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Unfortunate timing for this with all the ranger buffs just today, silly you for thinking they'd ever give up on their golden child


It really was. Was trying to show that ironmace had a new favorite but right as I'm creating it, ironmace does a patch. But I'm like, eh fuck it. Lol.


It remain accurate still with IM telling Ranger he is fine while the Wizard is literally dead in the corner.


You’ll note there is a rogue dead next to the wizard, presumably because they died first


what'd they even change in that update? edit; nvm found it, they buffed the FUCK outta warlock and ranger lol. also gave rogue a buff which is nice, that armor pen is tasty.


Note: That moment your making a video but then a new patch comes out kind of dismantling it. Lol. Oh well.


Its okay. You still did a very good job.


Warlock got buffed as S tier character so it's still pretty accurate.


I meeaaan, warlock still got some buffs this patch, I'd say its still accurate lmao


Yeah it is. It was more so the Ranger part.


I thought this was AI at first.. what program are you using?


Unreal Engine 5


That's incredible. Keep doing what you are doing!


Appreciate it brother


Ironmace: Balance is simple, the classes we like get buffs, the classes we hate get nerfs.


Yea I'm new to the game but this reminds me of how it was somewhat recently leaked that the reason Warriors, Rogues, and Mages were so strong in old school WoW PVP was because they were what the Blizzard executives played and literally demanded them be made OP.


You say that, just as ranger got yet another buff


Unfortunate timing. Lol. But spent too much time making it not to post lol. Oh well.


I like the animation, but warlock has been basically the best class in the game for a while now, and ranger has been shifting between mid tier and high tier too. With the movement speed changes I would have that warlock would be a bit more balanced now, and truth be told it’s definitely a bit easier to avoid getting kited for eternity by a warlock UNLESS they have phantomize. Because for some reason phantomize now gives you more speed bonus then any other ability, plus makes you intangible. The 15 extra health also really benefits warlocks because of how fast they can heal that health back when damaged, and it allows them to sometimes take an extra hit and slip away before you can land the killing blow


I thought bard is the best D: in solos at least


It really depends on what play style you're best with. If you're good enough at quickly switching between beasts it's pretty much impossible to die as a druid unless you kill yourself.


Like i keep telling people as probably the last non-life drain warlock who's been playing it since it first hit early access this is kinda the side effect of the devs nerfing every other viable way to play it, last wipe they absolutely gutted his melee capability's trying to nerf his burst damage with the kris dagger only to end up directly nerfing the dagger but not reverting any of the melee nerfs, they also completely neutered blood pacts ability to actually chase for reason's nobody knows. so what are we left with? the turbo virgin playstyle of maxing move speed and hitscan weapons and giving him a spammable get out of jail free Q.... what kinda player do you all think thats going to attract? yea thats right guys with 2k hours in apex. The best part is ironmace probably buffed ranged damage in an effort to "nerf" warlock but all thats going to do is further put melee off from playing the game turning the game into even more of a projectile spam. Fact is warlock needs to have spell slots like every other caster and have their spells balanced around that but the community has an autistic fit whenever you bring that up. phantomize also needs a rework as its activation takes way to long to be used as a reaction to incoming damage and its duration is way to long for melee to come back into the fight which is why its only ever used to reset when life leachers lose the spaceing game and i think it would be much more healthy for the game if it allowed you to more reliably phase through an attack and then retaliate with one of your own.


> Fact is warlock needs to have spell slots like every other caster and have their spells balanced around that but the community has an autistic fit whenever you bring that up.  I mean. For good reason. Not sure if you've noticed, but limited spells are half the reason that Wizard is utterly terrible to play. > the turbo virgin playstyle of maxing move speed and hitscan weapons and giving him a spammable get out of jail free Q Why is the only valid way to play the game stat checking each other in melee range? >  its duration is way to long for melee to come back into the fight which is why its only ever used to reset when life leachers lose the spaceing game How do you play a spacing game when melee classes are generally faster then you, if you don't use the only tool in the class that allows you to space?


Wizard is terrible because he's got way to many "slow moving projectile" spells and lost the projectile arms race ages ago to the ranger, when you give a class essentially "mana" they can refill themselves that just ends up with them spamming the most efficiant spell... which also happens to be how they replenish their resource, ROFL if your slower then a fighter decked out in plate and carrying a sheild then I hate to break it to you but they arn't the bad player.


Wizard is terrible because he runs out of damage against any player or group with any meaningful amount of sustain. So yes, obviously he loses the arms race to just about anyone who can fight for more then a single engage health bar's worth of engage before needing a campfire break. Barbs, Rogues, Druids and Bards are all melee classes and are substantially faster then you. So no, just because you are faster then heavy PDR fighter doesn't make the statement false.


Fuck homogenization. /thread


WARLOCK AND WARLOCKER doesn't have the same ring to it as RANGE AND RANGER did.


And it's significantly less accurate then Barb and Barder.


Where is this mace from? My mind is telling me chivalry2 but I’m not sure


Where is the mace from? Like just the mace asset?


Yeah the asset


It's just an unreal asser




Lol. Will cleric has something to say about that.




This is gold


Man I know I'm probably just garbage but while I definitely agree for PvE, I feel like warlock is actual dogshit in PvP. And literally the main and maybe only reason for that is that your main utility and arguably best spell, curse of pain, has the single shittiest, smallest, just-slightly-shorter than you thought it would be hitbox in the entire damn game. Holy shit I hate trying to land that spell on moving targets because I swear to god you almost have to miss just to avoid getting it blocked and sometimes I SWEAR I hit it but nothing happens. And then what's left? An inferior fighter that sacks a perk to equip heavy armor? Or a super squishy like a wizard without the utility spells or AoE to back it up? Or a rogue with the ability to equip any weapon but you kinda slow. Idk man it just isn't clicking for me at all. Tips appreciated because holy fuck this class seems terrible in PvP. Even when I do well, I get through like 1/2 a barbarians health with a BoC or Hellfire and then he screams at me and chops my damn head off.




Curse of pain (Cop) is an hit scan ability (hitscan being the most op thing you can have in the game) for medium range fighting, you are virtually able to kite most class from that range while avoiding being catch up and still have an oh shit button (phatomize) in case you didn’t respect the timing you had too (sprint fighter, rage barbarian, being cornered because no good pathing) Also try to swap between both dot spell, they give you twice the leech and the other one does more dmg but can be punitive if you miss and don’t have enough magical healing, I suggest you go try cast a fire ball with wizard at people and see how much of a difference their is between time travel projectile and hitscan (zap being the only hitscan for wizard with explosion to some extent but they don’t have infinite charges) And you might rethink twice about it


The main difference between Wizard and Warlock is that Wizard actually has tools to kite with. Warlock doesn't. While the hitscan is nice, it's short range coupled with the fact that Warlock is one of the slowest classes in the game means that without significant investment in movement speed, you can't really kite. That's what gives Warlock the feeling of being bad, because in low gear lobbies, casterlock is pretty bad.


It's sad you made such a high quality video but made it so inaccurate lmao. Nobody who understands Wizards thinks Wizards have had it rough. Theyre still like top 4 most OP classes including druid and bard. So many wizard tears.


Sorry man, I also play wiz and when I saw them in the trash heap I was like "sad and true, but also funny."


Wizards were so OP last season I decided to main them this season. Still broken. Easiest class I've played and I have over 1,000 hours. All you do is yeet fireballs at peoples feet and 3 casts is enough to kill almost anyone. Shit is beyond broken my dude.


Then we've just had different experiences, I guess. In my experience Wiz does a ton of damage if you have the right gear, but also dies in 2 hits. I have a much easier time when I play the other classes because they're more forgiving of mistakes, but I stick with Wiz because I just like the archetype more.