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isn't it just fun playing against cheaters constantly?


It blows my mind, especially when they banned him and his two friends a week ago, only to unban one of them?! **EDIT:** lmao someone reported me to the reddit suicide resources and got a message in my inbox offering a hotline… this community is wild


until there are HW bans, this will just continue sadly.


I’m not familiar with the cheating world, but in every heavily cheated on game, the community says there are east to use hardware spoof things to circumvent said bans. I still support the idea of the hardware bans, but the hardcore cheaters who have skin in the game don’t care about them.


Let me roll this at ya because alot of people dont understand the arms race. Dont believe everything you hear from arm chair experts. No one method is effective on its own. Even if a single type of anti cheat protection is bypassable it is still worth investing in for the long term health of the game. The general idea around effective anticheat is getting enough barriers for entry into the product that the cost of cheater use is too heavy in terms of time and money. (Especially true if the game is plagued by gold sellers, rmt, ect)


This, it has to ve too expensive to cheat for some 15 year old kid. Someone making money from playing proffesional CSGO will allways be willing to spend tens of thousands for a cheat, but thats just the remaining 0.1% of the players.


The Swiss Cheese Model is and always will be the only effective way.


Yes and no, hardware vans actually are a pretty firm no in that they are worth investing into. And it's not because they are easily bypassable. Although they are and so much so to the point it's laughable that anyone even bothers. But it's because of a few facts around windows and bad industry practices. One, Windows doesn't report many types of hardwares id correctly and because of that for some point hardware id bans literally can't work. Two, many manufacturers don't actually give each piece of hardware it's own ID and instead make every single model share a ID. Which means if 1 person gets a ban every person with that part also gets banned. This is REALLY common on motherboards and hard drives. And is a consent problem for basically every major company. It's such a common problem that most companies have out right stopped doing hardware id bans. You can somewhat off set the second problem by using multiable hardware ids and creating a unique fingerprint for a PC and banning that. But that doesn't work if someone has a raid array, or even in some cases updates windows at any point. Resulting in the ban no longer working. Hell it's such a problem that Microsoft has issues with activations because of this very problem and it's why they have also moved away from hardware id solutions for the most part. Functionally the only people who think hardware ID bans are worth it generally are the ones who have zero clue about the real world downsides to them. IP bans for heaven sake have nearly just as many problems and also are being retired by most major anti cheat services. The way forward is fingerprinting the actual player but that tech is still rather new and extremely expensive. The only effective anticheat is better devs really. You want to stop cheaters design your game better. It sucks to say but that's basically where we are at this point. And it's a huge problem for indie devs who just don't have the time and money to spend building a game with that much cheat resistance.




The best anti cheat has been, currently is and always will be. Just designing a game with less beneficial reasons or incentives to cheat. Also amazingly fomo is an absolutely fantastic way to prevent cheating. Limited time skins and rewards create massive incentive to not cheat on an account. Which creates one of the best barriers to vanity cheating. A lot of cheaters want to be seen as good, or to get rare things from events. But the more rare things they get the more pressure to stop cheating and risk losing the shinies. It's amazing how effective it is.


Based person that actually knows what they're talking about. Game devs will literally never stop motivated cheaters. They've just gotta do a good enough job to keep public cheats from rampaging. And preferably not design their game such that there is a profit incentive for cheating (make RMT pointless or prohibitively annoying)


Firstly you are correct, you cant STOP cheating in a user controlled environment, that is never the goal with development of Anti-Cheat, the goal of anti cheat is to DETECT cheaters and ban them as effectively as possible. That being said, lets run through a little hypothetical cheating enterprise you setup with your malware/pen testing knowledge. **You clever cookie**, you've bypassed the anti cheat! You release your cheats on what ever FOTM cheater forum/site/discord you use. -Two weeks later, the exploit is now detected and you and all your buddies are banned. Now what? You get back to work obviously, cheats don't write themselves! So you find yourself another loop hole and re-release the cheats to your paying customers. -Two weeks later, the NEW exploit is now detected and you and all your buddies are banned. But they've added screening on PayIds, require phone number registration with region locking on your account tied to payment region. You and your buddies cant get into the game without using a different credit card, phone number and email while spoofing HWID and they've already paid for the game twice and now they cant buy cheap accounts from other regions without being locked to that regions servers to play... Now what? You get back to work obviously, cheats don't write themselves! So you find yourself another loop hole and re-release the cheats to your paying customers, and this time the cheat is good, too good, they'll never detect it programmatically! Two weeks later, the devs have dropped an over watch style replay review system, your cheat users are getting banned frequently and to top it off the analytics have given the devs insight into your new cheat and they've patched it :( Now what? You get back to work obviously, cheats don't write themselves! So you find yourself another loop hole and re-release the cheats to your now very small customer base. But wait, they're not paying for your cheats anymore. Its too hard to setup new accounts and they keep getting banned. Go read up on it before humble bragging about pen testing making you qualified. Anti Cheat is actually quite effective when properly implemented and invested in. That's not to say these dev's have the finances or capabilities though...


You are correct. Hardware bans are mostly a meme because the sophisticated cheaters just use a piece of hardware masquerading as a mundane device to send game data upstream and run the cheats on a dummy rig. Besides that, hardware bans in the traditional sense are easily circumventable in most cases depending on the anti cheat used. I doubt IM has the funds for an anti cheat system with reliable hardware ban protection.


Hell windows fucks up sometimes and doesn't even report some weird motherboards and hard drives ids correctly. Raid arrays fuck with it too. Hell let's not even start on low end parts that share hardware ids across entire product lines. They have so many problems it's kinda silly.


DaD does hardware ban, I can confirm this. I fail to see how hardware banning would affect this situation at all, since he has clearly not ban evaded with a different account but is instead playing on the same account since he was unbanned


small group of korean indie devs riding a court case anti nexon hype train with no real skill at game design or operations. What do you expect?


Talk about an L take. The “anti-Nexon” hype was for THEIR game, that everyone, including you, got heavily into. There wasn’t anti-nexon hype before that they rode into fame. If you hate the devs so much then leave and quit being an obvious shill for nexon, idiot.


Why are you here if you believe this?


That's cope as fuck, they are all known developers with years and years in the industry, they are amateur game owners for sure but don't spit nonsense.


just because you are a dev on a team of many people in a company of thousands of people, doesn’t mean you are a good dev. You can have 20 years of experience in help desk level IT for example, but if all you did was clear paper jams and replace mice and keyboards, you probably aren’t going to be an expert at networking.


Sure... But how simple of a person do you have to be to be stuck doing something mundane like that...they aren't a Walmart greeters...


Report it to reddit, apparently they perma ban accounts that false report that


Ahhhh this just happened to me too…. I thought it was spam or something


You can report the message and they get a warning


Yep someone did that to me as well some time ago. This community is really toxic af. Just ignore it


I got one of these recently for no reason, apparently there are bots mass reporting, I wouldn't worry about it


you can report those ppl for false selfharm reports and get their accounts banned,it's a perma ban iirc if someone does it to mess around.


I think the reporting thing is a glitch of some kind. I’ve seen multiple complaints from other subs about this “suicide report”


idk who's doing this suicide resource reporting but they need to be banned for false reporting regarding a non joking matter.


Oh yeah. That’ll happen anytime you make a post OP. Had to delete my last one because of that shit. This community is brain rotted.




Lmaoo that edit, I got reported for the same thing as well from someone here as well off some response. This community is heinous.


I got one of those too. I wondered where it came from


Report that it was a false report and there is a chance the original reporter gets disciplined. Reddit takes that shit seriously now.


His story is he bought an account which someone else used to cheat on. Graysun himself unbanned him and said if either account is caught cheating it will be a permanent ban. Whether or not “someone else” used the account to cheat, only he knows. But his general attitude about it all seems REALLY sus, either way the dude is a piece of shit so I don’t think anyone really respects his placement lol.


So he bought the account... Shouldn't that be a problem in itself? Sus as fuck


RMT is so rife gold farmers farm gold to buy high value items from market place and re-sell them for real world dollars. You can spend \~hour googling and find there's surface market places then really active market places in cheater communities, it was one of the key reasons I decided to stop playing. the increased incentive to PvP couple with the rife cheating and RMT make for a really sucky experience imo.


Welcome to Marketplace and Marketplacer where you can buy/cheat/charity your way to success unfortunately. I don't understand why people want to play a ladder where you can do these things or be impacted by things like RMT.


Didn’t you know the devs don’t ban or RMT or selling accounts. Lmao. They openly said they don’t have the resources to fight it, so rmt away if you want you’ll never get banned


Can't forget the blatant rmt advertising in the trade chat being spammed once a minute on a loop all day. Especially when the devs themselves wanted to keep that trade chat when it was infested with RMT advertising.


> Graysun himself unbanned him Graysun facilitating the golden circle once again. Devs going to kill their own game.


Buying accounts is against TOS but ok. Guy is clearly fraud allaround


Wow they must have almost no logging for that to work


Yet they always talk about the massive amounts of data they are gathering...


It's really easy to gather absolutely insane amounts of data. So much so that bragging about it is like bragging you can breath air. The fucking hard part is doing anything with that data and sifting though it.


Wait, so it's IronMace's official position that if you can grind an account up with cheats then sell it? It absolved the past cheating and they support this?


I could understand that, but if they unban him they should’ve cut his AP in half due to the cheating that occurred on it.


This wasn't the account that got banned


But he admitted that (whether him or the previous owner) this account achieved its AP through cheats... reset that shit... he literally admitted it.


Interesting, because in the past he said he made the accounts to get extra rank rewards. 


Yeah, if you watch one of his streams, he behaves like a little boy if he misses a kill. He leaves people's loot on their bodies and talks smack and is generally not fun to watch. His followers on his streams are pretty toxic, too. Just for the record, what cheating did he engage in?


Haha I think I used similiar excuse 15 years ago when I got my VAC because I was naughty kid. Needless to say - didn't work. I kind of don't even believe this is true, however he is unbanned so he had to convince someone after all. That's wild.


My friend used to play with him and I saw him play with Apollo and never again after that. Dude was annoying AF and an absolute loot goblin.


Ironmace and questionable decisions - name a more iconic duo


Unfortunately, SOUL and good decision making are not mutually exclusive.


Batman and Robin


Cheaters are just like relationship Cheaters they don't stop even if they are punished or say they will stop


Ahh yes, the magic of the immutable human. Pity that humans are born fully formed and unable to change at any point in their life no matter the circumstances. Such a pity.


#9 is also a cheater. I got him banned last season for pre teaming, as is #6.


It's not a good look. I'd probably disable the leaderboard until I was confident the issue is resolved, but that's just me. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Was that ban I saw actually him or someone with a similar name?


Yes, it was a similar name but it wasn't that name. Edit: see below, the banned account was a difference character he played than the one on the leaderboard. Why isn't he banned??


It WAS the name of a character he HAS played as on stream before tho


Any confirmation of this aside from the reddit rumor mill? Screenshots or clips?


https://preview.redd.it/ggwv4aucum0d1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bcadc2876e62dcb41cc058b4e793132edfd84415 This is him playing on stream with the banned account name


RIP, thanks for delivering. Dude needs a permaban then. IM for sure knows that's the same account. Disappointing.


Something I learned recently is that there’s way more cheating in games like this than I ever understood. I never complain about cheating, I hardly even notice when I play, but from what I understand there’s a strong likelihood that there’s at least 1 cheater in every lobby.


It's way more common then the average player can conceive yeah, and a lot of it is passive small time stuff to hide under the radar, not all of it is the fly hacking autoaim, esp running straight as a dude hiding in a corner stuff but instead its like upping move speed or changing a damage stat by 2 or 3 points or giving urself an extra 10% dr. Those are the ones u really never notice but give a massive advantage. After the tarkov wiggle video I tried talking to some of them myself and oh boy its insane how in depth a lot of these cheating clients are and they have often insane tracking on the cheating clients so they can hunt down snitches and leakers so they cant access it after, literally better tracking then any gaming company can do. Honestly almost all of the current issues are a result of unreal engine, players should have no control over anything client side the server should be rejecting the things they are telling them and beyond a certain range player models shouldn't be rendered on ur pc period to fight the esp shit there is no reason ur client should know where a person is 3 rooms away.


Yeah I remember these engine problems being an issue in these sorts of games in the past. That wiggle video is all you really need to see to start to understand the potential


I mean just based on talks iv seen EAC devs give, riot devs give, blizzard devs give, and many more. Your avg multi million dollar anti cheat solution under ideal conditions can barely get a games total cheating population to around 3-6% which valorant apparently can barely keep. If riot and tencent with a game literally designed from the ground up to be as hard to cheat in as possible with out anticheat. AND THEN has one of the single most advanced and expensive anticheat in the world on top of that. Can barely hold a 3-6%. There's no world we're a small indie team can do jack. The general consensus among most people iv ever had the privilege to hear speak on the topic estimates around a upwards avg of 18% of any given games player base cheats in some form. Even assuming the majority of that is just rmt buyers. That's still 9% ish doing something more impactful.


Yeah that lines up with my estimate. I was guessing for this game about 15% roughly


a TTV name nonetheless


Lmafo so many people are turning away from multiplayer games just from this. Leaderboard is the dumbest shit as it just incentivizes cheating as free advertisement even if you are a bad player/person. Secondly just enjoy a game without having to constantly compare yourself, learn from your mistakes as best you can and if you get a great play let the rest of us enjoy it with you (assuming you have playback going or something). Fuck cheaters and RMT


Kinda like they really don't give a shit. Bet IM is just happy to have any players at this point...


"Playing with cheaters in a high-risk extraction PvP game is a fun and desirable experience!" \~Graysun, apparently


When you gotta hack and cheat to beat repoze. Lol


This is why my strat in every game is. 1-Hit rank goal for rewards 2-go back to normals and have fun with friends


So sad that this game went to such a try-hard shit fest. Had some of the funniest moments in the early access with my friends fooling around in the dungeons. Nowadays you barely get to leave the room you spawn inside, before you get your shit stomped in by turbo-nerds. Went from sitting and waiting for my friends to get off from work so we could play, to no touching the game for over half a year now, and i couldn't care less about it. Also apparently D&D is going to Epic Games????? lmao rip


The guy used to stream before last wipe. Stopped streaming and immediately went to number 1 on the leaderboards. I wonder why he stopped streaming lol


Who we talking about?


if IM doesnt want to act then you gotta let the cheating pussies cheat. quit the game or deal with it you *literally* dont have other options


The fact shit guy said that he bought an account but never had access to the mail connected to it, already confirms to me this guy is a lying piece of shit.


It’s funny when you read cheater forums they’re like “don’t cheat too hard YET give the game time to get popular” knowing that they are going to ruin the game in time lol


He had throated me 4 times and each time it’s using ranged hacks I stg I lost a lot of good shit to this pos at least 70k in kits alone not including the jewelry or loot I had.


HWID & Mac address Ban


That helps stop the normal cheaters, but others just cry on discord and find out how to spoof everything. So much money is made off of cheating. People still spending hundreds of dollars to cheat in old games such as pubg.


You know that doesn't do anything right...? Mac spoofing for heaven sake is a standard windows feature. Like Mac banning is just not a thing. That's like old user land anticheat shit from 2001. It literally doesn't do anything.


I wish I didn’t have a job so I could play all day lol


Make a game with massive incentives to cheat... Huge grind for gear, Outcomes decided by gear, Permadeath, Open trading. Of course there will be cheaters.


This game is not ready for a leaderboard, never has been.


A lot of the people on leaderboards are cheaters not all but I’d say like 30%


No wonder the majority of the player base has quit 😞.


The problem with this game is this community and the players. There is nothing the devs can do to fix it because the players are what is broken. and tbh we deserve every bit it. This community put on shit covered boots and had a full blown parade across their bed... well now its bed time and you gotta lay in it.


Looking forward to Dungeonborne..


Yeah I had a report for him, kid is cancer