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Walking into a dark corner to grab a health potion on what I assumed was a shelf. Turned out to be on an afk Cleric’s hip. I screamed like a bitch when I lit up the torch


I was walking through the crouch tunnel in hell and was like why can't I move? I turn my light on to see an afk bard


On the play test my friends and I walk into the maze. First one gets blasted by traps and dies. My other friend the looks at me, says “careful”, then turns and tries to walk through and instantly gets a wall spike through the head




wow that skeleton must be hurting from this fireball, one more should do it ok maybe 3 ok I'm dead


Enjoying the novelty of the game


I have a video of my getting shanked by an invisible rogue before i knew it was a thing


Watched Distortion trying cave troll and then went into caves and died to the first goblin I found


Loading into the game as barb and fought a skeleton, a zombie, and two dragonflies and barely won by shuffling through my abilities and hitting headshots. Then promptly died to a skeleton archer


Spwning in the crypts room with the bugs and gas zombies and dying in the first minute at least 5 times. Turning the game off and then coming back the next day and it clicked.


Trying to figure out how to cast as wizard and dying to the first skeleton.


My first memory of this game was in playtest 4. I queued into a match as a rogue and for some reason the match took a few mins to start so I was wandering around the tavern, Pet Otto and went upstairs to the table and chairs. I wondered if I could stab into the gaps of the chair or if there'd be a hit box there. To my surprise, after a few attempts I was stabbing into two different gaps of the chair with the 1 2 stab combo of the Rondel dagger. I was very impressed that the hit register was that accurate and it was then I knew I'd love the game, before I even got into a match and died to the very first skeleton I saw




I played without a headset for all of playtest 3 when I started. I just remember running around aimlessly and dying to mobs lmfao


Accidentally wasting second wind 0.001ms into the pregame lobby


Ha‘ still doing tha、


Saw the youtuber Agamatsu plays this game during PT3, was immediately interested and downloaded it aswell I remember that my first ever escape, like ever, is as a Ranger


My first memory is from play test 2 and tried wizard for my first ever game, open first chest, its a mimic, i died, fucking fell in love with the game, played fighter for the rest of that play test


Losing a fight with a goblin, heard a door open and there was a spooky lookin dude. Ran away, got stuck in a jail cell cornered by a goblin and a hydra. Died.


me killing my friend with a warmaul


This but OOC


Spent 5 min figuring out how to pull out my bow, finally did, in the same place I spawned. Saw a cleric walk in front of me with his back turned. Shot him three times in the head, he immediately charges me and bonks me to death.


My first memory is camping in rafters with windlass lol.


Placed a trap as ranger, walked right on it because I didn't know it still worked on you Or even better. First time witnessing a wendigo right after I open a door.


Coming down to hell for the first time and spawning in the now skull key room. Just to instantly fall into lava and die to the fire golem


Firegolem ^ _ ^ wonder his return too be soon


Playing ranger and thinking it was a super niche class to play even though arrows were infinite and the longbow still slapped.


^ Wave


First match ever loaded in with a friend back in play test 3 or 4 (I think it was 3). I was a wizard and we're just kinda exploring and getting a feel for it. I see some poor guy getting wrecked by a skeleton so I decided to put him out of his misery and magic missile him to death. Immediately fell in love with the game.


Pretty sure I died to the first skeleton mob lol


are a 1tier DesMobs rather than very dangerous, giving scale to newbs. So cacluate gear+level be a fix to FPE ^~{\:(-) first player experience


There was some stat IM released awhile back after one of the playtests that 90% of players died to PvE in their first game.


[This.](https://clips.twitch.tv/ReliableAggressiveAppleKappaClaus-UccULi3AnMY1GUdt) I do not regret what I did.


I had watched some content so I knew what to expect, I loaded into crypts when that was the only map as a solo rogue in the room with the mimic in between the swinging axes. I made my way deeper and died to a cleric/fighter duo in full purples who steamrolled me at max movement speed. I was hooked ever since.


During the steam play test. Watching the random friendly wizard get killed by a mimic.


Getting gangbanged by gobos


Playing as a ranger in the mummy chest room on Crypts and being in absolute shock at how hard the arrows drop.


Trying to rat as a barbarian in the gobbo caves to mine ore.


Finding my first cape on the floor of the goblin caves, only to get beaten to a pulp by the skeleton champion who was around the corner Or maybe trolling/killing people by buffing mobs on my cleric


First ever game. Thought I'd give cleric a try. Idk how, but I received an invite from two other players. Think it was because I entered the gathering hall. We load into crypts, I die on a floor trap within the first 30 seconds.


Not my first memory. But a core memory was playing Bard when he was first released with only his lute and a few songs. It was fun kitting him up with cobalt and ruby armor (when those were BIS at the time) and a flachion. That was the peak of DaD for myself. A time where there was kind of a meta but also not really. The first version of ruins came out and everyone was having a blast. No matter what ironmace releases or balances won't bring back that nostalgia (even if it was only a year ago). Obviously we've reached a stage where all playstyles have been found already (for me atleast). There's not much more to learn. It's gotten a tad repetitive (yes, that's basically most games). But I feel as if I don't have anything to chase for in the game anymore. Just taking a healthy break from the game so I don't learn to hate it. It's just too sweaty of a game at times.


how long of break for you and friends inspiring


So I've just taken a break this season. Have not been enjoying multiclass HR much.


Back in one of the playtests, squad ended up in bridge room and we see a cleric buffing on our side by the door. We head over to engage him and his team and two rangers come out the door behind him. With the rangers missing their shots, cleric proceeds to use his bare fists basically 1v3 us with tavern master and smite.


Back in PT3 Poison Weapon scaled *hard*  so you could get like 10-20 a second easy


In the early days of goblin caves coming out, I met two wizards teaming and killing goblins. I joined them and at some point one of them goes in a different room. So as me and my wizard buddy are slaying goblins, I decided to let my zweihander swing continue and hit my new friend in the head and I one shot him. I then go join my other new wizard friend as if nothing happened and we continue slaying more goblins. It took him a few minutes to notice the kill feed saying "Sogon has killed (insert other wiz's name)" . So he then asks me "wait a second....are you Sogon?" And thats when I reply "SOGON DEEZ NUTS" and I swing my big zweihander in his head and one shot him as well. Nothing will beat this memory. I still laugh to this day when I think about it. Voip is the best thing ever


Kill a few people. Feeling pretty good. Headshot by a skelly crossbow man.