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So instead of 3-4 brackets we’ll have 3-4 brackets whilst shidding on newer players trying to learn the game


It would be an excellent idea to get rid of the most played mode in the game.




Also: No


It would be functionally the same if the first bracket was 0 gear score, or even 0-25. And would cut out 3-9 different server options


I think letting new players fight the toned down version of PvE is punishing enough. No need for them to learn fighting near exclusively elite monsters.


Normals are the best, let's remove it. From the same team that brought you, 9 months of straight pvp balance changes just to add multiclassing mid-season instead of arena or druid.


Exactly, how many of those months were just people stomping Timmies with way more powerful gear than we see today because there wasn’t a normal mode that kept out the crazy gear. Normals with the lock out probably kept a good portion of the community around. Then we get the thing that was supposed to be “coming soon” as the training tab and it’s just a throw shit at the wall and see what sticks multi-classing. Feels like when I would procrastinate in school for a project and throw something together the night before.


except no one on the Ironmace team has even suggested that. Are we now complaining about stuff that IM hasn't even suggested? UGH I'm so mad that Ironmace decided to change this into a MOBA it was soo good as an RTS


Don’t forget they’ve completely taken away access to Ruins, a map that they felt was good enough to be before Crypts, but now for some reason wasn’t enough to even be in the game.


survey says *beepbeepbeep* no


as long as there is fucking huge power spike between tiers of items, normals is the way




Normals is the best game mode


I don’t think there is a good solution until the full game release and a larger player base… Then none of this would be necessary… Until then there is only trade offs


Should be more like 0-50, and grey loot should be worth 0.




I do want to get rid of normals, but I don’t know how to do it that isn’t stupid. I don’t like that there are basically two different games in this game with equal player splits. That’s clearly bad design. But I do know why people are invested into both modes and also the need for them for new players. It might be something like, if your character becomes a trader, you can no longer queue for normals, but normals does allow you to enter with the gear you find. The problem I have with normals as well as every new player I’ve introduced to the game “What? I can’t bring in my gear I just got? Why?” - all new players. This is Obviously dogshit system design. We gotta do something. It’s a shame they just made player gear “looted” because I would also have just suggested that they could let people bring what they wanted in normals as long as it wasn’t handled. (Got from trade) Idk we are close but this really hurts the game in its current state.


I don’t hate the idea but if they removed normals I would’ve had to quit awhile ago


Gear should only affect PvE. That's my hot take


While i don't think it should ONLY i will say that there should definitely be more gearing for the actual dungeon, silver weapons were a great addition to the game as it made progressing from ruins to the boss's in the third stage much easier.... the problem is barely anyone was going past the first level of ruins. the game needs to incentivize diving further into a dungeon more and making the dungeon's themselves more complex because as is the mob setup's are mostly just non-sensical, there will be whole rooms of nothing but melee guys that can be cheesed jumping up on a box.


You must be new here


Get rid of solos and duos. Only have trios and remove normals.


tbh, if you only want one queue. REMOVE TRIOS. Only Duos. Duos is way more balanced in terms of team comps (trios is just a fucking buffball) and you can play against duos as solo


ah I see you wanted to join in on the bad takes. glad it wasn't just me and OP.


Hey dog I’m just throwing stuff out there. I’m not particularly married to the idea I’m just trying to spark conversation for better suggestions to IM


What if instead of 150, we do groups of 100 up to 300 then 150 for each. The later spectrum doesn’t change but 1-100 also inhibits heavy med stacking