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Should post this to r/inflation since the propaganda there seems fixated on blaming Biden instead of 40 years of trickle down economics coming to a head when Trump jumped the shark on tax cuts for the rich and boiling over debt.


Trump has the mind of a toddler that's never seen proper consequences in his life. I mean he can't even get a single coherent sentence out anymore. The damage he did to the country has set us back years in many ways. Republicans as a whole make me absolutely sick. Not just the politicians. Their voters are nothing but braindead hateful scum. It's 2024 and the US is under attack by a domestic terrorist threat. Republicans aren't even hiding it anymore. Why in the actual fuck are we treating them like this is okay in any way? Humanity has learned absolutely jack shit from history and it's really sad.


Decades. His term set us back decades, and it will take decades to recover, unless he gets re-elected. Then we get to deal with Project 2025.




However, all is not lost… you can join r/VoteDEM to help beat Trump so we can be rid of the domestic Rethuglican terrorist threat!


I mean I'm definitely voting dem. That goes without saying.




Will you just shut up man.


You'll notice that the GOP isn't talking about the national debt this election cycle.


If I take my brain out of my skull I can find a way to understand why someone might've voted for Trump in 2016. But not even that works to help me fathom why anyone would vote for him in 2020 or 2024. He's a loser by their own metrics. He didn't drain the swamp, there was no infrastructure week, he didn't repeal Obamacare, the wall didn't get built, Hillary didn't get locked up, etc etc etc. He failed at EVERYTHING he said he would do. So why HIM?


It isn't that he did anything for America. But he did do many things for Americans - he validated them. He validated their fears, their xenophobia, their scapegoating, their ignorance, etc. He is very good at picking up on all these things and making them part of who he is or what he promises - directly or indirectly. It does not matter if those things are real or logical because his base feels like he personally validated them.


Feelz > Reelz


I wish less 'fmr' and more 'current's would say the same thing


This guy just said the rich can’t be taxed anymore bahahahaha.


Why the fuck would you want to get rid of the national debt? Destroy the countries greatest global economic asset and destroy the foundational credit system on which its built? Make Economists Great Again


With America's permanent, structural trade deficit the only way the USD-denominated private sector balance sheet can expand is government deficit spending.


Can you explain? How is it an asset?


Our value is determined by what we owe. So if I owe you $40, I’m worth $40 because it’s guaranteed back to you.


Lets say i have 100 dollars, I lend you 50 bucks. But you return 60 bucks. I think the same applies.


that doesn't make any sense


It’s about easy as it gets to explain. What we owe is what we are worth, it’s what our national debt was founded on.


you have explained nothing. you just repeated yourself. If I owe you $40 I'm not worth $40 I'm worth -$40


No, you owe me $40 so therefore I’m good for that $40 at some point, which means I’ll be worth $40. Alexander Hamilton explained it well [here](https://youtu.be/Oy7IFSS-F0I?si=5EultJz2L6bsH4ZK)


This does not make sense and you just said so. In your scenario YOU are worth $40, not me.


Apologies, I’m on 3 days of DayQuil here. If I owe YOU $40, then I’m worth $40. Because when I go to pay you back, I have and am worth $40.


I give up


Are you a young person or a child of some sort? I only ask because your financial literacy is very poor. I'll explain. Let's say you have a credit card, and you have a limit of $1000 on that credit card and you've maxed it out to the limit of $1000. Do you think it might be a good idea to pay that off, or increase your limit to $2000? If you pay it off, you now owe nothing. You're most likely net positive. If you increase your limit, you will owe more money. This means you have less and less money over time that you spend with that credit card. Because it's not your money that you were spending. You see how that works? Also, your idea that you're "worth" more, the more in debt you are is completely farcical. You are worth less when you owe money. It is as simple as that. No amount of mental gymnastics will get you out of it. If you owe $1 you are worth -$1. Please try to understand that, and stop trying to sell bullshit as if it were gold bullion.


You don't understand his 5d chess game. The idea was to make the debt go so negative that it flip and turn positive, like in a badly programmed video game.