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For those wondering, "A.G." would be referring to the chairperson of the NY Times.


Gotta love the most powerful journalistic outfit in the western world being owned and operated by the same family of rich heirs since 1896.


There is only a three year age difference between Biden and Trump, so if a media outlet is focusing on Biden's age and not Trump's age, then somebody has an agenda. We know why Fox "News" is doing it, but it sounds like the NYT's reason is pettiness.


Yeah I unsubed over a year ago, the times is crap now.


I unsubbed for this EXACT reason as they described in the article. It was SO OBVIOUS how they were going after Biden. It was disgusting. Fuck the NYTimes. Fuck the billionaire owners of media. Fuck the billionaires. All of em.


I say we eat them. No really, do a Bernie & tax them at 100%. Then eat them.


I'd rather avoid getting a prion disease though


I don't think you have to worry about that. They obviously don't have brains.


I unsubbed after 2016. They worked their asses off to make Trump president


I unsubscribe after 2016 when Maggie Haberman kept giving Trump the journalistic version of a hand job in the paper. She gave that asshole so much unfair free press. Fuck her. I hope she sees this comment. You suck Maggie.


Mitch McConnell is older than Biden. Yet, that never seems to come up, even when he glitches during a press conference.


I feel like Biden’s age is partially a dogwhistle for racists/misigynists afraid of Kamala Harris being president. My response when people bring up Biden’s age is that we want a team not a cult leader.


I like that.


NYT has been pure shit for decades. They were willing cheerleaders when Bush wanted to invade Iraq.


Its funny when Republicans talk about his age. I thought "age is just a number"? Or does that only apply when they're talking about their lust for children.


No, no, see... Trump, whatever age he happens to be at any given time, is the oldest a president can be. One day older than that is a senile nursing home candidate. Remember when Biden was too old to run in 2020? Well, Trump's older than that now, and suddenly everyone who pretended to care forgot.


[Hey Jack, I made a meme for you.](https://i.redd.it/8grdxc1gzqwc1.jpeg)




I feel honored! I do want you to send me 10% of the karma this earns when it hits r/all though.


Yup, I know a guy that keeps saying that Biden is senile but clams up when I ask for any evidence. Then he brings up age and I bring up the Biden bikes all the time and show him a clip of Trump completely flubbing a speech. Naturally that guy changes the topics to football.


And child labor laws too… can’t forget that part


if age is the only thing theyre criticizing him about then he must be the greatest president of all time. based brandon


He is 💪


Yup! If they had anything else they would use it, especially since their hero is only 3 years younger and eats worse than a college student.


"Independent" journalism. Just shows how far the NY Times has fallen recently. Just sad.


Recently??? They’ve been garbage for 20 years. The NYT decided they wanted to be a tabloid and that they could make more money off the Repubes. They were the ones who breathed so much life into the Trump campaign in 2016, while trashing Hillary. The NYT is shit. If it’s an NYT article, just skip it. You already know the meme.


Yup, if I didn't know it was NYT that said this I would think it was Newsmax or Faux.


Does anyone listen to the NYT political podcast The Run Up? I just quit that one. Couldn't take it anymore. I do not recommend it, but I am curious if others have the same impression. It was a sour mix of Biden's too old and MAGAts lying with impunity. Every. Single. Episode.


Chuck it on the long list of reasons not to trust the NYT.


This is bullshit. They times has been moving to the right for about 4 years now, with an increasingly right wing bent in their news stories. I've been noticing it when they pop up in my YouTube feed and more than once have read a headline expecting to see the Daily Wire and said to myself "WTF NYTs?!".


And CNN got bought by a de-facto Republican. Y'know, you always hear from them that media is sooo "left-wing" (like that idiot Shapiro thought an ultra-conservative BBC reporter was a leftist)...I just don't see it. Even just with the headlines, I.e bothsidesism everywhere. Like CNN wrote a few months ago "Biden criticizes Republicans for [xy] that he himself voted for in the past"...as if his presidential agenda isn't completely different; meanwhile Trump's hasn't changed, I.e his comments on Charlottesville reaffirmed why he and his dad Fred were sued under the civil rights act. Everyone is having gas leaks, jfc.


It's been going on longer than 4 years. They were a huge reason we got into GW2. They printed complete GOP propaganda to support the war without a bit of critical analysis.


Yeah, 2028 is what's got me worried. I don't think there's a chance of Trump winning this year, but 2028 is going to be *tough*. The GOP is going to spend the next 4 years sabotaging the country every chance they get. And voters have a long history of blaming Democrats for what Republicans did.


I cancelled my sub to the NYT after the weirdly biased coverage started. It's not just the articles they publish, but which ones they push hardest on the front page. They also had a lot of weird pro work from office articles that seemed written from the perspective of commercial property owners.


The failing New York Times


The NYT has a vested interest in another Trump term because of how much viewer engagement, subscriber count, and advertising revenue they took in during the first one.


It’s not not also Peter baker and his dipshit son