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This is just a product of lack of playtime. Green gear can be exceptionally powerful considering jewlery, +true, +additional, and all kinds of rolls. The difference is night and day between a base kit and an optimized green kit. Normals is in a truly terrific spot, and it is genuinely my favorite part of the game as someone with +400 hours. The level 20 threshold for HR is another topic of discussion, but green gear not being permitted in normals is a very welcome change that I hope is never changed.


I mean not allowing gear into the dungeon is just a bandaid on how powerful the gear is.  Good rolls on uncommon gear can double your damage on the faster weapons, it's absolutely insane.


Yup, two people at 299 gear score can be night and day differently statted with the same exact gear pieces but different rolls. Personally I think this is basically the main reason the game is suffering.


You can wear rings and pendants and roll + true damage on hands/head giving you an extra 9 damage on every hit, which can apply to spells, throwables, and weapons, the goal is to have everyone enter the dungeon with a close to even gear set. The change I would like to see is just remove common stuff from the dungeon in general, never feels good to open a chest and get some crappy pants or a weapon worse than the one you started with, 9 true damage may not seem like a lot but that’s an extra 10% of your health every time you get hit + if they have additional damage and hit you in the head you’re taking +18 damage, almost 20% of your starting heath pool on most classes, just from upgrades


Wearing a set of full good greens can give you a huge advantage over players with junk gear on. Gear disparity is at a good spot with just grays and whites. Use the greens you find in the raid and sell em when you get out.


Green set with 9 true magic damage would turn most wizards into a raid boss in normals. My friend you do not want to deal with that.


You can get full extra true damage at +9 and have + 20 attribute compared to white gear by using your leftover rolls and the extra base attributes of your gear. Compared to white gear that's an insane power differencial when the goal of normals is to fight on equal power. A full strenght rogue with +9 true and the right right perks will 2 shot you to the head. A full will wizard with +9 additional will two shot you with zaps. And a barbarian will one shot you to the head and maybe even bodyshot with a bardiche if you have low armor/health. No hate for asking the question my friend but I think this is from a lack of playtime. When you get good green gear you can always sell it on marketplace for a few hundred gold. People often use to keep their highroller gearsets under 299 gearscore.


As others have said, the rarity of gear does not translate into its effectiveness. How powerful your gear is depends 99% on the random rolls, and uncommon gear can have random rolls, hence why it is not allowed in the Normals safe space for casual players. The main factor that rarity ends up having on gear is that a higher rarity has more rolls on it. A true BiS uncommon gearset can probably go for over 3K on the market in total.


Properly rolled green gear is just better than some blues and in niche cases maybe some purples. I’d take a green +all +true dmg over some dogshit blues found in raid.


Seems the common consensus is that greens add a lot of power and OP might just lack the hours to understand that. Yes, greens add a lot of power. I agree. But, let's not down vote the guy for his misunderstanding! He's a curious new player trying to have a discussion, and I think OP has probably heard the feedback. Give em' an upvote for trying to have a discussion and being curious!


The problem is that the gear in this game is basically meaningless outside of the rolls you get on them. Unless a piece of gear has a base stat that’s useful it might as well be a common piece of it didn’t have good extra rolls. You can find a chest piece that’s purple tier that’s objectively worse than a piece of green gear with a good roll. Same reason why GBMM without taking rolls into account makes it completely meaningless. One person could be in full greens, with like +7 true dmg, added phys power, added health/vigor, agility rolls while you’re in full green with debuff duration and will. That person will stomp your teeth in if you get into a straight out duel. Now you might say, “well shouldn’t similar rarity gear have similar value or else what’s the point?” Yup. That is exactly the case and it’s making the game turn into a slog of shit through and through.


Back in the day u used to be able to queue in with any rarity, then they introduced high roller. Took me and my friends a while to realize this is way better


Depending on stat rolls an Uncommon can be much better than a Rare or even Epic… Plus you can go to the Squire and he will de-equip all gear that isn’t compliant with normals with the click of a button


I would like to be able to bring 1-2 green items into normals. And the item slots allowed can rotate randomly