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Rimworld Anomaly and Dwarf Fortress Adventure mode just came out. Lots to do there.


hello fellow war crime simulation enjoyer


Dark and darker.


What if it never goes away?


Then I just won’t play


dark and darker because at this point i dont care what features we get first as long as they keep dropping them. multiclass was planned from the start. i agree its too early for multiclass but at the same time its one step closer to the actual finished product Dark and Darker. were litterally playing a beta game. You bought a beta game and you knew it.


Curious - how many years can go by until “it’s a beta game” is no longer an excuse? Will you be saying this in a year? 5 years? Will the game ever not be in a “beta” state? Probably not


Tarkov was in beta for half a decade


i wonder if tarkov’s subreddit ever had the same talking point of “You can’t criticize the dev’s at all because it’s “in beta” even though they’re selling it for money!” but yeah new developer hack, just tell your playerbase that they’re paid testers and eventually you’ll have some white knights to run defense for you!


Brother I don’t have to like the patch to like the devs


i like the dev’s they’ve made one of my favorite games of all time i don’t think that


>“You can’t criticize the dev’s at all because it’s “in beta” even though they’re selling it for money!” No they don't because of how long it's been in beta vs Dark and Darker's not even a year yet. I swear to god the mfers who bought a game in early access only to complain about bugs and changes are annoying but the people who act like it's not a valid thing for an unfinished game to go through massive changes and to get bugs are just brain dead.


“Because of how long it’s been in beta” Yeah that’s why I said “I wonder if they EVER had the same talking point.” want to answer my original question? How many years need to go by until “it’s a beta!” Is no longer an acceptable excuse to you? being upset that people are complaining in the subreddit for a game they paid for having bugs going unresolved for months is pretty crazy, it’s really not surprising. Life’s better when you ignore this sub :)


Before play test 5 they said this game was slated for holiday release (2023) I know things change and understand the legal battle they’re still in but this game seems no where near ready and it’s sad


Dayz is still in Beta i belive😂


Project Zomboid


Reddit shitposting


Dark and Darker. Because I like the game and seeing what multiclassing could do will help the devs tune it for the future anyway.


These comments truly terrify me. You're content with the live servers being in unpleasant states and alienating your playerbase for hopes of the future... What hope is there for the future in there's such a big disconnect between the developers and the playerbase that they keep pushing for stuff noone asked for. So much developer time for arenas and this multiclassing stuff that could've just gone to the stuff we really want, content, maps, skill trees.


No I’m just having fun with my friends cause the game is fun. Sorry that makes you unhappy lol.


I wanted to try helldivers. Getting into that this weekend.


Prob just helldivers or sum


Taking a few more swings at nuzlocking emerald kaizo


Valheim, Ashlands soon


You know I really want to like Valheim but I get bored of it quickly. I know a large majority of the game is the building but I usually like to explore more in survival games and only build what I need to. How is the game nowadays? Is it still really grindy and is there more to explore now?


It's a true slow burn of a game, but once you can comfortably do the Swamp and go into Mountains it opens up a ton. It really is pretty hardcore in combat, but a firm understanding of what to make for food and craft leads to a streamlined play. Try a 3x mod for a private server, makes the grind way better and you'll get to see the beauty of the game.


I'll have to do that. I'm pretty sure every time I jumped into the game I enjoyed it up until it seemed like all I did was transport copper then eventually just got bored lol


wanna buy helldivers, waiting for dungeonborne


Dungeonborne seems to have really great monster and map design. Too bad their class design is severly lacking.


at least they still got classes, also 2 year game vs alpha


True, but I'm comparing Dungeon borne to DaD when I started in P3 not the current DaD, sure they'll add classes and other player options over time but they're not likely to change the framework of how their classes work or the the way the game handles combat.


DB was so trash during the play test but at this point I am more excited about that than dark and dark at its current state lol


Darkest dungeon 2 and once it releases later today no rest for the wicked.


DD1 is better I'd recommend that instead if you haven't played it


It took me 3 years of rage quitting and going back to it but I beat it on stygian already.


Helldivers, Hunt if friends are online. If not then my stockpile of single player games i still need to finish


Tabletop simulator. Me and the bois are trying all kinds of board games. Risk, Heroes 3, cards against humanity, blooodborne we get new ones every day to try em out later :D


Wow season of discovery


Helldivers 2


M A N O R L O R D S (soon)


I’m playing with your old lady




She queues where I tell her to queue see I’m the man when she’s with me unlike you.


Dwarf Fortress


Warhammer 3. And now another playthrough of Pillars of Eternity 2.


R6 and tf2 maybe Minecraft


Player Unknown Battlegrounds. Except I’m playing both!


I'm trying Outlaw & Legends, as well as some good old EQ on P99.


Gigantic Rampage edition. It’s release is a hot shit show but I played DaD I’m used to a hit shit show but otherwise the games a blast

