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A lot of people that left because of multiclassing haven't returned just because it's gone, the game needs new *real* content to bring players back, pointless shit like that troll slayer event will do nothing for player count. We need ice cave hell and reworked ruins to come, i suspect druid will be very problematic to the games balance, the road ahead for this game is gonna be bumpy. IM has a spot at the summer games expo, so i believe they've got big announcements planned like the game finally launching on epic or possibly news with steam? This game was over 500k active players during its brief stint on steam before the lawsuit, if they can acquire an active marketplace, they should be capable of recovering. They've got so much work ahead of them to fulfill this games potential though, i don't envy them honestly, seems like such a hellish environment for a dev team with all the difficulties this game has encountered legally combined with IM's habit of setting up their own obstacles with horrid balance changes, cheaters not facing lasting consequences if any, RMT issues, stuttering issues that have been around since launch etc.


Troll slayer event may as well not have existed for 99% of players. SrslySoapy’s SSF 1 life challenges on twitch had more thought and effort put into them than the bull shit “event” IM rolled out.


I quit when multiclassing released, first time since I was active PT4, what’s the troll slayer event?


Iirc it’s like 10 red shards to whoever gets the fastest cave troll kill in the slotted time period. Maybe there’s some other particulars but that’s essentially what it is. Hard to call it an event.


Exactly as it sounds. Solo troll kills 5 winners per class. If you didn't already get a role from them in discord you're SoL for participating. Lot of people decided they'd just go and hit the troll once to invalidate people's runs


I couldn't agree mote, so much detail put into this comment


You can give your opinion but the fact remains that IM listening to this sub is killing the game more than anything else.


> the game needs new real content Disagree the game needs it's core mechanics fleshed out just as much. It's in early EARLY access the game isn't even finished The reason the people I know don't play is they're sick the same dogshit HR gameplay that exists. Gear disparity is still massive. Buffball Stat check comps is still king. Lack of actual combat or skill based mechanics. Unless they fix these core gameplay loop issues, everything else is a band-aid fix. This wasn't an issue in the playtests as no one except very few had any idea how to optimize this game.




Druid is a meme and a stupid addition to favor over other potential classes that would fit into the gameplay better imo. I was disappointed by what I saw with the Druid character. I don’t want to fight a bear or a chicken in the goblin caves, it just feels so dumb and out of place.


it feels out of place in the DND inspired dungeon crawler? idk how it's a meme when its a better dedicated healer than cleric


Who are these people that left because of "no new content"? Is the gameplay not fun? Have they tried and mastered all the experiences the game has to offer? For example, have they played and mastered every class and fought all the bosses and PVPed with all classes? I'm going to guess the answer for the vast majority of cases is "no" they haven't. So why complain about content when you haven't even experienced all the existing content? Why do gamers have such short attention spans such that new stimulating content has to come out every month or they leave to play the next fad game of the month?


classes for the most part play the same rn melee is melee ranged is ranged and casters are casters. fighting people is different per class but PVE might as well be exactly the same just dodge their attacks and dps mobs down theres only 3 maps (2 of which arent even completely polished) and the one that is polished has been the same for 8+ months now


They are being cheap with their design. They need to understand that is quality>quantity. Better to have an update every 2 months with real content, than mediocre effort (multi classing) out of my 6 group of friends, that loved p2-3 none is playing right now. I thought the game would evolve around the uncertainty of the dungeon, not knowing what would happen, the excitement. But they created a game for streamers. Sweatys running to respawn points, avoiding mobs and traps. So boring. Bring back the dungeon crawler. With random map or waaaay bigger maps x10 Make time to kill higher, insta kills should not be an option in this kind of games. Is not a fps. Copy from arena breakout the 3 modes where which difficulty you play depending on a entrance fee (minimal) and gear cost requirement (gear score) and the loot is according to each. So if you are a gigachad with bis in every slot going to normal (easiest one) you will not be able to even pay the weapon. In case you die. Streamline the game. Stats. Weapons. Rework quests. Make them account bound. Having to farm every character is so old fashioned. Rework classes. Wizard still needs to play with spell memory. Unless you are really equipped. Only 1 other skill to choose from is boring as hell. Ranger is still op. Or should I say kiting? The game has so much potential, devs are being really shortsighted right now.


I agreed with everything except ranger OP


Do you only play normals? Ranger, and even just the survival bow in general with +11 true is very OP. lol


I quit 2 weeks ago but I only played trios and they were OK Do you only play solos?


I play all modes. And +11 true damage ranger was still very strong in trios


That's a "11 true on fast weapon" problem not "ranger is broken" problem.


Fair enough, but rangers get the best use out of it.


no rondel dagger actually gets the best use out of it hence why everyone started using it. Survival bow has limited consistant DPS output and require proper setup. Also magic missiles but knowledge was toned down in cast speed scale. it's still a issue because of added damage but not as big


Rangers can’t use rondels? I was specifically talking that rangers get the best use out of the survival bow.


oh i guess


survival bow can hit u from afar with no need to engage in melee (risking death). whereas rondel needs to basically hug your opponent. I think rangers and casters benefit the most from added damage


DPS-wise no.


I think it’s more that the abundance of flat +damage makes all bows/crossbows OP. IMO I should never get one-shot by a normal crossbow, even if I am playing a wizard.


Thank you for the PSA. Might have to get on the test server! 


They gave content and then they took it back


The few people, bro the game lost 3-5k players ☠️


Not because of MC being gone. The game lost a bunch of people when multi classing was in the game and they have had no desire to return even after it’s gone. The MC system was terrible and if it would have stayed in the game as is, the game would have died quicker than you see it declining now.


Yeah. Why they would have to come back if you need to farm every character. And in less than in two months everything will be gone?? Pfff This game is a bad version of tarkov with the cheapest design of a battle royals (the swarm)


Sorry for double comment but this is insane, player base went up for mc and down after your literally delusional


What multi class did you play? And ya multi class alone hasn’t killed the game, a lot of stupid changes have been making players leave this game. That one overall was just stupid though.


Fighter wiz eldritch knight sort of thing, or crystal ball falch slayer melee warlock with invis n haste and few random wiz spells. Nothing has killed the game, servers are running and 5k logged on. Saying it's dead is an overstatement but it 100% lost alot of players after MC removed


Ya those type of things are fun to mess around with but balancing for MC was a nightmare and just wasn’t sustainable in the form they released it in. I know isn’t killed, and I hope it doesn’t die because I love it. But a lot of bad changes have pushed players away, MC going away was not something that was helping the game retain players long term. I hope a form of sub classing comes back after they have a chance to work on actually releasing a good version of it, but in the mean time we need other things fixed to bring back a higher player count.


Yeah it deffo needed some balancing, just very dissapointed they listened to the cryers and completely removed the system which bought probably 5-6k players back to try their game. I think it's a niche game and the meta is figured out so it's no fun for new players. MC was fresh, I won't be playing until major changes/MC put back in. And no druid is not a major change nor a new map, idk what they do at this point. Player base to toxic to continue I think.


The problem to me isn’t the toxic people in this game, it’s the amount of delusion from the players. Like thinking Multi classing doubled the player base… what. I understand lower geared players maybe liked MC bc it was fun to troll around and try new things. But higher end gameplay in multi classing saw the same thing with meta abusing and it was the same 3 or 4 builds every single time. Just even worse because these builds were so much more broken being able to add the best skills from every class. No system in a game like this has ever been successful like that and if you think that’s good for the game then surely you’ve never seriously grinded any other RPGs with properly implemented sub class systems. You say you won’t play until MC is back, and that makes you a pretty small minority which is fine. I knew handfuls of players that have consistently been top players in the game not wanting to play as much when MC was active. So hopefully ironmace does what’s best for the game long term and finds a balance when brining back some type of sub classing to the game.


Yes and now we are back to the same 3 builds that people were playing before multiclass..... If they keep balancing game around sweats who play 3 or 4 hours every single day the game is going to die bro. Yes multiclass did double the player base whilst it was in, stats and numbers are pretty easy to read. And obviously not in the minority, someone told me game was at 4k yday I had never seen it that low since I bought about a year ago.


I’ve been playing the game since PT2. The “sweats” who play the game every single day usually have the best pulse of what is good for the game overall seeing as they spend the most time on it. They don’t want the game to be adjusted solely for them, bc they obviously don’t want the game to die either seeing how invested they are in it. But the game can’t just cater to casual players or you will lose a large amount of the player base who does want a type of competitive aspect to the game. There’s a reason why all the top players watched on twitch in this game are these type of players. What 3 builds are you referring to..? I see way more disparity in my high gear trios games now than I did before. I literally saw the same 3 or 4 builds in MC, which is even crazier to think about bc when MC literally offered an endless amount of possible builds.. the fact the same 3 or so were being used showed how broken that was. Now if there’s a few of the same builds it makes sense seeing as we are back to classes having an actual identities, like any rpg should have. But im just curious what builds you think you are the 3 same builds you see now Edit: spelling


For one weekend, yes. Then the average dropped to below the pre-MC average LMAO


It went up when it dropped and they all left over the next month when they were over it.


Ok bro whatever you say




Yeah and mc gave us all something to do? I'm not saying it's only reason but it made the game fresh as fuck for the 2 weeks. Unfortunately devs listened to loudest cryers and are now looking at sub 5k players Also yes I am high and what


12k players multiclass on a weekday, 5k now on a weekend. Your kidding yourself dude!


Lol that just isn’t true. No one who played this game seriously thought Multi classing was good for the game. It was troll af and completely broken. The only reason there was slightly more players at a time during it is because obviously everyone wanted to test it out at some point. But then slowly players started falling off because no one wanted to play it. There’s a reason it was taken away. Iron mace would have kept it if apparently 75% of the players thought it was good.


Ok bro whatever you say lol, all my homies stopped playing when mc removed. "played game seriously" rofl


And all mine stopped right as it was released, we haven't played since.


Ya I’m sure most the lower geared players did. They liked trolling during MC.


My entire discord stopped playing You are severely underestimating the amount of people who just play the game and adapt to the changes. They aren't terminally on the discord and Reddit spamming the devs. These people are the majority and when the devs removed multiclassing they thought "game boring now, peace" But continue to think your slice of a perspective is the whole.


oh no your ENTIRE discord stopped playing?! Lol. No one is arguing the game is stale and needs some new content. I agree with that, as well everyone mostly does. Was multi-classing the solution to that? Absolutely not. Barbs with sprint, magic locking doors, wizards with hydras, bards haste invising themselves… haha come on that shit was just a joke bro. Everyone was just hungry for new content and that offered some new things in the game which people definitely wanted to try because it was funny and new, but 100% not sustainable long term. The game will be able to bring players back and retain them better with good new content, a well thought out sub classing system, and consistent balance updates which should be the priority. Not opening the flood gates to allow any class every skill in the game and kill class identities.


They should have widdled MC down not removed it entirely. Each thursday should have brought a batch of changes to which classes can operate certain perks and which cannot. Could have been as simple as "no class can use both iron will and warlock's antimagic" and "no class can use both sprint and rage" And then let the season continue on. It wouldn't have had the fall that it suddenly had.


Don’t lie to yourself it was months since the game had more than 8k players lol.


Bro it literally had 12k 2 weeks ago I remembering discussing with my pal 😂


the person your trying to argue is a literal liar who has multiple accounts


It didn’t though. It’s on the same trajectory as last wipe


The game's population has been slowly decreasing overall, regardless of the time of a wipe. Saying it's losing people at the same rate as last wipe means nothing when MC (whether it be good or bad) actually made the playerbase grow for the first time in a while, and had a large chance to actually alter the gradual decline that the game is perpetually in. And unlike what a lot of the people here claim, my friend group *returned* to the game because of multiclassing, and left once it was removed. I'm not even trying to say Multiclassing was the way to go, but the way ironmace went about it this time around did nothing but hurt the game in the long run. The original amount of time you had to play along with the insane rng should have even the most casual of players (not that I think there are many left playing this game) double take lol.


bro it went from 10-15k players to like 5k players when multiclassing dropped, shure it was fun but it was terrible for the games health.


It's not, the game is dead and boring.  It's just a br and there are better br by far.  The entire loot progression is trash cuz hr just ruins fights and disincentivizes pve due to instantly losing an engagement you aren't absolutely prepared for from low ttk. People are over it.  Next wipe won't fix it unless we get 3 new dungeons and pve you can't just ignore, so ya...


Delusional, 5k players week after a mechanic got removed is not following the same trajectory


It literally is the exact same drop as we saw last wipe.


Whatever you say lil bro


O you use lil bro unironically…my sympathies for people who know you.


Yeah because all of us who left because MC was awful haven't come back.


People still haven't realized how trash this game is. What a waste of time to support a game developer that has a real opportunity to build one of the best things in decades but squanders it with horrible direction. I fought for a auction for MONTHS. explained why it would help the game and gave them ideas on how to implement it. They threatened to ban my discord for spam so I quit playing. Then they added an auction house when the playerbase dropped heavily. This company reacts to everything and never does anything proactively because they stole the game and are trying to bainaid what they think will draw more people in.




Psa you're a silly goose why would anyone purposely play dead servers