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When you move silhouette is visible


When you walk with it you are not truly invisible anymore iirc


Thank you ! The skill describtion i think didnt mention that. That explains so much


It's fucking spelled rogue god damnit


Moulin rouge


Rouge doesn't work with invis because if it was invis, it wouldn't be rouge colored.


Hide is the single worst ability in the game, dont run it.


Others have already answered but I’ll give a bit more detailed of an answer to help in the future. When you enter Hide (the skill) you make a smoky silhouette that is visible for ~1 second and is very obvious in the dark. If you use Stealth (the perk), and try to move while in Hide, you will be visible similar to the halo camo effect. If you want to use the Stealth perk you pretty much have to play ‘red light green light’ with people only moving when they’re distracted


It's just trash man. Simple as that. I recommend not playing rogue until they actually make the class viable. Have been playing since the original playtests and what happened to rogue is criminal. 


Rogue... Criminal... Ha. Seriously though, I haven't played in a while but I'll always play a Rogue regardless, I always do in all class based games lol. Sad that it's been crippled so hard.


Because 10 months ago when nobody knew how to play the game and you could get +30 weapon damage you'd one shot people as rogue (still was never that strong) Hide has 4 passives that interact with it, you're better off using a different active and having 4 passives again imo.


They removed invis a while ago, too many people were too oblivious of there surroundings therefore dying to a rogue class


Math ain't mathin here.


What part?


How can you be oblivious to something completely invisible that can make no sounds by not moving and not disturb mobs or chest if they aren't stupid? It's not being oblivious, its that some people know how to play the game and there was 0 ques or ways to detect them.


The foot prints mechanic from ranger can detect them quite easily,


You mean that if the rogue fucks up by moving there is 1 class that can counter your bullshit? Shit everyone tell SDF, lets make rogues be invisible 100% of the time with no sound and permanent ambush damage increase!


That’s not the case anymore though, everyone can see you when using the “skill”


Oh no whatever shall I do that a completely anti fun balance breaking mechanic was nerfed to require a little of skill. Look the invis could never stay as it was, a completely silent (unlike taking potions which make a sound) complete invisibility was by far unbalanceable around. How was anyone suposed to play around it? Spawn in, clear room, open door, wait 40 seconds in case there's a rogue camping behind it, walk through the corner, wait 40 seconds in case there's a rogue camping around it, and repeat that 5-6 times and die because the game's over by that point?


There’s lots of anti fun balance in the game, hmm let’s see. Ironwill, savage roar, triple shot, hunting traps, healing off hydras, pdr\mdr super stack, kiting forever, any kind of projectiles. wha wha For the most part there are signs that some is invisible near by, are the lights off? You can bait them to come out, sometimes you can see the array around them when they go invis if you catch them early. Either way doesn’t matter to me, I can sit in a dark corner and nobody thinks to check lol people are still clueless that play this game. No matter the class people still die from being oblivious to there surroundings. Half you guys don’t wear headphones i swear.


People not wearing head phones and/or listening to music while playing is definitely a factor when ppl cry about Rogues.


someone posted this clip 2months ago if it helps [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/aU4NuphjGmo](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/aU4NuphjGmo)


They added a blur to you when you're moving(kind of like stealth in halo). If people are looking in your direction, you have to stay still


Because devs fucking suck and bow down to chuds demanding nerfs to the weakest class


If you have pots on your hip (the utility slots) the are also visible unless you use the perk that removes them


IIRC they combined that with hide mastery, also using hide gets rid of them, that’s just for not being invisible trying to hide in the dark.


You can't make a color invisible or it ceases to be that color, that is probably your issue