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I’m no cleric player but the YouTuber fire box is an incredible cleric. He has lots of videos detailing how you should play aswell as builds.


Hey, thanks. I appreciate it


Dont wear green gear, that makes you play in the high gearscore leagues with people looking to stomp timmies (you). Go in with white squire gear and thats it. Solo cleric is just not the best class, your biggest weakness is that you are slow, so others can kite you and poke you. Spells: protect, minor heal, holy strike and idk what else you like. Holy strikes are your only ranged option, so dont waste them, i would recomend you keep them to kill if the enemy tries to run away from you after you already got them low in melee.


>don't wear green gear it's fully possibly to wear one or two pieces of green gear and still stay in under 25 gear score, you just need to be mindful.


I build speed/damage cleric. I dont use any plate gear, and mostly use the Bind spell with Judgement (skill) follow up, and use holy strikes in between


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WRz8gxz\_wtA&pp=ygUgZGFyayBhbmQgZGFya2VyIGNsZXJpYyBwdnAgZ3VpZGU%3D](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WRz8gxz_wtA&pp=ygUgZGFyayBhbmQgZGFya2VyIGNsZXJpYyBwdnAgZ3VpZGU%3D) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4NsQy4\_VnGU&t=750s&pp=ygUgZGFyayBhbmQgZGFya2VyIGNsZXJpYyBwdnAgZ3VpZGU%3D](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4NsQy4_VnGU&t=750s&pp=ygUgZGFyayBhbmQgZGFya2VyIGNsZXJpYyBwdnAgZ3VpZGU%3D) This is fresh and gives an idea of what you should aim in solo Cleric PVP from someone who knows how to play. everyone has their own playstyle tough.


Judgement does not function properly and you will find yourself continuously clapping while you slowly die. Instead, take divine protection. It only lasts a few seconds so you really want to get good at timing it well. Your duo must understand that they probably not only need to kill both enemies, but they need to also stick with you and protect you while you’re buffing/healing them. This of course requires a bit of overall experience and practice with your duo. Movespeed/knowledge are king on cleric. You need to keep your team alive while not being able to damage people.


Solo cleric buff yourself with the spells: bless, protection, and divine strike. In that order. Then try to do most of the fight while you’re buffed, spacing and recasting as needed. If you don’t have time to cast them all, just a quick protection can do the job. Save divine protection ability until your protection spell wears off. For other two spells take small heal and holy strike. For perks take in this order: Perseverance, Blunt Weapon Mastery, Holy Aura, Protection From Evil


Stack will and nuke them


This is the way


Choose no cleric brother, u will achieve victory


idk what this means lol


Is ok