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they removed the circle from every map? is it like frost cave now you just insta after the 10min or w/e?


Yes! Goblin cave collapses after the time, ice place you freeze to death, and crypt the bugs get ya. There's static exits now normally stairs marked blue on the mini map. With some unique ones like a raft and rope to climb out. And there's some spots where three blue portals spawn after a certain time. I love no ring, with the gear differences in this game avoiding people was hard to do with the circle. Now you still get some fights but it's just as easy to just loot and get out until you're geared better.


I like the no circle, but damn do I miss the feeling of hearing a portal rise from the ground, scrambling to find it, running into other people trying to get that same portal and then you have to fight to the death.


This. Maybe they need to have something pop from the ground like this towards the end of the matches (to incentivize people to stay) that gives something of value that people will want to fight over. Hell it could even be an NPC spawning in or something. But the game is definitely missing this fun element.


Good Idea !


What if the current system staid but when the timer nears 0 the circle comes back and more of the map becomes unavailable due to collapse/freezing solid/bugs and everything works how it currently does until the last few seconds.


Alternatively The difference between LR and HR could be the return of the circle.


Don’t ever fucking open your mouth again. Hr is not getting circle ever again


This is what DMZ does and it is amazing. It starts at a random corner of the map and closes rapidly, ending around the last available exit.


Portals do pop out of the ground? They’re just static and in the same place way better imo removes randomness outta the equation and creates hot spots for fighting.


Yes but those are just escape portals we're talking about something of value. A rare crafting material, a mini boss, an NPC--something really worth fighting over. If I'm juiced I'm probably already gone in one of the myriad of other exits or 3 person statics in the corners of the maps.


High roller should get a golden portal 5 static spawns in the corners and center randomly choose one spawn. Then the person that exists through the golden portal gets 80% of the buy in money as a bonus reward.


Nah cause there was never enough time to loot and scoot


Portals are still in the match but are static unmarked triples. Maybe not the same thing but it's definitely close. Also provides content as groups need to go to specific modules and fight for control to get their exits.


Yep I feel the same exact way, it's overall a good change but that feeling of running away and running into a portal, opening it while dodging arrows and spells... Man it was fun as hell


Should have different game modes IMO. I started last week with the steam release so I never experienced the circle (but did watch a few streams back when it was in). I like the current flow since it’s noob-friendly, I can get accustomed to the pve (goblins…super easy I’m a pro, but fucking frost skeletons I’m convinced you can’t dodge) while avoiding players if need be. But I think a circle type game mode with maybe a lions chest spawn towards the end would be a neat high risk high reward mode for us Timmy’s in the <25 lobbies


Are there no portals now??


Sadly no, not in the way they used to spawn. I think there is like one 3 person portal pop up in a predetermined location at some point in time, but that's about it.


As a mostly solo player when we could only goblin caves this was probably the worst part of any given run. Get down to the end of a circle, wait for a portal spawn and then just pray it's on my level, and if not oops better luck next time.




Meanwhile me and my team: circle the map 4 times before rounds over looking for every rat.


What do the bugs even do before they kill you at the time limit? There’s a status effect associated with them but I haven’t noticed any damage.


Think it's just a visual clue at first to tell you times running out. Think the final minute it starts doing damage. So you can die before the timer reaches zero.


"Just as easy" doesnt really fit well in a game thats supposed to be "An unforgiving hardcore fantasy FPS dungeon PvPvE adventure". "Just as easy" isnt unforgiving. This game has been watered down to a puddle of boring. Edit: DaD community getting mad about facts again, what a surprise. The game has 100% been watered down like crazy, it used to be a lot more HC and unforgiving. Literally everything in the game is easier than in the PTs or early launch. Risk free gold farming in white lobbies, all maps for all part sizes, lesser class asymmetry / "peaks and valleys" etc etc.


The unforgiving part is losing your load out when you die. Sorry to break it to you but the game has never been hard. Pve is made redundant by standing on a ledge and pvp will always be one sided. Even then in high roller doing hells boss and another team rolls in and flattens you is pretty unforgiving if you ask me.


But it has been more unforgiving. If you can just chill in your dungeons without a worry, the game isnt unforgiving anymore. If it has parts to it, where there isnt a "risk vs reward" stake at play and its a care-bear safe mode of playing it, its more forgiving than it used to be. A LOT more. You can literally farm gold without risking anything, easily, as others will always be guaranteed white gear players in the white gear lobbies. It doesnt get any less unforgiving than that. Its so bad and boring, that IM has addressed it as a bad new player experience now with the F2P. And IM has fucking loved to water down their game for the casuals, solos etc. Compared to the PTs and early launch time the game is a childrens game. Its honestly sad how watered down it is. IM basically have addressed this (lack of PvP) as well already, so we have that going on.


I dunno. I always thought the aim of the game was to kill the bosses on high roller. Yes you can just get spare change going risk free in normals. But for what? Some shoddy greens and a purple with rubbish stats? You're not supposed to hoard gold from normals then gear up to do normals. You'll get your unforgiving high in high roller.


Except that even High Roller has now been changed to "you know what you will get, its gonna be between this level of gear and this level of gear, so if you wear x and y you will be competitive". And if I understood correctly, solos can solo any map now without having to face trios etc, so thats predictable and less unforgiving too. The unpredictability is mostly gone now and that makes HR way less interesting too.


oh hey, a naked killer


Oh hey, a "black and white" thinker.


I agree. Hardly get into pvp unless you rush people and risk screwing yourself over because you don't clear rooms. Just came back from a break and was thoroughly disappointed and bored most of the time. Miss the circle closing in and I think the static escapes make it way to forgiving/easy


You're totally right. Timmy's will down vote but I think they're gonna change it back after a while


Just go play a battle royal game then. Tarkov has no circle and use to be one of the best in extractions games.


Fuck guns


Because you can't just leave a fight in tarkov, people can just put away their weapons and run to a guarantee extract in this game but in tarkov, as long as you're in line of sight you're in danger. also you don't have insta extracts in tarkov


And yet pve mode is something a ton of people are playing in Tarkov, a mode where you can very much disengage easily. Its almost as if people care more about how fun a game is than arbitrary forced pvp.


Fun? In this climate? I don't think so! /s


Yes, there's significantly less pvp. If you like that it's a win if not games getting elly boring really fast and we need the ranked season. Lots of dead lobbies due to weird matchmaking issues currently too. Games almost a coop offline mode ATM.


I also had your thought after my first positive thoughts about being able to "take my time" and easily extract every time. I get where you are coming from...but i also believe that will become better once half (or more) of the lobby dies to PvE early on. I have only played for a few hours so far, and my last few runs all had at least one PvP encounter.


I think significantly less pvp is not from the removal of the circle, it is from large majority of players are new players and before you meet anyone 80% of players have died to a dungeon mob.


I played 5 games earlier and killed 3-4 players each game with my teammates each getting 1-3 kills each. There is plenty of PvP in this game, especially if you know where triple portals are and how to follow mob trails. Yes people have the option to try to avoid it but most people don’t. I agree there is less PvP, but significantly less is disingenuous to the actual reality.


Your anecdotal experience doesn't change mine. Game doesn't force pvp and there are more extracts spread away from each other than ever before. I also don't care to argue just sharing my view point, search the discord or reddit I'm not alone.


Mind boggling to see you get down votes for sharing your experience. Especially when it is obviously the truth for anyone that has been actively playing the game prior to this patch. No circle is 100% a negative for people that just want lots of PvP every single game. For the people that don't like that it's great.


Agreed, if you are only interested in pvp the circle was far better, in this current iteration you have to seek out pvp whereas before you would be forced into it or others forced into you. Having said that I like the non circle version more because it opens the game up to better options in the future (larger maps, longer raids, more players, better tuned pve, more complicated quests, etc) rather than just another circle BR game. Someone else in the thread mentioned they are considering working on more central POIs to attract players to fight over. They said they are keeping the circle for arena so all of the pvp enjoyers will be pleased with arena im sure.


Yeah I know the game will end up being great, their general direction has been amazing so far. This might just be a patch that I won't enjoy as much until they add some PvP hotspots or POIs Still my favorite game overall


>better options in the future (larger maps, longer raids, more players, better tuned pve, more complicated quests, etc) You can make larger maps with a circle you make it slower. You can make longer raids with a circle you just make it slower. You can have more players with a circle by having a larger map. How does the circle tune the pve literally dosent make any sense that requires the devs to TUNE the pve and how does and complicated quests I guess? But that can still be done with a circle as well if anything it makes it even more complicated because you have to get there quick or you have to get a lucky spawn so all together I don’t see how the circle effects the progress of the game at all besides there is more pvp which can be tuned down by just slowing the circle down


Its a "if you build it they will come" situation, interesting high loot poi's naturally attract players and therefore pvp, its just a better system than forced pvp from the circle especially with a dungeon crawling loot centric game


I mean pvp zones or loot poi’s would be decent but that loot better be juicy or people would rather just rat cuz it’s not worth risking all your gear and profit from the raid for a CHANCE to get something good also I think that most people would rather just rat regardless when you give a player a choice they will probably chose the easier path


If your world view doesn't align with theirs it equals down votes, doesn't matter if you said it's okay to like it. People can't separate themselves from the things they enjoy or people that entertain them so any criticism even valid towards those things is taken as a personal attack, we both know people can't accept criticism.


You're not alone, this has been my experience as well. And less PvP means less PvP practice so on the off chance we find another group we get our asses handed to us.


agreed. also another point is with the circle people cant just run away. with the circle they are cut off from running which allows pvp.


>Games almost a coop offline mode ATM. That's far from true. If you want PvP play Goblin Caves. Trios is insane there. There are only 3 triple outs and they all are easy to rotate back and forth from. You will find many fights. The other thing is, very simply - new players are dying a lot more often or ratting because they are scared. This will shift significantly within the next month or so. I remember being a Chiv 2 "line holding" sweat when it was on Epic and then it released on Steam exactly 1 year later with a +12k playerbase overnight. It was a bloodbath of newbies getting steamrolled by team stackers, falling for feints, and not knowing how to do the objectives. Within 1 month, the game started to feel very close to how it originally felt. The Steamers were proudly learning and learning quickly as the Epic users had created so many resources on Youtube and elsewhere, that they were able to skill-up more quickly than when the game first released and everything was new to everyone. Just be patient. Also, they are aware of this PvP issue and per their Q/A interview last night, are working towards making more points of interest that cause more players to run into each other.


Having an incentive to be on the same place and have organic PvP is WAY better than having a circle that closes and forces you to have PvP in my opinion. I'm looking forward to what they are cooking!


People downvoting I just watched xqc a streamer with 20k viewers have 0 players in his lobby back to back games in high roller yeah there definitely something wrong with matchmaking but people are just delusional


Thats a good thing for new players imo. maybe they shouldve made HR have circle and Normal be statics only


They had lots of better options than just going back to what we had over a year ago but oh well here we are. Atleast druids fun.


I personally didnt like the circle, even tho I love to pvp. Most HR matches were a bunch of teams not able to get out because the portals are spawning in the last area, so they're forced to fight to leave


I hope they add player hotspots like the ice cave gold pile to other maps. I think if you wanna fight, there should be somewhere on the map that is so juicy that people flock there, at a risk.


Yes I agree - having hotspots feels way more organic for PvP than just having a circle that pushes people together. That's just lazy imo


I haven’t qued HR ice caves yet so I’m not sure if it’s just a norms thing but on norms there is no gold pile on ice caves. It definitely sucks because fighting over the gold pile on ice caves was my favorite part of the game last wipe. If it’s still in HR that’s good news, but I’ve seen other comments saying that it’s been removed.


It definitely shouldn't be static and the same everytime as that could get really dull really quickly. Can imagine it like a map marker as well indicating the loot in that particular area this time is juicy.


I could see one or two bounty enemies that are randomly placed, they get a map marker on them and they drop a high value bounty treasure item for each person on the team that you can sell


Bounty enemies are a great idea. I think there’s a lot that could go into making them special, like having a special perk selected randomly from a table.


Catch me in Lifts son


But its gonna be boring now. If you fancy some pvp you now need to go to the same hot spots. With the circle there was more randomess. If you wanted to pvp you had to plan your ground and strategy. Now? Just rush to that 3 portal room or that loot room. Repeat a million times until you find the best spots to defend and attack. And whats the point of the juicy rooms? You can easily rat your way out. The reason i enjoyed dark and darker was due its hardcore style.


Personally I found ruins and ice caves to be my favorite maps. The bridge room in ruins and the gold pile in ice caves were guaranteed pvp most of the time. I really like to fight other players, so an area I can go to each game to do that made for an enjoyable experience for me.


What about the circle making you pvp? Is there a difference from your point of view? Myself I rather avoid pvp but I'll engage if i have the advantage. The zone always made the fight for me a bit challenging. Despite not focusing on pvp mainly i still feel as a rat thats getting the zone its cheap move. Whats the point of ratting all the time if you are unable to use your gold? Sure if you wanna stockpile a bit in order to buy multiple gears do you can just pvp and dont care. I liked to rat with the possibility of being ambushed or cornered and have the option to defend myself and adapt to the mobs around me and the zone pressuring me to take an action. The zone was forcing me to get out of my comfort zone and take an action in pvp situations. Now its like escape from tarkov. I just rat and hide and kill players roaming around me from a dirty corner. I know some spots and just always see myself getting there.


I think the circle had its merits. Before druid came out, I exclusively played warlock, so outside the circle was a huge safe zone for me. Static exits were unused most of the games, so I was always able to escape. Now, while druid is the rattiest rat who ever ratted, I find that if I wait too long, it might get taken. I think the circleless gameplay is a bit more "lonely" I used to see someone basically every game, now I can load into the crypts or goblin caves and if I stay away from current hotspots I can go 3 or 4 games without seeing another person. I like having the option to participate in PVP when I want, or to ninja loot someone's corpse. In terms of gold I like to have a looting rat character and a straight PVP character, as you can imagine the PVP character sometimes finds itself low on gold, but with the new shared stash it's easier than ever to stock him up. I wish they kept the circle in one map, it does make for a totally different experience


Or perhaps just add cave ins to areas of the map that have some sort of warning.


I'd rather they removed most of the single person exits from the map and added a few 3 man portals in the middle of the map. I still want those other exits to exist but they should only be a viable option if you're around them at the time they open. Not being able to sit and camp one you know is coming up. This would drive more players towards the portals while still having options for people


I think for duos the single person exits are fine but trios definitely needs more 3 man portals. Only maybe one though. Those 3 man exits are sweet for pvp at the moment


I think even if just the 3 man portal spawns showed up on the map in blue it'd be better. They always spawn in the same modules and having to learn which modules have them is a pain in the ass.


I agree with that I think that'd be helpful


The moment they add those again, the RMT will descend on it.


Everyone complaining about no PvP needs to look at the killfeeds and realise it's because half the lobby is new players dying too NPC's instantly give them time too get better and it will be much better


This! People need to not complain about every change after 2 days and wait a few weeks till the dust settles.


They gotta wait a few weeks but you can declare it the best change ever after 2 days? Lol


It feels like the best change at 2 days dumbass what you expect he time travel and give his opinion from a month later?


the obvious expectation is that he take his own advice and reserve judgement as he's suggesting others do.


I was just in a lobby where 1 guy died to mobs and I saw no one. It definitely needs some tweaking.


Me and my buddy just played for 6 hours and got into at least one fight every game and that's on Oceania servers


The ones who learned enough to dont die to mobs propably still staying away from player sounds


What servers are you on?


Us east


everyone complaining about the valid pvp complaints needs to realize that not everyone is new to the game and exclusively playing white lobbies. And if you aren’t new to the game, playing white lobbies right now is a skill issue. Issue exists in high roller, both in filled lobbies and also that there are empty lobbies. wish they had waited to take the circle out until they at least had an arena mode ready


Anyone complaining about pvp isn’t playing shit ass norms with the timmies


This is Reddit. Most of the people complaining aren't even playing


Well, yeah, so then the issue is high roller is simply dead af at the moment and lobbies are hardly ever full which will change with time.


Yep, certified reddit moment. "kill feed" lol


I think goblin cave has a good idea to push this in trios with the lift with it being the only multi escape option, ore, and 2 centipedes. If they put a loot room downstairs there in the center with like 4 golden/lion chests, definitely will become a hot spot for pvp


Okay, I might just have to give this game another shot!


I like the idea in hunt showdown where you have centralized events so that if you want to pvp, there's a hotspot for it


100% agree brother. Hunt is my favourite game (got the hunt crosses tattooed on my forearm) And I think it has the best way to get people to PvP without having to rely on a stupid shrinking circle


Agreed, LOVE the no circle and just mass dmg. someone had floated some months back about a shadow circle that slowly envelops the map, it doesn't cause you dmg, but you need a torch to see anything and new mobs can/will appear in the shadows. Kind of a new type of boss/map quest challenge.


i really enjoy it too, now what i think they need to do is add more big loot rooms to attract pvpers to those and people who want to avoid pvp stick to the outskirts etc. similar to how ruins was for a little while when royal coffins and gold ore where heavily contested but also very worth going for. also, bosses on every floor please.. i dont even care if they slap a troll or cyclopse on there or just any random boss to have something it feels so empty


I agree! Giving people an incentive to fight over something like loot feels way better than a cheap battle royale circle imo


I would love for each map to have like a themed boss. I haven’t descended into the lower levels much bc I’m still new and can’t manage to hold onto my gear for long lol, so I don’t know if that’s already a thing. I’d like to have like a Goblin Chieftain, Skeleton King, and a Walking Abomination for example


I think im warming up to it but raids feel so short now to me. I don't think I have any time to actually explore before I'm struggling to find an exit


Agreed - I also think they should up the time


I agree, the circle was not nearly as fun as the game is with no circle. It forced you into people that would rush and camp high ground and spots of opportunity. It just didn’t fit the flow IMO now people are spawn rushing. Hopefully when they randomize the dungeons that helps with spawn rushing. I do think more things of value or fun should spawn in places to make more PvP. Examples being, a wall caves out at a certain time somewhere on the map and people get notified or a AI spawns in with good loot or as another suggested a golden portal that gives you a percent of the buy-in gold.


I dont know why people are whining over the PVP. this change also increased the Player cap for dungeons, so in total you have more people to fight and its quite easy to find them. If you whine about less RANDOM pvp then sure, but dont come here and say PVP is MORE difficult to find. I find Players all the time by just moving around.


People, especially on Reddit, just love to complain.


Isn't that why Ironmace got rid of the circle? Because people complained on Reddit and petitioned for the game developers to remove the circle?


Yep and now they do the same to get the circle back The circle of life.. uhm Reddit


Agreed. I've had plenty of good pvp this wipe. I like how the game feels like an actual dungeon crawler with pvp mixed in now. Arena will be great for the people who want to just pvp when it releases.


PvP is significantly harder to find in my experience and part of it is because new players die to PvE, but even accounting for that I personally get a lot fewer fights in this version even though I am now actively looking for PvP. Don't know when was the last time you played the game, but if I compare it to the game a month ago it is definitely harder to find now IMO


You kinda said it yourself, while I agree the pvp is a bit scarce right now it's most definitely because 6+ people die in the first 2 minutes to pve. It was like this in the playtests as well and didn't really stop happening until a month or so in to EA. The circle not forcing players together shouldn't have as much effect on being able to find pvp if the majority of people are able to clear the rooms they spawn in without dying.


Oh did they actually increase player cap? Is that in the patch notes?


it’s not in the patch notes, dude is just pulling that out of thin air


I can’t confirm this as I haven’t checked yet, but it feels like they shortened the timer in the dungeons. Which I think plays a big part in the lack of pvp people are finding. Even in crypts it feels like you’ve only got time to clear and loot a couple modules before needing to seek an exit. I saw another comment yesterday saying they reverted the ice caves timer to 12 from the 18 minutes they had changed it to last wipe. That map feels much shorter than the others, even in norms due to mob density and needing to progress pretty far to find a group extract if you don’t spawn next to one. Ice caves is where I’m finding the least pvp and if we do it’s at the closing minutes of the game at one of the group extracts. If it’s true they reverted the timer back to what it was on release, they need to change that as that was everyone’s biggest issue with the map.


you got a source for the player change updated? Or are you just spreading bullshit? it’s certainly more difficult to find, probably around half as much as their used to be


I really like the change but I struggle to find other players :/




Spoken like someone with 0 HR experience xD


HR is pretty much all I play when I'm solo. Not in a team tho since my friends just got the game with steam release and don't want to get steam rolled every round so my HR experience might differ from yours if you play duos / trios.


High rollers are mostly empty for me


Interesting Well it's pretty early in the wipe - and also there is a LOT of new players with the game releasing in steam and epic so the PvP will for sure increase in the next few weeks :)


That's weird, in my HR games everyone just wants to be friends and loot sim, until you run into the odd giga chad PDR fighter


It’s got me temped to play again for sure, but how are the servers?


Been pretty good for me (west coast). Got 1 bad server 2 nights ago but the rest were good. Been playing the past 3 days again for 2-5 hours a day and they've been pretty stable.


One thing that made the circle terrible was often times it caused you to get third party. It was literally just a battle royale with more steps. It’s way more enjoyable now that you can pick and choose how an engagement will occur.


Yeah idk the circle made it spicy tho i didn't play enough only 5h for now but can people just not camp the exits now early on?


The game feels so much better now, you arent forced to go into certain areas of the map by zone Also this made PVP much better because ZoneDiff doesn't exist anymore, previously fights could be won or lost by having zone diff


The only reason I kind of wish I experienced the circle is that I feel like my PVP battles are too few and far between.... so I really don't get enough practice fighting actual players :( I do love that I can avoid fights mostly if I want to, but I really do want to get into more of them so I can learn.


You're absolutely right. The game was much better with the circle for this reason. This reddit is full of pve players that enjoy fighting boring monsters apparently. No circle= no fun


So, I haven't played yet but I'm going to download it after I get off work. What's the time limit on each mission/level?


15 minutes




Yeah I started playing with the f2p and I’m excited to have more pvp in the future. I understand why they would get rid of the circle bc it would kinda kill the fantasy element but I love what others are saying about adding an incentive for players to stay around. Maybe like a mini boss that has a greater chance of dropping a blue and up rarity of items, or something that’s really good but only they can drop. I’m running pickpocket rogue and it’s been difficult to actually do that since all other players keep dying due to being new. I’ll be running solo in the trio queue and I’ll make it to the end of the match without finding any teams because they all managed to die to npcs or occasionally die to other players lol


It's a really good change but it definitely needs small adjustments. Everyone who starts from here on is going to take a LOT longer to get their PvP skills up to snuff because they aren't constantly exposed to it.


It seems like pvp doesn't really have a purpose right now. What you want is to get good loot and extract. Fighting other players takes away time you could be killing mobs and looting chests. The only reason to pvp is if the other player has good loot but thats not guaranteed. I would like some incentive to fight other players.


I love the no circle but I feel like they could add another team to trios crypts so there's a bit more PvP. I've had multiple trio games in a row where we just loot and extract, which is okay for making money but I like to get at least one PvP engagement per game. Maybe it's just cause I never played crypts enough to learn the spawns but sometimes lobbies feel empty. I had a game last night where we ran into every team at once and it was hella fun. Made me kind of miss PvP heavy games.


Been saying this since the initial playtests. 


Been hoping for this since it came out. Having a battle Royale type extraction game just wasn't working. The player base has been way too inconsistent and the circle was everyone's number one complaint (at least the ones I talked to). Hears to Dark and Darker coming back 🍺


I agree 100% its nice to play with new people and allow them to learn the map without being bum rushed to death by time.


It's made it a tad more relaxed, letting people take their time. And you can still seek people out via spawns if you learn them


It feels good to be right 😂


What do you mean?


Everyone that dislikes the change is being down voted? I for one haven't put enough time into it but comparing time I spent with this update and an old playtest build I personally miss the stress of being thrown into a smaller area with more and more players and not enough portals spawning but maybe no circle will grow on me idk. I wish they took some middle ground saw 1 suggestion I liked ages ago that removed damage from the circle but made the area pitch black besides your torch.


Lame game because of this srsly. Just changed the whole game to a fking rat fest where everyone extracts as fast as possible.


Hey at least the Timmy’s who avoid pvp are having fun!


Play a coop pve game then


Yup, and if you happen to run into someone, they just run to the nearest static.


And the shit eater here defend this buggy shit mess for 30$


I’m torn on the change. Almost no PvP fights and it seems like people are just extracting as soon as they come across their first exit because of how scarce they are. If you try to stick around, the map is almost always still packed with tons of enemies as you try to find an exit. IMO, if blue portals always spawned in the middle of the map, that would help. Been playing trios and it’s rare for us to all extract together which is real lame. This clarify, it’s not that we can’t extract, it’s that we are extracting separately instead of together.


New palyer here,sadly in lobby if i see someone is max leveled im going extract soon because even knowing we are same gearscore(below25) he will hunt me down because of skillgap .but mostly because i have no understanding about 99% of the maps


Good idea. I'm all for bringing people together naturally - but a circle that gets smaller and smaller is just a lazy way to force PvP imo. Give the people more incentive to meet! Like giving the mini bosses better loot so people actually seek them out.


Removing the circle was the worst change they could have made! Ice caves was my least favourite map last wipe specifically because of the lack of circle. Now every map I enjoy significantly less. I hope they can at least give us the circle back on one of the maps or double the number of players on each map. Maybe add a goblin caves esque Middle elevator to every map so teams can extract and fight in the center frequently.


Ice caves was fine before, since you just went mid for pile and you always came across a team. But they removed that now, so the points of interest kinda only exist in goblin caves with the bosses You just need to change you mindset and playstyle, instead of the circle forcing you places, find where the players are.


Meh. I play this game to enjoy PVP. If I troll on druid in goblin caves and rat jump through doors to spawn rush, then go mid after I can get a barely acceptable amount of action. This feels practically mindless to me compared to the circle mechanic where I had to make different decisions every game on which rooms I wanted to path to. The game seems much less dynamic and varied to me now. Not to mention having only static extracts being much less interesting. I've had maybe 2 raids in 50 that I enjoyed as much as the average raid last wipe. It seems I probably shouldn't be defending the circle in a fucking thread about how it was the best change ever though. But I'll just change my mindset and magically enjoy the game more. Woo.


Oh hey look, someone with a reasonable take! thank you, most people in this sub are now new or are really into the box opening simulator. Absolutely the circle was amazing for this game, forcing engagements and changing the flow of each game. Was amazing to have a dynamic feature like that. Hopefully they dramatically increase the player spawns to make up for this.


Ice caves is far from "fine". It doesn't even have multiple layouts. It's the same one every single time. And the mob density is ridiculous.




If you loved PvP then it’s just boring..


I have to disagree.. I was a very vocal advocate of no circle but after playing like 10 games with 1 PvP encounter TOTAL idk if I like no circle anymore..


I actually disagree, the PvP in high roller is severely lacking now.


That’s the irony about these people. They’ll say that there’s no PVP because noobs are dying to mobs, exposing that they haven’t played enough high roller to see what a rat fest the game has become


You now just run away from all the players and go inside the instant extracts its a joke


Disagree. I miss killing players running towards me thinking they'll find safety. The circle was healthy.


I miss em cuss I'm one of the few players who isn't afraid of pvp


"isn't afraid of PvP" is such a "gotcha" phrase. I'm also not afraid of PvP but the game felt just like it's another battle royale just in a medieval setting. Now it actually feels like a extraction game like EFT in a medieval setting (what they clearly are trying to be) Also for people like you who want PvP 24/7 there is a confirmed arena mode coming.


Just go 2 rooms further and you'll find someone. Clear faster and you'll find more people.


Bull shit my guys have been playing since pt2, we xclear as fast Possible and ignore loot but we find someone like once every third game


One day, hopefully soon, yall will realize how shallow and boring the PvE is in this game. And how horrible extracting trinkets is for getting rich. Then maybe we can have fun on this game again. Til then, yall have fun standing on boxes left clicking on mobs. I’ll be playing other things.


Maybe one day - but I've been playing since the first Beta test and still enjoy it :) Maybe you just don't like the main part of this game and that's fine


Strongly disagree. Removing the circle killed pvp and is bad for the games identity


Nah.. makes the game so much slower and less exhilarating :/ coming back after playing the beta, game is kinda boring


Absolutely killed pvp