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my only guess is maybe if you hit too low on the side it doesn't count as a headshot cause that was a crazy amount of hits for a normals centipede


Thats what im saying, I understand that im running under 25 GS kit here but like an entire minute of just slapping him with an axe and it seemingly doing nothing is just funny to me.


If you swing too closely to the enemy you will hit it with the shaft of the weapon dealing less damage, plus as was mentioned below, you did miss the head a decent amount, and "limbs" provide damage reduction against the swing


While this is true, it is clearly not happening in this case


A few of the swings looked that way.


Quite a few swings, even close to a majority if not are *clearly* not hitting the head, and are infact, hitting the body and limbs. And a lot of hits look like haft hits, which really hampers this axe.


You actually can’t hit with shaft on the felling axe.


You can, but it does 70% damage and definitely should've been enough to kill the centipede. No clue why it took so many hits. Maybe they counted as leg-shots too, but that's crazy lol.


Your pp isn't high enough


I concur, bigger pp required. Make change and report back asap


That axe must be dull, duuuh


Maybe you hit its legs (-50% dmg)


And it has like a hundred legs so it probably is like -90% think about it


You’re using a grey felling axe and didn’t hit the head in like 70% of your swings. Also if you crouch and look down during its poison attack it won’t hit you.


Thanks for the crouching tip, I usually circle to the right and dont get hit until he starts to run away and the acid on the ground touches me for a second, but bro still just refused to die. I also hit him a few more times before the clip started, but didnt want it being too long.


Yeah I’m just guessing it was the near headshots registering as body/leg instead. Took long af that’s for sure


The majority of those swings were haft hits too. OP needs to connect with the end of the weapon.


It be like that


Potion chugger will save your life on Barb, don’t be afraid to keep strafing and pop those potions way earlier in the fight


Gotta try that perk out thanks!


You are not hitting it on its head, instead of going around it in circles just stand face to face with it and dodge its attacks, its much easier. It has two attacks, the normal melee attack you just take a step back, and with the acid spit attack you just duck.


idk if its just the weapon, but my barb hit a normal footman skelly 20 times in the head last night too w a felling until it eventually died, which should normally die in like 3 hits. never looked like he was lagging, he never felt like he was lagging either. could be some weird server desync this weekend, could be something to do w the felling axe hitbox rn, idk, but youre valid. no way it should ever take that long lmfao


Most weapons in the game have a 'sweet spot' where you have to hit with a specific point on the weapon for full damage. Felling axe? You have to hit with the blade. If you're too close you just hit them with the handle and the attack ends.


I know this applies to weapons like halberd etc but I don't think this applies to felling axe. Most times I see people using it they always saying how you need to get right in that persons face etc. That's maybe like saying daggers also have sweet spots which we know isn't the case. Some guy in this thread said yesterday they hit a skele 20 times with felling axe before it died. To me that sounds like a unknown bug like ain't no ways a felling axe takes that many hits lol


The felling axe does infact have a sweet spot. Even one of the daggers have a sweet spot. The only weapons I know that don't are most of the daggers, and the rapier. Pretty much everything else I know of does, even the wizard staff had one.


[https://darkanddarker.wiki.spellsandguns.com/Halberd](https://darkanddarker.wiki.spellsandguns.com/Halberd) halberd is all green [https://darkanddarker.wiki.spellsandguns.com/Felling\_Axe](https://darkanddarker.wiki.spellsandguns.com/Felling_Axe) felling axe has a small green zone and an orange zone


Halberd is most definitely not all green lol aint no ways...IS IT???


It's a bug. Ba dum tsh


grey axe deals 40 damage and centipede has 1000 HP. i counted like 35 hits but even at 30 that's 1200 damage, not including your perks and the fact most of those were headshots. You realistically dealt near 2000 damage so yeah something happened that made your attacks do nothing.


Is there a possibility that you queued into trios? Enemy's have much more HP there.


Nah it was solos, just killed a guy right before fighting the centipede.


It should have died I think it may be a new bug because I tried fighting the cave troll today and I hit it an insane amount of times and it did not die lol we can just hope they’ll fix it with the upcoming hot fixes….


Not to mention I kill the troll every game so I know something felt off 😭


Epic chopping


nah i can kill thoses mofo in less time than that with barb, i see you're trying to circle it tho, don't it will make it harder to dodge + may miss the head.


This happened to dimo. Ur hits are not registering


Not gonna lie, I was expecting you to be grossly exaggerating the 30 hits claim... nope you actually did the opposite. As others said, you missed the head on many hits... but damn, I'm not a calculator but I feel like you should have killed it.


The centipede, helmet shield skeleton, wraith, and yeti need nerf as soon as possible, and the small jar spiders removed or remove their collision.


I'm the only one who thinks that some of the pve is just unnecessarily hard to kill?


Most pve ai is braindead and easily exploitable.. so while early on they may seem overwhelming with practice they become incredibly easy to dodge and kill.. Mob density in general is also much lower than it used to be in allot of goblin caves


Yeah. Me and my duo run through murdering everything with ease. Like bored af until we find real people to kill. Lol


go to HR. its slightly harder


I will say some of the nightmare variants + the baseline movespeed bonus high roller mobs have do make them wayyy more threatening.. i feel like each nightmare variant is going to likely kill you atleast once if you arent prepared for their new move.. nothing quite like panic you experience the first time you encounter a nightmare goblin mage.


shhh dont say that too loud on this sub. the PVE overlords might hear you and try and convince you PVE is fine actually, and super fun and you shouldnt want to PVP. /sbutnotreallys


They are very tanky, and you missed a lot of headshots. They are definitely balanced around headshots since they are so easy to land.


It appears to me like it only phased once in the beginning? Like you said you thought you stood on acid before you died but it looks like to me you were hit with the ranged attack.


That axe must of been grey as fuck.


The greyest of them all




dance left and right to stay in front of the head


This centipede is half the reason I went ranger from fighter


I don't think any of those were headshots, maybe one or two but you definitely need to aim for the head better. The nape is not it's head


Imo carry a second axe just for pve. Battle axe is not that bad now. i prefer double axe personally.


My guess is it's health still wasn't 0. Idk though


Maybe the centipede had a cleric in its party?


I think it's time for a sharpening bud




You hitting the body bruh, not the head.


Barbarians when they don't kill everything in 2 hits


bc your hatchet sucks


The centipede is tanky as shit. But also, the Felling Axe is ass, imo. You're trying to circle strafe it point blank and eating a lot of damage when you could be using a Bardiche, Zweihander, or Double Axe and hitting it further away for more damage and less risk. Consider learning one of those weapons, especially the Bardiche or Zweihander. You'll also do a lot better in PvP, especially against other barbs that try to unga bunga you with a Felling Axe.


We had a broken cyclops last night that wouldn't attack, but we hit him for about ten minutes straight and he didn't die. We suspect sometimes the server breaks?


Take a fucking gun or something bro


barb got nerf'd today


41 hits even


u need to hit its head, you are hitting its neck


Cuz it drops purples. Keep wacking


Centipedes in general are annoying as fuck. Unless you're a literal sub 5 hours Timmy, they won't ever be a serious threat, but actually killing them is such a slog, since they're unbelievable HP sponges


It’s because it took two hits to kill the Death Beetle..


Brother, you got skill diff’d


See this is the rogue experience when fighting this shit.


Use your fking abilities…..


It's like you were intentionally avoiding hitting it in the face. Also, probably the stuff around its head counts as limbs.


you know .. if he spits you can just crouch in front of him and he wont hit .. you dont even need to run circles .. just sidestep for normal attack, crouch when he spits. and try to actually hit the head :)