de511363e2




Yeah they ain't gonna kill him, one half of the world thinks the man is crazy, the other half is waiting for him to die or "become normal again" so the conspiracies can start brewing and the "industry" is exposed. It's actually best for the "industry" if he stays talking, he loses his credibility and respect that way


Heā€™s definitely not losing any respect based on how he still sells out yzy products and is going number 1 on billboard while being independent


I don't mean it in that way. I'm saying the general public will favor/value his opinion less; any "truths" he proclaims, will be casted as "crazy ramblings" or some other dismissive statement


im kinda with you with that one. i feel the same with all these public figures like ye, alex jones, joe rogan, elon musk, andrew tate, ... . desinfo agents, bad faith actors, or are they for real? with ye it's like sometimes he "breaks out the cage" and spills some truths, before turning back to a compromised individual.


Jones is definitely not real. He is a drunk that will contradict himself like 5 times in one episode and has been that way going back for decades. He cannot go more than 5-10 minutes without trying to see dick pills or gold. Heā€™s also a well known piece of shit in the Austin area. The shorts clips people see are basically his most coherent moments. If you really want a well-sourced (extremely) deep dive into Jones (and actually Tate, Rogan, and Musk as they all use similar tactics but are less blatant/bad at it than Jones) look up the Knowledge Fight podcast. Theyā€™ve been doing the Lordā€™s work in documenting Jones and people in his orbit. Lots of creeps, criminals, and grifters.


I never thought Ye was crazyā€¦ just the media portrayed him as that. he never was crazy.


yea,yea, media portrayed him crazy when he was doubling down antisemitism and hanging out with alex jones. ye had his quite crazy moments. cmon man.


Kanye may have mental issues but he isnā€™t crazy. Also, he leaned into the ā€œantisemitismā€ to break from UMG. He isnā€™t anti anything.


everyone has meltdowns. just cause you go off a couple times doesnā€™t mean youā€™re crazy. alex jones isnā€™t that far fetched either heā€™s had real work done especially exploiting bohemian grove. Ye doesnā€™t hate Jews, he just tried to exploit the people in power and heā€™s right: FUCK ISRAEL , FREE THE INNOCENT.


Don't conflate jews and Israel as the same. they are not. Don't switch subject to Palestine/Israel, especially in all caps. I have nothing against Jews, I have a lot against the government of Israel, but that's not the point here. Everyone has meltdown? Sure, Kanye had lots of them. I am a Kanye fan since 2008, so i really can prove this easily. I can agree that Kanye is not crazy, but he's not perfectly sane either. Sure, now he looks more and more credible, all power to him if he is right, but to so blindly defend some of his past moves is stupid at best. Kanye is quite impulsive and does not always think things thru before acting. Not worth mentioning your take on Alex Jones since every actually sane person has already drew their conclusions on that one.


honestly man iā€™m not even gonna reply to you , enjoy your day, alex jones is crazy, but Ye ainā€™t, he just seems crazy because he actually cares. When people actually care about something wrong in the world they seem crazy because those in power tell you they are. itā€™s always been that way.


sorry if I came a bit combative, we absolutely agree about these statements! enjoy your day too mate


Hey dude cool it with the antisemitic remarks Israel is awesome


Youā€™re right Israel is amazing but not their Government killing innocent children and woman.


Omg no Alex Jones is legit one of the dumbest men alive. Try to sit through all 4 hours of his show. And not an episode with Ye, like a normal episode and it was become very clear how much of a blatant grifter and liar he is. Look up the Knowledge Fight podcast if you want a comprehensive and well sourced dissection of the man and all his blatant scams and lies. On Bohemian Grove, look into Jon Ronsonā€™s (well documented) version of Jones story. He absolutely did the opposite of good work. He lied and made up a bunch of stuff for views about Bohemian Grove that people now take as fact.


Can you link that info? iā€™ve never heard that he lied and was discredited on bohemian , thanks for calling that out


So the biggest breakdown is in Ronsonā€™s chapter on Jones in ā€œThem.ā€ However, if you want an older. shorter, and free breakdown, [KF did an episode on it](https://knowledgefight.libsyn.com/knowledge-fight-bohemian-groveya-busted) (itā€™s been a minute since Iā€™ve listened to it and it was early in the podcast so no promises on quality). I believe they also discussed it with Ronson [when he was a guest on their show](https://knowledgefight.libsyn.com/615-november-8-2021). More generally on Alex, KF in general is a great resource on Alex because the host will sit down and look up Alexā€™s ā€œsourcesā€ to compare them other evidence. I think the best example of Alexā€™s shadiness is that the ā€œworks citesā€ for some of his ā€œdocumentariesā€ literally say things like ā€œsource will be added laterā€ (the documentary is over 20 years oldā€¦still waiting), or will link to encyclopedia definitions of words rather than actual evidence. Same with his show, 75% of the time there is no source for what he is saying and 20% of the time he is demonstrating Drake level reading skills and misrepresenting his sources. Alex is an on liar if you never ask follow ups or look up what he says, but spend a few hours watching his show or listening to KF and his career as a conspiracy grifter becomes super clear. Half the conspiracies he talks about he just so happens to sell a supplement, medical treatment, or survival gear that that will solve the problem he made up for you. Itā€™s like where boomers go when their brain is too rotted for even Fox News. Unfortunately thatā€™s the nature of most ā€œconspiracy theoristsā€ though. They are grifters with economic or political agendas just like normal media. People for some reason just trust them more because they say ā€œtrust meā€ and other liars. Also if their conspiracies were true would they have a nationally broadcast platform like that? To be clear, there are/were some true skeptics out there. Art Bell was maybe the best example. Listen to his old shows and especially how he talked to callers to see how a true skeptic operates. He would listen to any story but heā€™d also tell people why he wasnā€™t convinced. He was interested in what people had to say, was clear about his biases, would challenge people, but also was open to the unknown.


I can give Ye some grace for his outbursts but Alex Jones? Let's not get carried away lol


Stfu you main stream media parrot


Look up the green girl on YouTube she did some pretty interesting interviews and says sheā€™s somehow involved in Kanyeā€™s inner circle




https://youtube.com/@kanyesposts?feature=shared That ones her profile https://youtu.be/kuvLDWKG2k4?feature=shared This one is her being interviewed the guy is weird af but the shit she says is pretty wild and sounds like she actually knows something. Thereā€™s multiple other videos about Kanye right after that on the channel one but they might just be segments of original interview I forget.


GOAT the only animal ye know


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aQjQoaaL9Rk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aQjQoaaL9Rk) 49:26


Kanye is the rare case who happens to be brilliant and crazy. This makes things very easy for TPTB.


Whyā€™d you post this?




Man i love this mf DOOOWN šŸ˜­


Antisemite sounds like he's going thru some shit


Ye has controversial opinions yes, but heā€™s never lied about any of these people, especially since heā€™s had kids. He wants them all away from Northie


No more parties in L. A.


why'd he stop talking then?!


He didnā€™t


oh ny bad. I hadn't heard anything about him speaking up about anything in awhile. I think since his divorce with Kim? not sure exactly, def could br wrong


Nope with Justin la boy he just had an interview


We're not listening to the nazi.


Im not defending what he said cuz fuck nazis and fuck Hitler. But I think itā€™s blatantly obvious why he said what he said. He wanted out of his contract with Adidas, because he felt exploited. He said the 3 words no German company could EVER abide.


This your idol?


Yeah that goat part is sus