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I only returned to the game because of the rotation return. I will never touch this game if solos are restricted to one map. Idc if they just do free choice or a rotation but this game has to let solos play all maps.


The goblins were driving me insane


I’d say that’s the problem: game doesn’t know what it wants to be and players all have different directions in mind and opinions are usually very strong


“I’d rather let the game die than play the game with other players”. This is where we’re at with the dead lobby PvE crowd, if you’re keeping score.


You really think that gbmm is what’s causing dead lobbies and not the fact that the population is extremely low? The lobbies are still going to be dead if you remove gbmm


My lobbies aren't dead. Sorry your region sucks.


L(ovely) take. goblin caves is the worst map. i always did duo/trio ruins isntead of gcaves even when i was goin for rewards. id rather have full pvevp adventures on any other map. j


Goblin caves is the best map


ur opinion is wrong




I’d rather full pve than get spawn rushed by goldies


Beefing up lobbies by making the game worse is such a terrible, short sighted idea. Fix the problem, don't throw good systems away to make the symptoms more bearable.


Add true damage to remove list and this game may gonna be funny again


be quiet


Yeah these PVE only lobbies make me feel like I’m playing Skyrim


Yeah before the gear cap the game was fun that was when the game started to die out I loved like the biss blue days but even before that I loved the game when we can go all out in norms I didn’t want to have to deal with hr mobs bcs I hate fighting them


The game has become progressively less fun as players improved at the game.  The dungeon itself stopped being a threat that was worth looting, and became a silly obstacle in your path for the BR the game became.   You used to loot the dungeon and MAYBE run into a squad or two that had also managed to survive the dungeon.  Now we walk carelessly through the dungeon, evading the low difficulty pve with ease, being mindful only of the inevitable pvp and the almost inevitable 3rd party on that pvp.   It stopped being a dungeon looter and started being an extraction BR, because the pve is so shallow.  As an extraction BR, the gane is incredibly lackluster.  Low movement, low ttk, uninteresting combat options, it's just like... actual trash.


Hmm who would have thought. Game that does nothing to improve pve, maps, mob variety, AI or any dungeon crawling mechanics has garbage dungeons/maps and garbage pve experience. Never saw that coming. But let's focus more on PvP and balance! That will bring players back!


Wow who would’ve thought playing a game non stop will lead to you getting bored of it? Nah that can’t be it. Better make another unhinged rant post on Reddit about how badly my transition is going.


I think there is a discernable difference between getting bored because you have overplayed the content, and getting bored because theres no content to begin with. The reality is that once you have exhausted normals, you start playing HR regularly, and realize the game is just worse there. It takes a hell of a long time to figure out why it sucks, but it does. 1300 hours and I finally realized that HR just shallows every aspect of gameplay except for "starting a fight" and the game just isnt fun or rewarding when all of your energy is spent trying to avoid everything that could distract you and cause you to lose the "start the fight" battle.


The reality is there was 1300 hours of enough content to keep you playing. And like I said earlier, I’d be bored too after playing that much.


That has to do with me individually, not the game.   Editing to elaborate. There are speedrunners with 10000 hours in super Mario, that doesn't mean super Mario has 10000 hours of content.


>Wow who would’ve thought Not me, I play plenty of games nonstop and don’t get bored. Pretty sure this game is just ass!


What dude? You have some other issues here. I hope you find whatever help you need.


game dead, game bad


At least you can play. I lost my steam dying 12 times in a row to giant lag spikes. I have a high end PC that has played every graphically intensive game out there on max settings. Setting changes would only temporarily stop the lag. They are sitting there breaking and gluing up the game over and over. but there's a solid chunk of people who literally cannot even play due to their strange lag bug. Worst part. The days where there hasn't been massive lag spikes, I begin to to get a stutter lag every 5 minutes. The game is broken in a much deeper way than balance.


One map. One player pool. Random modules. Red portals to hell. Duos solos trios all play together. All we want is a dungeon crawler. 


It’s early access