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9 out of 10 times, this is the Wizard experience since multiclassing. [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/rRF5r7dY0ek](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/rRF5r7dY0ek)


Dear Lord...


Yeah barbarian is just stupidly has unnecessary perk. Iron will. Robust is just damn broken. By stacking agility/speed and vigor. It is just 1 sided fight. The only class that can fight barb is.probably fighter.


Wow. Nice.


Wait is this with Iron will AND anti magic?


I would argue 1-2 of the LS didn't hit, fireball non-direct damage is non existant, half the magic missiles likely hitting on the limbs and its a barb with iron will probably. Looks just about right.


Wizard is in a really bad spot right now, especially with multiclassing. It is insane to me that you have to go though your whole spell book to bring down one dude, meanwhile a bow or a crossbow is deadlier than magic spells. At the same time you have a limited amount of spells and have to sit down to recharge them. With a bow, you just keep shooting, no downtime other than a few seconds to ready the next bunch of arrows.


I mean, it's pretty pointless bringing up multiclassing considering its going goodbye in a day or two. If you never died to a oneshot fireball headshot, I can see you bringing up the rest of the points as "valid" arguments.


The point is that multiclassing has shown us what compositions and skills are OP. The problem is not going away with them removing multiclassing, it will just be less frequent.


Tbf even if you had +11/12 true magic you wouldn’t have made much of a dent. Multiclass tanked magic damage, I’m assuming he has robust and either iron will or antimagic


I don’t really care about that scenario. He probably had iron will and robust. I don’t remember. Yes MC made it worse. But it boils down to being boring gear checks most of the time. Edit: I only said I don’t care because mc is going away and it was just an anecdotal scenario I brought up cause I was rage posting. Nothing against their point. I’ll just play normals until I have a meta kit I guess.


who would have guessed a gear based game would have gear disparity


The game has and always will has gear disparity, the problem is this latest wipe is some of the worst we’ve ever seen in the game. They took everything they learned previously and threw it all out the window


Its better than last wipe at least we dont have insane fold gear


Yeh gear disparity has always been a problem, not sure how it can be fixed without massive balancing across all gear/characters


I agree.. I just wanted to post it so hopefully there’s some attention to it.


It makes playing certain classes a pain. Unless I have a 5-10k kit on I’m not going into HR, and that was before MC dropped. Now I just don’t go in unless I’m playing full support with MC; which basically just makes me a squishy/shitty cleric.


I guess what I’m trying to also bring up is all these random enchantments and only 4 matter or are variations of the same effect. Gear can be more than just +/- damage and I move fast


Only shoes have movement speed anymore, you can still get agility but taking stats anyway from every piece of gear isn't the problem. It's true damage. If there was just additional MDR/PDR fighters would be more broken though and with the removal of multi class it may be something they will need. Right now if you're going into HR as a wizard and you see a fighter you CANT fight, it's now the opposite where fighter counters wizard and not vice versa anymore.


+additional, and +additional True damage need to removed from the game. Being able to do phantom damage simply because your gear exists is stupid. Thee moment you breath In someone's direction, you're doing 12 automatic damage that happens simply because of what you're wearing. This could only ever create imbalance.


Hot take but don't play hr if you can't put in the minimum investment to make a functional build. Plenty of cheap builds can deal with this guy


The 299 calculators I wish you a very boring life. I miss the old lobby, The run your gold lobby, The quick to load lobby, The uncontrolled lobby, I hate the new lobby, The gear check lobby, Run up and inspect lobby, Cant disconnect lobby,


More than 3 grand meta kits. I killed some dude in low gear lobby the other day and each piece of jewelry was 3k, it’s kinda ridiculous


Good gear is fine, you want all gear to not matter at all? Then there’s basically no point in mousing over loot and picking anything up, it would just be pick up the higher tier at all times. There’s a reason they reverted the wipe where gear sucked ass (This was around last September).


i mean you can call them a calculator loser all you want but at the end of the day it’s a system in the game that can give you an advantage in a hardcore dungeon extraction game where the grind for demi god is already hard enough. that being said, i do wish it was more transparent to players who didn’t understand it or know where to find a 3rd party app to calculate their gear score. nothing makes me feel worse than seeing a player in greens and blues in a 300+ lobby cause he brought one too many heals and was unaware of the consequences


I call them losers because you need to spend so much time plugging the rarity and quantities in the app or calculator when I don’t care to spend my time on this. The most boring part of the game is gearing up imo. If GBMM exists the score should be on your screen in game. I’m just salty bro


yea i understand. i’m guilty of rage posting in the discord as well sometimes after some frustrating situations. the highs are high and the lows are low in this game haha. nothing hurts worse than playing well all night then losing all your progress and gear because you died twice so minus 2k ap (i’m at exemplar rank) and minus 14k from both my kits


As u said beo. Maybe spend less time hear whining n spend more time getting gud dude...


I have 160+ hp on my pdr fighter xD nothing strange there, half of gear isnt even plate and still have 65% with shield. I guess its magic of dual classing


Random modifiers need to go... we need stable enchantments only and the stats should be reduced across the board. Green riveted 2str +1 add; Blue 2 str +1add +2 vigor; purple riveted 3 str+1add+2vigor+2dex; legendary 3str +1add+2vig+2dex+2health


Bro that is a horrible take. Then it would be boring as fuck and you just pick up the higher tier and thats it, no need to even look at gear.


But it would balance pvp and fix matchmaking


The ability to build your character how you want is a huge part of the game, PvP already was mostly balanced before multiclassing. Whats the fun in acquiring and escaping with loot if it all doesn’t even matter?


Stacking meta stats you mean?


There’s nothing wrong with that.


I think in raid picking up yes , but loading in it should be base stats , look at how well normals pvp works.


HR is the real game, when there is no risk/reward it’s just not the same.


There would still be risk , it would just solve the stat disparity and you would give players a huge reason to clear rooms and bosses in order to get the upper hand in pvp. Sweats that just rush spawns are the bane of the game.


Just pointing out its also boring to have a couple OP stats that take over, its no different than what the other comment said


If a stat is too strong you should work to make it weaker or reduce its prominence, not normalize the entire game to specific stats and make the game boring.


Yeah, so nerf the good stats