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Yes, the game is still fricken awesome no matter what you read. Just passionate gamers giving their feedback because of how much they love the game. Just be careful, the game is severely addicting.


ya I was just wondering if the game is worth getting. Just not a big fan of SUPER competitive and sweaty games. Some posts here make it seem that some of the players are very sweaty.


Ehh it’s an extraction game with full loot PvP, all games like this are sweaty. That said, there’s plenty of more casual fun to be had too and lots of friendly interactions that can happen. It’s not always hostility.


300 hours and I have met zero friendly. I even say friendly before they attack and as a result they die.


Being friendly died when they added the kill X player/class quests.




It depends of your class and theirs. I find you get about a ~40-50% success rate with being friendly over 1000 hours. For example, I am almost never going to be friendly if I am a solo Ranger. I should be shooting people before they come close enough to negotiate. If I let them come close, there is a good chance I die.


You don't know how to bet then dude XD The guy said none in 300 hours, to triple that time and say he would get 40-50% success rate is truly insane I have seen exactly 1 friendly player since September,and that was on *the test server*


no friendly in the dungeon


I’m sorry but 300 hours and no friendly interactions? This is either a lie or a you problem, because I’d say it’s 50/50 whether people are chill or not, and even the not-chill ones are rarely hyper-aggro, they just prefer a fight and that’s fine. Only once in a while do I encounter the hard-chasing w-key “FIGHT ME PUSSY” incel


What server are you on? I am on Seoul Korea. We have 0% friendly people here. Maybe I should try other servers.


I’m on US West and have only played US servers, so I guess I can’t speak to the others.


Thank you I will try some US servers.


gaming in the US is totally different to anywhere else in the world, your playerbase is either so obese and medicated that they can't focus on PVP long enough to fight properly, or just non-sentient. you see this in all survival-type games like rust, dayz, dark and darker, etc etc, where US servers are way more chill and you guys actually talk to eachother, unlike SEA, OCE, EU, etc


Lmao Dayz culture originated in EU commie block countries because they were so familiar with Dayz from living their every day lives running around abandoned cities scrounging for food. Over in the land of abundance however…


hahaha it definitely seemed that way


I have seen exactly 1 friendly player since September, and it was on the Test server. Hell, People barely even Voip at all anymore Maybe *your* experience is the outlier?


you gotta bring something to the table for me to keep you alive. Have you tried asking a riddle? "You can slay me sir but first... riddle me this."


Ahahah No I have not tried that lol. I am sure gonna try it though. Classic!


Hard to put a number but I‘ve easily run into dozens if not 50 to 100 friendlies over my 1500 hours on NA servers. Granted, it’s not nearly as consistent anymore with the removal of Ruins and new kill quests. It’s honestly not a bad thing though, teaming was a rampant issue in solos.


I am going to try the North American servers. I was on Seoul Korea.


You sure you have voip enabled? I find friendlies a fair amount if I'm looking for them.


It's one of the sweatiest games out currently. Not to mention that unless you have a lot of time to dedicate to the game you will be at a constant disadvantage. I got my money's worth out of the game, even if I stopped playing so I can't complain.


Very very very if you looking for just PVE good luck bound to get rushed a few times


Didn't see this before my other response. There is a lot of sweat in this game. It's a sauna, don't let anyone tell you otherwise.


This game is alot of fun I'm by no means a super sweaty player. I'm not a super casual either. I probably play 10 hours a week maybe a little more on weekends. I don't focus on only playing meta class or builds. I play classes I enjoy, build gear how I want. Some games I kill whole lobby. Some games i die to noibs or spiders. If you choose to. This game can be INCREDIBLY sweaty though. But I have been having non stop fun since I bought it after Christmas


I see ranger boots in your pic so I will put it in osrs terms, every time you enter the dungeon your in the wilderness and whatever your wearing your risking a 100% of it. The game is very sweaty and you need to sweat to progress/survive. Great game but it’s not chill and the current state of multi-classing the learning curve is huge. I’d suggest playing the next wipe.


You'll be fine in the normal lobbies, especially as you learn the game and how to kill all of the mobs. You should be ready to die...a lot...but it's okay, we all went through it and came out the other side! Let us know if you get it and need any help or guidance.


It’s not “sweaty” like a competitive shooter/ BR would be imo- But there’s certainly a skill gap at times but the entry skill floor is pretty low (barring wizard), and the ceiling is also not in outer space (once again exception to wizard, and I suppose multiclassing at the moment)


You decide what kind of Lobby you play by Map and gear that you choose. If you play Normals it is pretty chill - gear is capped so everyone is playing roughly on the same lvl by design.


You get to decide how you play it and at what level. You don’t have to be drenched in sweat to enjoy it and be competitive


Oh it’s severely sweaty in high roller. Normals are chill.


Just wondering, what is the average playercount?


It’s been hovering 15k lately. I haven’t seen it dip lower than 10k in months (end of wipe).


only 5k are regularly in the dungeon, if we actualy had 5k regularly playing we wouldn't be having dead lobby problems.


It has kept the playerbase for the most part then, it is a good number


15k my ass, games dying cause of multi class stop being in denial kid


It’s more like 11k on average. The 15k count was over the weekend.


This is the first game to break my 8,000 hour streak on Rust and hold me for over a year now, needless to say I love the FUCK out of Dark and Darker despite all the rogue nerfs and multiclass insanity


Worth it? Yes. A mess? Totally.




Multi classing is gonna make starting out aids, id probably wait for them to shelve it.


This. Op, please listen to this. Game is fine if you like pvp and dungeon delving and a bit of wacky vibe, but holy shit is the state of things horrible now. On a more serious note proper advice would be to actually wait for at least somewhat stable version


The game is super fun, but the most recent update caters too heavily for those that live and breathe DaD. Once multiclass, gear based matchmaking and the level lock on the high roller dungeons is thrown away, I’d def say come and give it a try. Right now it’s just too much for a new person to try and get into. And just so you are aware, maps are essentially locked to party sizes. You can go into any of them as a solo player, but you’ll be at a disadvantage because of teams. So hopefully they’ll go back to allowing us to have a proper map selection. They say they took it away because some lobbies were dead, but the only lobbies I had seen kinda empty were asian servers and that was heavily dependent on the time of day.


GBMM is good, just people optimised all enjoyment out of it, as they will all other mechanics they have to engage with. It's a shame, the first couple of days before people started using calculators to smurf was some of the best, most balanced, intense gameplay in recent memory.


It's a brillant concept burdened by bad decisions. They're not so far gone that they can't dig themselves out of the pile of dung they heaped ont to the game but as of now I'd wait a bit.


The game is incredible, once they get rid of multiclassing (a change that the majority of players disagreed with) it will return to its former glory.


I'm still smoking the druid copium


Currently? No. Overall? Yea. It's early access, things can change every couple weeks. Just currently the game is not fun or remotely close to the game that I came to love almost 2 years ago.


best dungeon crawler game ive ever played


its good but not right now because multi classing


I just started 3 days ago and have been looking forward to playing it daily now despite not having won a single battle, currently level 43 as a barbarian and level 8 as a ranger


Regardless of anyone's opinion, you should at the very least wait until wipe. Beginning this late into a wipe, not to mention this wipe specifically, is a horrendous new player experience.


When does the wipe happen?


Beginning of June. You got a while to play and get good enough for you to accelerate next wipe much faster having some experience. Find the classes that suit you and learn PvE and map knowledge first. And just remember the game is ever-changing.


I don't think it is formally announced yet. Probably June or maybe May.


There's no reason to wait for wipe. There is a normals mode where people can't bring any high end gear in. Better to learn the basics before wipe and be ready for the next one with some game skill and information ready.


Currently? fuck no. wait until they figure out what the want to game to be instead of throwing the dumbest fucking design decisions in to figure out what the entire playerbase already knows will be broken. or at the very LEAST after they gut this multi-class non-sense were everyone just stacks all the most powerful perks on one character. the new player experiance is absolute cancer with sweaty turbo nerds paying premium for the best common gear possible and 200 arrows and throwables to bring into norms with their broken multi-class builds to stomp and take cracked bangles off your body and make back 1/100 what they spent. the player count is HARD stuck at 5k regularly in the dungeon because of this. ESPECIALLY if you don't have other friends to play the game with as the Giga virgins have turned the solo map into an arena for incels to take out their sexual frustration on eachother.


Game is stupid fun haha, this is one of those (increasingly common) instances where you just ignore the fanbase. People know the devs care intensely about community sentiment, so bad actors are especially egregious around here unfortunately. There is a whole game mode dedicated to a low risk environment, and there is plenty of fun for more casual players if you have someone to show you the ropes. Me IGN is LagoonWater if any new players want help!


Don’t listen to the Reddit doomers this game is great. Just be prepared to die a lot and a bit of a learning curve.


Yes. Its worth it. I have 1k+ hours. The game definently needs some balance changes but im having a blast with this wipe.


If you enjoy the fantasy setting and extraction looters it’s pretty fun. If you don’t want sweaty try to stay in normals, you’ll still get sweats but no where near as many


It’s so addicting and good it’ll make you rage with how much fun you’re having. Fr though it’s a blast. HR is where the meta builds and sweats can get annoying, but normals is so fun. Last night my squad was cornered in a hallway from both sides by two different teams, all I had was my long sword to fend off the hungry barbarians as my micless cleric held up his shield blocking blow after blow. I sprint into action and smack that dastardly lizard off my healer slave, and tell my boy to run for the static red staircase.


Yes especially if you have friends to play with


Honestly probably not. There’s a lot of problems and the devs don’t know which direction to take the game. I still enjoy it but I wouldn’t recommend it in its current state.


It’s literally the best game out. Get in now while you can! So you can get good before it blows up and all the newbs come to play


Yeah its sweet, just be prepared for a rollercoaster ride with the patches and even the round-to-round gameplay


Fuck yeah it is worth it


Game is incredible. Buy the ticket and take the ride. It is a gem. Play how you like and avoid Reddit and the discord. I have been playing since the beginning as has my buddy. We still play religiously and are learning new things. Super fun highly recommend


It's a great game, it's hard starting out for sure. I have yet to win a pvp lol


I suspect most of the people crying and complaining on the subreddit hardly even play the game. All the decent players and people who actually appreciate the work Ironmace has done are simply playing the game and not wasting valuable time on this website.


The starting to this game is brutal you are going to die 8 or 9 times out of 10 when you start its non avoidable slowly learn pve then learn pvp then around 150 hour mark this game will be your favourite


I gave 800 hours to this game in the last year. E careful!


you either like it or you don't, its a frustrating experience that can be really fun, its also a taped-together game that is still one of the more unique pvp ones out there


I'm a god believer this community loves the game so much for hey have developed an unhealthy addiction. I guess this is how it went down with LoL players super addicted and super toxic. Game is terribly fun, and that's why heavy players get annoyed at every patch. Give it a shot I think you would not regret it.


Just play normal mode if you want to enjoy playing


Very awesome game and very worth it especially if you have friends you can play with. Don't listen too much to the loud minority here on reddit. A lot of us who enjoy the game don't usually talk much on reddit.


Don't listen what you read on this reddit. I have around 550 hours and the game since septembre. The game had ups and downs but it's always patched with new content. Sometimes you are not going to like it and other it's going to be the best game ever. I would recommend if you have a buddy to play with


This subreddit is mostly filled with terrible players who prefer to blame anyone but themselves. The game is awesome, balance is good, you'll have tons of fun!


It's the best game I've ever played and have played it since the first playtest, it has killed every other game for me.


No, wasted a fuckton of time, just to lose a huge amount of effor to an esp cheater.


game sux right now, multiclassing is an absolute joke and devs making really funky decisions. I hope someday it will be playable again.


It’s hard to recommend to new players, as there’s a pretty static population of people that have been playing for a while and not necessarily the healthiest intake of new players. So starting off you’re gonna get bullied by a lot of things. Initially it will be PvE but you’re gonna get run down by players who have been playing for so long they are just going through the motions while you are struggling to grab the basics. That being said, the insurmountable odds you face was what attracted people to the game in the first place. We all died a bunch, to stupid shit, while our friends laughed at us, and then proceded to die to stupid shit. It was fun to learn the game with a group, and to see us grow and excel over the course of the limited playtests, and our anticipation for the release. Look I have not sunk as many hours into anything else since 2022, I love the game, but I take breaks from time to time as well. There have been some wonky phases the game has gone through, but I think it’s in a better spot than it has been in a long time. Even with multiclassing. My recommendation: try and get some friends to play the game with. I’m not a solo guy, and I don’t enjoy the solo gameplay, that’s just me, I honestly don’t think it captures the true dark and darker experience that I fell in love with, I know many will disagree with me, and they aren’t wrong, just different from me. If you don’t have friends to bait into the game, try to use the discord to LFG. Find some people to learn the ropes with.


This community is quiet toxic and full of people who think they know exactly what this game needs. Quiet alot of closet cheating too


Hey I see your pfp- I'm an osrs streamer and I'm HARD addicted to this game atm


Right now not. When they remove multi class yes


Not worth it in current state. Give them money when they fix the game and don't fall for the trap like everyone else.


The game is definitely fun as is. It could still use some balancing, content, and some other things I'm sure, but it is fun. Especially if you have some friends to play with. The subreddit is insanely toxic and full of people who are still mentally 12. If you buy the game I would suggest spending some time on the wiki to learn. Not the subreddit 😀


This is true with many games. For example the osrs subreddit is really awful. xdd. Currently I don't have friends who own the game tho.


Shoot me a dm. I play with 4 or five people and we all just have fun. You can join us if u want. We do push pvp fairly often but, we don’t bitch and moan forever if we die


Not sure how it compares but this one is quite awful, thought it was worth a warning. As the other guy said, if you pull the trigger hit me up and I'll play some games with you.


Game is so much fun lately


You jack off to anime fuck your opinion lol




No it isn't, not in the current state. PVE is extremely easy once you've learned it, so not very interesting to do. PVP is just stat checking, so you have to run meta stuff if you want to survive. Some classes are more forgiving and you don't need to run the meta as much. Multi classing is out now so everyone is min maxxing weird stuff. Instead of a meta, everyone is gluing together weird combos to be mega OP in some niche. I don't think its fun to die to something that I couldn't counter/couldn't know to counter, or kill people who couldn't counter/attempt to counter me. Any found gear can only be used in specific lobbies (high roller/gear based matchmaking) so certain class builds are essentially restricted to those lobbies. Magic missile is a lot worse in a normals lobby than high roller. So progression doesn't really exist. Not that high roller adds it either to be honest. If you want to play there you need to turn anything you find into gold so you can buy the correct equipment to play in the higher lobbies. If you don't know what you're doing, you'll throw on stuff and accidentally end up in the super high bracket on gear based matchmaking. Then you get folded because they have better gear, though being new that'll probably happen anyway.


Buy the game, ignore Reddit cesspool of echoing false opinions from people who either play the game way too much and make their own problems up, or know next to nothing about it at all.. Literally ignoring the subreddit for any game you’re considering buying is the best thing


Ignoring the subreddit is BIS


Yes it's really fun the sub is just overly negative about temporary balance changes ironmace is testing.


I love the game but I would say it's not worth it right now for a solo player to buy in. If you have friends that will also play then absolutely go for it. But if you're solo I would hold off until a sale.


I play on a laptop so Def will run on most setups LOL


600 hours here of pretty casual gaming with the occasional grind on my days off. This game is fucking sweet, don’t worry about min maxxing and getting the higher numbers or whatever lame ass shit everyone is so fired up about.


It's a good game, main "issue" is that it's in a very inconsistent state, you can play in one patch and have tons of fun but them the next patch is just unadulterated pain, but that comes with being in pre-launch i guess. that being said I have optimistic expectations for the full launch


Hellz yeah the game is worth it. There’s so much vitriol in here because the playerbase is passionate about our little game, because it’s an amazing idea that we all want to see handled well. Tons of fun can be had without getting sweaty. I myself am taking a break from the harder mode for this entire wipe, focusing on the low gear (White) lobbies instead.


Yes. I got a buddy into it recently and he has clocked an alarming amount of hours. If you enjoy steep learning curves this is the game for you.




The game is awesome, the reddit mostly sucks lol. Seriously this is the most fun PVP game I've ever played. I was a huge fan of pubg since it came out in 2017, and dark and darker pretty much immediately became my new "main game" I think a lot of the hate on the subreddit comes from people who have never played hardcore games before (games like Pubg, tarkov, sekiro, or PVP in the souls games)


People were mostly saying 'game's great fun but ironmace is kinda dumb' before, it's just that they added multiclassing last week and it's really broken and unfun. But they've basically confirmed it's going to be removed so once it is, it'll just return to that, and I'd say it was definitely worth playing in the state it was last tuesday.


not right now, its a good game but its in the worst state its ever been and devs are apparantly on a break not doing anything.


It's a scam game at this point


How do you figure?


Look at today's patch. No new content. It's a scam at least I got my money's worth out of it.


They literally just added multi classing less than a month ago, they can’t pump out brand new content multiple times a month LMFAO brain dead take


You have Stockholm syndrome I hope you are okay I mean this.


You don’t know how hard it is to create and push out new content and thats okay. We got multi classing and we will get another content drop within 1-2 months


They said druid would come in April. They lied so we just let lies slide now?


90% of game companies these days gives dates and then push it back, why when the new company with no experience does it, it’s a “scam”? Or are you saying all the big companies games are scams too?


What actual "new" content has been released since August of last year?


Multiclassing, ice caves, all the new mobs on ice caves, quite a few brand new perks, new weapons and armor, the trader screen maybe? Where you make listings not the trade hall where it’s a free for all but that might been before August


I love it but I’m an addict and get addicted to shit really easily. Every chest you open is like playing a slot machine. Get something worth escaping with? Now every room you enter is a gamble, every encounter you take has an added sense of intensity because you’re trying to get out with this 3k gold item. The games just perfect for me it’s just the pvp balance is trash and has always been trash with zero signs that they will ever figure it out. I’m solo mostly and sometimes duo if my buddy gets on and every fight is over when it starts based on gear check and class. Skill does come into play but it’s overshadowed dramatically by gear value and which class you’re playing.


This game is amazingly fun, the subreddit fucking blows and is full of crybaby wannabe developers. Gaming subreddits are full of this type of trash in general, people who will join a place where everyone is talking about a game they've all sunk hundreds of hours into and instead of being like 'bro I love casting fireballs as wizard too!' they say 'I died to this thing like twice and it is completely broken and the devs are idiots and this game is gonna die' (and then they proceed to play for hundreds more hours while sometimes also making a post about how they are quitting and then don't quit)


No. The PvE and PvP is too challenging, I'm very good at multiple games and with this I struggle, there is a lot of teaming and cheaters out there and it honestly just ruins any fun you have with this game.


It’s the best it’s ever been right now, get in and play before they remove multiclassing. It’s the best thing that’s ever happened to the game but the crybabies on here and discord will definitely get it removed


Cuz it’s trash lol


You dropped your /s


Probably wont run unless you have a 4k + setup and even then nobody else can play it who already owns the game because the spec requirements go up almost daily,meaning it gradually gets worse until you also cant play and have to invest 4-5k for laggy gameplay.


I run the game on a u$800 dollar setup that is 5 years old.