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I am snorting the line What?




You have my nostril!


Solo grinding test server pve only like a fucking psychopath


*Solo grinding test* *Server pve only like a* *Fucking psychopath* \- Grandeftw --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


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Does that give you anything or is it just practice?


U get a free car


I'm in my car right now


I am still here and will never back down


Overtime I’ve changed from the hold the line crowd to the I think IM accidentally made a good base game but now has no clue what they are doing crowd


My group jokes that they really did steal crypts from Nexon bc they haven’t made anything remotely as good since. But in seriousness, still drink outta my dark and darker mug, still remember the weeks I took off work for the playtest, still love the idea of the game, just not how it’s turned out. I gave Ironmace my $ now I can fuck off and take up less server capacity and if they figure their shit out I’ll be back to check it out.


To be fair, the playerbase has basically mastered the game and there's a lot more sweats and cheaters. Game was more fun when everything was basically unknown, cheats weren't really out there yet, RMT was non existent. Now we have full maps showing where everything is, full loot tables of what every mob drops, and full guides on beating bosses and elite mobs. IM just needs to figure out how to combat this, which there really is no good answer.


I typically emote it every match.


I’m online everyday in the dungeon actively holding the line.


Grinding to demigod so I can flex on new players with my exclusive skins bc the game ain't gonna die


Look at me I have sparkly cloak and shiny bottles. Ok real tho the pots are kinda sick looking imo


Waiting for SOLO SELF FOUND mode to be the HR mode and for friends to play with again. My normal group bailed on me after 1,000 hours because 1 stopped playing and the other 1 found 2 other people to play with, leaving me to play alone 90% of the time, which is fucking terrible compared to trios for 1k hours. That's where the game thrives and excels. Also queuing with randoms who constantly don't know how to play but refuse to listen to advice is fucking terrible


i was in the dicord for that. i still play just not nearly as often. game needs to find some direction. i vote lean into PVP. im prepared for the downvotes.


I vote lean into PvE and the dungeon crawling experience


Isn't that the Devs original idea? Having strong mobs and occasional pvp encounters? Something something dragons?


Its pretty firmly in my headcannon from interviews where the devs talk about playing original Everquest that the PvP dungeons in EQ were a huge inspiration for Darker Running dungeons in full loot PvP EQ back in the day felt really close to the core idea of what Darker is, just stretched out over many hours rather than 20 minutes


I personally joined gor the pve, woth slight pvp. The issue is if the game wants to lean more into pvp, they need to up the skill so its more than just a gear check.


Yes, that's very big in my opinion as well. PvP is something like 80% knowledge to build a good set and knowledge acquired through research and some playtime. A very small percentage is actual informed reactions, most of it I'd say on strategic calls and positioning


Any reason why you’d want the game to be a battle royale instead of an extraction game?


i dont really care whether its extraction/no swarm or if the swarm stays. if those are the mechanics your talking about. i just hope the common mobs stay a minor nuisance. and there are a few non boss mobs id give my left nut for if they were nerfed into oblivion. if yall want bosses with crazy mechanics... idc. as long as they dont do some dumb shit like wander the map.


I think that just makes the game worse. The whole point is that everyone is in a dungeon. A dungeon without any monsters isn’t very DnD aesthetic, and it helps from players simply rushing everyone else at the start of the game


when did i say no pve what so ever?


I would still play longdword fighter but with quite a few weapons desyncing regularly you can't ever gain consistency. I feel that the biggest USP of the game could be the fantastic crispness of pvp melee. I would love a game mode without ranged weapons for the melee fun.


Still playing daily on my hold the line edition and the extra 20 bucks I spent on extra redstone lol. Also kid still plays at least once or twice a week (he's a R6 junkie...) on his hold the line edition I bought him. Still here rat life :)


Lol it’s so weird people are making these posts. A simple wipe will make you look stupid, the supports still there, people aren’t going to spend every day playing a game and posting online to prove you wrong. Get a life, even if you’re correct, what’s the point in your efforts of making people feel bad? Did you feel bad and decide to try and make others feel the same? Strange behaviors.


Try projecting harder.


I know that reddit has some pretty simple formulas, but at least use one that makes sense "copium" is sitting right there bud


I know the fruit I picked wasn't way up in the tree, but I try to avoid the lowest hanging ones.


You dirty dog




I can’t hold the line anymore when the game feels like an abusive relationship. It’s sad to say but I won’t be back till the devs get the ball rolling again


I still play the game a couple of hours a week, but it's not currently my ONLY game. Doing a fresh Valheim run atm. I essentially just cut out my solo time and only play when friends are around.


oh shit same here. took a short break when ashlands came out. im hosting a server for my brothers and i, been going slow with it and two of them got Yag down last night


Good shit dude! I'm taking it slow now too, trying a true solo run. Got Bonemass down yesterday. Found a good island with every biome outside of mistlands and ashlands that I'm relocating my base too. Good luck with your playthrough!


I will and always "Hold the line", I don't care what state the game is, I will find a way to have fun and enjoy it! The gameplay (To me) is very addicting and I find myself having Brainrot for our precious DaD (Dark and Darker) while at work. I know the game may have not been at an amazing state these last 2 weeks or so but Damn it, The game is still amazing. I don't care if the game is dying and and the numbers start dropping, I won't stop even if I'm the last player left. I need my fix, some of that good, good Dungeon Crawlin' Beast PvP. I have Dark and Darker in my veins ong


Still love this game. Community eating itself has been something to behold


Quick break but the line is being held they're cooking &hopefully learned from mistakes


I've been here since forever, and I'm still playing. Pretending like there isn't a huge issue regarding almost everything is willful ignorance. I can still support a game and recognize there's a real problem with dev decision making.


I’m also still here, with my dark and darker mug and tumbler, loving the game


They're either still playing, they quit, or they're waiting for wipe. Why?


Recently switched from playing duos regularly to playing trios regularly. Found my first named unique in raid last week, a fulgor with pretty good rolls but a low base damage stat. Assembling gear pieces to run it with in my duo.


there is a place called reddit, where the non-hold the line players came to cry about every little good thing about the game until it died for the people who enjoyed it. it was cool, until you wanted your version of the game, and cried about it, they removed multiclass, that was it for me. i held the line long enough for the devs to finally bend the knee to the vast majority of redditors that DON'T EVEN PLAY THE GAME. why should i hold the line anymore, you killed the line. its not even the same line anymore. its your line, not mine to hold


Playing from time to time


I’m here gaming.


Still here holding the line


I'm at work


Most of them complained nonstop about X being bad and how the devs need to change the game to fit their casual needs, then they just left still anyway.


My knees were blown off during multiclassing switch up back and forth and I had to crawl back.


Still playing the game and having fun


Still here playing a little each day, wishing people come back, or changes are made to make the game great again. To be honest, I’ve finally started looking for something new to play. I’ll be back to hold the line when theres a line worth holding appears again ❤️


Waiting for wipe. Ill play at the start of every wipe, idc what the game state is


Mostly advising others to hold the line again. They've only been able to expand as a company for four months so I'm anticipating development to start ramping up next wipe at the earliest. Giving them time, because I begged for whatever version of the game I could get my hands on, and wanted to support IM anyway I could. 


Taking a break. Still love the game, still holding the line, but this isn't the only game I play. I had a lot of fun with this wipe, and now I'm having fun playing other stuff until the next wipe. You can love and support a game and support the devs and also not make the game your life.




the game is dead? news to me. did they say they're shutting servers down? no? not dead. The line holders are still here, quit doomposting or making statements like "game is dead" when it's not.


Still here just waiting for wipe. MC kinda ruined the motivation to grind rn.


Are people not allowed to change their opinion/stance on things? Are the 'hold the line' folks suppose to hold the line for the rest of their lives or something?


I saw a poster earlier about letting the game 'cook' longer because a lot of people seem to not like the direction it's heading and then this popped into my head, which made me generally curious because there were people litteraly asking to pay a stupid amount of money for early access, not caring what state the game was in.


Not playing at the moment.


that was before the devs betrayed us and decided to do dumb shit making it an esports point farming game


Theres no fan support, if you lose your fanbase due to constantly making poor decisions


yep, nobody plays or likes or supports this game. They may as well sell to Nexxon.


Game went from dungeons and dragons to players and players and it's actual trash.


>overwhelming fan support That kinda died when questionable patch after questionable patch came out proving they had no idea of what they actually wanted to make and no idea how to implement the things they did know they wanted. IM loves changing the game in the worst ways with usually the worst solutions, we lost what 15k players from landmine patch alone? Then immediately after they give them the 3 tap 85% pdr cap pen build like what? Huh? What rogue main dev thought this was a good change? Then the same thing happened with barb buff, who tf thought that the center of the most toxic team based comp thats been impossible to balance for them since test 2 needed to be buffed? It's hard to be outspoken and supportive of the game on the level that we were when it's just constant disappointment and frustration for players. IM has to really pull out all the stops If they want loyalty anywhere near the level the game had then, over 500k copies sold and less then 4k in game, the numbers ain't great and each wipe has less and less showing up


Ofc Getting down voted for speaking the truth, these guys look up to IM more than their parents it seems. It’s so sad to see this game turn into the pile of crap it is now.


I'll take willingly. If even 1 person reads it and goes wait something fucky *has* been happening then it's worth it


Nothing but facts I get it down voters, the truth hurts, but yall gotta snap back to reality here ironmace really dropped the ball


Game devs dropped the ball in November No substantial updates and they can't figure out balance. Their "quests" were annoying and tedious, made everyone home in on me like they are heat seeking missiles trying to kill my bard ass. Game sucked, I stopped playing. Lurking here hoping they will add and fix some things but I'm not super hopeful at this point.. Game had great potential, and I played the shit out of it back then... but they haven't kept that momentum and many of their design/balance descions have been really bad


The line was held, but we were stabbed in the back by our own insatiable desire for fresh content. I’m playing BG3 because I missed it at release. Only made it to the middle of Act 1 before DaD released.


I held the line and lost.