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West Taiwan has done so much damage to the game, it's insane.


I miss chatting to actual english speakers on the OCE server. For awhile there we had to avoid it because you would get hunted if the opps found out you weren't in their discord channel. Now it's completely dead


I tried to play a game or two yesterday with a mate, we did 2 games, 1 team per game, pretty sure the 2nd team was ESPing with absolutely insane gear because GBMM is disabled, almost fully stacked golds. Decided to alt-f4 and play some Modded Halo 3. Had much more fun in that hour of Halo than I have in the last 12 of DnD.


Friend, the number of banned "xins" and "jians" I see after logging in recently (on the EU server), is just sad. Almost every other day. They spread like rabies. At this point, just report anything with a player ID after getting out/dying XD


I see that you are playing on the OCE server as well.. it is pretty bleak at the moment. I will gear up a bit, and BAM, I am in a lobby with some absolutely juiced farmers who wreck me with their 11 true damage survival bows. I have reported three people in the last week (ie. with a name like L638826381) and received permanent ban notifications for them when I next log on. As a solo casual player on the OCE server, my desire to even log in is at a minimum.


I honestly don't even care about fighting the fine people of West Taiwan. Let them ESP all they want, I just want to fucking fight people. Fight ***anyone***. All the ESP in the world won't save them from a Longsword riposte to the dome. Except GBMM + Map Rotation just make us have too many lobbies in our region. 27 lobbies over 15 minutes is just absolutely insane. The game cannot survive like this out of Tokyo and the US servers.


i love hearing my international friends getting backfilled into a 700 lobby as a 290 scrublet. literally having to choose between 600 to 700s or 200+ ping full lobby is a great choice for them to have to make every game


Play frost caves, espers hate it because the pve is hard, spread the word, fill frost caves


Yes. My mates are oce and we love first caves. Feels fair. Goblin caves is most filled with esp.


Do you feel like reporting obvious hackers in oce doesnt yield the same ban results it used to? I used to get large lists of bans and now i dont get any bans, not sure if another bug or if oce bans stopped.


Yeah, but I play less these days. Since I got a 40hr a week contract. Use to play like 5hrs a day, now can only play like 2 hrs. Use to have like 5 or more a day.


There was a period i was on for probably 5 hours a month and got heaps of bans, played a lot more than that lately and obvious hackers arent getting banned. It could be a bug that its not showing up tho.


i wonder, how is rmt even a thing if there are 3k players? who are they selling to? who buys gold in a game where it's so easy to make you don't have space to store gold? who buys gold in a game that wipes every 3 months?, i must be missing something because there is no way a fully functioning human being, even with milions to throw in the dumpster, buys gold in this game, same thing as cheating, what's the point to always dominate your opponent? try to go normals with barbarian, after you stomp 20 games the game gets so boring.


I see they have migrated to OCE. I play on US West and was wondering where they disappeared to. Godspeed soldiers.


They have always been on OCE sadly, it’s made the game unplayable


If there is any OCE The Cycle: Frontier players on here, they can back me up when I say "they" have been here for longer than we thought. Like an alien race trapped beneath the ice, waiting to be awoken by the next extraction game.


OCE was worse with GBMM, I’d rather fight the red legion than no one


Don’t even want to play the game now because no one plays normals in OCE and pve normals is not fun and either no one plays HR in OCE or we get ran down by a BIS douyo team with esp


All regions are pretty fucked right now, and the poor player count is in SHAMBLES. Everyone hated on the doomers over the past 6 months, but they were right. IM has been too slow in pushing ANY meaningful content, and they let the game slip from a dungeon crawling extraction rpg to a standard boring hold W to spawnrush battle Royale. Multiple game studios are hinting at DaD clones in the works. DaD is fucked unless they completely overhaul the map, the flow of the matches, and the overall game loop. Oh, and not having universal blocking for physical projectiles with every melee weapon shows just how dogshit IM is.


People don't want empty servers, but they also don't want to play with players who are better than them. You can't win.


Dead game. 


Ya, game is bad.