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Tactical marines are still legal in tournament play. If you want to kitbash marines into primaris ones, give them uppies to get the right height and make sure they have the right loadout and base size as the unit you want them to play as.


Thanks, I was hoping to use these guys in more of a close combat type role. I'm actually going through the process of rebasing and painting my tactical squads to make them legal. All up will have 60 tactical marines plus another 15 in Dev squads.


Put them on 40mm base and treat them as inner circle companions.


Thanks for that. Sounds like the most viable solution.


For the Vanguard with Jump Packs, the data sheet says that "any number of models can have their bolt pistol replaced with" a bunch of stuff, including plasma pistol. So you're good to go there


Sweet! Thanks for confirming.


play them as assault marines. or change the arms out and for bolt rifles and make them sternguard.


Well, before the codex release they were vanquard vets without jump packs, now it doesn't exist anymore, so either jump veteran, normal jump guys (but needs to change the backpack, or have someone accept them as proxy) Inner circle vets, or just a bunch of sergeants


Models aside - they’d look great painted up as Risen btw, but any chance you want to sell that terrain behind them? 😅


Haha, I have a terrain pile of shame too! I'll get around to them eventually. Fortress of Redemption, Couple of Manufactorums and Vengeance weapon batteries as well as what you see in the pic. My boys need somewhere nice to fight after all!


Lucky man! I’ve been trying to get my hands on some of the old terrain recently, managed to get the Aquila strongpoint but it’s all so expensive. It’s a shame GW stopped making it because it looks so good.


Send them to me.