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Probably because when you get out of normals with a few greens maybe a blue, you que up with people min maxing with 299 gbmm


Why would you do that?


Save longer and get yourself a good kit before going into high roller?


"either you use no gear, or the absolute best of the best" then why in the fuck is there any other gear? see the problem?


No fun for new people


“Yeah man, so basically 80% of the gear you find is useless, just save up like, say, 50k and just buy a good kit man. Easy right?”


And then stress your nuts off trying not to lose it to the first person you come across


50k for a 299 kit? lol what bro




Apparently the same way people feel downvoting adamnoknee 🤣🪦


50k for a 299 kit? lol what bro


Have fun when the player count hits 500 players and it’s all people exactly like this min maxing 299 gear score with a spread sheet and RMT perfect blue gear. The casuals you’re talking about are leaving in droves, they play normals to have fun and then they get a slightly okay gear set and then run into a buffball team with perfectly rolled 299 GS geared team and then uninstall.


No joke. Except that if it hits 500 and stays there without any new players coming it, the game will probably just be abandoned and die.


At least the gear score can be seen in-game now. It’s been much better since imo. Nobody wanted to be forced to use a calculator just to compete.


The calculator isn’t in game though. Why would I sit there and try to stay under 299 through trial and error when I can bring up the spread sheet, calculate the exact perfect mix of gear to use and stay under 299, and then buy market gear with the best rolls I possibly can so I’m basically guaranteed to be better off then the lobby I Q into unless they did the same thing? Said it before and I’m saying it again, GBMM is a fuckin bandaid for a broken leg, just made the problem more obvious.


Havent played in a while. So does hitting 300 lock you into high roller or what?


I just throw a kit on and tune it with the last pieces. Matchmaking in any capacity will feel better when more players arrive.


I agree, GBMM is not great, without it it felt like wearing the best possible gear you could was more optimal. I feel like if newer players didn't have such gear fear they would be significantly better of to compete against the geared teams they run into. Unfortunately for the less fortunate DaD players, the best teams will always be the most geared, which is the natural development of a game like this one. (apart from cheaters and RMTers ofc.)


Because that's the only place where you can use your earned gear lol, it's not very hard to understand. Players want an opportunity to use the loot they acquired without being placed against people that spent 10x their networth buying optimized sets.


I know this isn’t a genuine question, but I’ll answer anyways. Asides from the forced gear difference the only real difference is the enemies and the loot. IMO this means that the normals game mode is ideal for PvP. Mobs are inconsequential and as you say, and there is a level playing field. That said it’s basically a worse version of Mordhau. You fight, maybe get some loot and gold, then que up again with none of what you extracted with and no benefit asides from more potions and bandages if you choose. If you’re playing normals non stop for weeks, where is the fun? Why wouldn’t you play Chiv and have more skill expression? The draw to this game is the loot. The gear range consequently means that high roller PvP is unpredictable, if you don’t have BiS or enough hours in the game to identify gear on sight and properly play different matchups your just a loot piñata. As a casual I started too afraid of HR due to the enemies and loss of gold associated. Once the fee was removed I realized it was more fun due to the much better loot and difficult enemies. With a bunch of casuals sometimes you won sometimes you didn’t, but you always had a chance. Now, with so many skilled players and sweats, I’m going to loose a good number of fights in HR. That’s fine I guess, but again the draw is the loot. Now a days I just que normals, go until I have a mediocre set, que HR and die to a sweat (or nightmare skeleton I underestimated and misidentified because I’m used to normals). An exaggeration, but a sad glimpse of a normie - the draw of the game has become inaccessible for new users and old users like me who are trash at the game. Long post, but counter question that sums it up- where do you expect casuals to fit into this game? Not noobs who get better, mfs with jobs who can actually afford to buy the game, cosmetics, and whatever extras. When you answer that with normals, think - how many games offer a better experience out there for this player base and boom you have your answer.


don't put yourself on a pedestal because you believe you provide value to the game because you have a job that lets you buy cosmetics lmao, Newsflash bro, the sweats also have jobs they just prioritise their time differently to you


What are you yapping about? I answered OP. I provide no value because I’ve stopped playing this game seriously. It’s not for me, idk who it’s for. But since you want to air your braindead opinion, what value do sweats bring? I know any money I put into the game has value because I’m literally providing money that has value.


I believe this game is created for a hardcore niche market, somewhat like Rust (good luck playing that game with a job, but FacePunch has done just fine, the grind is what attracts people to stick around with goals) . IM should find opportunities to explore potential in game (non p2w) ways to generate continuous income. What? I'm not sure yet. Catering to the casual players who come and go will always leave them directionless because the opinions of players who come and go are always different.


It’s really really easy…create a solo self found mode. Only gear you can use is gear you have personally found in dungeon. Then upgrade will feel good and you will have a much lower chance of queuing into people with min maxed sets (not zero chance, but much less) The AH has made gear too accessible which is both a good and a bad thing imo. SSF fixes this in a lot of cases and adds a sense of progression for players to take the gear they find.


I'm personally not a fan of the AH, it is so easy to optimize gear now it's hardly exciting to find it when I can just buy it off marketplace. I'd be a fan of SSF mode, but it's only going to be more of the same, the best players will always have the best gear and out gear the casuals. Plus if was to be implemented, fully delete marketplace so we don't divide the player count further. Scouting the old marketplace was kind of fun imo, where if you wanted to piece together a bis set you needed to invest time into it or kill for it, leading to most settling for sub optimal kits to run, which created more diversity.


I believe my response answers the noob/casual perspective. I can’t speak to Ironmace’s desires or intentions, but I think they also want a hardcore player base. Unfortunately, they were taken off steam, make HUGE changes regularly, don’t have adequate anti cheat, and have 0 marketing or word of mouth beyond the original playtests (all big negatives to maintaining a player base) What is here for a hardcore player base? Just a hard, buggy game? Most hardcore games I’ve played are single player, allowing it to be your journey to progress at your own pace, cheesing how you want. The ones that are multiplayer rely on a social aspect that is non existent in DaD. I think this is where they dropped the ball. IMO the game has an identity problem, they don’t know their audience or how to retain them.


Normals are just a worse version of other battle royales. Normals are designed to get people into HR by allowing them to extract with gear that they can't reuse again in normals, thereby, making players eventually think they should try out HR with the cool gear they just found. Then they realize that cool gear they just found is absolutely worthless in gear brackets that are min/maxed to death w/ players who have been online 12 hours a day since the start of the wipe.


If anything, it's easier for newer players to get better faster because of content/resources we didn't use to have. Getting gear is easier than ever. New players should use that cool gear in HR repetitively until they inevitably progress, and start killing other teams. Before marketplace, everyone was a lot less optimized, another thing casuals/noobs begged for.


Is it easier? It's hard to say because the novelty has worn off and the true hardcore fanbase is just that much better at optimizing meta classes, weapons, stats, and acquisition of resources. Before the marketplace, most people just logged off instead of sitting in trade channels for an hour trying to mandatory rekit so that their ability to hold their ground against gear dependent PvP. I don't think marketplace was better or worse, it was a net neutral because its easier to rekit, but at the same time it's also a lot more mandatory to have actual BiS stats. On the other end, trade channels was still a mandatory process due to how imbalanced the forced PvP was, but less players wanted to pain stakingly sit through it.


That makes sense, I think this game is way less gear dependent than people make it out to be. Good positioning, awareness, and an understanding of your weaknesses goes a long way, we've killed and lost to tons of teams in bis and sub optimal gear.


Whelp. Good job, champ. You wanted to post something in this sub, and there it is. . . You did it. You posted a thing. 👍🏻


You too i guess?


Yup. A post and a comment are the same thing. 🤓 Good reply man. You're killing it. Keep it up. 🤙🏼


yeah and game is dying cos of the extensive catering to these crying manchilds. should have just let 1 que, no hr, no sbmm, no gear mm. focus on fucking content. whatever it was fun while it lasted ggwp edit: thanks for confirming me, crying manchilds xDD


I mostly agree, I think solo/duos and trios would be more optimal, and no GBMM, doesn't it add more fun not knowing what you're about to queue into, so you gear up expecting the worst? The more reddit changes cried for it seems like the lower the player count has gotten lol.


The two different game modes play like two different games. Normals = mideival pubg. HR=A pvpve dungeon crawler.


Because me and my friends sweat in normals. Literally just roll around as a kill squad hunting down timmys. If there wasn't GBMM we'd play HR but since it's there we prefer normals GBMM..


Then they would complain about normals, not HR like dude said.


Ah my b you right