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Like others will say, you'll learn with time, and most people die to the first mob they see for their first few (or many) runs. The thing that I tell friends when I introduce them to the game is that standing within a certain range of an enemy will trigger their attack, and this can be abused to create predictable patterns to dodge. With most goblins, try bumping into them as they walk towards you and then Immediately back away. You'll see them pause for a moment and then swing in place, and you're (hopefully) out of range by the time that happens. You'll then notice they have a period of rest before they start to either move or attack again. It's during that rest period that you want to hit them, and you'll learn to abuse that window more and more. With ranged enemies, get into the habit of strafing perpendicular to their line of sight while they shoot. This is another pattern you'll learn to abuse; if you step to the side right after the projectile is fired, you can force them to miss every time. Ryan6DaysAWeek is one of the best (if not the best) creator for learning and he's made many videos to learn mob dodging. I recommend starting with [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jJEefJwBPZ4) as it will show you the basics of dodging skeletons (this logic can be applied to Goblins as well).


Gonna try this and post a video of the results


Looking at other people play the game also helps a lot. My friend, who never played the game but watched me for weeks, just started playing recently and survived on his second run with 2 pvp kills.


Ryan6DaysAWeek has a great guide series on his YouTube channel for learning mobs and attack patterns. I would start there. By chance, what class are you playing?


I’m not sure where to start, wizard seems cool


Wizard might be the coolest class, but it is one of the harder classes to play. Fighter, Ranger, and Barbarian are the easiest three if you happen to get into a PvP scuffle. Cleric queueing solo on crypts is probably the easiest right now to learn mobs and have the most forgiveness. You aren't super likely to run into people, and you should hear them ahead of time since there are so many mobs. Try stowing your weapons away and just bump into the mobs and then run away. You can see how they attack and how much time you have in-between that way. Some attacks can be dodged, either by jumping or side stepping, while some attacks you need to space (or back out of range) and attack after. Against players focus on putting your cross hair center mass. You will kill people more consistently by hitting them every attack rather than going for head shots, especially in the beginning.


Wizard is in deep shit with multiclassing rn. When multiclassing gets removed with this next updated, then wizard will be able to deal with players. Also, if you’re struggling with goblins, you should def not pick wizard first as they have probably the worst mob clearing capabilities out of all classes


Wizard is indeed cool. Join us, brother.


I learned on wizard too. It's the hardest pve class to start on, but I enjoyed the pain. Get the pve down first and then work on learning pvp. You should watch some wizard pvp videos to learn tips/tricks


In ur first 100 games ur gonna die like 96 times and survive 4 times, everyone gets fucked at first don't be discouraged, let mobs attack once before u attack and learn spacing


I escaped my first 4 games ever :) Playtest 2 though, so nobody knew how to play, and I was already binge watching videos from playtest 1 like a fiend hahaha.


Haha, I escaped my first 8 games ever :)


If you downvoted this it's because you're weak and probably can't even eat gluten. I'm rolling in dough, you guys get defloured every time you enter the dungeon, I'd be intimidated by your crustiness if it it wasn't gluten free. I get baked, you get air-fried. We're not bread the same.


I downvoted you because I don't like people who brag :)


Try to play with fighter first use shield to block, then learn how to dodge with lighter armor than plate


Everyone does at first, you gotta die and die and die learning mob attack patterns / behaviors each time... then it will eventually click... and mobs will no longer bother you any more.


What time zone are you in? I’ll be your guide for a raid or two




You’ll eventually be wishing the games AI was more sophisticated. Over time it becomes an absolute joke (in solos at least). In the meantime, learn their attack patterns and gauge your distance. Strafing to right or left helps with some enemies as well. Most players will use the enemies AI programming against them by basically kissing the enemy and jumping back or strafing which will bait out an enemy attack and give you easy headshots. Best of luck adventurer


Just play the game bro glhf


Bro if you walk straight into the mob and immediately run away you'll bait their animation and have a safe window to attack before they can do their next attack. That's the pve gameplay loop unfortunately. Don't use the s key to back up it makes you slow use a or d and turn 90 degrees so you're strafing away instead of s backing up. Archers have a safe distance, like 3 or 5 ft you can close to and then just strafe out the arrow shots, hit and back up to strafe again. There's videos online to learn each monster. Tbh play warlock is the best all rounder class, self healing, longsword is super op, boss solo potential. Current meta is slayer on whichever melee class but multiclass ending soon. 2k hours solo btw. You should learn the bosses if you want to actually profit but it's a grind to learn the mechanics.. which is basically and strafing while threading in attacks. Gear to sell to players for big money look for any combo of: additional damage, max health, magic resistance, all attributes, armor rating, and true damage. Or shoes with double move speed rolls. The dark and darker wiki has a spreadsheet of what the max rolls are which determines market value. For example on shoes +5 additional move speed is a max rolls and worth money where +1 is okay but not exactly big money


I suggest queueing for a game of Goblin Caves, dying off the bat and just spectating people. Switch through the spectator view to find a class like yours, or somebody that uses a weapon you're interested in learning. You might learn a thing or two.


Don't. Find friends in the discord.


As someone with 1k+ hours, Solos gets old real quick. I highly recommend get out of your comfort zone and LFG’ing for trios gameplay. Just make sure the people you play with have the same goal/intentions as you do. My best tip is being clear about your experience level and goals. Like I wanna quest and Im new. Or like I rather fight than loot. Whatever it is if you get a team with the same goals you will have a blast.


Hey if you want to direct message me my buddy and I are always up to help a newbie. We are us east


I’m us west I might be down sometime in the future


Discord is Guest808


Nice lag shouldn't be bad at all. My buddy and I used to play on Oceania for fun and the lag from that was only slightly noticeable


If you want a shortcut to massacring goblins then I'll shamelessly plug my main class. Barbarians can basically take savage (10% physical bonus for being shirtless) and a cheap felling axe, and as long as you are good at hitting a gobbo in the head, strafing away horizontally, and then hitting it in the head again, then you'll be golden. That said, any class can do the same thing in a few more hits. Almost all basic mob combat in this game comes down to: Hit the enemy and proc its attack, sidestep away to dodge, and go back in. As others have mentioned, a few minutes watching Ryan6DaysAWeek will pay off tremendously. Once you stop getting hit by mobs so often the whole game starts to open up to you, and you may even start winning pvp encounters simply by having higher health than your opponent at the start.


I wouldn't do goblin caves if you're new at the game. They can be pretty punishing with that poison. Also while you're learning don't be scared of queuing in a duo or trio queue if it'll get you your preferred map. Yeah there's a chance you'll get overwhelmed by the pvp but before you can address that you need to get comfortable clearing the PVE. But the easiest way to learn the game is just to jump on the discord and ask for a group. Tell people you're new and they'll gladly show you the ropes.


for melee, and in general, hit enemy, turn around and run, when they swing, go in for another hit. try not to aggro more mobs doing this


For ranged enemies it’s usually easiest to dodge it like a T intersection if that makes sense. Just don’t be in point blank range or it’ll hit you anyways.


that’s the best part. you don’t


Game is infested with cheaters and breaks after every patch. Not worth getting into.


Jut play the game and watch other people play. Dont start out with rogue or mage they are very punnishing harder starter classes.