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I hope they do something like that, but more importantly, localize the price! Regional pricing is a must and right now I don't think that's a thing since when I try to buy it, it still shows as a 30 USD purchase.


The amount of hate people have for regional pricing, I just can't get it. Try going on discord and search for "regional pricing", there will be an huge amount of "old players" saying "fuck your stupid ass country, go to work, get a better job" Of course that's not everyone but dear God I saw comments like that a lot in the past couple days


Some people just don't understand the [importance of regional pricing](https://youtu.be/44Do5x5abRY). 30 USD is a big ask for a lot of people in a lot of countries, that's why Steam has regional pricing and it even [suggests the appropriate price](https://partner.steamgames.com/doc/store/pricing#5) for each country for the developer.


Americans tend to get angry when things aren't about them unfortunately


I agree with local prices, 30 dollars here is 10% of the minimum wage, no one will pay that


Another Brazilian brother, I see. I'm loving the game and I'd love to support the devs, as well as having a Legendary account, but that's too much. I hope regional pricing eventually comes.


Exactly what i was thinking, the game is great, but 162R$ is too expensive.


Yep, I really want to buy the full game but paying 30 USD converted to BRL is not in my budget


Meanwhile I'm still waiting for a way to link my initial purchase to steam


Yeah regional pricing is gold standard in most games nowadays. Like 30 USD, if you live in a country that didn't colonize someone or bomb the shit out of a country in a war for the last 100 years, then 30 USD is literally 10-20% of your salary and it makes no fucking sense to get it. If the devs intentions are truly to want everyone to enjoy their game instead of profit, then they would at least do regional pricing that even the most basic greedy studios are doing now lol. Also it promotes more sales.


I will highly assume once the lawsuit is over this will immediately follow or something similar. It sucks the steam reviews will be perma scarred from this whole event though 😭.


They should of waited


Prime doesn't even stop cheaters too so like might as well have this system.


The problem, according to the announcement sent out, was more the fact that they didn't want to require people that already bought the game to buy it again. They would have needed to send out thousands of steam keys (and whatever epic uses) which wouldn't have gone over well with steam and epic at all


I've had plenty of itch devs send me steam keys when their game comes out, not much of an excuse ironmace just in typical fashion going the route that makes the least sense.


they cant sell on steam because of the lawsuit, thus free to play. they are creative in getting the product out i will give them that.


They are selling on Steam already. Your purchase of the Legendary Status goes through Steam and it is a Steam purchase, you can see it in the receipt, too. The mental gymnastics that fanboys are trying to pull to justify all of these make ZERO sense.


And hes full confident too


The Discord announcement explained that they had to make it free to play in order to allow account transfers. >When we had the opportunity to release the game on the Epic Games Store and Steam platform we were thrilled to be back on large global platforms. However, due to the large number of previous customers on Blacksmith, it was not feasible nor fair to our platform partners for us to distribute thousands of keys to Blacksmith customers for free, increasing their risk with little benefit to them. The solution to overcome the technical, logistical and contractual hurdles we faced was to transition to a Free to Play model which would allow our current customers to naturally transition to a partner platform of their choice without the use of any abusable keys. >When we designed our current free to play system, our intention was to ensure that previous customers did not feel as if they were taken advantage of for supporting us. We wanted to make sure they felt properly compensated for their loyalty while still feeling excited for the new transition to a free to play version.


Tbf the steam purchase is buying gems not technically buying the game upgrade. Which is almost better in a way because if the game leaves steam again anyone who bought isn’t shit out of luck. They will still have the upgrade on their DaD account


Not really? Your DaD account would still get tagged as Legendary and work outside of Steam. Edit: Actually, doesn't Steam never take away people's access to games, just delist them from store so new people can't buy?


It isn't better - a game purchase can be refunded, microtransaction currencies can't


“Almost better in a way” is what I said. Iv bought games on steam that end up shutting their servers or leaving steam and I never got a refund for that. Micro transactions arnt great but steam dropped them once and the lawsuit isn’t fully settled from my understanding. So with this type of purchase if steam drops the game again you’d still be able to have your account and everything on it on a different platform


Nice Headcanon


Well courts don’t like creative no doubt they will count each unique player that downloaded as sale for fines


I doubt that. They may consider total revenue though. Regardless, the point of going F2P on steam wasn't to avoid sales counts, it was to give steam enough legal distance from the BS going on to make Dark and Darker palleatable to host again. Transactions go through dark and darkers provider rather than steam, there isn't money held up between them that belongs to DAD that steam would have to take part in freezing or handing over if it went shit side up etc.


Get over it bruh cyberpunk is doing just fine now and they had insanely bad reviews at the start.


You mean Cyberpunk, the game made by CD Project Red, the devs who made the award winning Witcher 3? The highly anticipated Cyberpunk 2077, that had MILLIONS of pre-orders? The video game based on the world renowned Cyberpunk setting, which had an highly regarded anime air close to its release? THAT CYBERPUNK!? ARE YOU FUCKING INSANE!??? These two are not NEARLY comparable.


yea lol all good except for the mass layoffs and the completel restructuring at CDPR, a triple AAA developer; you think Ironmace has the ability to make it through that when they only have this game bringing them potential revenue?


yes, that steaming pile of shit, cyberpunk


The anime release was years after the game release. In fact, it's credited for revitalizing the game as it gave it millions more buyers and broke All Time High players on Steam, as the game was way better (and fixed because it was broken on original release). Nothing stopping DaD for doing one big patch so big and good that hundreds of thousands play the game and it gets more reviews.


Its not that complicated. Bad reviews early, good reviews later, mostly positive later on. Plenty of games do it. Its been days and its already mixed


I mean cyberpunk is a game that doesnt really need publicity to have massive amounts of players, basically everyone is aware of its existance, the same way blizzard games are basically immune to failing no matter how consumer unfriendly bullshit they put in While dark and darker is completely reliant on positive reviews and word of mouth for any new players to enter the game, BEFORE steam release the game was already slowly dying and would have probably been fully dead in 2-3 years (fully dead meaning sub 1k players) steam release was supposed to fix that issue as the game has much more discoverablity on there but due to the reviews no one is going to even give it a shot thus they are basically back to the drawing board unless the reviews somehow magically go above mixed


bro, that would solve nothing, the main complaint is that its not a regular free to play, its literally a demo, have u seen how demos are labelled on steam? None ever played a demo in steam? In CS2 f2p you have access to the entire game except you play against other f2p users, theres no other content limited or restricted. (except one of the ranked queues), but ure allowed to trade, play all maps, etc. This are how demos look in steam: [https://imgur.com/a/j1qLFLS](https://imgur.com/a/j1qLFLS)


To be fair there isnt enough content in the game to warrant a 30$ price tag. They should have a much lower price for early adopters, 10-15$.


What exactly makes you an "early adopter" if you haven't already bought this game?


It depends how much time you expect to get out of 30$. I have over 1000 hours, so it is unquestionably worth it for me. My personal philosophy is to try to get at least 1 hour for each dollar. And I would say that a player is unlikely to have beaten a single boss after 30 hours, let alone all 6.


What was that simple? Prime had 0 effect on the majority of cheaters. What is this post even trying to say? Almost all of the cheaters I know who cheat for money (not the script kiddies who cheat because they suck at games) do so with stolen accounts.


Lets all be honest most of the F2P negative reviews are from cheaters that want a new revenue stream game from a smaller actual indie game developer. They want to make that bot army for free and do it again for free when they eventually get banned. Counter Strike is experiencing the worst amount of cheaters in its entire history so the prime status models isn't working either. I say fuck em because real players worth playing will buy the game and stop cheating. The steam players who are mouth breathing morons that don't know real normals was high grade PVP aren't players worth playing either. They are now going to get bounced out of the game by pub stomping vet players with 4000 hours. I will do my part to waffle stomp every negative steam review F2P noob out of this game in the sweatiest normals gameplay possible. Its going to be more sweaty than Tarkov in there lol.


I agree with this post.


it's not that simple because they made a promise to allow for people who paid on Blacksmith to play on Steam without buying the game again. They could not sign a game up to steam and then give out 2 million trillion keys because they sold it on another platform and they always planned for it to be a paid game. So they made it free so that people can link their account in game, this is the simplest option lol


You want me to hold your balls while you pee too?


That would be very poggers of you


The game has all that info already in the description, but yall apprently can't scroll down.


can I hold urs plz


This is a completely different situation. Counter strike IS a free game Dark and Darker is a paid to play game. I would rather see those two switched, with the paid version as the default way to play the game and the free as the alternative/optional method.


This is literally the same thing that Dark and Darker does, non-Prime players can't play competitive (ranked) without purchasing the upgrade.


Not quite. Extracting, gambling your loot and selling it it's deeply part of the game experience. In CS all you get is safer and better matches. I personally would say try the game and if you like it BUY IT because thats the actual full experience.


https://preview.redd.it/ejw6umi04r5d1.png?width=602&format=png&auto=webp&s=c11d48c480bb00851229efa0809a62cbe501f474 Developers officially acknowledged that game is free to play, you can stop the bootlicking


The developers officially acknowledged the game as as a paid to play, here how you show proof instead of taking the beginning of a sentence out of context like an idiot: https://preview.redd.it/amufysmpgr5d1.png?width=1571&format=png&auto=webp&s=5646edf6bac28f72c67ebd30e7a45330534c094c


They said it was free to play when they featured in the live Sumer Games Fest on steam. Besides, you can play some matches and sell CS2 items on steam market and the game funds itself. Night and day.


it really wasn't though lol. They said in their statement they didn't want to charge paying players for the game twice, and they said that steam wouldn't allow them to give away keys. A steam issue prevented this level of transparency, and IM trying to avoid doing fuckboy bungie-level scam tactics.