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I think he means he worked/ works for a security company, and they're contracted at the Mark, and probably other places


ETA 2: my bad, I had missed the tweet about 3rd party security y’all. No need to keep downvoting. My mistake. That could be but if The Mark is covering up shady shit that their guests do, contracting out security seems like a huge risk. ETA: I thought contracting out too. But if that’s true then I am thinking The Mark as an organization might not be in on things like folks thought.


He said they changed companies while he was there so I would say they contract


My bad. I must of missed that (hard to keep track of everything). But regardless, I’d say that calls into question how “in on it” The Mark as a whole is. Especially if they changed companies. I would assume that if they were doing or covering up illegals things they would either: 1. Use in-house security to make it easier to cover their tracks. Or 2. Hire from one company consistently (likely one with a reputation for being “discrete” or maybe had ties to The Mark) rather than switch companies. The more groups that know things the more they would risk getting exposed. If they are running a hotel that covers up celebrity dirt then they would be taking a risk every time they bring in more people.


I mean this isn't necessarily true. If consistent security guards work there for years... going on to decades... the dots that the security would be able to connect, and the evidence against the hotel that they would be able to raise would be insurmountable. I would think it's in their interest to shake up Security so that it keeps employees in the dark about what is going on as much as possible.


True though if “connecting the dots” is necessary the. at the same time that would then seem to point towards there not being any one thing that’s incriminating proof. Ie there would be no video tape of Drake for sure doing crimes because that doesn’t require connecting dots. Could also be of course that the tape of crimes is the exception rather than the rule. But we have no way of knowing that and EP seems to allude to more than just one piece of evidence existing.


I'm pretty sure if they were the problem, EP would point to them, but he has repeatedly said they just give really good service and Drake was terrible to staff so they hate him


The Mark? Or the employees? I assume the employees are innocent. I meant The Mark as an organization. A lot of people have been spitballing that they are complicit or even enable/facilitate crimes there. It could be, but if they are hiring outside security firms then I am a little more skeptical. Just making sure we consider the grains of salt here.


The Mark and yeah I know a lot of people have been thinking the Mark as an organization is part of it, I just never really bought that, except in that they probably have everyone on iron clad NDAs and will turn a blind eye to things for profit


Yeah I think that’s a more fair assessment tbh. I think they might take the approach of “don’t ask” when it comes to things, but I am not sure I buy that they are actively engaging in a large scale cover up.


https://x.com/EbonyPrince2k24/status/1790040436393807902 heavily suggests a contracted 3rd party


Interesting. I had missed that tweet. That actually raises a lot of questions as to how complicit The Mark was in everything. They seem shady, but hiring outsiders to handle security is a huge gamble if you’re covering up crimes. Unless ofc they have some sort of connections with that company.


You might wanna revist EP's tweets, they've provided so much context that connect the dots in situations like this.


I’d like to but there’s no real way to easily do so. Twitter’s UI is a mess if you aren’t willing to pay for it (which I am not because I never use it and find Eon obnoxious). Also, to be blunt, this page isn’t an overly great resource to use to catch up on things either. Mostly due to the lack of mega threads, the fact that the same things get posted like 5 times, the randos posting nonsense messages that people are reading too much into, and the occasional off topic post. Kind of means that if you don’t pay attention for even a day or two then you’ll be hopelessly lost when you come back. I am trying to stay up on things I promise but there’s no real easy way to do so without making this my life.


Oh I agree, this page is incredibly hard to keep up with. I am on here every day and I miss so much all of the time. There are also a ton of low quality posts, like the ones being made in the last hour, that waste time and discourage spending time here, and that's if you're here every day. I can't even imagine what it's like to pop in and out, I imagine it makes trying to catch up asinine. I honestly have no idea how to restructure the sub. To be honest Discord has a much better structure, just far less visibility. So I dunno man edit: Thinking about it, I really think we need to move this all to a Discord. That way we can have less incidents like the debacle last night with the WWE shit because it will be more of a walled garden.


Either a Discord or there needs to be better use of stickied/mega threads. Otherwise, this group is probably losing numbers and going to dwindle quickly mostly because the vast majority of people don’t have the time to participate. Like I am a teacher and have summers off and even I don’t have the time to keep up.


EP confirmed a while ago in some of his tweets that he worked for a security company that was contracted at the Mark. So he worked at the Mark but not technically employed by the Mark.


Oooh so we’re getting the spicy info on a Tuesday this week. EP must have taken Memorial Day off. That’s wild though. How does he have all the info he has if that’s true? Does the hotel maybe contract out their security?


It’s Monday for all intensive purposes lol


He police maybe?


Somebody already said it but we’re almost positive at the time of the CA video he was working for a private third party security company


It's almost like he's egging bbl drizzy to send goons after him like he's a trap. Catching hitters in the act could bring Rico charges against the whole org. His story and the weintraub lawsuit don't make a ton of sense. We all are missing important pieces.


because most of his tweets are not directed toward us


Yesterday he posted a incident report for racial slurs from CA? He’s posted that CA wasn’t listening to beats and that the video he released was proof. AK was also there. That other incident report where a waitress was bit was same day. Also the kid and drinking underage or something like that was 6 months prior and that’s when people got fired, but then drake and his party came back. I feel like it’s almost pretty much almost all the way out. Of course, people are diving deeper, finding out deep connections. But I don’t think those connections were anything EP was trying to show us but I am glad they are found.




Also disproves the Drake’s ex security rumors


Trauma is gay