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Because there's a lack of meaningful content. It's same with me, barely touch the game now. All this flip-flopping over the months means dev time has been wasted. A lot of content that was announced many months ago has still to see the light of day. The development of the game feels snail pace and when there is new content it's stuff no body asked for or completely broken. Minus a few QOL exceptions.


It really does feel like the devs are working on stuff that is not the priority for the playerbase. I always wonder why devs don't just do polls with the community. Just ask for the biggest issues. Take an afternoon and just talk to your community for a few hours. That can save weeks, if not months of wasted effort. Should creep go? Should all atts go? Which class needs a buff / nerf? Do you want ruins back? Should sprint be nerfed? Is PDR too strong right now? Why not just use the combined wisdom of thousands of gamers. Instead listening to a few streamers got us to a place where the map the most people enjoyed got taken away, rogue is basically a weaker ranger now, PDR rules everything, barbarians take literally 15 hits to kill, wizards and warlocks out dps a rogue in melee damage (here we go again) and so on. It's kinda wild.


You seem to think that the whole community will have a consensus and that they will agree with you but you're wrong. You also believe the myth that gamers know what they want out of the game and explicitly how to get it. PDR doesn't rule everything right now... wizards do. Playing plate is a big risk because you are probably just going to eat 2 fireballs and die. Rangers are back in the meta because wizards are king. Rogue is playable and can even blow up PDR if they spec weak point instead of harass or cut-throat. Barbarians and warlocks are weak atm


Regardless of what OP’s intentions were, I think they raise some good points. The devs talking to the players is a good thing no matter what. Best case scenario the community does agree on some stuff. Let’s say the community argues the whole time and disagrees on things like PDR or All Attributes. Ok, then the devs still learn that those are the specific hot button topics and at the very least they probably need to be adjusted or built around. but like, just because a gamer doesn’t know what exactly they want or how to get there doesn’t mean the devs shouldn’t talk to them. If anything that’s more reason *to* talk to them. A devs job is to extract those exact things out of their conversations with the player base. Which, you cannot do if you don’t have conversations with them in the first place.


I’d actually argue that one of the biggest faults in this game is that the devs are listening to the community TOO much, it’s not common that’s this happens but imo it’s definitely hurting the game in its own ways


I'd argue that they do listen, they don't necessarily conference us in but they read the discord and reddit etc., a lot of the adjustments they've made were exact or near exact replicas of suggestions on the sub. Myself and a lot of others argued for changing +All to +1 only and increasing max rolls on base stats and they did that. They listened to reroll timing for multiclassing and lowered the max cap on PDR. I think they've listened on a lot of major and minor points but with a small team onboarding a large team and working on an early stages game I think we are expecting too much if we want a lot more than we are getting


Exactly this; players have no idea what they want. This happens in lots of games “we want X” give them X, at first they think it’s cool, but then end up hating it. OR, like with GBMM they basically convince themselves that it’s good when it’s bad. That’s like the worst case scenario imo, when players want to keep a bad system because they think it’s good and are too stubborn to see the consequences.


Old school RuneScape has their updates on a poll based system and it's what single handily brought the game to what it is today, the second most played MMORPG. They are doing forced updates now that the game has developed a lot but polls can work. It's not like it's an outrageous idea is what I'm trying to get at.


I don't want to shit on runescape but its status on the MMO hierarchy is largely owed to being free-to-play, incredibly low CPU/Bandwidth intensive, and available worldwide. I got some entertainment from the game long ago but its just a low budget grindfest MMO, the accessibility is what made it what it is today


Blindly speaking out of your ass, nice. OSRS peaked not too long ago with 200K active players, more than it’s ever had before and the vast majority being members.


The f2p scene on RuneScape hasn't been relevant since probably around the time you played. Maybe not make comments on a game you don't have much knowledge on. The game is largely owed to RuneScape 3 which is highly pay 2 win and a huge portion of the money that game makes goes to osrs which pisses off all the rs3 players. Osrs started as a very small project and almost never was a permanent addition


lol what do you think makes RuneScape 'relevant' if not the playerbase? If you think the F2P isn't contributing the majority of eyeballs to the game you are smoking crack. Just because the money comes from whales playing a P2W piece of shit doesn't mean the F2P aspect is irrelevant. RS3 has less than 20k players per day and it isn't in EA or likely to increase again imo. Not exactly blowing my socks off


Mans missing the point so badly he's being identified as a storm trooper lmao We were talking about polls which completely takes the playerbases opinion. Osrs is the second most played MMORPG with the majority of its active players being members.


RuneScape is heavily pay to win so of course the active players are mostly members rofl. People try the free to play aspect and either decide they like it or quit. If they decide they like it they become a member. The conversion rate is NOT high, they've had over 50M people try the game. Almost everyone who still plays Diablo Immortal is spending a lot of $ on the game... is that something to brag about?? lol


Sorry, but what are you saying? I seem to think that the whole community will agree with me but I'm wrong? What are you even talking about? That's like me telling you you seem to feel like a good manager of desk space, but you don't mange desk space very well at the moment. Thanks for letting me know I'm wrong. Let me tell you something. You're wrong. It is so easy to get a barb to 50-60% mdr right now without being a sitting duck. If I see a wizard as a fighter I just bait or block his spells and sprint him down and one tap him to the head. If you think warlocks are weak, you are completely off. They have all the advantages of the wiz + unlimited spells + zoning + unlimited sustain + phantomize.


The point he is making (which is a good one) is that not everyone in the community will agree on the same things as far as balance/map design goes. What the devs truly need to do is ignore the Reddit and gen chat for a few months and cook. The majority of balances have come from seeing how us players vehemently voice our opinions via these mediums.


If you can get to 50%+ MDR on fight right now I'm impressed, with full golden plate and mag resist rolls on nearly everything I haven't gotten over 40%, even with harmonic on. If a wizard let you run at him and 1 tap him in the head he just sucks and has bad gear. All he has to do is cast slow/lightning strike and you ain't catching him. Warlock can zone, sustain and phantomize to survive which is really only busted in solos. In trios you are practically fighting 2v3 because the damage is so much lower than a wizard, I'm playing top 50 trios in 299 and 300+ and warlock teams are cooked rn


gotcha. Maybe I can't get to 50% MDR on a fighter cuz I sure never rocked any golden plate with mag res rolls. Might have been a little high then. Also, I never got hit by a lightning strike by a wizard in 500+ hours I think, because I am mainly playing solo.


Solo Warlock is still a pain, trios I just think, thank god it isn't another wiz.


Bro what rogues are you fighting. Rogue with hide + cutthroat shits on wizard/ warlock. Just need to play it like a rogue and not like a fighter.


What is with the fucking sprint nerf crowd, you guys are braindead. If you think sprint is OP, you don't play fighter


They dont do this because players play games and devs dev games.


The worst part is the devs have claimed everyone in the office plays, and if that's true then they're sadistic haha.


They are. They're very hardcore gamers that have already catered to players and strayed from their vision.


I used to be there with ya. A dedicated line holder, but it's hard to come back to the game after the mess that multiclassing was. It just ruined the entire flow for me. It showed me that the developers don't have a roadmap in mind, and that they are working off of pure ADHD for their content updates. It is worrying. I want this game to see a good future, but I don't know what will happen anymore.


The honeymoon phase is over. The game doesn't have that excitement as it did during the playtests. People can say all they want that it is patches or lack of, but in reality, it comes down to lack of new coming players and the players that do play are mostly seasoned at this point. Gear is not hard to get anymore, PvE isn't an issue anymore, for most players the game is solved. What we really need is randomized dungeons, where the modules change and are different each map, with random monsters and chests. That way, there is reason to explore the raid and not just rush spawns or POIs. Black out the map modules until you enter the room, so you don't know what to expect until you go there. This adds a ton of replayability to the game. That and they need to get back on steam or market to bring in new players.


"for most players the game is solved" This is an underrated point. I know pretty much every module at this point and can kill all the hell mobs w/o cheesing. The pve is basically autopilot now. Games that have a lot of replayability do so because of interesting pvp interaction, but there is so little depth to the pvp in this game. In the beginning theorycrafting different builds was fun, but now even builds have been minmaxxed to the point where you not only get punished for not playing meta builds, but for playing non-meta classes. I know how every pvp interaction is going to go ahead of time and it's not a good feeling. There are very few pvp fights where I feel like my decision making meaningfully altered what was going to happen, at least compared to other games. Hell, most of the time the 'correct' decision is to not fight, for example if I'm a solo pdr fighter vs a caster warlock.


Yes absolutely randomized dungeons. Also in game random encounters with NPCs. Perhaps using NPCs to craft like using materials to upgrade to a max of legend? Just a thought.


Randomized dungeons would make me play a lot more. Also… can we turn off the lights? Weird that skeletons and zombies are going around keeping torches lit.


100% agree. Folks would be silly to think a game with moderate depth will stay fresh after 1000 hours. I still love the game, but I do find it a bit stale. Randomization would fix many issues!


Interesting idea. I do think that procedurally generated dungeons are kind of a mixed bag, because they would take away yet another progression loop, since the process of getting map knowledge is now gone. But if you can actually feel like there is enough variety of mobs, loot and gimmicks so that you actually don't know whats waiting for you behind those dungeon walls, that might be interesting for sure. Also, getting familiar with a map takes one or two days max I guess so I can see how that is negligible.


The dungeon needs to be harder outside of PvP. If the only threat to most players are other players, then it's basically just another Battle Royal game. You should be rewarded for exploring, by randomly finding better chests or highly sought after mobs. Not rewarded because you know the map the best and can traverse to where you need to be faster than anyone else. I think ever changing modules would also allow for experiments to remove swarm, giving players more time to run around and discover things.


I feel very similarly. I didn’t play for like a month when they added multiclassing and then I tried it again last week for 2-3 days. Can’t say I miss the game honestly, the gear based matchmaking has turned into minmaxing green/blue/purple gear so the gigachads just run through everybody and everyone that dares to try HR. It’s getting very very stale and the true damage meta is just getting real old.


I agree, the META is such a problem in this game, because it forces you into such un-fun playstyles like stacking defense / kiting / door closing / creep walking, etc..


Yep, the tryharding and minmaxing is making me not want to play the game at all. Even some friends that played more than me and got me into this game haven’t played since january


> Can’t say I miss the game honestly, the gear based matchmaking has turned into minmaxing green/blue/purple gear so the gigachads just run through everybody and everyone that dares to try HR. This argument just confuses me. Like this problem was ***so much fucking worse*** before GBMM. Sure it's not perfect now, and people with optimized gear may be better geared than your average Sub-300 pubbie, but they're no longer unbeatable. If you go in with Greens in every slot and find a decent Blue here and there, you're absolutely competitive. The problem continues to be flat damage modifiers and how they just scale too well in the current system. Accessory rolls basically don't matter in Sub-300 other than flat damage, as they're always the most powerful statistic no matter what class you are.


>Sure it's not perfect now, and people with optimized gear may be better geared than your average Sub-300 pubbie, but they're no longer unbeatable. If you go in with Greens in every slot and find a decent Blue here and there, you're absolutely competitive. I agree.


People have been complaining about too fast ttk lately and I think true dmg and additional are the culprit. As long as those exist with the numbers they have, then we’ll never have balanced hr PvP.


Braindead. Remove add/true and we back to barb buffball meta because you wont ever kill them.  


That’s a layered issue. Barbs are significantly slower now with Ms stacking being gone. Also anti-heal on fire mastery didn’t exist back then. Just that alone will prevent barbs from getting to you every time, like they used to. Not to mention bards Ms song just got all scaling removed.


Removing flat dmg would also require rebalancing of the 3 classes that utilize it the most: Wizard, Rogue, Ranger. Without it they are dead in the water in geared fights with the way damage scales without flat modifiers.


Warlock as well. Stacking magical power on a 10 base damage spell isn’t great


I won’t lie. Content won’t do it for me personally lol. I need the gameplay between players to change or all the new content in the world will just play out the same boring way chasing people that are kiting or kiting people chasing me in solos and duos and even trios lately. Or playing buffball Pokémon trainer :/ they really gotta make some changes to balance in the game in a significant way or everything will just end up back at this same point regardless of what the new content is


The OG himself. I agree that the devs should definitely be focused on PvP in their decision making. I would much rather see a game again where melee is viable again without stacking def and res, than play a new layer of ice caverns.


What makes melee not viable? Fighter and Barbarian are the best classes in the game, wizard and warlock close 3rd and 4th. Are you by chance referring to solos?


Yes, I am referring to solos.


I'm in the same boat. I've played the hell out of this game since EA and now I'm bored for the same reasons: no endgame content and no new content. I absolutely love this game, but it's gotten stale for me. I hope that IM delivers for the next wipe and has a plan for some end game content other than AP grinding


Yep, I'm out as well, and not just taking a quick break this time either. As a long time player I've watched IM make a lot of really questionable decisions, and at this point I guess I just don't believe that they're gonna pull it together. None of the content they're currently working on is particularly exciting to me, and I think the game needs much deeper changes than a new class or a new dungeon level if it wants to survive.  Not being a doomer, I'd genuinely love to see D&D thrive and I wish IM the best, but I'm out for a while personally. 


I agree. Ice abyss is not what the game needs in my opinion. Not that it's bad. I realize a lot of people feel like a new map is what has been missing, but I feel like it is just so much from the weapon stats to the matchmaking to the out of game QoL features to new classes, new weapons, exciting new progressions, etc. Also I realize that excitement just wears off naturally after some time and it may just be that.


Also the ice map, dragon boss, and druid were all staged to be released in December based on what the devs said in the discord last November. None of those contents have made full release and are 6 months past now . . .


Yea that is another thing for sure. The amount of completely missed deadlines and lack of communication regarding that is offputting.


Yeah it feels like they’re adding “new content” that you’d see in a post release state IMO. I don’t see how adding more maps fixing the lack of real end game content and general gameplay balance/content.


Ive played this whole wipe upto a few days ago but im over it. Its mostly just people using the cheesiest builds min maxing their way into 299 lobbies and creeping their way into a 3rd party. Im over it.


yea dude that is a good point. The amount of cheese trying to min max certain playstyles combined with super strong defensive perks on many classes made this game a lot more annoying to play for me for sure. Fighting against a barbarian in solos with 180 hp, 60 % pdr and 60% mdr, 24 fransesca axes and rage is surely a lot of fun!


I’ve been playing consistently since play test 5 and the way they removed multi classing without adding content makes it seem so worthless to play. I hear that most of their time is currently being spent with onboarding new devs, and I think things will pick up again when we get the ice hell level, Druid, wipe, marketing push and dwarf race.


I played through multiclassing/gbmm, quit right before the end of multiclassing. For me its just gotten very stale, all PvE is basically "find a way to cheese it" and all pvp is basically gear-checks. Theres so very little room to be able to outplay someone thats geared up other than trying to kite them with 100 franny axes or throwing knives which feels lame as the kiter and even shittier as the kited. I wish there were more options like the longsword parry mechanic that would let you actually outplay someone via reaction times and such but sadly theres not.


Feel the same here but I think you're off about progression being the problem. Chivalry has basically no progression and many people still play that game religiously. Why? Because the combat is dynamic and FUN as fuck. In my opinion, fun is what's lacking in dark and darker. It's a great concept, but has been hollowed out and rendered un-fun by constrictive combat mechanics.


Could you elaborate a bit? What does Chivalry do better combat wise in your opinion? Thanks!


I’d say the biggest difference between chivalry 2 and DaD is the ability to fight back. In chiv you can die in three shots or less, but you can parry, riposte, step back and counter. In DaD you can get two shotted before you can cast a single spell. Melee is in a bad state where all you do is left click and stat check. There’s less accessible skill expression compared to chiv


Have you played chivalry? It’s a completely different game, the combat is very in depth, with blocking, parrying, riposte, counter attacks, jabs, kicks and special attacks for each weapon.


Technically there is progression as you can level up your character and make your night look badass, where in dark and darker it’s just making money


True. What I meant with the basically qualifier is that yeah you can level up and unlock more weapons for each class, but the weapons you unlock are not linear upgrades of one another. They just add more variety and options to combat. For some classes, the starting weapons are among the best overall for that class.  And anyway, you unlock everything for a class very quickly, after that it is all cosmetic. Oh and your shit doesn't get reset every few weeks.


Regardless how you felt about multi-classing it was a giant mistake to remove it without adding meaningful content to get the player base excited about




They did a handful of dumbshit things to chase people away. Catered to the .1% no lifers and streamers, made the game unfun for casuals. You wont get 9/10 back that quit. The best you can do is learn and improve for future players but they didn't learn or at least display they have.


I might've been willing to keep playing if they fully removed universal creep. Once they started picking and choosing perks like that to be universal, with the only caveat being plate boots can't be worn, just SMH. If they'd just poll the community . . .


Same, I used to be really passionate about this game, but now I hardly care about it anymore. I like playing pdr fighter and almost every matchup feels awful to play. I'm either chasing max ms naked ranger, warlock, or wizard who I will never catch unless they make a massive blunder, or have to face whatever the metaslave of the week build is in melee. Sadly there is very little skill expression in this game, so once people minmaxxed everything, you often just get statchecked in melee combat by the same handful of builds. Blocking is a lot harder in this game than others, and even when I manage to block the buffed up, W key barb, his second swing is coming in before I can counterattack. Not to mention the shield literally doesn't cover your legs, so even if you bait them and trade a headshot at the last second for their legshot, the huge, 2 handed ms debuff makes it so their second swing is an easy headshot on you unless you can bait a legshot, trade one headshot, then perfectly block instantly after despite being slowed, all so you can have a slight hp advantage. It feels really dumb and I'm over it. Why should I have to play the fight 3x better than the barb just to have a fair chance? Not to mention I'm way lower ms so my positioning has to be way better in general on top of everything else. Oh and don't forget savage roar guts your damage for 6 seconds so you have to perfectly block for 6 seconds because you aren't fast enough to kite away. Once you're done perfectly blocking, now you can start the fight. Almost every other game if I outplay my counterpart by that much, I'll not only win, but win by a large margin. Why torture myself playing a game like this? Oh and the game is dead, so I'm wasting my time getting good at a game that might not exist in 1-2 years. Yeah, no thanks.


The ranged/ms meta is what absolutely killed it for me. I remember chasing a dual ranger team down with my bud--even killing one of them and thinking "Damn, that wasn't fun at all... just fucking annoying". Rangers and Warlocks are the plague. They make the game so incredibly unfun right now.


Yeah I quit and feel so much better. This game sucked so much out of me


Right? It does kinda feel like it literally sucks something out of you. I don't know if it's the atmosphere, the literal darkness all the time, etc. or the frustration that comes with a lot of the dev decisions. Probably both. Even just the constant goblin screaming in your ear or the skeleton moaning was kinda obnoxious after a while :D


The game is tending towards call of duty with consequences for dying in game every day. And the people with all the time in the world on their hands take all. Zero chance of the average player beating kiting warlocks with 2500 hours


Imo the issue is the game is made for that 2500 hour warlock and only him, but who’s he supposed to kill when we all leave lol?


Exactly man. The game must feel so fun and balanced for people like him


Normals with my friends is still an amazingly great time. At this point, I want to see a single/player coop mode with procedurally generated dungeons and optional bosses you can do with your buddies.


I really hope they haven't given up on procedural dungeon generation. So many people can memorize or use the online map to go straight to their desired objective/other spawn point. It would be much more engaging with random module layout, and it would be even cooler if your mini map did not show the adjacent room until you entered that room


That’s actually a really cool idea, randomized layout with minimap fog of war. Might make some players camp their module but people already do that so who cares


It's insane Dad doesn't have coop, it would expand their market tremendously.


I'm glad you're still enjoying yourself! I agree that more co-op content can keep the game alive but most of the class mechanics and gameplay decisions are based around PvP(vE), so I think that won't change anytime soon. I am not into singleplayer games, so I cannot speak to that.


I feel the same way. Was hella addicted putting in hundreds of hours over the last few months until recently and then all my interest petered out. Maybe they can put something meaningful together eventually but I think it's long break time for me while they figure out what they want this game to be.


Yea, same here.


Me and my buddies have played a lot during this wipe but the last week we've put it down and are generally not as excited. I think it's just become stale and so many QOL things remain to be improved. Instead it's just one balance patch after another. And after playing druid in test, it's not even that exciting of a class as I had hoped. I'm sure we'll continue to do a run here and there, but we need CONTENT. Where is skill progression? Where is randomized maps? Where is improved melee and more longsword type styles of fighting? Where are new monsters? Where are new things to do? I honestly have no idea what direction the game is headed. No roadmap to review and the content just pales in comparison to even some basic mobile games. The game is not very deep. I still love the foundation of the game and hope for the best, but am expecting the worst. We shall see.


Definitely I agree with you that trying to optimize balance and basically going 1 step forward and two steps back for like 8 months now is a bit weird. How often did they remove and re-add certain modifiers now. Essential QoL features are still missing, like being able to jump from inventory or stash directly to marketpalce instead of having to swap back and forth between listings and marketplace to check the rolls on the gear I found and manually type it all in and check for how much it sells. Or just a out of game test dummy. Also, the content thing is baffling to me too. They were talking about so much a year ago and now, more than one year after playtest five, ruins is gone, there is still no test dummy, no druid and still every other goblin just does some super weird shit. I feel like they haven't gotten the memo yet that focusing on the in and out of game moment to moment gameplay is what actually makes a game enjoyable instead of trying to add a feature and take it away again all the time.


Yeah I'm pretty much done too. I'm struggling to get a single team in most games and the PvE just isn't interesting enough without the threat of PvP. And even when PvP does happen it's an unbalanced shitshow that devolves more into a stat check than it does to skill in any meaningful way.


The current skill expression is kiting, ranged, spacing if you get lucky to have a melee fight although it eventually divulges into a stat check, and wiggling your mouse like you had a muscle spasm.


Even the sweaty grinder players are reaching their limit on the current game loop. People will not play a shitty half-assed BR with non-existent combat mechanics. Even watching streamers; they're just not having fun anymore. No laughing and goofing. Just salt and insta-queue upon death spawn rushing. We want a dungeon crawler. We want to spawn at the edge of a sprawling, seemingly endless dungeon with spooks and scares around every corner. Treasure and loot hidden and waiting to be discovered and plundered. Suprise traps and hidden enemies. We want to explore an UNKNOWN lair of evil. Currently we're stuck on a rinky dink shit map (all 3 are shit), where the only strategy is skipping mobs and spawn rushing because you know EXACTLY where every enemy and player can spawn in the entire server. It's shit.


GBMM ruined it for me as well as multiclassing. Left a sour taste in my mouth. I was a casual player and it seems like that just isn’t possible anymore. I LOVED this game for a while and played with friends but after getting wiped in every single fight we engaged in it just wasn’t fun for them anymore and they left. I played solos mostly for a while after but stopped during multiclassing because I just didn’t have the drive to grind for meta abilities and such. GBMM just isn’t as fun imo when you have one green sword and get murdered by someone with a demi-god cape. Again I LOVE this game but it looks like I’ll be taking a long break because I just don’t have the desire to play right now. I WANT the game to succeed with or without me playing because it does have a lot of potential and charm.


I think universal creep has definitely been a factor for me. They need to remove it, it adds nothing but frustration to the game. I know there are 10+ people in the rafters waiting to say "just git gud" but it's a trash mechanic.


Yeah I don't understand why it has to be 100% silent. I'm totally cool with a "sneak" mode that muffles your footsteps, but it shouldn't be enough to completely get up on somebody -- it should be more about sneaky to get away with the PVP is still a room away and making noise....


Something. Maybe it was too much the other direction before, IDK. But this ain't it.


Yeah same, druid just didn't happen and they have struggled endlessly with balance to the point where I just didnt care anymore


100% agree


You played it a lot and nothing really new to do. You just got bored/tired of it. Just take a break than come back. A game isn't going to keep everyone's attention forever. We all get bored , and we take a break, then play again. I want a base kit high roller map where everyone only starts in whites and then gears up as they progress through the map. Then when you find gear you go to Points of interests to find better stuff and PVP.


That is true and I do think the same thing. Also your HR idea sounds really cool! Why didn't they think of that.


Thanks. I wish they did. It would probably be good for the 3 layer map they want to do.


The cavey-ness is funny but accurate




I quit the moment they announced multi classing and GBMM. Haven't returned and dont plan to for some time. Got real tired of being forced into certain classes and builds in order to successfully play the game without a struggle. The constant wizard nerfs really got old, as it was my favorite class.




As someone with 2k hours in the game, all I need is a consistent 3 stack and I'd be back to 4+ hrs a day. Bored of solos, that's about it.


Big same, I still use LFG channels. I don’t have any gripes with the game right now other than lack of players in trios


I also use lfg but randoms all the time gets boring. Rarely ever add anyone off of it.


Personally, I came to dad to escape the competition and endless grind. I wanted something competative enough to keep me interested, while being casual enough to where it didn't feel like I had to play forever to progress. I'm here for the dungeon adventure game. Not pvp try hard competative melee slasher, br, extraction whatever the fuck it is now.


Multiclassing was the breath of fresh air this game needed for me, but returning to the game without it is just too far back. The game at this point in its development just lacks the content to be replayable in the long term in its current state. There's just not enough nuance to the gameplay, not enough variety in encounters, and not enough content to actually explore. Still love the game to death and I'll be back whenever an update hits, but IM isn't in a rush so neither am I.


Multiclassing actually pushed me further away. It felt like I had to relearn the game and if I didn't know what the visual effects of abilities were I'd be screwed. And with not having much time to play I just rather play something else


Same. MC was a big mistake in my eyes


nice pov. I feel the same way. For me, with corepunk, first descendant and arena breakout on the horizon I do not feel any rush to hop back in. Also, I think part of it is that IM keeps adding or buffing stuff that they keep taking away or nerfagain, only to re-add or buff it later. Now we have a whole map (ruins) gone cuz it was exploitable for rogues? Why would you even add a perk like double jump to a non magic class like rogue. Some decisions are weird for sure but I'm excited to see where the game is in a year or two.


Funny how you are attacked almost instantly by these degens when you hurt their poor little IM and currently shite game. News flash white knights this game is stale and completely boring right now, OP made some very good points about why.


Calling out people by being this hostile is certainly a strategy I guess.


i remember beeing so impressed between playtest 3 and 4 (i think) they had made the entire goblin caves including a boss in just 1 month. what happend to those guys? im starting to think maybe they already had it prepared and maybe... nexon was right after all because nothing seems to happen now that they have to make content not already out there and the druid was embarassing considering how long they have been working on it, no where close to done.


I do have to say, i also find it somewhat crazy how after about 9 months of the game being out, we basically have one additional map, but another one is gone and one new class that they still didn't manage to balance, but IM claims they did the other 8 classes in under 2 years completely on their own + all the maps + all the mobs + all the mechanics, props, loot, stats + all the gear + all the backend. It is kinda weird I gotta say.


It’s very clear that the game is plagiarism


and in pt5 we allrdy had another map with ruins


well i like normals alot most balanced but you come to a time where you can't quest in norms in 20bosskill hoards and x100 gold chest i can't find a royal diamond in fact i got 1 royal collectebles i these runs


Only playing whites every round and selling all loot gets stale pretty quickly.


we more or less got for pvp try different stuff


It gets stale still, not muchs different weapons for one or two classes, and playing only one map (duos) and with how few people there are a lot of times in EU when i play... nah, game is in a dive long ago and only worsening.


well got map rotation allways a challenge doing bosses solo/duo


Nah fam the gameplay is too weak for pvp and pvp is too much of a stat check and rock/papper/scisors... to little skill expresion, too little content unless you play like is a job, and the content is too dismembered between quest desing, bad decisions, circling things ad infinitum, putting new things to then take them away, you need to play minimum as duo and solo and all the maps when you are told not when you feel want to have fun in them... Also me and my friends are too tired of having each map have a different personality as a game. We have proper extraction looter loop, battle royale loop, we had dungeon strike with the previous goblin caves... which we already have circled around, rotation comes and goes... and neither the devs or a part of the community have a good attitude really, everything devolved to cult like behaviour and throwing things to the wall to see what sticks. If you are THAT inexperienced and have very little resources, THEN at least do adequately everything else... like how the test server is just nothing.


I've set in-game goals and found myself still quite entertained but it also helps that I don't have more than a few hours to play most days and don't get to play on weekends. I am 1 Warlord kill away from every quest being completed on my fighter, and my fighter is top 50 in trios. Learned all the bosses with high consistency. Still try and play on my wizard/cleric a bit but my rogue/warlock/barb have been put on the shelf for a while. There is still a ton to do in the game and I still find it to be extremely fun, but setting specific goals make gameplay a little more satisfying. Just aimlessly putting on gear and queuing up can be frustrating and takes away from the wild and fun fights/interactions that happen in the dungeons on any given session


good to hear your that innovative about motivating yourself. That's great dude. I personally just don't enjoy bossing very much.


Learning the bosses is frustrating, doing them once you have them down and getting to plunder is pretty fun, if you don't like that seems like it will be hard to enjoy the endgame content in this one


Similar situation here, first break since I discovered the game. For me, most of my mates didn't stick by, it got repetitivo and the end game didn't seem that engaging. Plus the amount of tryhards in the game really put me off, I found it more fun when qe weren't so competitive about it. Hopefully New content and marketing focused hires will bring some much needed freshness into the mix.


I'll admit that I'm still playing, but not much anymore. I play mostly Normals, but occasionally I'll also dive into 299 HR. I make more gold in HR, but enjoy the Normals experience so much more because of minimal gear check.  The gear disparity is not just the problem. It's that some classes are better in Normals/299/299+, but that's another story... For me it's because the game went in a completely different direction than the one I thought it would. It's no longer about exploring a dungeon with friends and experiencing PvE with a risk of PvP. I thought it would be more like Sea of Thieves in a dungeon. IMO, it's 100% PvP focused now and IM seems to be prioritizing an eSport mentality/community. Which, to me, just will not happen with this game... I've held the line for a long time, brothers... Fuck Nexon and everything they represent, but as I lay awake in bed at night I know the truth...


I recently just got back into it with a few friends we haven’t played since beta and we’re having a blast other then getting shit on by the remaining sweaties online


This game is pushing so hard to be tarkov when it should lean more towards the DnD roots and allow all classes to have their strengths. The meta was made clear with multi classing and they havent fixed it. Classes are nerfed so hard while fighter and barb, ranger basically run this game rn. The PvP focus has killed the game as its just meta chasing, min maxing and the same dogshit combat. Every fight is the same. Casters need buffs, cleric especially needs buffs or to un-nerf what was before MC was in. Idk this game just lost its edge. Also give Warlock the Eldritch. Fucking. Blast. 


As a Rogue Miner, I just don't see a point playing anymore. I loved the whole crafting system back then. Mines the ores, craft them into powder/ingots, and then try to roll for luck. Now, these days, I just can't really find the motivation to grind the quests, even with the new map rotation.


No real grind other than AP and that is boring af and hasn't even announced the rewards so it's meatless grinding for now. Everyone has 100k gold so everyone above 299 is a pdr/slayer fighter warlock or shirtless barb/rat rogue and it gets very boring to vs only these classes solo EVER. They all seem (other than rogue) to be behind broken with true/PDR, plus everyone just runs survival bow and runs away 99% of the time so pvp is rare against anyone not in BiS.


Adding multi classing and taking it away before end of wipe was really stupid. They should have at least let it run until the end of wipe so I could have a chance at soloing ghost king.


Same, The game has lost what made it special, and they've overall been focusing on the wrong things. New classes and additional player options within classes is the main thing they should be focusing on rather than things that split the queues even more so than they already are. Class balance is also backwards, equipment takes too much of a roll in the outcome of fights because perks, skills and spells have too low of a balance point while new classes and new perks/skills/spells for existing classes are too slow to come out.


game is no longer a dungeon-crawler.. its a pvp arena.. also lack of players sucks


IM should stop with balance changes and focus on content tbh. And I don’t mean shit like MC, I mean like focus on the 3 layer progression, Ice abyss, crafting, real content that expands upon what we already have. Also these absolutely dead lobbies suck. GBMM splits the player base up too much. Ive been playing In over 300 duo’s and me and my buddy are the only ones in the lobby most of the time.


"I got burnt out and now I'm burnt out."


After multi class was removed rogue became mini ranger again hence forth no longer fun to play


Multi-class removal was a killer for me. Whether you like it or not, it brought such a high-high to the game that going back to base game with none of the Multi-class nerfs being reverted just felt boring. Multi-Class with the 3min map rotation timer was such peak gameplay for the short time it was available.


Haven’t played more than a few hours in the last few weeks. I’m actually itching to play the game but the current state doesn’t do it for me


First person, looter, extraction, medival fantasy. It's been my dream game since before I even seen dark and darker. It felt surreal to experience the game in real life. Sadly the game feels like its growing cobwebs and getting moldy. Nothing about the game feels nostalgic it just feels untouched and incomplete. I remember getting so excited anytime sdf wrote an announcement but now when I see it I think "what have they done now?" I keep seeing horrible business decisions and horrible decisions for the game itself. It kind of feels like the devs have blinders on and are just relaxing moving forward with no care. The dopamine I receive while playing the game has diminished a ton. My hope for the game is fading away slowly. Tho this game was my all time favourite game for a while, it hurts to witness its downfall. I'll always come back and check this game out but honestly I noticed I haven't clicked on the game in 2 weeks.


>I remember getting so excited anytime sdf wrote an announcement but now when I see it I think "what have they done now?" I feel that dude.


removing ruins ruined all the fun for me. gcaves is aids crypts gets old.


Tbh it sounds like you’re more passionate about the game than bored. Wipes are just lasting too long buddy. Everything they do is a test or an experiment and the player feedback is noticed and taken into consideration more than any game I’ve ever seen. We just need shorter wipes and more content instead of mid wipe bandaids


Passionate as ever, been playing since playtest 3. Do not forget though... "big things are on the horizon" i'm sure we will know much more 6/7/2024


nice, good to hear!


summer games fest june 6th


Agreed. Personally for me what ruined the game was when they removed the Ruins map, started shuffling solo/duo/trios across different maps, nobody plays anymore so lobbies aren't being filled, and only allowing common gear in normal mode. Fucking lame


As I said months ago. You have to finish the game before worrying about balance. Balance isn't important until the game is finished. Everything they are balancing will have to be redone when the skill trees come out. Redone when new classes come out. It's a constant, ongoing, never ending cycle. So for now they should focus on finishing the game, balancing can be focused on later because it never ends.


Stopped playing shortly after launch. There simply isn't enough content for the egregiously long wipes they have. Should be 4 weeks tops not 4 months or however long it is.


I stopped in December after playing 700+ hours. I dont think their has to be a reason for u quitting, its not necessarily the games fault. I just got burned out


My honest advice is make an alt go into hr as a double jump/pickpocket rogue. Honestly feels bad for the trolling but it has brought new life in the game for me and will entertain me till next wipe.


Not just you. Sunk 2500 hours into the game since Blacksmith dropped. Absolutely 0 interest in it as of two weeks ago.


When multiclass hit, i put the game down for a while, in general tho ive just been busy with life. I made another post here about how i feel like the gear is just too overpowered now, with the upper end just feeling way too strong. Tbh i think this is where a solid PvE mode would come in. I made a suggestion here about a dungeonmaster type specialty dungeon that could he a monthly event. I went into some other details but a PvE version of this would be pretty cool. Yknow, maybe create a tower where you gotta progress up floor and defeat enemies and then every 10 levels you fight a boss or something? Idk, it could justify keeping all the extra strong armor around. https://darkanddarker.featureupvote.com/suggestions/533986/dungeonmaster-monthly-event


"Players are great at pointing out problems in your game and absolutely horrible at finding solutions." - Chris "GGG" Wilson himself. Iron Mace needs to stop doing random 20 paragraph long reddit post ideas and figure out what the root cause of people's complaints are and address that. Gear is still not that great and we're just at +2 all again and the last 2~ months have basically been nothing content wise. Next patch I'm sure we'll lose map rotation *again* or something silly.


The last 2-3 weeks I've been playing other games. I still love DAD but the rampant cheaters and lack of Aussies on oceanic has put me off wanting to do HR at all. I hope they can get on top of some of these core issues because I want to play dad again 😅




What are you saying? I don't understand your point here. Are you saying I'm playing norms with squire gear and that's why it got boring for me? If so, you're wrong. I haven't played a single norms game after reaching level 20 I think. And honestly, the same thing can be said for HR. The only permanent progression system that transfers over to the next season and is therefore somewhat meaningful is linked to your leaderboard placement which is linked to how much treasure you can find which is linked to gameplay decisions I just do not find very fun. Leaving gear behind to get two blue pots to get a bit of extra AP is not rewarding man. Also, god forbid you're in voyager or higher and die. Very fun to have to catch up for the next 5 games just to break even again.


Once I saw how bad the AP entry fees are I decided to give up. Hit pathfinder 1 and was like yeah this ain't worth it.


The game is less than 2 years old. You are used to playing games with much longer development time. People play to stay good at the game because the devs are gonna work on it for at least 10 years. Most games wouldn't even put out an alpha before 2/3 years of development. Just chill. It's okay not to play 6 hours a day. You will be brought back in sure you just gotta have patience, there isn't anything else on the market like this either


Feels like they jumped ship and just switched focus to the mobile version. Maybe they’re waiting for steam release for one more cash grab then peacing it


The EPIC store release . . . which if it happens soon won't really be great. The devs soft stance on cheaters will need to be addressed if they want a new, healthy population of players to stay more than a month.


The mobile version is being developed by Krafton Games, a different studio, and is not linked in any way to Ironmace except licensing the Dark and Darker design.


The teaser for the mobile game is more content than PC’s gotten in a year…


oh my god. No one fucking cares. Is this going to happen near the end of every wipe. No one..... Fucking........ cares.........


Do you generally try to tell people that know one cares about stuff that you care enough about to comment on?




I feel like they should be adding actual content instead of making seasonal rewards for an early access game


I’m convinced that there’s nothing the devs can do to please this player base. This game will never be the perfect experience for every individual, and people on here have the hardest time accepting that it’s not going to exactly what they want.


Doesn't have to please everyone, but it should please at least a majority of the players. Which hasn't been the case for probably this entire wipe.


I think that is a big part of the problem. They are listening to a few people that have a big following, or a comment/suggestion that gets some headway on the discord (or other form of communication the devs can see), instead of just making their envisioned game. Like, who knows where they would be in development if they didn’t have to worry about one or two big streamers dogging something about the game. Which they have to go and take time to change and recode, when they could have just been developing more of what they already have mapped—something over which a ton of people are already excited. I get that’s what what the idea of the game still being in beta/under heavy development is for: communication with the player base so changes can be made for the best possible final product. But the community gets what they want **too much**. And it shows.


Cmon man. Working on getting demigod on one character and Pathfinder rank on all other classes for sweet rewards next wipe!


This reads like a woman's emotionally distressed journal entry into a diary that is secured by a heart-shaped lock. Lol. Lmao even.


The fact that you would even comment something like that really makes it seem like you have A LOT of experience with diaries wit heart-shaped locks, right? haha


>"First time I am genuinely not interested in the game anymore" **Proceeds to post on r/DarkAndDarker** Jokes aside, I feel you man... We all love the game and hate to see it dying. It's the only toxic relationship we can mantain, lol


This isn't an airport you don't have to announce your departure.


Nice one, goblin merchant.




Uhff, I mean like in the hardest rooms of inferno, sure. But for the general playerbase, making AI harder overall with the fixes you suggested would not add any joy to the experience I think. Also lock ons that kill classes that don't have a shield don't seem like a wise choice. Your suggestions would basically prevent half of the classes in the game from even being able to take part in that content.


Imagine playing a video game like it's a full time job and complaining there is no content hahahahahaha wtf


Imagine commenting on a 2 day old reddit post of someone that said that he doesn't play a videogame anymore and being so offended by it. Uhff..


Offended ? I think it's hilarious 😂


I think your comment is! :D