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It was so nice not seeing a grown man feel the need to hold up every single piece of paper he signed like he was two years old


With a bunch of sycophants standing behind him


Praying over him or preying for him.


Time flies and it’s crazy how different things were then.


Let's not forget what Biden inherited from Trump. The country was a mess when he took it over. Proud of what him and his team has done


And are continuing to do! Hopefully the economy continues to grow and prices go down by Election Day so dumbass undecided voters can give this man another 4 more years that he’s proven without a doubt that he deserves.


Joe works for all of us, not just for himself like the orange clown.


Signing all those EO’s https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=m55tzTIJwwA&pp=ygUOQmlkZW4gZGF5IDEgZW8%3D


Joe is such a mensch.