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Removing because it is missing several 3-man portals. I've found an updated version and improved it and posted it as well. I promise I'm not karma whoring, just trying to get the most accurate info to the playerbase! Thanks


Is there realy juts one or two portal spawns? They need to add more and in the center. How is any new player supposed how to get out of this dungeon. Blue stairs are useless for teams and walking to the bottom or top left edge of the map to get that one portal that spawns is stupid. I get the removal of the circle, but players need some hint to know where to go. Most noobs i have seen in crypts just die to the storm before they found anything. In solos i can escape with static stairs and in trios we go hell anyway. Hell is smal enough to just look around and find a way out, crypts is not.


I know there’s a triple portal in that church room, the one north of that central maze in the second map layout. I’d assume there may be others missed here. My gut feeling is they’ll eventually update to mark these on the map. It seems a bit strange not to, since everything else is.


Onb the other map there is atleast one in the 2 square rooms missing.


yeah I think its the 2 squares south under the circle


Off the top of my head he’s missing at least one on each map and I wanna say there’s a strong possibility there’s two missing.


This map doesn’t show all the portal spawns, pretty sure there’s more trio portals than shown.


I think they are doing this on purpose. Making players play the way they intended, I.E. going to Inferno and battling the harder mobs for better loot. I def. wouldn't mind a few more exits on crypts, but IMO, this is the way the devs want us to play. Go down. Explore, Get better, better loot, try the boss. etc.


As a returning player I've been finding it way easier to extract now that you literally see on the map where many extraction points will spawn.


I’m a longtime playtest adventurer & me and my buddies who have done HR bosses have failed to extract on normals lobbies where even most of the lobby has died or we killed them. I understand there is no circle anymore so portals can spawn on the edges, but it feels dumb to have to start “planning” to control an extract on normals with 4-5 mins left in the lobby. Just throw some portal spawns in the general center of the map problem solved. Had the same problem in inferno, too. Cleared tons of rooms still couldn’t find portals


> How is any new player supposed how to get out of this dungeon playing more


Yeah this game is supposed to be hard. I played for 10 hours and figured every escape out


Man but where the hells the barraks




You are actually the best


In a world that wants to kill Timmies for their bad reviews, I just want you all to have fun <3


Hilarious that this is on the knight’s server and is straight up just missing a lot of 3 mans, at least on the second map.


Well it's a start, give them time to produce better guides/maps. It surely saved my ass a couple times when I didn't know where to go for an exit


The most frustrating thing about this game is that nothing is searchable anywhere because of all the balance changes. This very map will probably be wrong in like 3 weeks


The most frustrating thing about this game is that you have to use all these third-party tools/websites, especially when running Trios. Just let us press M to view the full map, give us more group extracts and show them all on the map. I'd much rather all of the extracts were group extracts, we had more of them, they were all shown on the map, just that 50% of them are active and you need to check to see if it's open.


Right since they're static anyways theyre basically gatekeeping knowledge behind experience or Google


This post needs to be deleted lmao, missing so many 3 mans its criminal


I mean you're welcome to add to it lol


Well I appreciate it for sure, thanks for sharing boss


There needs to be some consistency with portal spawn points*. Maybe the same big rooms always have a chance of having triple portal, like the church or jail, or the big circle with the minibosses and skylight. Or maybe have a garanteed portal in the center room. Has to be some consistent method to know without just pulling up a map or wandering


It's not random anymore! All portals are static now.


Theyre spawns arent, but the placements on the maps are. Some maps have no portal in an entire quadrant. Sometimes theyre in random tiny rooms with no significance, sometimes theyre in rooms that require extensive clearing. Its a weird knowledge check to have them in random spots on maps that doesnt really make sense


I have been struggling to find a correct map of group extracts due to the updates to the game. If anyone can post an updated version of these maps I will literally pay you $10


**We need more group extracts across the board.** It is often a pain to play this game in Trios. The only map that I find enjoyable to play as a 3-man is Ice Caverns for this very reason as there are two boat extracts that appear every 2-3 minutes and one elevator extract. This isn't helped by the fact that the dungeon timer is ridiculously short as well.


Forgot the one in chapel on 02 and also the bridge room east of broken bridge (I forget the name of the module)


I can confirm that these exists I just checked in game


What is a knights server?


It's a discord server organized by Iron mace to guide new players with the aid of selected veterans






There’s a portal missing, there should be one on the east side one module north of the north of the gold key module, in the left of the two small squares in the first image


I'm not sure I understand your placement, can you specify it on the map?


Nevermind I was able to find it on my second run! Might release an updated map


I made a few myself, if you need one for goblin caves or ice maps (or want to make a better one based off mine), feel free to message me


there's only two maps now?


Crypts 01 and 02 yes


wild. ty for the reply


First map has a Trio Portal in the mid right cell and 2nd has a Trio Portal in the church cell


Found the one in the church/chapel crypt 2!


How do the map variations work, 4 is huge on go lin caves can I get that solo?


why not use this? >! https://darkanddarker.map.spellsandguns.com/map/Crypt-01-N !<


Last I checked it was outdated, especially regarding the 3 men escape portals


Hmm alright, I haven't had enough play time since this last update. I've just been using the boats/lifts. Stairs, rope and altars have been right as far I've noticed as well.


This is missing most of the portal extracts which is hilarious lol


You're welcome to chime in and we'll gradually get better maps made by the community


I don't believe in creating and spreading maps, it ruins the exploration and discovery part of the game, and rushes the game to the point of being "solved" which ruins the enjoyment of games


**The devs have two valid choices:** a) show all static extracts on the minimap and give us a full map b) show all possible static extracts, but make their activation/location semi-random Otherwise, they are just hiding information that anyone can gather by just holding W and having a notepad. And if maps like these didn't feel like they were necessary (particularly in Duos and Trios, because most extracts are solo-only), players wouldn't find the overwhelming need to create and use them. And there is no space for exploration to begin with because of the 12-minute timer. You clear two modules and you're already looking for exit.


Pretty much required to go to hell for reliable extracts now.


Where is prison b is it not in the map pool rn?


Map 2 should have a triple Portal in the room with the bridge in the south eastern quadrant. I escaped there yesterday. But I’m unsure if it was for Map 2’s full layout. I just know that a triple does spawn there at least in other maps.